Rent free apartments or housing near you.
Families that have zero income or savings may be able to live rent free using the federal government housing voucher program known as section 8 or other charitable grant programs. There are properties available for families with kids as well as single adults. Find how to get free housing, apartments or rental units near you below.
The number of organizations that offer cheap or free housing to people with no income to live are limited. While it may be difficult for a very low income family (or one with no income or credit) to get an apartment as the application process in stringent, some government programs try to help. There is often a waiting list in place for free housing assistance programs, however this may be an option for anyone with no money, credit or savings to their name.
The government free housing program is run by a local Public Housing Authority, or PHA. These non-profit organizations work with the federal government Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, to set the guidelines. They also determine who can qualify for a free house or home and set the criteria over what type of income as well as assets will be considered.
Free housing or houses for people with no income
Since the HUD section 8 housing program was created to help very low income families afford a home, by default individuals with no income may also qualify. As they will easily mean the thresholds in place. This will in effect mean they will be able to live rent free in some form of government approved home or apartment near them. However the voucher will normally not pay for the security deposit or move in expense, although exceptions can be made. Note there are also some agencies and programs that often offer low income housing without a waiting list.
While there may in fact be emergency or long-term rent free housing available for families with zero income or no credit, it is very difficult to get. The process is as follows. However it is always recommended to check with a local PHA for the terms and conditions in a local county, and this is very important for those people who are seeking how to find free housing. If someone needs more immediate support, they apply for other programs that offer help paying rent.
- The applicant needs proof of income (or lack of it) from all sources. This will be verified with local courts, DSS offices, and income tax records.
- Proof of identification is needed, for both the applicant and all household members. Most of the rent free housing is for US citizens only or those with green cards or other papers.
- Free housing near you is only an option for American citizens or eligible immigrants.
- There can be an accelerated approval/application process for the physically or mentally disabled.
- Rent free housing programs will often give priority to single moms, veterans, the elderly who have a fixed or no-income as well as other families facing a hardship.
Note this form of assistance is generally not given to anyone with a history of evictions for drug-related criminal activity. In addition to that, section 8 will not pay the entire rental amount due for anyone that has been tried and convicted of dealing methamphetamine, opiods or other drugs in the recent past.
Anyone with a very low or no income can apply for free or no-income housing near where they live. Many of the applicants will have no credit check done to get an apartment. The program will normally assist the most vulnerable households. Some clients include, but are not limited too, women fleeing domestic violence, a tenant who spouse just passed away unexpectedly, people recovering from divorce, or an individual that became very sick and has missed time at work. Other people may also be able to access an apartment that does not charge them a rental payment, but those tend to be some of the groups assisted.
Rent free homes or apartments are also possible from Homeshare. Many charities, non-profits, and social service agencies run these housing assistance programs near you. The programs are in effect a form of house sharing, in which a homeowner allows someone to live in the home rent free. The “housemate” will instead help with chores, maybe driving the owner to a doctor appointment, basic cleaning, child care, or maybe just companionship for a senior.
Many elderly people, single parents, and others often are the owner and a younger person may be the housemate who lives there without needing to pay rent. All applicants are screened, have background checks done, and are vetted by the charities and non-profits. Read more on living in shared housing rent free.
Housing that does not charge the tenant any monthly rent is available for single moms, the disabled or veterans as well. But they need to be found eligible from the local public housing authority. Only then will a section 8 voucher be able to help them with paying their rental costs. Even if the applicant, such as a parent, is illegally in the country, provided that other members of the home meet eligibility immigration status then they may still be able to qualify.
Any immigrant applying for a rent free apartment needs to have their application verified with INS. They will need to sign multiple forms as well as consent letters. Of course all financial terms still need to be met, such as the household can't have any income or savings available to them.
Income sources reviewed when applying for free housing
The federal government will pay the entire rent amount due to the landlord when the applicant has both no cash available to them and no income coming in the door. There will be a comprehensive review done of the applicant's finances. The local PHA will need to audit the application. Tenants can't live rent free if they have any money to their name. If they can afford to pay anything for their bills from any source of income, they will need to contribute to the cost of the housing.
Income needs to be reported not just from a job, but also from any public assistance, child support, etc. These will be all of the sources reviewed. The applicant will need to report any money they receive from salary from a job, Social Security, Child Support, Unemployment, Tips, Pension, SSI, or Alimony. Other souces of income verified for a free housing will include any income from Disability, Welfare, Worker’s Compensation, Gambling, or a Retirement Fund. There may be other categories considered as well.
Families living in poverty will not have any government benefits counted towards their household income. However when someone is applying for a rent free Section 8 approved apartment or a home from a charity, the PHA will need to assess any financial aid received as part of SNAP food stamps, TANF, SSI disability, and any cash aid type programs. The free homes and housing programs may be offered to tenants with bad credit though as well, even if they have no money or are on government assistance.
While many of these programs are in fact time limited, they will be reviewed as part of the application process. As noted, those forms of government or public aid will not impact the families or individuals ability to move into free housing. As the goal is to show low-income families how to live rent free.
Details on free housing programs
While it may be possible to live rent free in no income housing, it takes a very long time. There is often a waiting list in place for low-income families to apply for a no credit check apartment or house and for a home to be made available. There is often a waiting list in place, with some exceptions made for people facing a hardship. Qualified applicants are normally placed on it.
Each PHA has only a limited inventory of free homes or houses that are used for this program. But there may be some units designated for single moms or dads that are more kid friendly. Free emergency apartments may be offered to families (or individuals) in a hardship as well, and charities or non-profits listed below by state may offer the,.
Any free housing program is not intended to solve a crisis but it is rather used to address long term needs. In fact, it may take years for a place to become available. During that time-frame the family can always search for other forms of assistance. However, as noted above, there are some other charities as well as government programs that can provide rent free or affordable housing without a waiting list.
There is one advantage to this time-frame though. That is the fact that it will allow the applicant time to save money for paying a security deposit. It will also allow them to get new job skills and increase their income. As these free housing programs from HUD do not normally pay for that expense. Or an applicant can use the opportunity to apply for security deposit assistance.
Applying for rent free apartments near you
To learn more on how to get free housing in order live rent free in government subsidized housing, contact a local Public Housing Agency (PHA) near you. The search box at the bottom of the page can be used to search for section 8 PHA by state as well as county. Or select a state below.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
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