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How to save money on electric bill.

Learn how you to save money on an electric bill as well as other utility expenses. Many of the steps you can take are free to do, can be done easily and quickly, and do not cost a thing. It is possible to save money on electric bills year round round, including during the summer and winter months. Homeowners and people in an apartment can also reduce their expenses. Find ways to save money on utility bills, electric, heating, water and more below.

There are free government, energy conservation programs for low-income families as well as many DIY things to do. Some of the steps to take to save money on electric will not cost you any money to implement. There are other things you can do to save money that may require a small, up front cost, such as installing a programmable thermostat to save money on heating bills.

People with no money can also cut back on electricity costs. As noted, there are even some government programs for the low income, elderly or disabled, including weatherization, which can help families save money on electric and other utility costs, such as heating bills. So each recommendation will be a little different.

Tips to save money on utilities

Cable is another monthly utility expense that is somewhat controllable. The cost of service goes up each and every year, usually faster than a families income or the rate of inflation. Some of the steps to take to save money including cutting the cord, negotiating payment reductions, and more. Find various ways to save money on cable cost.

Programmable thermostats can be used to heat a home more efficiently. There is a small up front cost (they can often be bought for $30 to $100 depending on sophistication), but the amount of money they can help you save on heating bills can total hundreds of dollars over the years. They may be the most effective way to save money on electric bills during the winter. Find more information on programmable thermostats.

Triple pane windows can be used to help save money on electric bills, including winter heating as well as summer colling costs. They do cost a little more money up front, but the annual savings equate to about 2 to 4%. Learn what the windows are, how to rate them, as well as the pros and cons of them. Read more and find out if Triple pane windows are worth the cost.




It is also possible to save money on summer air conditioning costs, whether the electricity to run an AC unit or save money with any maintenance costs of the air conditioner. There is everything from regular tune ups, changes to HVAC filter, temperate controls /(including programmable thermostats) and other tips. Find how to save money on air conditioner expenses.

Water bills are increasing at a faster rate than electricity or heating costs in many parts of the country. There are a number of things to do to conserve water and in effect save money. No more efficient appliances such as toilets or thankless heaters are being created per the WaterSense program; there are free audits from many providers; and even using aerators or lower flow attachments can all help. Learn more on how to save on water bills.

We also have a list of over 25 general energy bill saving tips. These are small things that you and your family can do, such as adjusting shades based on the season, adjusting water heater temperature, putting a computer to sleep mode, and many others. Find top energy saving tips.

Save money on electric bills from utility company or government programs

Free home energy assessments and audits are available from most utility companies. The electric, gas, water or power company works with customers to help them save energy and money. It obviously benefits the homeowner/customer, but the utility company also benefits by alleviating pressure on the grid. Most companies also provide free kits of LED lights bulbs, programmable thermostats and more as part of the process. More on free home energy audits.

Free government assistance can be used for saving money on various energy bills. Weatherization is the primary one. It can help the low income, families living in poverty, seniors, the elderly, and others. Learn more on Weatherization for low-income families.

How to save money on electric billThere are government phone bill saving programs, mobile phone applications, discount plans, and other resources for saving money on phone bills, both “landline” and cellular. Find a list of tips for saving money on phone bills. There are a number of resources specifically for mobile devices, whether cell phones or even tablets. These allow either free calls or provide significant savings, and find more details on saving money on cell phone bills.

The federal government, partnering with states and the major phone companies, even offer benefits such as Lifeline for saving money, free phones for the elderly or low income households, and more. This can help low income families and find other telephone assistance programs.

Union Members Discounted Heating Oil is available. If you are the member of a labor union, Union Plus offers a free discount program for buying heating oil, which will save families money It can also help provide natural gas or propane. Through the program provider, HEAT USA, the Union Plus Home Heating Oil Discount provides a discounted rate or free service contract.


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