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Tampa Electric assistance programs.

Tampa Electric provides customers information on and access to a number of utility bill assistance programs. There are payment plans, direct financial help to pay electric bills from project Share, emergency assistance and more. Tampa Electric customers can also get LIHEAP grants or apply to the free weatherization program from the government. Get information below on the primary services available.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is the main federal government created and funded energy assistance program. It may be able to assist low income households who use Tampa Electric in paying for their immediate home energy needs and utility bills. Most of the aid is for people who spend a large percentage of their income on their monthly energy costs.

The state of Florida created the Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program, or EHEAP. This was mainly done as so many senior citizens and elderly live in Florida. EHEAP can assist low-income households, who have at least one member who is age 60 and older. This is a crisis component, so when they are faced with a disconnection or faced with extreme summer heat, then money can pay cooling and utility bills. When Tampa Electric customers are faced with a disconnection, that is when this is a very effective resource. It may even provide fans or air conditioners.

The Emergency Food and Shelter Program was created by FEMA from laws that were originated by Congress. It can help meet the needs of people faced with eviction or homelessness due to a utility disconnection. The currently homeless may also benefit. The program can allocate federal government funds for the provision of food and shelter, which may even include paying electric or energy bills. Call your local community action agency or social service office in Florida to learn more or apply. Find listing of agencies.

The Tampa Electric SHARE program can help low income customers in need pay their energy-related bills. It is funded by donations and contributions from the community. For example, Tampa Electric customers or local businesses can decide to make a voluntary, tax deductible contribution also with their monthly electric bill payment. All donated funds go to help the less fortunate in the community. The program is administered by the Salvation Army across Tampa Bay and Hillsborough County.

Customers can decide to request an online form, or call customer service, to make a monthly SHARE donation that will be included with your residential electric bill or on your business account. If you chose to make a one-time contribution, whether over the phone or online, you just need to enclose a money order or check for any amount payable to Salvation Army Share, c/o Tampa Electric, PO Box 111, Tampa Florida 33601




Donations and contributions are also collected by Tampa Electric and forwarded to the Salvation Army to help eligible clients in the region. To get more information or to determine if you qualify to receive assistance as a SHARE recipient, call (813) 226-0055 or stop by your local Salvation Army center.

The Neighborhood Weatherization program is another service from Tampa Electric. It may be able to help qualified lower income customers manage their electricity costs and help them save money by making their home or residence more energy efficient. The program is made possible through federal government funding as well as a key partnership with Tampa Hillsborough Action Plan (THAP). This non-profit agency distributes Tampa Electric - provided energy-saving kits at no cost across Hillsborough County and surrounding regions.

The free weatherization kit includes the following items. Coil Refrigerator Brush for saving money on this appliance. Up to eight energy-efficient and long lasting compact fluorescent light bulbs are included. A programmable thermometer is also in the kit.

Other weatherization measures offered by THAP include the installation of weather-stripping for windows and doors, as well as low-flow showerheads and aerators. Wall, attic and floor insulation can be installed too.

To qualify for free weatherization from Tampa Electric, your total household income may not be more than 200 percent above the federal government poverty level. Preference is given to families with young children as well as the elderly, which are defined as 60 years-plus.

Information on Tampa Electric Programs

The customer support team can go over these and other options. To look into assistance, payment options for utility bills and more call (888) 223-0800.


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