Free stuff for low income families.
Low-income families can get for free stuff for their family. The focus is on helping low to moderate income families, households on public assistance - government benefits, the disabled and people with no money get items they need. Find free stuff from charities, churches, or government agencies.
Get personal or household stuff such as free items for a home, personal toiletries, hygiene supplies, electronics and more. There are also grant programs, food, financial advice, seasonal items and other services. The agencies that provide free goods will also screen the applicant to ensure there is a true need and that they meet income qualifications. There are hundreds of items that may be provided for free to families or people in need. The main categories of free stuff including the following.
In addition to broad categories of programs, there are also places that give out free stuff in most local communities. Or look here for a list of counties, states and cities for free items near you.
Free stuff for a house or apartment
Free stuff can be provided to help cool a home or an apartment during the summer. Most of this will be part of the US Department of Energy grant programs, as it pays for air conditioners or fans. Or some charities may provide help as well. Find free air conditioners.
Low income seniors and the disabled often need help in modifying of fixing their home. Or they need assistance in repairing it or providing stuff to keep them health and safety. Everything from roofs to plumbing, lights, porches, windows, and more can be fixed. Volunteers and charities can also assist. Find details on how to get free home repairs.
During the fall, spring, and winter months free heating system repairs (or even a replacement) may be made using government grants. The programs helps seniors, the disabled, single mothers, and low income households among others. The repairs to a heating unit or furnace can also address energy efficiency. Read more on free heating system repairs or replacement.
The homeless, and tenants on the verge of it, can be given stuff for free. Many of the programs that pass out basic needs or food (which are listed below) will help. There is also free emergency services for the homeless or those people with no money or income. Another option when the local shelters are full is to seek a free voucher for a motel.
Free household furnishings, including everything from beds to couches, tables, mattresses and appliances, may be provided from several national charity organizations that may be near you. The programs help the homeless get established or can be used by low income families that can’t afford to buy stuff for their home or apartment on their own. Vouchers may also be provided for shopping at a thrift store, and locate free furniture assistance programs.
- Some programs focus on giving away free appliances. There are charities, websites or smart phone apps (such as buy, sell, trade), as well as government agencies. Most are used items, but some new, free appliances may be provided as well to the low-income, disabled or formerly homeless. Get dishwashers, AC units, freezers or refrigerators, microwaves, washing machines or dryers and so much more. Locate free appliances.
Programs that offer grants, free vouchers or cash near you
There are government programs, including at the state and national level, that give away stuff to kids or maybe a single mother or father. An example is Medicaid, but there are benefits from various government entities. There are also items (medical, furniture, grants, etc.) for adults of low-income families on Medicaid, and find free stuff through Medicaid.
Families seeking money to pay for stuff may be able to get help. There are many coupon as well as cash rebates sites that offer assistance that can be used to pay bills. Also, credit cards may also run cash back programs, there are hardship grants, and other sources of cash. All of these can be considered to be free money for paying bills.
Free cars, trucks, or other vehicles are available. Non-profits, auto-dealerships, and some auto manufactures help low-income families get transportation for work related reasons so that the person can make a living. The vehicle programs are offered as well as other employment stuff too, and learn more on what to do to get a car for free.
Transportation programs help low-income families ant those that lack a ride get the help they need. There are volunteer services, stuff given out by the government that will help someone to get to an emergency appointment and other options available. Locate free transportation programs.
Parents that are working, in school, or in a job training program can apply for free daycare. This service is provided by the federal government and the goal is to make child care more for affordable for families that are trying to stabilize their financial situation. The child may also be given other stuff by the provider, such as food, clothing, or even transportation to the center. Locate more information on free daycare services.
Similar to a grant will be a free loan. They are often in fact one and the same. There may be funds issued by groups ranging from a religious organization (church) to community action agencies which also have information on various assistance programs. Generally this means the person borrowing money will not have to pay interest, have competitive repayment plans, and other benefits. Read more on how to find free loans.
Free government housing is available. The federal government operates a voucher system for the working poor. The focus is on supporting households that do not have any income or money for paying their rent. This program, when combined with other stuff for furnishing a home from the charities listed here, can truly benefit the low income. Find details on rent free apartments.
Free basic needs for the family and stuff for children
Free food is available for low-income families. The first place to try is a food pantry. These will offer free stuff including groceries, hygiene items, soap, paper goods, and much more. The amount of goods passed out will be limited though, but find local places for free food.
Free samples can be sent with boxes full of stuff in the mail. Other examples of free items may be for health care needs, school supplies, medications, and much more, or look for free samples.
Free memberships are provided by the YMCA. The programs are for low-income families, seniors over the age of 60 and also some students from public schools. While each location has terms and conditions in place, in general the programs provide access to fitness, wellness, nutritional stuff and other services. Locate YMCA membership programs that are free.
Free stuff, clothes for work or school, and more can be provided by clothing closets. They are located at charities or operate as part of regional thrift stores. More details on clothing banks.
Free supplies can be given when there is a new baby in the home. Newborns often can greatly increase a households expenses, both on a one time basis and recurring as well. So many parents need free or cheap baby stuff, and charities can help them during the transition. There may be pacifiers, food, maternity clothes, and more. Locate free or low cost baby stuff.
- Other assistance is available for a baby as well. There may be samples or boxes of diapers provided. Charities as well as manufactures provide them. Find applications to free diaper assistance programs.
- Free furniture or cribs for a newborn (or their parents) are offered. Thrift stores and other locations provide car seats and more when the family can't afford them. Find agencies that offer this type of stuff either at no or a low cost, and click here free crib programs.
- Infant, newborn, and baby car seats are given out for free too. This type of stuff is critical to the safety of the child. Not only may the item be provided to the family, but workshops and classes will also help the parent install the seat in their automobile. Or another professional may do that as well. Find infant car seats for free.
Adults, kids, and anyone can get free stuff at their birthday. Charities, restaurants, companies, online stores and dozens of places give free items out. There may be gift cards, meals, free birthday toys for kids, discount cards, groceries for the entire family and dozens of other items. Find free birthday stuff.
Tech products, gadgets and home electronics are provided for free. There are government programs that give items to low-income families and companies also give out tech products to consumers for reviews. A wide range of services are offered and look here for how to get free technology products.
Grocery apps on a smart phone have coupons can be used to buy a wide range of stuff. They are free to print up on the internet and can be redeemed almost anywhere. Or print them up online or use an app. Find a listing of programs and free food shopping apps.
- In addition to that, there are sources of free coupons as well as tips that shoppers can use to save even more money. The fact is this process is simple to do, and families can save money on food, shopping, and really everything. Find more details on places to get coupons for free.
Cooking Matters is a free, weekly training workshop offered nationwide. Professionals and volunteers teach attendees how to shop on a budget so they can buy healthy food. The training programs also teaches cooking classes (for making healthy meals) and provides free food, some kitchen supplies, and other material support. Find how to apply for free Cooking Matters program.
Free vouchers are given out by many charities to families in need. Most of these services are focused on seasonal needs. But some also operate year round. Charities mostly focus on helping children from low income families get the stuff they need, but another priority is for senior citizens too. Look here for a free voucher.
Free seasonal items for low-income families
The seasonal school supply programs help students too. Charities, the Salvation Army, and other groups can give them shoes, backpacks, uniforms, computers, and more. Having the proper items or uniforms can make a big difference in the growth and development of the student, and get information on how to apply for free school supplies.
Holiday help is provided to the low-income. Thousands of charities, churches, and volunteer groups operate across the nation during the Christmas season. They provide kids presents as well as meals so they can experience holiday joy. Millions of children benefit each year, and find how to get help at Christmas.
- Charities offer funds to pay for holiday stuff or bills. As financial assistance programs are more readily available due to increased winter costs people have. This will generally come in the form of a voucher or gift card. Applications are required early. Locate money for Christmas.
- Christmas trees, often decorated with ornaments or other stuff, are given out to single moms, veterans and the unemployed. National non-profits offer this service. Locate a free Christmas tree for low income families.
Many free seasonal items go quickly, such as Christmas toys or school supplies as they are “first come-served”. There are ways to be alerted to these seasonal events which will improve a person’s chances to getting what they need. Learn how to be alerted to free giveaways in your area.
During the winter, free heating oil and equipment may be passed out. Other stuff to keep a working poor family warm may be offered too. Most of this will be for seniors citizens and homes with young children. Find how to get help from heating oil programs.
During the cold fall, winter, and spring months free coats and winter clothing may be given out. Children as well as very low income adults/seniors are the focus when it comes to receiving this stuff. The items given out tend to be new, but some gently used hats, boots, jackets, and other items may be offered too. Find winter clothes for free.
Firewood can be provided for free to low income or struggling families. State and federal governments provide it (or help pay for it) if the family needs it to heat their home. Charities may also give out free wood, pellets, or even scraps so that the recipient can stay warm during the fall through spring. Read more on free firewood.
Free counseling and financial services
Free veterinarian care is available to many low-income families or homeless people. There are charitable funds, vets that volunteer from clinics, charitable plans and other resources. Pet medications and even emergency surgery is often provided as well. Locate free vets.
Seniors, immigrants, and low to moderate income families can get free help in filing income taxes. Counselors as well as volunteers will go over the process with the client. They ensure that all of the credits for state and government taxes are received and that other stuff is covered. Learn how to file taxes for free.
Families that are in debt, or struggling with budgeting or that do not know how to pay their bills on their own can turn to a free, non-profit credit or debt counseling agency. They will review how the family spends their money of stuff and give tips, suggestions, and even direct aid in paying down debts. Find more details on non-profit credit counseling agency.
- Companies provide free credit repair services to low-income families, veterans, people with no money and anyone in need. Anyone with a bard score or who is overwhelmed in debt can get help, or they can fix their score(s) on their own. There are a number of steps to take to start the process. Read about free credit repair.
Low income individuals dealing with civil legal issues can be given support. Lawyers can complete documents and provide them stuff for attending court. There is also counseling as well as advice given, and other help is arranged. Find free legal programs.
- Get free advice, guidance or legal consultations for filing bankruptcy. The exact process, paperwork and forms vary by state. It can be complicated to file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Or many people do not really want to attempt the process on their own, or they need some assistance. There are lawyers, credit counselors, attorneys, and legal professionals that can help. Find free bankruptcy consultations from attorneys.
There are charities and government agencies that provide free job training programs as well as placement services. They are not normally income based - anyone in need, whether poor, undereducated, or someone with a GED can use these services. Find a new job new you or gain new in demand skills. Read more on free job training programs.
Medicaid Planning is a legal financial approach used to get the federal government to pay for long term care, nursing homes, assisted living, and even just medical bills. There are counselors that offer free advice and help with applying, regardless of an applicant's income. Find free Medicaid Planning assistance.
Free medical and health care stuff near you
Free breathing machines, including CPAP, masks, or APAPs are available. Households with no health insurance plan or Medicaid, and who are also in dire financial straits, may be able to get the equipment they need at no cost to them. Both the government and charities may offer these free items when there are supplies available, and find more details on CPAP machines.
Dental care is one common request. Many insurance policies, even those from Obamacare / Affordable Care Act, only cover a small portion of the bill. So low income families often need help. But they can find free dental care.
- In some cases, a person needs free emergency oral surgery or dental care. There are programs, clinics and charities that provide free root canals, wisdom teeth extractions, surgery, and other treatment. Find how to get free emergency dental care or surgery.
Patients with diabetes can get a number of items for free. Both non-profits as well as the government will provide assistance. Depending on the applicant’s income, age, and other factors, there may be medications, insulin, supplies for testing, and other stuff available. There will an application that needs to be completed. Locate medications and supplies for diabetics.
- Uninsured and/or low income diabetics who need insulin can get help. Drug companies, the government, and other organizations provide help. Look here for free insulin.
General health care needs can be met by free health care community clinics. Volunteer doctors and nurses offer check ups, provide testing, and address other needs. Many children as well as immigrants that lack insurance get help from these centers. Or they may be give free stuff for to handle the condition they have. Locate free community clinics.
Free items for eye-wear, such as glasses or exams, are available. Non-profits focus much of this aid on children, but others can apply. Programs provide stuff to ensure their vision is strong and any issues are addressed. Locate free prescription glasses or exams.
Prescription drugs, medications, free RX vouchers and other stuff for treating a condition can be provided. The free prescription drug medical programs are offered by pharmaceutical companies. In general, vouchers are given to pay for medications or discounts are given. Locate free prescription drug programs.
- There is also a simple way to save money on meds. Anyone looking for help can use a prescription drug discount card. Anyone can use them, whether insured or not and no matter the income. Read more on free discount cards for prescription drugs.
Free mental health counseling and therapy is available. There is help for first responders, veterans, as well as low-income or uninsured families. Therapy can be provided by clinics, volunteer or pro-bono counselors, charities, corporations through employee wellness plans and other organizations. Read more on free therapy for uninsured patients.
Health care as well as dental equipment may be provided for free by non-profit medical loan closets. One downside of using these programs is the stuff is only provided to the patient for a short period of time. But the charities that offer this equipment will help low income families locate, as well as pay for what they need. Locate medical loan closets.
- Other medical equipment may be offered for free to low-income seniors and/or the disabled. There is also stuff for those without health insurance, or that are on Medicaid or Medicare. Government agencies and charities offer free items, and find more details on free medical equipment for the elderly or disabled near you.
- Low-income patients can get free hearing devices. The free items can also help pay for what is not covered by Medicare, a health insurance plan, or Medicaid. They may even have hearing aids.
It is possible to get free drug, alcohol, and substance abuse treatment from charities, non-profits, or government programs like Medicaid. There are rehab clinics, in-patient programs and outpatient services that can help low-income households or people without insurance. Learn more on free rehab and substance abuse treatment.
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