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Rocky Mountain Power assistance programs.

Struggling and low income families in Utah who obtain their energy service from Rocky Mountain Power can apply for a number of resources that can help them with their bills. Programs include onetime payment plans, emergency utility assistance, and other services.

State of Utah and federal government energy assistance

The primary program administered is known as the Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT) Program. This program is funded by the federal government through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, however the Utah Department of Community and Culture and local community action agencies administer it. HEAT is an assistance program that was designed to help low-income households, in particular seniors, the disabled and families with children, with paying their home energy costs.

Many families who qualify for HEAT can also receive support from Home Electric Lifeline Program (HELP), which can provide a credit on a household’s Rocky Mountain Power bills. Be sure to reference these credits when you apply at your local community action agency.

While you can apply locally, what will happen is that all HELP applications and any requests for government aid will be processed by the Salt Lake Community Action Program. The team that reviews the applications is based in Salt Lake County Utah. This will occur regardless of where you live in the state.

If the federal and state of Utah government HEAT program is closed in the area where you live, customers can still call Rocky Mountain directly to request an application. You should do this as households can still apply and qualify for HELP if they are not on HEAT, provided they meet income guidelines. As noted, all HELP applications are processed by Salt Lake Community Action Program. They will review the household income, determine their assets, and what the challenge is. Any grants will be issued out of Salt Lake regardless of what town, city, or county you live in the State of Utah.  To learn more, or for intake, call 801-961-7286 or 1-800-948-7540.





The Utah Weatherization Program is also offered to low income families. The Utah Department of Community and Culture also runs this program, and it is offered for free to income qualified families and individuals. This is the company’s main program for helping with energy conservation.

Lend A Hand Rocky Mountain Power program

Lend A Hand is provided to Rocky Mountain Power customers, and it is paid for by donations from local families, businesses, and charities. The organization that oversees this program is a non-profit agency, and all contributions go directly to paying the bills of the needy. The donations will not go to paying salaries or administrative costs.

As with almost all utility bill assistance programs, households in the service territory that have senior and/or disabled family members are given priority. If they are faced with a loss of heat then they are given priority for this emergency financial assistance program. The American Red Cross centers throughout Utah run this program, and they do their best to ensure donated funds go to the people who need the most help. To apply or learn more, dial 1-800-328-9272 or (801) 323-7000 to request energy assistance.

Most of the funds from the non-profit organization Lend A Hand will help families and seniors in need pay their winter heating bills, with some money for more year round help. In addition, all donations from customers and others will be matched dollar-for dollar by Rocky Mountain Power, so this will greatly expand the scope of the program.

Payment plans and programs

In addition to all of the resources listed above, other payment plans are administered. Call the utility company at 1-888-221-7070 in order to receive assistance for your heating, cooling, and utility bills and expenses. While not every customer will be able to qualify, customer service representatives from Rocky Mountain Power will review your account and financial condition, and they will explore all options available.




By Jon McNamara

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