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HEAP energy help and weatherization New York

Get help paying heating or utility bills in New York State from HEAP, or the Home Energy Assistance Program. Government grant money will help seniors, the disabled, and low-income families pay their power and energy costs. It can be combined with weatherization, which will hlp low income families save money. Find help from HEAP and weatherization in NYS.

The energy assistance programs is New York’s version of LIHEAP. The two federal government funded programs provide grant money each year to qualified low-income families or individuals who apply. There is also emergency HEAP, funds to pay a deposit to reconnect service and other support along with free home repairs from weatherization, such as new windows, HVAC or furnace and more. Find details on HEAP requirements and application phone numbers below.

Grant money from New York Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

The HEAP program has a few main components, with applications needing to be submitted each year. A priority is to help senior citizens over the age of 60, the medically ill, parents with young kids (including single moms) or disabled people pay their utility bills, especially winter heating costs.

  • A crisis component from HEAP in NY can expedite funds when someone is faced with a disconnection of their utilities or if they run out of fuel. In general, the funds are provided with a few business days of applying/approval. Emergency grants from HEAP can help low-income and working poor New York families who are facing a crisis or emergency that is not of their doing and who have no other resources available to them.
  • The so called regular component will help pay your standard monthly heating and energy bills. in some cases the HEAP energy assistance program will pay for air conditioning or summer electric bills.

No matter what your energy source is, whether natural gas, electricity, propane, wood, oil, coal, or kerosene, the resource can help if you meet eligibility standards. The Home Energy Assistance Program can also assist with the replacement or repair of existing heating equipment and furnaces if your system is inoperable.




Monthly heating bills can be paid as well. The government program will only supplement your payments, and will not pay the entire bill. This component will help qualified low-income individuals, with a focus on families with children and the elderly. Most of the aid goes to people who pay a large percentage of their income towards heating their homes. Or there are even other resources, even such as free firewood programs.

Another key benefit from HEAP money is for the repair or replacement of your furnace or heating system. Grants will only pay for the primary heating source of your home, and this resource is very limited. So if your furnace breaks down in the middle of winter, and if you meet the conditions of the program, this is an example of when the Home Energy Assistance Program may be able to help.

The application period will usually start in November. The exact amount paid out to clients will vary. Some of the key factors include the applicants household size, income, the type of heating source, and whether the homeowners has a senior or young child living with them. Funds will be paid directly to the utility company that provides you with your service, and no money is sent to the applicant.

While qualifications for HEAP will change every year, in general they include you need to have a limited income, people who receive SNAP food stamps will qualify, or if you receive Supplemental Security Income or Temporary Assistance from New York then you will automatically qualify for heating bill assistance.

HEAP also helps during the summer, with seniors and the disabled (and in some cases very low-income) able to get a free air conditioner. Or a window fan to help cool a room or their home. This program is more limited than others, with the number of units given out limited. Look here for a free conditioner in New York State.

Information on Weatherization services in New York

The U.S. Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services works with New York to fund the weatherization program. This is the state’s largest and most extensive energy conservation program. Free home modifications from weatherization, focused on energy conservation, benefits thousands of homeowners and renters. The program is free to income qualified families, again with priority for senior citizens and disabled people in NYS.

The Weatherization Program helps reduce the heating bills and energy costs of clients. Another side benefit is that it will improve the safety of someone’s homes through energy efficiency measures. While the exact amount of savings will vary, most households who receive assistance from this program will experience annual energy cost savings in excess of 20%, which can be the equivalent to hundreds of dollars. There are multiple steps to weatherization in New York.




  • First, an energy audit of the applicants your home is conducted to identify your exact needs.
  • Some examples of the energy efficiency and conservation measures performed through the program include heating system improvements, air sealing (weatherstripping, caulking), adding wall and ceiling insulation, efficiency improvements in lighting, CFL bulbs, hot water tank and pipe insulation. There is also or free window and/or door replacement in NEw York.
  • As funding allows, some families may even qualify for refrigerator or freezer replacements with highly efficient Energy Star rated units. Look here for free government appliances for seniors.
  • After the work is completed, your home or apartment will be inspected to ensure the quality of work.

No matter where you live, all cities, villages, counties, and towns are served and can benefit from free home weatherization in New York. The work can be done by community-based non-profit organizations, social service offices, community action agencies, local charities, or other units of government. In order to apply or get more information, contact the community action agency in your town or county.

Applying for HEAP grants or free home weatherization

To apply for this grant (state’s version of LIHEAP), call your local community action agency, department of social services office, or the number below. Or to learn more on weatherization or HEAP, or to apply, call 1-800-342-3009. Or try a local community action agency, which can also provide government grants for paying utility bills from HEAP or other resources.


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