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Utility bill forgiveness programs

Utility bill forgiveness generally refers to assistance programs designed to provide relief to customers who are unable to pay their bills due to a financial hardship or crisis.  A number of gas, electric and power companies offer these programs to qualified low-income or struggling families. Find details on utility bill forgiveness programs below and how to enter into one, including in your local area or state.

In general, one or more bills will forgiven to low-income families, seniors, the disabled or those people in a crisis. In general, a program will be offered for people who are faced with temporary financial hardships, like those experienced due to a natural disaster or serious medical condition, or they can be ongoing, such as those experienced by low-income households who have lost their only source of income but are on track to pay future utility bills.

How to get utility bills forgiven

Find your utility company and state below for details on local utility bill forgiveness plans. These programs are offered by many energy providers (not all) and only for those in an emergency, financial hardship.

There will of course be income and/or asset criteria that applicants need to meet to get an utility bill(s) forgiven. Other criteria will often be in place too. However general terms and conditions for utility bill forgiveness programs include some or all of the following.

Eligibility: In most cases, the utility customer must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for utility bill forgiveness. These might include income level, family size, or specific hardship circumstances (like being impacted by a natural disaster). Some programs are specifically for seniors, people with disabilities, or families with young children.

Application to have energy bills forgiven: This may cover light, gas, electric or other types of utility service. The customer usually needs to apply for the utility bill forgiveness program. This might involve filling out forms and providing documentation to the state and/or company prove eligibility.




Assessment: The utility company or managing authority will review the application to determine whether the customer qualifies for assistance. The review process will often take days if not weeks. They might also determine how much assistance the customer is eligible to receive. In addition, there may be other requirements, such as enrollment into budgeting workshops, take energy conservation steps and more.

Payment or credit: If approved, the utility company might apply a credit to the customer's account, or make a payment on behalf of the customer. Each energy provider will offer their own form of help. In some cases, the debt might be entirely forgiven.

Renewal or reapplication for future utility bill forgiveness: In general, this is one time assistance. Most utility forgiveness programs are not permanent. The customer may need to reapply after a certain period of time, or whenever they need assistance again.

Whether utility bill forgiveness is offered depends on the specific utility company and the jurisdiction (state and/or county) in which it operates. Many utility companies offer some sort of assistance for customers in need, particularly in times of crisis. Whether a payment plan, forgiveness, or something else, there is often help provided. In some cases, these programs are mandated by the government or regulatory authorities.

There are also government assistance programs designed to assist low-income households.  These include grant money from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which often focuses on winter heating costs or summer electric bills. Learn more on LIHEAP energy assistance in your state.

Company utility bill forgiveness information near you

In certain cases, utility forgiveness programs can include debt relief, subsidies, or payment plans that reduce or eliminate outstanding utility bills for eligible participants. Select your utility provider below, whether it is for light, heat, gas or something else.




These programs are often designed to assist low-income individuals or those facing temporary financial difficulties. However, it's important to note that specific programs and policies may vary depending on the country, state, or utility company. If you're interested in a utility bill forgiveness program, you should reach out a company below.


Alabama Power


Decatur Utilities.



Electrical District No. 3.

Glendale Water and Power.

Salt River Project.

Southwest Gas

Tucson Electric utility assistance.



Arkansas Energy Network.

Black Hills Energy Source Gas.

CenterPoint Arkansas Energy

Entergy Arkansas assistance programs.

Liberty Utilities - Empire District Electric

Southwester Electric Power.





Anaheim Utilities.

PGE - Pacific Gas and Electric.

Pacific Power assistance.

Pasadena Water and Power.

Redding Electric

Riverside Public Utilities

Sacramento Municipal Utility District.

San Diego Gas and Electric.

SCE - Southern California Edison

Southern California Gas.

Southwest Gas California


Black Hills Colorado

Black Hills Energy - Source Gas

Xcel in Colorado.

Yampa Valley Electric


Connecticut Natural Gas


Southern Connecticut Gas.

United Illuminating Company

Yankee Gas


Clay County.

Duke - Progress Energy.

FPL - Florida Power and Light.

Florida Public Utilities.

Gulf Power


Peoples Gas

Tampa Electric


Atlanta Gas Light.

Gas South.

Georgia Natural Gas.

Georgia Power.



Idaho Power


Ameren Illinois

City, Light, Power and Water


Mid-American Energy Company.

Nicor Gas.

Northshore Gas


Citizens Gas.

Duke energy.

Indiana Michigan Power

IAES Indiana (formerly IP&L)

NIPSCO assistance programs.

Vectren Indiana


Alliant Energy

Black Hills Energy

MidAmerican Energy.


Black Hills Energy.

KCP&L Kansas City Power and Light

Kansas Gas

Pioneer Electric.

Westar Energy





Duke Energy

Kentucky Power.

Kentucky Utility.

LG&E - Louisville Gas and Electric.


CenterPoint Energy.

CLECO assistance programs.

Entergy Louisiana



Central Maine Power.

Unitil assistance programs.

Versant Power


BGE - Baltimore Gas and Electric

Chesapeake Utilities Maryland

Columbia Gas Maryland

Delmarva Power

Potomac Edison

Washington Gas.


Berkshire gas

Columbia Gas Massachusetts


National Grid




Consumers Energy Michigan.

DTE Energy assistance programs.

Indiana Michigan utility

Michigan Gas Utilities utility



CenterPoint in Minnesota

Minnesota Energy Resource assistance.

Xcel Energy Minnesota


Centerpoint Energy.

Mississippi Entergy.

Mississippi Power.


Ameren in Missouri.

Empire District Electric.

Independence Power & Light.

Evergy (formerly Kansas City Power Light)

Sprire Missouri


Black Hills Energy

MidAmerican Energy

Omaha Public Power District


Nevada Energy

Southwest Gas.

New Hampshire

Eversource in NH.


New Jersey


Atlantic City Electric.

New Jersey Central Power and Light.

New Jersey Natural Gas.


New Mexico

El Paso Electric.

New Mexico Gas.


New York

AmeriGas financial assistance.

Central Hudson.

Consolidated Edison

Long Island Power.

National Fuel assistance programs.

New York National Grid

NYSEG assistance programs.


North Carolina

Dominion North Carolina Power.

Duke Energy

Piedmont Natural Gas assistance programs.



Columbia Gas Ohio

AES Ohio (formerly Dayton Power)

Dominion Energy Ohio

Duke Energy.

Illuminating Company

Ohio Edison.

Ohio Gas.

Suburban Natural and Ohio Gas.

Toledo Edison.

Vectren Gas Ohio


CenterPoint Energy Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Gas and Electric assistance.

Oklahoma Natural Gas

Public Service Company in Oklahoma.



Cascade Natural Gas.

Eugene Water and Electric Board

Idaho Power assistance programs for customers in Oregon.

Northwest Natural Gas.

Pacific Power.



Columbia Gas assistance programs.

Duquesne Light

National Fuel.

Pennsylvania Electric

Penn Power.

PPL electric assistance programs.


Peoples Natural Gas.

Philadelphia Gas Works

UGI Utilities.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island.

South Carolina

Dominion (formerly SCE&G South Carolina Electric & Gas Company)

Duke Energy.

Piedmont Natural Gas

Santee Cooper Power.



Knoxville Utilities

MLGW - Memphis Light Gas and Water.

Nashville Electric Service programs.


AEP Texas

Atmos Energy.

Austin Energy

CenterPoint Energy Texas


El Paso Electric



Southwestern Electric Power.

TXU Energy

Monarch Utilities and Southwest Water.

WTU Direct


Dominion Energy UT

Rocky Mountain Power.


Appalachian Power Virginia

Virginia Columbia Gas.

Dominion Power

Northern Virginia Electric.

Virgina Natural Gas assistance programs.

Washington Gas



Cascade Natural Gas.

Northwest Natural Gas

Pacific Power

Seattle City Light.

Snohomish County PUD.

Tacoma Public Utilities

West Virginia

Appalachian Power..

Hope Gas WV

Mon Power


Alliant Energy.

Madison Gas and Electric

We Energies

Wisconsin Public Services



When struggling customer, or someone in a financial hardship, is unable to pay their utility bills due to crisis, they may face disconnection or other consequences. However, some utility companies or government programs may offer assistance or forgiveness options to help individuals or low-income families struggling with these payments.


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