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Rental assistance in Missouri.

Charities and government organizations in Missouri administer rental and housing assistance programs for the low-income, elderly, disabled, and those facing some form of short term difficulty. Each of the programs has various criteria that need to be met by applicants, with a focus on helping tenants facing eviction. Get information the programs that help with rent in Missouri, including in your community, below.

There are statewide and local resources that give rent relief to low-income families. Qualified applications will get emergency rental assistance as well as long term support in some cases. In addition, some non-profits or government agencies will help with paying security deposits or coordinate free legal aid to tenants. This is in addition to any funds to pay back rent or first months rent expense.

Help with rent payments in MO from charities or the government

Community Action Agency grant programs help pay past due rent to people close to eviction. Low-income tenants in Missouri may be able to qualify for short term rent assistance, money to move into a new apartment and/or utility bill assistance. The resources may be able to provide low to moderate income persons with various forms of financial support, including for rental costs. More on financial help from Missouri community action.

Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, which is the local version of the federal government HUD funded income based rent assistance program. Families, including the low-income, single mom or dad run homes, veterans or others will get a monthly voucher to help them with their housing costs. This tends to focus on very low income families and those on the verge of poverty. The Public Housing Authorities in Missouri will pay a portion of the tenants’s rent through vouchers and certificates.  Find Missouri section 8 housing choice vouchers.

Supportive Housing For The Elderly, also known as Section 202 from DHSS. This provides emergency rental subsidies, low-income apartments and other assistance for low income seniors, including those with a low income from social security. Their spouses will also be eligible. In addition to government rent relief and low income housing, some of the other forms of housing support activities. This include cleaning, yard work, or even cooking. Locate how to get low-income senior citizen housing.




Rent assistance from eviction prevention in Missouri is a statewide service. ESG grants are another emergency rental assistance program for the low income who are either homeless or close to eviction. While the money comes from the government, applications are taken by local charities and churches.

  • In order to meet the HUD definition of homelessness in the state of Missouri, an applicant to homeless prevention - rent help must be sleeping in a place not meant for human habitation. Or they need to be currently living in a shelter or transitional housing facility for homeless persons. Rent assistance to pay for low income housing as well as apartments can also be offered for people who lived in an institution (such as an in-patient treatment facility) for less than 30 days. Find emergency help for families facing eviction in MO.

Supportive Housing in Missouri For Persons With Disabilities (Section 811) is another government run service. This is a rent subsidy program for low income individuals over the age of 18 that have some form of physical or mental disability. Services can help them live independently and also access various support services. Continue with disability benefits for adults in Missouri.

Free legal services in MO help struggling tenants. There are lawyers, attorneys, and paralegals that give free legal aid to low-come families. There is eviction defense, help in applying for and completing applications to rent assistance programs, landlord-tenant mediation services and more. More on Missouri free lawyers.

Temporary assistance (TA) is a joint federal / state of Missouri benefit program that can help very low-income families with kids (or single parents) pay their bills, including rent. While the application process can take weeks (so this is not for an emergency), the free government money is an effective mid to long term way to get funds to help with rental payments. More on Missouri TA benefits.

Local Missouri rent assistance programs

Each city and county in Missouri has their own local emergency rental assistance programs. The assistance will range from financial help to free lawyers, housing vouchers for an apartment, grant money, or moving assistance as well. Select a county/city in Missouri for more details on rent payment help. These organizations focus their services on the low-income who need immediate or long-term help.

Jefferson County

Kansas City and nearby counties

Platte County

Springfield and Columbia County MO

St. Charles County

St. Louis City and County

Other financial resources in MI to help pay rent

In addition to the state and local programs above, struggling individuals can get support from other places. Housing and Urban Development in Missouri has information on federal rent assistance programs that may be an option (call (800) 955-2232). They also can provide referrals too.


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