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Section 8 housing near you.

Find how to get help from the federal government Section 8 housing voucher program (HCV) in your community. Low income families, the disabled, single moms, veterans, single people and seniors can apply for income based houses or apartments from a Public Housing Authority, or PHA. Find how to apply for a voucher, get more information on the requirements as well as locate section 8 qualified houses or apartments for rent near you.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets the requirements for section 8, however in general is only for lower income families or single people. Some local communities will offer apartments or homes that do not have an application fee or security deposit required and that also take borrowers with bad credit or a very low-income. The Section 8 housing choice voucher program also does not require credit checks from applicants and there are online applications in most states.

Low income housing from section 8

The goal of the federal government program is to help families, or individuals, get into an affordable house based on their income. In addition to a section 8 vouchers, there is other assistance available from a local PHA. The provide low-income families, seniors or disabled people other resources including money for a security deposit on a section 8 property to income-based apartments that are handicap friendly and so much more.

Some private landlords offer a limited amount of luxury homes to people on section 8. As the voucher helps the property owner get a stable, recurring stream of monthly rent coming in. It can also be regulated by a local city or town to offer higher end homes or it can be good PR for the owner. All different types of properties can be leased. Look here for luxury apartments that accept section 8 vouchers.

People on section 8 can also move or relocate to a new state and keep their voucher. They can relocate to another town, city or even state. This is known as “porting” the HCV, and it allows low-income families to move for work, personal or family reasons. Read more on section 8 portability.

  • Housing Choice Vouchers also pay for more local moves. Some families that currently receive section 8 vouchers may want to move to the suburbs, or maybe to a safer apartment in a community near them with better schools or that is closer to their place of employment. The HUD Small Area FMR program can help with this. This government benefit will pay the tenant more money to address an increase in rent of a better home near them. Some clients may even get help with paying energy bills from the HUD voucher. More on the Small Area Fair Market Rents program.




Section 8 housing provides various forms of support to low-income renters and even homeowners. While in most cases housing assistance is issued primarily in the form of long term rental subsidies that will help pay for an apartment, the voucher can help help a low income family purchase a home too. Applicants can even select the type of home they want to buy. The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCV) will have the effect of limiting the total monthly rent payment that needs to be made by the recipient. Or find how section 8 help families buy a home.

It can be possible to bypass a section 8 waiting list or get priority vouchers. While many many cities and states have waiting lists in place for a HCV voucher, which can be found online, there can be exceptions made. It can often take years for someone to be accepted into the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in their area, even longer for a luxury apartment from a private landlord.

  • The applicant can have their name moved up the Section 8 waiting list. Generally, this priority placement assistance is for the disabled, low income senior citizens, women fleeing domestic violence, or veterans. But other scenarios may apply as well. However, find more details on emergency section 8 vouchers.

Section 8 can help people with no income. There are instances in which they can live rent free in an government subsidized home or apartment. It is part of what the US Department of Housing and Urban Development provides to very low income families as well as eligible immigrants or refugees that are threatened with extreme poverty. Learn more and find how to live rent free.

Most states offer individuals a Family Self-sufficiency Program, and this is a major component of the section 8 government housing vouchers. It is so common that the service is often mandated by HUD. Participants in the self-sufficiency program can receive free services that range from credit repair to help finding employment or grants to pay for educational or job training. Read more on how this Family Self-sufficiency Program can help clients deal with a financial hardship.

There are also government housing vouchers for the disabled, known as Section 811 vouchers, that may be near you. If you are disabled, or have a member of your household who is, this federal government housing assistance program may be able to help, including with people with no money or bad credit.




  • This Section 811 housing benefit will provide vouchers to pay the rent or security deposits for handicap accessible apartments.  The program is funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), but is is administered by local public housing authorities and non-profits near you as well. Find more details on housing assistance for disabled.

Senior citizens as well as the elderly can get help in the form of section 8 type housing vouchers as well. This HUD resource is known as Section 202 and is focused on low income senior citizens over the age of 60. It can also support their caregivers or spouses if they have one.

  • It is similar to other benefits in that a local PHA near you will offer free vouchers that can be applied towards monthly rental expenses on an affordable home or apartment. Other Section 202 services will help seniors with paying for their basic needs and living expenses. Online applications are available, including to get on the waiting list. Find details on senior housing from section 202.

Apartments that take section 8 vouchersSecurity deposits and first months rent help for Section 8 can be provided near you. While the private property owned or landlord will not usually charge this fee to low income families with a Section 8 HUD voucher, when they do it can often be difficult for the low-income family to come up with the needed cash.

  • The funds are limited though and the application process is stringent. The HUD section 8 housing choice voucher program will generally not pay for a tenants security deposit, but as noted this can vary by state and funding levels. The rules of the funds may also help them turn on their utility service as well. Find how to apply for section 8 security deposit help.

Apply for Section 8 vouchers in your community

Find your state below and who to contact to apply for section 8 near you. Or apply online at HUD or a Housing Authority near you. The voucher program is a free Federal government funded benefit that is administered nationally by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). However, the housing assistance program is administered at the state and county level in your area by public housing authorities (PHA) near you. Or learn more how section 8 works for low-income tenants.

They will offer information on low income, rent subsidized apartments currently available to rent to details on how to get applications for Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher near you or online. The PHA or agency that you apply to near you will collect information on family income, composition, residency, age and total household assets. A staff member can show a family how to apply either online or offline for a Housing Choice Voucher






























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Additional Section 8 housing program services from HUD

Individuals who receive assistance from the government, including the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, can receive a number of free services that can help them get back on their feet. There is case management, job finding, credit repair as well as counseling. The programs will help them become self sufficient over the long term. As it is very likely that a section 8 voucher will expire after a certain number of months or years.

There are other options for income subsidized housing as well as well as section 8 applications. In general, the applicant needs to be close to or have an income below federal government poverty guidelines for these HUD programs. Find details and lists on additional application sites. There is also a customer support center set up for anyone that has further questions or that needs referrals, and that phone number is (800) 955-2232.


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