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Free dental care from clinics in Nevada.

Free dental clinics in Nevada help low income families as well as patients with no money or insurance get the assistance they need. There are non-profit charitable health centers that provide free dental care to children, adults, immigrants, seniors, or people with no insurance, patients on Medicaid as well as low income households. Find a free dental clinic or dentists in NV near you.

In addition to helping the less fortunate meet their basic checkups or emergency dental needs, a wide variety of other services are available at each locations. This can include implants, emergency root canals or teeth extractions, X-rays and other care from dentists in Nevada for people with no money. No one is turned away free a dentist based on income or age, and locate dentists for free dental care for people with no money.

Whether it is a free teeth cleaning or kids or adults, surgery, X-Rays, emergency root canals or teeth extractions, or some other support, help is available. While some of the centers offer free care, many others will only charge patients what they can afford to pay towards their bills. This is called a sliding fee scale or variable rate billing. Another one of the positives is that most of the free dental centers in Nevada will help anyone, regardless of their income or the status of their health insurance.

Nevada has hundreds of thousands of residents who lack insurance or full dental coverage on their plans. A number of children and seniors also lack proper coverage. A dental clinic, many of which are Federally Qualified Health Centers, that offer free or low cost care to those qualify can go a long way towards helping people meet their needs.

Local free dental clinics in NV

Find free clinics in Las Vegas or Clark County NV. There are many other options as well - scroll down below for more sites that can help the low-income and uninsured with dental needs, including emergency care. Or read more on or find free dental insurance.

Fallon Tribal Health Clinic Fallon Paiute - Shoshone Tribe
Location is 1001 Rio Vista Dr, Fallon Nevada 89406. Call 775-423-3634

Ruffin Family Clinic at Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada
1240 N Martin Luther King Blvd, Las Vegas NV 89106. Call 702-967-0530
A major focus of the free, government qualified center is on helping the poor, uninsured, and low-income. Get extractions, fillings, or emergency surgery from dentists and their team, many that are volunteers. There are also free teeth cleanings, annual exams, crowns, and more.




FirstMed Health and Wellness Center
Main address is 3343 S Eastern Ave, Las Vegas NV 89169. Main number is 702-731-0909

Compassion Community Clinic
840 I St, Sparks Nevada 89431. Call 775-358-8913
The dental care is part of a nonprofit. The goal is to provide affordable or free, yet high quality care, for uninsured and insured populations as well as the elderly or low-income. Exams, fluoride, lab work, dentures and other services are offered.

Miles for Smiles Mobile Dental at Nevada Health Centers, Inc.
2212 S Eastern Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104. Telephone - 702 220-9908
This non-profit center focuses on children, teenagers, and students, but others may receive free dental care as well. Check ups, fluoride, referrals, and much more is available.

Nevada Rural Health Centers, Inc.
Location is 3325 Research Way, Carson City, Nevada 89706. Call (800) 787-2568
The free/sliding fee dental care is part of the Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) government program. The non-profit provides low cost and/or sliding fee services to low income, unemployed, and others who need help.

Nevada Health Centers, Inc.
762 14th St, Elko, Nevada 89801. Dial (775) 738-1553
Using federal government grants as part of the Federally Qualified Health Center, they offer support. No one is turned away and free dental care, cleanings, X-rays, lab work, and other medical services are given. Similar to the center referenced above, in that priority is for children, infants, and the youth of Nevada.

Eastern Family Medical And Dental Center
Las Vegas, NV 89104-4124
Dental and Health Care Clinic. Preventative services, check ups, cleanings, x-rays, and other free or low cost dental services are available from staff and volunteers.

Hawc Health Access Washoe County Community Health and Dental Center
The address is 6490 S McCarran Blvd, Reno, NV 89509. Call (775) 825-6702
This center can offer qualified low income, unemployed, working poor, and uninsured with low cost or free medical and/or dental care.

Elko Family Medical & Dental Center
Location is 762 14th St, Elko, Nevada 89801. Call 775-738-5850
Community Dental Clinic is on site for the low income as well as uninsured. A federally qualified center that will try no to turn individuals away.





Beatty Medical Clinic
702 Irving St.
Beatty NV 89003
Dial 775-553-2208
A sliding fee scale is in place for low income, poor, and uninsured. Tooth extractions, cleanings, and more is offered. A major focus is on ensuring children, the elderly, and veterans or disabled get free or low cost dental check-ups. Patients can pay using Medicaid or other government insurance.

Eastern Family Dental Center
Center address - 2212 S Eastern Ave, Las Vegas NV 89104. Phone number - 702-735-9334
Dental services are provided to patients in Las Vegas. Some care may be free, and some services are offered at a low cost. Cleanings, extraction, and referrals can be provided from the clinic. Medicaid, CHIP insurance or patients with no insurance can get help too.

Additional free dental clinics in Nevada that may be near you

There are other free clinics in Nevada. These will be in addition to the list above. Anyone in need of free or affordable dental care from a clinic can dial 702.984.9419 for information. Learn about cleaning programs, fluoride treatment, where to get emergency root canals from or oral surgery, and much more. There is also assistance for the uninsured as well as immigrants.


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