Free dental clinics in Maryland
Find how the low income, uninsured and people on Medicaid can get cheap or free dental care from Maryland clinics. There are preventative cleanings, emergency oral surgery (root canals, wisdom teeth removal, etc.), fluoride, X-rays and more. Most of the free or low cost dental clinics in Maryland near you, which are listed below, do focus on those who are working poor or have no insurance.
While resources and staffing levels are limited, the free dental centers near you will try not turn anyone away who needs assistance. There are free dentists that help adults on Medicaid or give dentures or implants to low-income families. Also find a phone number at the bottom of the page for dental programs in MD.
Below you will find information on the clinics in Maryland that give free dental care for children, adults, the elderly, disabled and others, If there is not a location near you, you may be able to be referred to another location in your town or city, or a volunteer dentist. There are also Federally Qualified Dental Center. Whether basic service, regular care, or emergency dental assistance, help is offered.
A wide number of medical and dental services are offered from the clinics, including cleaning, extractions, preventative care, referrals, x rays, fluoride, fillings, and some specialty services. While the care may be provided for free, in some cases a minimal fee may be required from the patient or the clinic is sliding fee-cheap. They also accept Medicaid and Medicare. Call the center near you for more details. Or learn more on how to get Medicaid.
Local free or low cost dental centers in MD
Find details on free dental care, clinics, and community centers immediately below in the primary Maryland towns and cities. Emergency oral surgery, cleanings and more may be offered. Also scroll down the page for even more locations.
Annapolis Outreach Center The free dental center is at AnneArundel MC, 92 West Washington ST Stanton Community Center, Annapolis Maryland 21401. Dial 443-481-3599 A wide variety of assistance programs are offered. The low income, uninsured and people with limited coverage and others can get free dental care, medications, counseling and more. Find cleanings as well as emergency root canals. Or teeth extractions, fillings, cleanings, crowns, partials, baby teeth removal, oral cancer screenings and even dentures.
Catholic Charities of Baltimore They operate the Esperanza Healthcare Services Center, which gives free basic and emergency dental care from 1728 Bank St, Baltimore MD 21201. Telephone - 667-600-2900 Various social services are offered, including a free dental clinic. Also get food, personal hygiene supplies and dental staff, such as toothbrushes. They also have volunteer dentists and charity clinics for the poor, elderly, disabled and children as well as adults.
Baltimore City Health Department 1001 E Fayette St, Baltimore, MD 21202. Dial - (410) 396-4398 A unit known as Oral Health Services provides both urgent as well as preventive and urgent dental care services to local families and individuals who are uninsured, Medicaid-eligible, and/or low-income. The programs currently focus on residents of Baltimore, both in the city and the county. Two low cost or free dental clinics in the area currently provide the care. Find more details on public assistance in Baltimore, which may also help pay for dental needs.
Healthcare for the Homeless Not only the homeless, but low income, working poor, and unemployed can also get help. the dental center offers a wide range of dental services for low-income people and uninsured. Get access to restorative or preventive care, extractions, cleanings, and other aid. Provides cleanings, comprehensive oral exams, fluoride, as well as cleanings and dental sealants to the homeless. Poor adults, children and other qualified Maryland residents can get help too.
- Downtown location is 421 Fallsway, Baltimore MD 21202. Dial 410-837-5533
- West Baltimore dental clinic - 2000 W Baltimore St, Baltimore Maryland 21223. Main number is 410-837-5533
County run health and dental centers There are multiple locations. Whether it is basic help with dental needs, or applications to Medicaid or Medicare, help is offered.
- Allegany County clinic is at 12501 Willowbrook Rd, Cumberland Maryland 21502. Phone: 301-759-5000
- Carroll County Health Department, 290 S Center St, Westminster Maryland 21157. Phone - 410-876-2152
- Frederick County Health Department location is 350 Montevue Ln, Frederick MD 21702. Main number is 301-600-1029
- Howard County Health Department - 8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia, MD 21045, call (410) 313-6300
Choptank Community Health System The free Denton Medical & Dental Center location is 808 S Fifth Ave, Denton MD 21629. Call 410-479-2650 A non-profit, government qualified dental center with health care services too. No one is turned away. A sliding fee, variable rate center.
Mission of Mercy The faith based charity has multiple assistance programs. Get fluoride, free or affordable dental care, emergency surgery and more. The charity helps the uninsured and insured populations of low-income status located in Maryland.
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a center at 199 North Place, Frederick MD 21701. For appointments, dial 301-676-3188
- Triniity Evangelical Lutheran Church has volunteer and free dental from 38 W Baltimore St, Maryland 21787. Call 410-833-5870
- PIKE Faith Baptist Church in Brunswick/Knoxville - 2212 Jefferson, Knoxville MD 21758. For details, call 240-529-8772
Community Dental Clinic, Inc. - Greenbelt Address - 9220 Springhill Ln, Greenbelt MD 20770. For hours and services, dial 240-624-2323
Family Healthcare of Hagerstown 201 S Cleveland Ave, Hagerstown Maryland 21740. Telephone - 301-745-3777
Free Charity Community Clinic of Silver Spring Main address: 8630 Fenton St, Silver Spring MD 20910. Dial 301-585-1250 Get help including free Gum and Oral Health, Dental exams and teeth cleaning services, Cavity fillings, Wisdom Teeth Removal and more.
Muslim Community Center Dental and Medical Clinic Low cost programs are offered at 15200 New Hampshire Ave, Sliver Spring MD 20905. Telephone - 301-384-2166
Catholic Charities Clinic at McCarrick Center and Montgomery Cares Location - 12247 Georgia AVE, Silver Spring Maryland 20902. Phone - 301-434-8985 Various churches and volunteer dentists, hygienists and other help the low income and uninsured. Whether it is free Comprehensive Exams or Gentle Professional Cleaning, or cavity fillings or root canal therapy, regular and emergency services are offered. Or even get medications, food, clothes, and oral hygiene stuff.
Colleges, dental school training, and free or low cost clinics Students and professionals give seniors, children, the poor and indigent free or low-cost care. Basic and advanced dental services are offered.
- Allegany College of Maryland Dental Hygiene Clinic, 12401 Willowbrook Rd Allied Health Building, Cumberland MD 21502. Dial 301-784-5580
- CCBC Dental Hygiene Clinic is based at 7200 Sollers Point Rd Dental Arts Center, Dundalk Maryland 21222. Dial 443-840-3495
- HCC Dental Education Clinic - 11400 Robinwood Dr Career Programs Building, Hagerstown Maryland 21742. Telephone - 240-500-2569
Chase Brexton Health Services Several offices and clinics are around the area, including below. They are non-profits. Free or low cost care is offered, including dental X-rays, Endodontics, cracked teeth removal, cleanings and more.
- 1111 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21201. Dial 410-837-2050
- 8507 Liberty Rd, Randallstown, MD 21133. Dial 410-496-6441.
- Easton Center 866-260-0412
Family Health Centers of Baltimore Address is 631 Cherry Hill Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225. Telephone number is (410) 354-2000 Another non-profit federally qualified health centers. The location helps the working poor, low income, and uninsured. Primary primary dental and health care.
Baltimore Medical System, Inc. 3120 Erdman Ave, Baltimore, Maryland 21213. Call for help - (410) 558-4800 This location is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), which is an independent non-profit organization that is strongly dedicated to improving the health and wellness of medically underserved and low income in local communities. This is the largest community clinic in Maryland.
People's Community Health Center Baltimore, MD 21218 (410) 467-6040 The medical center will not turn anyone away, no matter if they can pay or not. Dental care and other health programs are provided. Some low cost or free dental care is offered from the clinic to the uninsured and low income. Inquire into cleaning, x-rays, root canal therapy, extractions, periodontal treatment, oral cancer screenings, and more.
Greater Baden Medical Services Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 There are multiple clinics in Maryland. Phone number - 301.888.2233 Dental care is provided by professionals, as well as a wide variety of other services and programs. Cleanings, oral surgery, emergency extractions and more for the low income and/or uninsured.
Parkwest Health Systems, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland 21215 (410) 542-7800 Provide a full menu of assistance, tooth restorations and even replacements.
Three Lower Counties Community Services Princess Anne, MD 21853 Main number is (410) 651-5151 This location covers the entire community, but is located in Princess Anne Maryland. Low cost, sliding fee dental care is offered.
Total Health Care, Inc. 1501 Division St, Baltimore, MD 21217. Dial the clinic at (410)383-8300 for information.
Tri-State Community Health Center Hancock, Maryland 21750 (301)678-7256 Health care is offered to all residents on a sliding fee scale. they can help people with limited incomes, whether they have health insurance or not. No one is turned away.
West Cecil Health Center Inc. Conowingo, MD 21918 (410)378-9696 Another federally qualified health center that can provide help to all residents. High quality, superior care is offered.
Western Maryland Health Care Corporation Oakland, Maryland 21550 Call - (301)334-8970 The Dental Clinic administers assistance to people who have no dental insurance and meet low income guidelines. Children, new moms, and babies are main clients of the community clinic.
Montgomery Volunteer Dental Clinic, Inc. Silver Spring, MD 20904 Telephone: (301)384-9795 The working poor, homeless and uninsured can all benefit from volunteer dentists and other medical professionals at this community clinic. The Montgomery Volunteer Dental Clinic was founded in 1998 for the homeless population. As the clinic began operations there was a growing need identified for the working poor and uninsured.
Chesepeake Dental Center They are government qualified health centers. Charity care, financial aid for dental needs, check-ups, tooth replacement, preventative care and more is offered. Several locations are part of this network. Services provided include Family Practice, Pediatric, Dental, and Behavioral Health services. Health and Wellness, education, and counseling is also provided.
- 503-A Muir St, Cambridge, MD 21613. Dial - 410-228-9381
- The non-profit is at 12165 Elm St, Princess Anne, Maryland 21853. Main number is 410-651-5151
- 301 Randolph St, Denton, MD 21629. Telephone: (410) 479-4306
Additional free dental care programs in Maryland near you
There are hundreds of volunteer dentists and other free clinics in Maryland. Some labs are also involved in offering care. these agencies can offer cleaning, extractions and other services to senior citizens, children, veterans, as well as the disabled. A switchboard has been set up in the Baltimore region. For information on other free dental clinics that may be near or your family, dial 410.964.1944.
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