Financial assistance from Pacific Power in Washington.
Pacific Power provides low income customers with either direct financial assistance or support from state of Washington as well as federal government resources. The utility company can refer individuals to free government grant government programs like LIHEAP and weatherization, help people sign up for payment plans, and also offer information on non-profits such as Project HELP. Learn how to get help with Pacific Power utility and lights bills.
The goal is to help low-income families, seniors and the disabled (among others) keep theirt utility service on on reconnect it. Customers of Pacific Power have many services and resources available to them for paying their energy bills.
Non-profit partners of Pacific Power
The energy company works closely with the following organizations. Many offer financial aid to customers of Pacific Power.
Project HELP can assist people faced with a disconnection. In particular families with children and the elderly can receive support. The program works off of donations, so please contribute if you can.
The Project HELP program is administered by a nonprofit organization that focuses on providing utility bill assistance with donated funds. Pacific Power customers and other families in Washington can apply. Call an agency listed below to find out the program terms and to get more details on their services.
- Walla Walla families should call the Salvation Army at (509) 529-9470 for details on Project HELP.
- Project HELP in Yakima is also run by the local Salvation Army corps center. Call (509) 453-3139
- Families in Sunnyside/Toppenish need to dial the Northwest Community Action Center at (509) 865-4151.
As indicated, it is funded by donations. To contribute call 1-888-221-7070 in order to request an energy assistance donation envelope. All contributions go directly to helping the people in your immediate area. So it will have the difference in the life of someone that is less fortunate. All donations go to the local non-profit organization in your area.
Various community action agencies can also be called in the region. They can provide support, case management, and advice when it comes to paying outstanding energy bills. See the information below on the agency near you.
State of Washington and Federal Energy Assistance
The two main options are Weatherization and the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). They are funded by the government through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
LIHEAP is a utility assistance program designed to help Pacific Power low income households with paying their home energy costs and monthly bills. This resource is administrated by the Washington Department of Commerce through local community action agencies referenced below.
Weatherization program is also offered for the low-income in the region. Local non-profit agencies partner with Pacific Power to provide free weatherization and energy conservation services to income-qualifying renters and homeowners living in apartments, single-family homes, or mobile homes.
The exact amount and type of weatherization offered is based on the home's needs and condition. An extensive and wide variety of energy conservation measures can be installed in the home or apartment, including compact fluorescent light bulbs, insulation, and energy-efficient showerheads. All of these free measures and improvements are designed to lower your electric bills by hundreds of dollars per year, while keeping your home safe and comfortable.
To apply for weatherization and/or LIHEAP, call the community agency in your area.
- Blue Mountain Action Council for Pacific Power customers in Columbia, Garfield, and Walla Walla Counties. Phone (509) 529-4980
- Yakima County is served by Northwest Community Action Center (509) 865-7630 and Opportunities Industrialization Center of Washington, dial (509) 452-7145.
- Learn more, and apply for WA community action programs.
Direct Pacific Power energy bill discounts
During the winter, Pacific Power offers customers a discount. It is offered from November to April. The discount program is administered through the LIHEAP agencies indicated above, so call them to learn more. This can be offered at the same time as LIHEAP or weatherization.
The discount program is really a three-tiered bill discount, and the amount is based on the households income. A clients monthly billings may be able to include a discount on each kWh of usage over 600 kWh.
Apply for assistance in Washington from Pacific Power
The main customer service number is 1-888-221-7070. Customers can learn about the programs above as well as other grants to help with electric bills or energy conservation services.
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