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Weatherization assistance program.

Energy conservation and free weatherization programs are available in the states listed below. The agencies help low income families, seniors, disabled people and the poor. Find how to apply for free insulation, light bulbs, windows and energy conservation services from weatherization near you. The programs can also pay for heating system tune ups, caulking, fixing drafty doors, HVAC or furnace maintenance and more.

The free government service may offered by a local community action agency, human service organization, or department of social service office. The weatherization program is offered for free to low-income homeowners and those living in poverty. Priority is given to seniors, the disabled, people who live in older homes, and the low income. In some cases a renter can also apply for free weatherization or energy conservation services.

The service was created to help households save money on their energy, utility, and/or heating bills. On average, weatherization will reduce heating bills by almost 35% and the program will lower overall energy bills by about $400 per year. As the free government weatherization program can pay for window repairs or replacement, insulation, AC or furnace tune ups, fixing a roof and more. Savings amount will vary widely though.

Weatherization has helped helped reduce the utility bills of millions of lower -income families and other families who are struggling. The savings also continue year after year as the home will be permanently enhanced. Many of the beneficiaries are senior citizens, households with children, or the disabled who often need help with paying their monthly energy bills. The program does not provide cash grants or direct aid. Rather, weatherization reduces the homeowners dependency on heat and electrical usage.

What types of improvements are included from weatherization

Funds received from weatherization assistance can be used to pay for a variety of energy saving updates to the clients home. For example, government grants could be used to pay for improvements such as the installation of additional attic or floor insulation, furnace repairs, space heaters, door and window seals, thresholds, or weather-stripping. There may also be free HVAC tune ups (inspections), glazing, new hot water heaters, air conditioners, and more. There may also be free energy savings light bulbs given to low income households, including CFL bulbs.




In some cases, minor home repairs can be done, provided they somehow impact energy efficiency. No matter the type of improvement that is made to the clients home as the result of weatherization, at the end of the day the upgrades will save the client money on their heating as well as utility bills.

It has been proven that weatherization as well as the federally funded LHEAP assistance programs work. The resource also has the additional benefit of reducing our nations energy dependency on foreign oil, stimulates growth of families as they now have cash to pay other bills, and it also improves the environment. More on LIHEAP.

Free health and safety energy conservation improvements

Through the weatherization assistance program, contractors install energy efficiency measures in the homes of qualified lower income homeowners free of charge. Not only will this work help the client save money on their utility and heating bills, but it also makes the property both safer and more comfortable to live in. No matter what work is done, the various improvements and upgrades installed are free to homeowners.

Some of the improvements can be extensive, and can include all new windows or insulation of a home, attic, and more - all for free. For example, the average expenditure limit is $6,500 per home. If the residence is older and requires more updates, then even more money may be spent on the property. While the exact amount of energy bill savings experienced will vary, in general a homeowner can save about $300 to $400 per year on their annual heating, cooling and utility bills.

Many of the state weatherization programs can also repair or replace your furnace or primary heating unit. Or they tune up an HVAC unit. The contractor will make sure the system you use is safe and is also in good working order. They may even repair a water heater or other major appliances.

So a variety of health and safety issues are addressed as part of the this federal government created energy conservation program. Some of the work performed on your furnace may include repair, retrofit, cleaning and tuning of it, and also sometimes replacement of the entire furnace or heating unit is done. If there are still funds available in the weatherization budget, then this work is also done for free.




How to apply for weatherization near you

Most weatherization programs are administered by your state government (see a list below) in partnership with other non-profit organizations. A local community action agency will often have free applications on site, or they can refer the family as to where to apply. Social or Human service offices, or even a local utility company, are also a great place to learn more or get an application.

If you want to learn more about the weatherization program, the income criteria in a certain county, or how to apply for the free weatherization assistance program in your area, contact a Community Action Agency near you. Or, depending on your state, some local social or human service offices may process applications. Find details below.

Grant money to pay for the home improvements comes from the US Department of Energy, and then your state government provides the funding to your local community action agency. Many utility companies also participate, as they may provide customers energy assessments to their customers. Or they giveaway free energy efficiency light bulbs, provide rebates or financial assistance to pay for Energy Star Appliances, and help by giving homeowners insulation as well as other resources.

As noted, other places to contact for information include any other Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provider in your county or town. The free grants may also help low-income families weatherize their home. A priority is always for families living in or near poverty, the elderly, or disabled. While there is often a waiting list, there are no costs to apply for weatherization.































New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island




South Carolina

South Dakota







Washington DC

West Virginia



If your state is not listed above, additional weatherization agencies to apply at can be found. Click here to find another list of local state financial aid programs, charities, community action agencies, government organizations, and other non-profit agencies. Or families in need of free help conservation energy can read more on the US Office of Energy Efficiency here.


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