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Free dental clinics.

Find how to get help from affordable or free dental clinics. The dentists as well as centers help people with no insurance or no money who need assistance. Patients will get free or low cost dental care, both preventative or emergency, from a local clinic. Many of the patients (adults, seniors or children) may not have access to proper care due to lack of a health insurance plan or funds. There are numerous free dental clinics near you listed by state below as well as government programs that people with limited income, no insurance or no money can turn to for assistance.

Often the organizations are non-profits or charities and operate as part of the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) services. Many locations have volunteer hygienists or dentists that operate affordable but effective, no insurance dental clinics. Low income and uninsured families often turn to them for free dental work as maybe the coverage on their current insurance policy does not pay for teeth extractions, exams, or cleaning.

Local charitable and volunteer clinics for free dental care

Resources are available for low income families or the uninsured in most regions of the country. There is free dental care from clinics for adults, children, the disabled as well as lower income senior citizens. Some of the programs the government may finance and run themselves, and there may be some other options that they are aware of and will refer individuals too. There are dental clinics that partner with local municipalities to help families on Medicaid or Medicare, locations that use volunteer dentists, and some that cover patients on the Affordable Care Act.

Most of the funding for these low-cost or free sites comes from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as part of the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or Rural Dental Health Clinics (RHCs) programs. These federal government agencies will help fund and provide various forms of financial support to community health centers that are located in your state, town or county. The government grants allow the clinics to offer low-cost or affordable dental care to the less fortunate or uninsured.

In addition to government aid, many non-profits and charitable dental clinics rely on donations or volunteers. The free or low-cost clinics use volunteer dentists as well as hygienists to help people with no or expensive dental insurance. They will often give free dental work to anyone who needs it, regardless of their income, age, or insurance.




As part of the funding that these clinics receive, they are obligated to offer free or reduced-cost health and medical services, including dental care, to people of all backgrounds as well as income levels and also unemployed households. This will include everything from “basic” teeth cleanings to extractions, X-rays, root canals and more. They also support the uninsured and households living in poverty.

Most parts of the country will have a dental clinic near you for low income families. They will be run by charities or some of the centers are subsidized by government grants, including from HRSA. They provide assistance, including cleanings, surgeries or preventative care to the uninsured as well as poor. Other low income families may receive help too. Find a list of dental clinics near you.

The federal government also regulates many dental providers and medical centers as well as part of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Depending on some factors, including your income, family size, and insurance status, the dental exams and checks are free per HRSA, however some people may need to contribute towards their bills. The dental care will be billed to the patient on a sliding fee, income based approach. However if your income is low enough, the care offered at these dental clinics should be offered at no cost. Read more on the Health Resources and Services Administration.

Some free or income based clinics offer emergency dental care as well. This will be for work including tooth extractions, root canals, wisdom teeth removals, or another crisis. While the hours vary, some are open today for an emergency dental needs and many have weekend hours as well. Learn more on free emergency teeth extractions.

Community action agencies and United Way also have free mobile clinics, financial assistance programs and other benefit programs. These not for profit agencies operate in almost every state and county across the United States. Both of them are great places to call for information on how to access free or reduced-cost dental clinics that help low income families. The offices tend to have a list of centers and other social services that are available in your local community.





Referrals are provided. Some United Way agencies or community action programs also have free mobile community clinics that help the low-income with dental needs. These are often pro-bono, volunteer run by dentists, doctors, hygienists, and others in the community. Get a listing of community action agencies and learn about dental programs they may offer.

Dental schools and clinics at hospitals

They include both sites that hygienists may train at as well as full fledged dental schools near you. The locations will often offer care to all patients. The services are extensive and will range from cleaning teeth to more advanced dental care, such as root canals or extractions. A priority for a dental clinic at a college or a local hospital is on helping children or senior citizens that do not have health insurance.

Free dental care clinicsHow this works is that most sites are really teaching facilities and well trained students provide the care. They will always be supervised by permanent staff, which will be made up of both dentists as well as hygienists. The process benefits everyone involved as the students gain experience, and families and individuals get access to needed care at no cost to them.

At all schools and colleges there are full time dentists overseeing the process, so the quality of the assistance offered stays high and does not suffer from a student providing the care. Contact the American Dental Association (call 312-440-2500) in order to find a listing of schools that may offer this assistance. Or read more dental school and college clinics.

Federal government low income or free dental assistance programs

There are three main solutions for dental care that are possibilities, and many of these pay for cleanings at exams at income based dental clinics. They include Medicaid, Medicare, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Medicaid is for very low income families, those in poverty, people with no money or savings and the poor. The cheap or free dental coverage provided by this program is limited in nature, and unfortunately it does not cover most routine dental care, dentures, or some other basic services.

  • Medicare is funded by the federal government, but the terms of the program and what is or isn’t covered is established by your state government. It is a health insurance program that is available for people who are 65 years and older or for those patients who have specific disabilities or a special need. In general most government agencies will provide some form of limited preventative dental services in partnership with community clinics for those people and individuals who are age 21 or over. Learn more on Medicare health insurance.




  • CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) is another potential solution for parents with limited income or no insurance. It is a government program, similar to Medicaid, for children under the age of 19 if they do not have private insurance coverage. The exact type and amount of benefits for CHIP are set by your state government as well. Learn more on CHIP for dental care.
    • In general, free dental care for kids at clinics or other providers is part of what is offered, however the exact type and nature of the services covered under this assistance program vary. CHIP will generally pay for teeth cleaning for children, fluoride, and other preventative measures. Or find other dental care programs for children.

Free dental clinics by state near you

Free or low cost dental work is offered at thousands of community clinics and health-care nationwide. While the availability of services will vary by state and center, each location is committed to doing whatever it can to help the low income and uninsured, including children. If a clinic can’t meet your specific need then they may have referrals for you.

Find your state below for more information on a dental center that will provide a number of free or low cost services to children as well as adults, including cleanings, exams, extractions, root canals and more. They help the low-income, people with no insurance and others.




























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina





Rhode Island

South Carolina







Washington DC

West Virginia


Locate assistance from other free dental clinic and volunteer dentist programs

In addition to the dental assistance programs above, there are other resources. Never hesitate to check with government offices to get information on reduced priced, cheap yet high quality or free dental care. Call your state or local health department. There are also charities and non-profits that can put clients into contact with government benefits. In addition, find an extensive listing of government assistance programs.







There are many other resources as well for free or low cost dental care that may be near you. Whether it is a free clinic, college programs, or volunteer dentists or hygienists, or government resources, find other options. Locate lists of national association clinics that help unemployed as well as low income families. In addition, has referrals and information on many of our dental partner organizations, that also can provide referrals or coordinate care.


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