Illinois Section 8 Housing.
Find how and where to apply for the Illinois Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. The federal government, HUD supported resource can provide low income families or single people with rent rent subsided homes based on their income. housing needs. Find the section 8 housing programs in Illinois near you below. Get applications, both online and in person, from housing authorities below as well as information on emergency, immediate section 8 programs in Illinois.
Not only is there long term, low cost housing offered, but there is an emergency section 8 housing voucher in Illinois. this can be an option for individuals who can’t be on the waiting list for whatever reasons. However emergency section 8 is generally for senior citizens, the disabled, the sick, or vulnerable in Illinois. Those vouchers are generally hard to get.
Section 8 housing vouchers will in effect limit the amount of rent or even utility bills that an individual needs to pay for their housing. Private landlords across IL work with HUD to accept vouchers, provide places to live that do not require a credit check and offer other support. The amount that a client needs to pay will be based on what their total household income is, as well as the number of individuals that reside in the household in the privately rented property. Find more details on homes for rent by private owner no credit check near you.
Illinois wants to do whatever they can to try to limit evictions and ideally eliminate homelessness, and section 8 housing vouchers are one of the best resources to do this. In fact, the rent subsidized homes in Illinois near you or even combined with LIHEAP energy bill grants, Section 8 for buying a home, and self-sufficiency training.
Applications for Illinois section 8 near you from Housing Authorities
The federal government HUD organization provides money to Illinois. The state then works with the public housing authorities and agencies listed below, and those non-profit agencies both accept applications as well as can also refer families to all housing programs that may be able to help them in their time of need. Both emergency section 8 vouchers and long term support is available.
Call an Illinois HUD approved agency near you below to apply for section 8 vouchers in Illinois. Learn about transferring a voucher, applying online for section 8, or get emergency help too.
Name, Phone, Fax, Email
Physical Address
Edwards County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)445-2715
Fax: (618)445-3603
Email: echa1@frontier.com
125 W CHERRY Street
IL , 62806
Mercer County Housing Authority
Phone: (309)582-5410
Fax: (309)582-2255
Email: dkrueger@mercercountyha.org
609 NW 4TH Avenue
IL , 61231
Housing Authority - City of Alton
Phone: (618)465-4260
Fax: (618)465-2729
Email: gdenton@altonhousing.com
IL , 62002
Housing Authority of the County of Union
Phone: (618)833-5129
Fax: (618)833-3969
Email: kelly@ucha.email
131 HILLSIDE Terrace
IL , 62906
Aurora Housing Authority ofthe City of Aurora
1449 Jericho Circle
Phone: (630)701-9977 x105
Fax: (630)701-9974
Email: rjordan@auroraha.org
IL , 60506
Pike County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)407-0707
Fax: (217)407-0708
Email: cbruns@pikehousing.com
838 Mason Street
IL , 62312
The Housing Authority of the County of Cass IL.
Phone: (217)323-2303
Fax: (217)323-1501
Email: hacc@casscomm.com
9 Otto Turner Drive
IL , 62618
St. Clair County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)277-6988
Fax: (618)277-1806
Email: larrym@sccha.org
1790 South 74th Street
IL , 62223
Housing Authority of the County of Boone
Phone: (815)544-0084
Fax: (815)544-4107
2036 N. State Street
IL , 61008
Email: alanzais@wchauthority.com
Housing Authority of the County of McLean, Ill.
Phone: (309)829-3360
Fax: (309)829-4644
Email: jeremyh@bloomingtonha.com
104 East Wood Street
IL , 61701
Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington, IL
Phone: (309)829-3360 x204
Fax: (309)829-4644
Email: jeremyh@bloomingtonha.com
104 E WOOD Street BLOOMINGTON IL , 61701
Alexander County Housing Authority
Phone: (615)319-6187
Fax: (618)734-0816
Email: Jharbison@usmanagementservices.com
1100 Halliday Avenue
IL , 62914
Fulton County Housing Authority
Phone: (309)647-4120
Fax: (309)647-4517
Email: lkrulac@fcha.us
250 S MAIN Street
IL , 61520
Macoupin County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)854-8606
Fax: (217)854-8749
Email: peg1@teamhousingcenter.com
760 ANDERSON Street
IL , 62626
Housing Authority of the County of Williamson
Phone: (618)985-2422 x101
Fax: (618)985-6601
Email: wcha@ilwcha.com
300 Hickory Street
IL , 62918
Housing Authority of Marion County
Phone: (618)532-1894
Fax: (618)532-2024
Email: ktinsley@mchahomes.org
719 East Howard
IL , 62801
Housing Authority of Champaign County
Phone: (217)378-7100
Fax: (217)378-7113
Email: davidn@hacc.net
2008 N. Market St.
IL , 61822
Randolph County Housing Authority
916 GEORGE Street
Phone: (618)826-4314
Fax: (618)826-4674
Email: il052@rchail.org
IL , 62233
Illinois Housing Development Authority
Phone: (312)836-5200
Fax: (312)832-2187
Email: madams@ihda.org
111 E. Wacker Dr.
IL , 60601
Chicago Housing Authority
Phone: (312)742-8500
Email: operez@thecha.org
60 E. Van Buren St
IL , 60605
Housing Authority Cook County
Phone: (312)542-4851
Fax: (312)447-3931
Email: rmonocchio@thehacc.org
175 W. Jackson
IL , 60604
Housing Authority of the Town of Cicero
Phone: (708)652-0386 x223
Fax: (708)652-0388
1634 S. Laramie Ave.
IL , 60804
Email: lgutierrez@thetownofcicero.com
Housing Authority of Adams County
Phone: (217)894-7022
Fax: (217)894-6338
Email: acha@adams.net
104 North Adams
IL , 62324
DeWitt County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)935-8804
Fax: (217)935-3367
Email: dchaterrill@mediacombb.net
100 S RAILROAD Street
IL , 61727
Madison County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)345-5142 x1101
Fax: (618)345-5148
Email: andyhightower@mchail.org
2 Eastport Plaza Drive
IL , 62234
White County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)966-3868
Fax: (618)966-2303
Email: ilo68@crosstelco.com
500 4th Street
IL , 62827
Hancock County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)852-3482
Fax: (217)852-3169
Email: hancock_cty@yahoo.com
625 West Third Street
IL , 62330
Housing Authority of the County of Vermilion, Ill.
Phone: (217)444-3101
Fax: (217)444-3101
Email: jvinson@vermilionhousing.com
1607 Clyman Lane
IL , 61832
The Housing Authority Of The City Of Danville, IL
Phone: (217)444-3101
Fax: (217)431-7059
Email: jvinson@vermilionhousing.com
IL , 61832
Decatur Housing Authority
Phone: (217)423-7711 x3037
Fax: (217)423-7771
Email: tgoodman@decaturhousing.com
1808 E LOCUST Street
IL , 62521
Housing Authority Of The County Of DeKalb
310 N 6TH Street
Phone: (815)758-2692
Fax: (815)758-4190
Email: dsiegel@dekcohousing.com
IL , 60115
Lee County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)284-2759
Fax: (815)284-1743
Email: awolf@grics.net
1000 WASHINGTON Avenue
IL , 61021
Perry County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)542-5409
Fax: (618)542-4532
Email: pcha@accessus.net
120 S WALNUT Street
IL , 62832
Grtr Metro. Area Hsng Auth of Rock Island County
Phone: (309)755-4527 x406
Fax: (309)751-4944
Email: aclark@gmaharic.org
621 17th Avenue
East Moline
IL , 61244
East Peoria Housing Authority
Phone: (309)698-4718
Fax: (309)427-4719
401 W. Washington St
East Peoria
IL , 61611
Email: latoyabrown@eastpeoriahousingauthority.co
The Housing Authority of City of East St. Louis
Phone: (618)646-7163
Fax: (618)271-2028
Email: aperry@eslha.org
700 N 20TH Street EAST SAINT LOUIS IL , 62205
Effingham County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)342-3520
Fax: (217)342-3546
Email: effhousing@consolidated.net
215 N BANKER Street
IL , 62401
Housing Authority of Elgin
Phone: (847)742-3853 x402
Fax: (847)742-1496
Email: marmstrong@haelgin.org
130 S STATE Street
IL , 60123
Housing Authority of the County of Hardin
Phone: (618)287-2786
Fax: (618)287-2303
Email: hardinco.pha@gmail.com
355 E Walnut Street
IL , 62931
Woodford County Housing Authority
Phone: (309)467-4623
Fax: (309)467-6927
Email: wcha_dg@mtco.com
410 E EUREKA Avenue
IL , 61530
Housing Authority Of The County of Wayne, Illinois
Phone: (618)842-9008
Fax: (618)842-2163
Email: wayneha@midwest.net
303 N 1ST Street
IL , 62837
Clay County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)662-5311
Fax: (618)662-5003
Email: ccha@wabash.net
201 S LOCUST Street
IL , 62839
Housing Authority of the City of Freeport
Phone: (815)232-4171 x1015
Fax: (815)599-8985
Email: BJamisonVarner@hacf.us
1052 W GALENA Avenue
IL , 61032
Housing Authority of the County of JoDaviess
347 FRANKLIN Street
IL , 61036
Knox County Housing Authority
Phone: (309)342-8129 x1223
Fax: (309)342-7206
Email: dantoine@knoxhousing.org
216 W Simmons St
IL , 61401
Housing Authority of the County of Ford
Phone: (217)784-5488
Fax: (217)784-5324
Email: jamie202000@gmail.com
214 E 7TH Street GIBSON CITY IL , 60936
Housing Authority of Pope County
Phone: (618)683-4791
Fax: (618)683-2136
Email: pcha127@shawneelink.net
802 S Franklin St
IL , 62938
Granite City Housing Authority
Phone: (618)876-0975
Fax: (618)876-8992
P. O. Box 794
Grantie City
IL , 62040
Email: Sharon.Mathes@granitecityha.org
Housing Authority of the County of Lake, IL.
Phone: (847)223-1170 x2540
Fax: (847)223-1174
Email: lhocker@lakecountyha.org
33928 N ROUTE 45
IL , 60030
Housing Authority of the County of Bond
Phone: (618)664-2321 x302
Fax: (618)664-3366
Email: tedwards@bondcountyhousing.com
220 E WINTER Avenue
IL , 62246
Housing Authority of Piatt County
Phone: (217)262-3231
Fax: (217)262-3013
Email: director.hapc@outlook.com
103 West First Street
IL , 61929
Housing Authority of Calhoun County
Phone: (618)576-2236
Fax: (618)576-2236
Email: ccha@frontiernet.net
#2 Herron Street
IL , 62047
Housing Authority - County of Saline
Phone: (618)252-6381
Fax: (618)252-1309
Email: keith.griffin11964@yahoo.com
927 West Barnett Street
IL , 62946
Mason County Housing Authority
Phone: (309)210-0111
Email: cjibben@mchd.onmicrosoft.com
201 E HURST Street
IL , 62644
Montgomery County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)532-3672 x227
Fax: (217)532-3625
Email: kelly@montgomeryhousing.org
IL , 62049
Morgan County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)243-3338
Fax: (217)245-0508
Email: MelissaM@morgancountyhousing.org
211 S Fayette St
IL , 62650
Housing Authority of the County of Jersey
505 HORN Drive
Phone: (618)498-9516
Fax: (618)498-2979
Email: jcha@frontiernet.net
IL , 62052
Housing Authority of Joliet
Phone: (815)727-0611 x150
Fax: (815)727-2073
Email: msimelton@hajoliet.org
6 South Broadway Street
IL , 60436
Kankakee County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)939-7125
Fax: (815)939-7335
Email: rmcgill@kchail.com
P.O. Box 965 KANKAKEE IL , 60901
The Housing Authority of Henry County
Phone: (309)852-2801
Fax: (309)852-0889
Email: ahathaway@henrycountyhousing.us
125 N. Chestnut St.
IL , 61443
Housing Authority of the County of Lawrence, IL.
Phone: (618)943-4762
Fax: (618)943-6027
1109 12th St
IL , 62439
Email: lawcounty108@gmail.com
Logan County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)732-7776
Fax: (217)732-5939
Email: lcha@frontier.com
1028 N COLLEGE Street
IL , 62656
Housing Authority of the County of McDonough
Phone: (309)837-2363
Fax: (309)836-2590
Email: home@macomb.com
322 W PIPER Street
IL , 61455
Housing Authority of the City of Marion, Illinois
Phone: (618)997-1258
Fax: (618)997-2680
Email: hacm@marionhousing.org
501 N MARKET Street
IL , 62959
Housing Authority of the County of Clark, IL.
Phone: (217)826-5541
Fax: (217)826-1073
Email: ccha@joink.com
208 MAPLE Street
IL , 62441
Housing Authority County of Coles
Phone: (217)235-4175
Fax: (217)234-8102
Email: haccmquast@consolidated.net
109 PRAIRIE Avenue
IL , 61938
Hamilton County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)643-3265
Fax: (618)643-3143
Email: hcha@hamiltoncom.net
IL , 62859
Massac County Housing Authority
Phone: (618)524-8411
Fax: (618)524-4478
Email: martelle@massaccountyhousing.org
1209 East 5th Street
IL , 62960
Moline Housing Authority
Phone: (309)764-1819
Fax: (309)764-2120
Email: jfa@molinehousing.com
4141 11TH AVENUE A
IL , 61265
Warren County Housing Authority
Phone: (309)734-2080 x26
Fax: (309)734-5918
Email: hank@warrencountyhousing.org
IL , 61462
Grundy County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)942-6198
Fax: (815)942-6289
Email: gcha@gcha.us
1700 NEWTON Place
IL , 60450
Housing Authority of Pulaski County
Phone: (618)745-6330
Fax: (618)745-9761
Email: pulha045@gmail.com
IL , 62964
Housing Authority of the County of Brown
Phone: (217)773-2731
Fax: (217)773-2731
Email: bchadirector@outlook.com
400 N MAPLE Street MOUNT STERLING IL , 62353
Housing Authority of Jefferson County
Phone: (618)244-5910
Fax: (618)244-9439
109 Shiloh Drive
IL , 62864
Housing Authority Of The County Of Wabash, IL.
Phone: (618)262-5518
Fax: (618)262-5869
Email: wcha1971@gmail.com
330 W 10TH Street
IL , 62863
Housing Authority of Mt. Vernon, Illinois
Phone: (618)244-6275
Fax: (618)244-9078
Email: edhamv@accessus.net
619 Broadway Street
Mt. Vernon
IL , 62864
Housing Authority of the County of Jackson, IL.
Phone: (618)684-3183 x109
Fax: (618)684-3222
Email: bmac-rizzo@jcha-il.org
300 N 7TH Street MURPHYSBORO IL , 62966
Housing Authority of the City of North Chicago, IL
Phone: (847)785-4300 x111
Fax: (847)785-4308
Email: Ninachalmers@ncilha.org
1440 JACKSON Street
IL , 60064
Housing Authority of the Village of Oak Park
Phone: (708)386-9322
Fax: (708)386-9362
Email: dpope@oakparkrc.com
21 South Boulevard
IL , 60302
Housing Authority of the County of Richland
Phone: (618)395-2571
Fax: (618)393-6109
Email: richland@rcha1.com
129 E SCOTT Street
IL , 62450
Ogle County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)732-1301
Fax: (815)732-1375
Email: oglecountyha@oglecountyhousing.org
200 Washington Street
IL , 61061
Housing Authority for LaSalle County
Phone: (815)434-0380 x228
Fax: (815)434-2421
Email: rjurkas@halc.org
526 E NORRIS Drive
IL , 61350
Housing Authority of Christian County, Illinois
101 East Second
Phone: (217)774-2167
Fax: (217)774-5349
Email: haccpana@consolidated.net
IL , 62557
Housing Authority of Edgar County
Phone: (217)465-8458
Fax: (217)465-8460
Email: edgarhousing@gmail.com
604 E HIGHLAND Drive
IL , 61944
Housing Authority of Park Forest
Phone: (708)503-7734
Fax: (708)748-4355
Email: tperry@vopf.com
350 Victory Drive
Park Forest
IL , 60466
Housing Authority of the City of Pekin
Phone: (309)346-7996
Fax: (309)346-7457
Email: dgreen@pekinhousing.org
1901 BROADWAY Street
IL , 61554
Peoria Housing Authority
Phone: (309)676-8736 x1730
Fax: (309)677-7301
IL , 61605
Email: jnewman@pha.peoria.il.us
Menard County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)632-7723 x113
Fax: (217)632-7255
Email: bames@menardcha.org
117 N. 7th Street PETERSBURG IL , 62675
Livingston County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)844-6013
Fax: (815)844-6605
Email: lcha@lchauth.org
903 W NORTH Street
IL , 61764
Bureau County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)879-8106 x106
Fax: (815)875-1085
Email: laurel@bcha1.com
444 S CHURCH Street
IL , 61356
Quincy Housing Authority
Phone: (217)222-0720
Fax: (217)222-0865
Email: jgille@quincyhousing.org
540 HARRISON Street
IL , 62301
Whiteside County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)625-0581
Fax: (815)626-9704
Email: wcha@wcopha.org
401 W 18TH Street
IL , 61071
Housing Authority of the City of Rock Island
Phone: (309)788-0825
Fax: (309)788-8610
Email: jchow@communityhomepartners.com
227 21 Street ROCK ISLAND IL , 61201
Rockford Housing Authority
Phone: (815)489-8520
Fax: (815)489-8555
Email: lsnyder@rockfordha.org
223 S WINNEBAGO Street
IL , 61102
Winnebago County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)963-2133 x11
Fax: (815)316-2860
Email: Alanzais@wchauthority.com
3617 Delaware Street
IL , 61102
Carroll County Housing Authority
525 3RD Street
IL , 61074
Housing Authority of Gallatin County
Phone: (618)269-3080
Fax: (618)269-3468
Email: hagc64@hotmail.com
117 W WILSON Avenue
IL , 62984
Housing Authority of the County of Shelby, IL.
Phone: (217)774-2167
Fax: (217)774-5349
Email: scha87@consolidated.net
414 South Morgan
IL , 62565
Springfield Housing Authority
Phone: (217)753-5757 x206
Fax: (217)753-4421
Email: jackie.newman@sha1.org
200 N 11TH Street
IL , 62703
Housing Authority of the County of Cumberland, IL.
Phone: (217)849-2071
Fax: (217)849-3030
IL , 62468
Housing Authority of Johnson County
Phone: (618)658-5811
Fax: (618)658-9331
Email: hajciled@frontier.com
501 N 4TH Street
IL , 62995
Housing Authority of the City of Waukegan
Phone: (847)244-8500
Fax: (847)244-8591
Email: cchambers@waukeganhousing.com
215 South Martin Luther King Avenue
IL , 60085
Housing Authority of the County of Franklin
Phone: (618)932-2124
Fax: (618)932-6475
Email: cely@fchaonline.org
302 E ELM Street WEST FRANKFORT IL , 62896
DuPage Housing Authority
Phone: (630)690-3555
Fax: (630)690-0702
Email: kcoles@dupagehousing.org
711 E Roosevelt Rd
IL , 60187
Housing Authority of Greene County
Phone: (217)374-2128
Fax: (217)374-6106
Email: gcha@gchousing.org
325 N. Carr WHITE HALL IL , 62092
Scott County Housing Authority
Phone: (217)742-3174
Fax: (217)742-3174
Email: amygeorge.scha@gmail.com
143 S WALNUT Street
IL , 62694
McHenry County Housing Authority
Phone: (815)338-7752
Fax: (815)338-1217
Email: kulbrich@mchenrycountyhousing.org
1108 N SEMINARY Avenue
IL , 60098
Kendall Housing Authority
Phone: (630)690-3555
Fax: (630)690-0702
Email: kcoles@dupagehousing.org
811 W John St
IL , 60560
Aurora Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL090 1630 Plum Street Aurora, Illinois 60506 Call (630) 859-7210 Fax: (630) 859-7219 Everyone from the underemployed to Hispanics, minorities, and gig economy workers use section 8 vouchers to help them pay their rent. The PHA can also offer self-sufficiency to help stabilize the tenant and ensure section 8 is a long term solution for their housing. Or even find rent help in Kane County.
Boone County Housing Authority Type: Section 8, Code: IL122 2036 N. State Street Belvidere, IL 61008 Phone: (815) 544-0084 Fax: (815) 544-4107 The Housing Authority takes section 8 applications and can provide other support too. As there are charities, non-profits that offer rent help, grants to pay section 8 deposits, medical and more. Ask them for additional Boone County programs.
St. Clair County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL030 1790 South 74th Street Belleville, IL 62223 Phone: (618) 277-3290 Fax: (618) 277-1806 Get help from other St. Clair and Belleville Illinois assistance programs. Get help with rent, and learn more on Section 8 Housing Vouchers. Charities, churches, and government homeless prevention programs are out there. Click here emergency rent assistance in St. Clair County.
- Or try the E. St. Louis Housing Authority at 700 N 20th Street, East Saint Louis, IL 62205. Phone: (618) 646-7100 Fax: (618) 271-2028
McLean County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL051 104 East Wood Street Bloomington, IL 61701 Phone: (309) 829-3360 Fax: (309) 829-4644 The case managers can help low income families and those living in poverty apply for long term or emergency section 8 housing. Vouchers can pay rent subsidized homes and houses in the McLean County Illinois region. There is other support though, including loans, grants, and help with rent in McLean County.
Williamson County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL050 300 Hickory Street Carterville, IL 62918 Phone: (618) 985-2422 Fax: (618) 985-6601 Anyone seeking section 8 rental homes can apply here. There is often a waiting list. Get details online. If qualified, the section 8 voucher can help the family (or single person) pay some of their rent as it is 30% income based housing.
Champaign County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL006 205 W Park Avenue Champaign, IL 61820 Phone: (217) 378-7100 Fax: (217) 378-7113 The Housing Authority leases apartments as well as manages the HUD section 8 housing choice voucher program. They work with private landlord. Tenants who rent their home or apartment have other sources of financial aid as well, even including for utilities. Find other programs that provide help paying rent in Champaign County.
Chicago Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL002 60 E. Van Buren St Chicago, IL 60605 Phone: (312) 742-8500 Fax: (312) 441-1779 Section 8 housing is for the city of Chicago as well as Cook County. Tens of thousands of low income families, single moms, minorities, the elderly and others get rent subsidized or even free housing as part of section 8. But there are other resources too. Find other Cook County and Chicago rent assistance programs.
- Or try other locations, including Habitat Corporation, to find a new home and pay the mortgage with section 8. 350 W Hubbard St., Chicago, IL 60610, Phone: (312) 527-5700.
- There is also the Cook County Housing Authority at 175 W. Jackson, Chicago, IL 60604, Phone number: (312) 542-4728 Fax: (312) 939-4727.
- Park Forest Housing Authority at 350 Victory Drive, Park Forest, IL 60466, Phone: (708) 748-1112 Fax: (708) 748-4355
- North Chicago Housing Authority, 1440 Jackson Street, North Chicago, IL 60064, Phone: (847) 785-4300 Fax: (847) 785-4308
- Oak Park Housing Authority, 21 South Boulevard, Oak Park, IL 60302, Call (708) 386-9322 Fax: (708) 386-9362
Madison County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL015 1609 Olive Street Collinsville, Illinois 62234 Phone: (618) 345-5142 Fax: (618) 345-5148 Learn more on housing from Urban League Madison County. They help minorities and the disadvantaged by offering rent help and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher in Madison County Illinois.
- Or try the Granite City Housing Authority PO Box 794, Grantie City, Illinois 62040. Phone: (618) 876-0975 Fax: (618) 876-8992
Decatur Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL012 1808 E Locust Street Decatur, IL 62521 Phone: (217) 423-7711 Fax: (217) 423-777 Everything from applications to section 8 housing as well as Family Self-Sufficiency, credit repair, budget, and other social services are offered. The agency is HUD approved to operate low income homes and apartments as part of section 8. Ask them as well about other Macon County Illinois rental programs.
Dupage Housing Authority Type: Section 8, Code: IL101 711 East Roosevelt Road Dupage, IL 60187 Phone: (630) 690-3555 Fax: (630) 690-0702 This public housing authority runs section 8 as well as private sector rental homes for all of Dupage County. Online applications, emergency section 8, legal aid and more is offered. Anyone facing homelessness or eviction, whether section 8 tenants or not, can get other support too. More Dupage County emergency rent and deposit assistance programs.
Clay County Housing Authority Type: Low-Rent, Code: IL065 201 S Locust Street Flora, IL 62839 Phone: (618) 662-5311 Fax: (618) 662-5003 The PHA has one, two, and three bedroom homes or apartments for section 8 tenants. There is also supportive, low income housing for the disabled as well as elderly.
Knox County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL085 216 W Simmons St Galesburg, IL 61401 Phone: (309) 342-8129 Fax: (309) 342-7206 Find how to apply for section 8 HCV and get lists on the homes available. The non-profit housing authority manages properties too and partner with private sector landlords. Minorities, Spanish speakers, the disabled and vulnerable are some of the main section 8 tenants.
Lake County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL056 33928 N Route 45 Grayslake, IL 60030 Phone: (847) 223-1170 Fax: (847) 223-1174 The public housing authority can process emergency or long term section 8 housing applications, both online or in person. They operate apartments, public housing programs, and staff give advice around self-sufficiency. TBRA is also offered as part of section 8.
- Or try the non-profit Waukegan Housing Authority at 215 South Martin Luther King Avenue, Waukegan, IL 60085. Phone: (847) 244-8500 Fax: (847) 244-8591
Marion County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL057 719 East Howard Centralia, IL 62801 Phone: (618) 532-1894 Fax: (618) 532-2024 Dial this agency for information on rental and other housing assistance. This can also be combined with section 8 HCV vouchers per the state of Illinois.
Saline County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL043 927 West Barnett Street Harrisburg, IL 62946 Phone: (618) 252-6381 Fax: (618) 252-1309 Section 8 applications are wide ranging. But there is a waiting list. Call the PHA for the latest. Or to get a list of landlords that rent their homes or apartments as part of the section 8 housing program.
Will County and Joliet Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL024 6 South Broadway Street Joliet, IL 60436 Phone: (815) 727-0606 Fax: (815) 727-2073 Staff from the PHA are a resource for the working poor and low income. In addition to the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, residents can apply for other help, including rent and housing assistance, at Will County Illinois agencies. Grants, including ESG, or cash aid may be offered. Continue with rent and security deposit help in Will County.
Kankakee County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL039 PO Box 965 Kankakee, Illinois 60901 Dial (815) 939-7125 Fax: (815) 939-7335 Apply for section 8 housing at the agency. Or learn about churches, eviction prevention programs, homeless shelters and other resources. As section 8 housing choice vouchers from HUD are just one option. More on Kankakee County rental assistance programs.
Coles County Housing Authority Type: Low-Rent, Code: IL100 109 Prairie Avenue Mattoon, IL 61938 Phone: (217) 235-4175 Fax: (217) 234-8102 The main programs include (1) emergency section 8, (2) public housing, (3) Family Self-Sufficiency, (4) counseling and more. The housing authority can also refer tenants to emergency rent, security deposit, or utility bill assistance programs which can be combined with section 8.
Massac County Housing Authority Type: Low-Rent, Code: IL041 1209 East 5th Street Metropolis, IL 62960 Phone: (618) 524-8411 Fax: (618) 524-4478 Call them for the latest details on housing choice vouchers. Section 8 can help pay rent for housing authority approved houses or apartments. There are 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments and other units that are section 8 housing qualified.
Mt. Vernon Housing Authority Type: Section 8, Code: IL123 PO Box 1745 Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 Phone: (618) 244-6275 Fax: (618) 244-9078 Low income housing is available to rent as part of section 8 housing vouchers. The staff can also be a resource for the community. These means families in or near poverty, that live in the home, can learn about other financial aid, LIHEAP utility bill grants, and other resources.
Lasalle County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL014 526 E Norris Drive Ottawa, IL 61350 Phone: (815) 434-0380 Apply for section 8 HVC at this public housing authority. Anyone in priority need (such as the elderly) can look into, and maybe apply, for emergency section 8 vouchers. There is financial help for apartments, housing, townhomes, and other units.
Peoria Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL003 100 S Richard Pryor Place Peoria, IL 61605 Phone: (309) 676-8736 Fax: (309) 677-7301 The agency runs income based section 8 housing in the private sector for all of Peoria County. The staff give referrals to other emergency rent, utility, or security deposit help too. Additional Peoria Illinois rent and housing assistance programs.
Winnebago County Housing Authority Rockford, Illinois This is the main section 8 housing office for the county. It offers section 8 vouchers, including a priority waiting list for emergencies. There may be government grants, loans for home buying, and maybe income subsidized housing with no waiting list. Read more on emergency rent assistance in Winnebago County.
Vermilion County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL036 601 S Chicago Street Rossville, IL 60963 Phone: (217) 748-6812 Fax: (217) 748-4156 The Housing Authority process section 8 housing and runs apartments, homes, and sites. They maintain the waiting lists and reopen it, as well as take online applications for emergency section 8. But there is other support, and find rent assistance in Vermilion County.
Sangamon County and Springfield Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL004 200 N 11th Street Springfield, IL 62703 Phone: (217) 753-5757 Fax: (217) 753-4421 Get the requirements for section 8 housing from this Illinois agency. Or learn how to port a voucher to another town, city, or state. Get rent help, and learn more on Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers in Sangamon County. As there is other financial aid offered. Learn more on rent assistance Sangamon County.
Franklin County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL061 302 E Elm Street West Frankfort, IL 62896 Phone: (618) 932-2124 Fax: (618) 932-6475 Get lists of income subsidized homes, houses, as well as apartments. Section 8 is offered. Note it is income based housing for families or individuals who (1) live in or near poverty and that (2) have a source of income. It can be a job, SSI, retirement, or some other source.
McHenry County Housing Authority Type: Low Rent and Section 8, Code: IL116 1108 N Seminary Avenue Woodstock, IL 60098 Phone: (815) 338-7752 Fax: (815) 338-1217 In addition to Section 8 Housing Vouchers, low income families or those in rent arrears can apply for other financial assistance programs in McHenry County, including rent, housing, homeless shelters and more. Click here emergency rent help in McHenry County.