Organizations that help with rent.
Rental assistance is provided by the government, non-profit organizations and charities listed below. The agencies provide grant money, hardship funds, or long term support to low-income families or tenants with little or no money. Find where to get help with paying rent.
The exact type of rent relief available, whether for a past due or upcoming payment or some other housing expense owed to a landlord, will depend on the amount of funds available as well as the tenant’s situation. Applicants can either get grant money for paying rent or they can get support in signing up for public housing. Other options that help struggling renters include access to free legal aid to stop an eviction or other local housing assistance programs. The main sources of rent payment assistance are as follows.
Rental payment help from charities and non-profit organizations
There are many local organizations available for rent payment help, including churches, local non-profits or small charitable groups. Many of the places partner with the government and rely on federal funds or donations. Priority is often given to low to moderate income renters as well as struggling tenants living in an apartment or leased home who are faced with a short term financial hardship and that need money to help pay past due rent. Each program is only for residents of those states that meet income as well as other qualifications. Learn more on, and find rental assistance near you.
Dozens of national charities also have a local community presence and help with rental expenses. They will also often provide referrals and other social services. Even if they do not have funding, staff from a charity often can provide information on how to apply for free hardship grants or even cash loans for paying back rent on an apartment or house.
- Salvation Army social or family services are wide ranging. The Christian, faith based charity has limited funds to help pay back rent to stop an eviction, with money focused on single parents, low-income families, and seniors among others. Learn more on Salvation Army rental assistance.
- Catholic Charities rental assistance programs are available. Money to help with housing costs is for women fleeing domestic abuse, immigrants, the elderly, and working poor. Find how to get Catholic Charities rent assistance.
- The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul provides rental assistance to the poor, people with no money, and low-income parents. Temporary rent relief is offered for a financial hardship. Find places to apply at for St. Vincent de Paul rent assistance.
Grant money to help with rent is offered from community action programs. These non-profits are located in every county, city and state. Case managers will go over what government services and grant type programs that will be available. The staff can help tenants fill out applications for funds for paying back rent, energy or electric bills, or more. Staff can also provide information on low income, affordable housing units. Call your local community action agency.
Many local churches are offering their own financial assistance programs, including offering rent help, electric bill or housing assistance to low-income tenants, and more. However many of these churches rely heavily on donations, including tithes, from the community and therefore tend to have very limited funding available. Learn more on faith based and church assistance programs.
Housing First is a solution that combines money for paying rent, moving costs, lease application fees, and other costs along with a cheap home or permanent, affordable apartment to live in. The federal government, using agencies such as HUD, partners with states, charities, landlords and non-profits to offer this solution. The rental assistance as well as placement into permanent housing helps reduce homelessness in local communities. Learn more on Housing First programs.
Rent relief from local eviction prevention programs are offered. Low-income renters facing an eviction or that have a notice from their property owner can find emergency rental assistance from local charity programs that prevent homelessness. The federal government, many local and state housing authorities as well as non profit organizations provide loans, grant money, free landlord-tenant mediation services, conflict resolution, direct expedited rent payments and support. Continue with eviction prevention.
Families with an eviction on their record due to unpaid rent or even utility bills often find it difficult to lease a new home or apartment. They often need assistance is trying to work through any legal issues or credit score challenges. Free tenant lawyers, along with non-profits, can provide help to low-income families and people with no up front money or bad credit. They offer everything from free advice on dealing with courts to resources that provide help for rent, deposits, and credit counseling. Find more information on renting with a past eviction.
Some rental assistance programs are for emergency situations only. They can focus on extreme financial situations or provide help to vulnerable tenants, such as single parents, the elderly or disabled that would be at risk if they are homeless. There are other organizations that can assist with rent in a crisis, such as applicants dealing with unexpected unemployment or a reduction in household income. Find more emergency rent assistance.
Organizations may issue a loan to help a family or individual pay their rent. While borrowing money can be an option, it should be a last resort and only if the borrower has a short term crisis and can pay back the money quickly. Rental loans can come from a charity, online lender, credit union or some other lender. Learn more on how to get a loan to help pay rent.
Receive free legal advice from a pro-bono lawyer to prevent an eviction. Many low-income households get some form of free legal consultation from an attorney to help them deal with eviction or pay or quit notices. Lawyers not only provide advice, but often can refer clients to resources that can help them pay their rent or address other housing expenses. The assistance is provided from the federal government funded Legal Services Corp as well as volunteer, pro-bono lawyers. Find more details on free legal advice.
Apply for free government or private grants for paying rent. The funds will not need to be repaid. There is money available for paying rental arrears and related housing costs. Many non-profit private organizations as well as the government have information on or offer cash grants that can be used to help pay rent.
Referrals places that help pay rent are always available if the applicant can’t find any funding to pay housing expenses. Calling the United Way for information and applying at these organizations, even if you are not directly affiliated with their group or already a member, can sometimes get you the financial help you need. Anyone in need of immediate rent help should ask the case-worker at the charity for other options (of they can’t assist). Or a great place for referrals is the United Way rental assistance programs.
Non-profits as well as charity organizations will also offer help with paying first months rental / security deposits. In general, if a family is living in a now unaffordable home or expensive apartment, or if an individual was homeless and they now have a job, assistance will be provided. There will also be help in paying for moving costs, storage fees or first or last month’s rent that a landlord requires. Find more details on security deposit help.
Lot rent assistance is available. Some charities, churches, and government programs focus on low-income families or people that rent a manufactured home. The money will pay the property owner for the leased land that that mobile home sits on, as there are fees for the community. Find details on how to get help with lot rent.
Government organizations that help with rent
The largest federal organization that provides rent payment relief is HUD (Housing and Urban Development). The agency administers several different programs for the homeless, tenants facing eviction, unemployed and low income families. HUD Housing and Urban Development helps those in need pay their rent on private apartments as well as security deposits.
The government Housing Choice Rental Voucher Program is available (Section 8) It does this by allowing families to select privately owned rental housing, including apartments, condos or townhomes. Very low income families or those living in poverty can get assistance with their rent from income based housing programs. This will require the family to pay a portion of their income for their housing expenses, including rent, utilities, and other costs. Read more details on HUD section 8 housing choice vouchers.
Veterans and their families can get rent help from a federal government resource known as Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program (VASH) as well as SSVF. Both of these are grant based programs that can provide financial help for one or more months of housing payments. This service is providing rental assistance vouchers, placement into housing locator services as well as security deposit assistance to both veterans as well as their immediate family members. It can also be used to stop evictions from happening. Read more on rent help for veterans.
The Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program is the primary resource being funded, but there are others. Most of the rental help is being distributed at the local government level. Your local social service agency, county government, charities and other organizations will process applications. It often combines rent help along with case management, care counseling and more. Learn more and find how to apply for homeless prevention.
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) provides free services to struggling renters as well, with most of the information being referrals and a directory program. Families or individuals in need of short term or ongoing rent payment help can use the site to find local resources. All services are free, and get details on the programs.
Rent help for vulnerable tenants including single parents, disabled, and seniors
Single mothers often struggle with rent payments and need help. Many national and local charities or churches, as well as some government benefits, will help them pay housing costs. A safe, affordable home or apartment, as well as some immediate money for rent, will be offered to them and their kids. Find solutions for single mothers.
Low income households with a physically or mentally disabled member can qualify for rent help. The federal government has two different voucher programs as well as income subsidized apartments, and this is in addition to any SSI payments. Government grants can help with paying rent, there will be funds for paying energy bills as well as other housing costs. The goal is to ensure the individual with a handicap has a home or apartment to live in. Find how to receive rental assistance for a disability.
There are also apartment rental programs for people with bad credit scores or past evictions. The government, working with private landlords and non-profits, helps facilitate these programs. They can money to help people pay first months rent or moving costs with case management and ongoing assistance. Look here for details on apartments for rent without credit check.
Local places that help pay back rent
Local and state governments near you, listed below, will help with paying rent. Most communities as well as local municipalities want to limit homelessness. To that end states, federal as well as local government agencies provide some form of financial assistance to low-income renters or people with no income, with help given in the form of government grants or cash benefits. All the funds can assist with rent, security deposits, storage fees or paying housing costs. In addition to that, many other agencies administer public or cash assistance type programs, such as TANF welfare.
Tenants will get help with rent as well as other social services. The programs are local. Therefore each county, city, and town will often have numerous local agencies and they are also listed on the page. To learn more on how to apply for government rent funds, find the state focused agencies and programs below.
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Need additional rent assistance?
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As there are other options out there for renters who need assistance, including HUD rent relief. Or visit or register in the community forum (the link is on the lower right margin). We will reply to your message there about resources that will offer help with rent payments.
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