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Georgia Natural Gas assistance programs.

Georgia Natural Gas provides qualified, low income families, seniors and people in need with assistance for their bills. GNG has payment plans, information on free government grants to help pay utility or gas bills, free energy conservation measures and even the HEAT program. The goal is to help people keep their gas and electric on and stop or delay a disconnection. Find help from Georgia Natural Gas.

The company also has information on local non-profit organizations and government programs that low-income families, seniors or the disabled can apply to for help. The team at GNG will also explore payment plans and utility bill forgiveness programs. The customer service phone number is below.

Free discounts with GNG bills

The company can provide senior citizens and the elderly with a discount on their gas bills. Individuals that are 65 years of age or older and that have a very low income can apply for a reduced rate. Households with an older family member may qualify for a discount on the per-therm price of their so called residential Variable Select price plan. There is also discount plans with Georgia Natural Gas bills for disabled adults.

For those found to be eligible, the company will lower your monthly base charge on your monthly electric or gas bill by up to $14.00. They will also discount the total price you pay on the Variable Select plan by up to several cents per therm. Over the course of the year these benefits can help seniors save a few dollars per month or so on their bills.

The Georgia Natural Gas Budget Billing Plan can help people plan their annual expenses and budget properly. This can provide customers of all income levels an easy and effective way to make their monthly payments for gas service more uniform throughout the course of the entire year. Under the GNG Budget Billing Plan, the company will enroll you into and help you establish a monthly budget payment based on a customer's estimated cost of their utilities and gas service over the previous 12 billing cycles.




The reasons to enter into this type of plan are many. During the colder winter months, when a customer’s gas bills are typically higher, those households that are enrolled on the plan usually pay less than their actual gas charges, which will result in a debit on their account. Then, during the hot and humid summer months in Georgia, when someone’s gas bills are typically lower, those customers on the Budget plan usually pay more than their actual natural gas charges, resulting in a credit on their account.

A true up can occur periodically, and the monthly amount can be reset as well. So Georgia Natural Gas will use the difference between the actual charges and usage as well as the total budgeted amount the customer has paid. This will be used in order to set a new monthly payment for the next budget period.

Georgia Natural Gas hardship grants and financial help

Financial assistance for utility, electric and energy bills is available from programs such as Georgia LIHEAP and H.E.A.T. Occasionally seniors and the low income may need help to pay their energy bills or assistance in averting a disconnection. There are also crisis grants for GNB electric bills available today from the crisis LIHEAP program, and customer service will help or refer people to application sites.

Georgia Natural Gas supports the Heating Energy Assistance Team (H.E.A.T.), which is a non-profit organization that distributes grants and energy assistance funds to qualified elderly, disabled and low-income residents throughout Georgia.  Funds from H.E.A.T. (dial 678-406-0212) assist households experiencing a potential loss of energy service or households that are in need of getting service restored.

In addition, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP, which is administered by the Georgia Department of Human Resources (call 1-800-869-1150) is the primary federal government financial assistance program.  Funds help with heating bills and summer cooling costs. LIHEAP is often combined with free weatherization services to help people save money from home repairs and improvements.

  • Look into either HEAT or the LIHEAP program for paying Georgia Natural Gas bills at any time, and apply when the opportunity arises. There are also local GA community action agencies which can help with applications to LIHEAP, and locate Georgia community action grant programs.





Other places to call, that GNG can refer people to include the following. Both emergency and long term financial help is offered. They include:

  • Project Share of the Salvation Army (telephone 770-441-6200)
  • St. Vincent DePaul Society (770-458-9607)
  • The Atlanta Regional Commission
  • Aging Services (404-463-3333)
  • Midtown Assistance Center (call 404-681-5777)
  • Resource Service Ministries (phone 404-352-5440)
  • Or try Senior Connections (770-455-7602)

How to get financial aid or payment plans from Georgia Natural Gas

Other payment arrangements and relief programs are offered to by GNG.  If you are falling behind on your gas bills, or are faced with a disconnection, call Georgia Natural Gas at 1-877-850-6200 to explore your options.


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