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Idaho Power assistance programs.

Whether you need financial assistance or help conserving energy, Idaho Power may have resources for you. Programs focus on low income customers, senior citizens, families with children, and the disabled. There are many options available. Idaho Power can offer Project Share, Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP), payment plans, weatherization, and more, and resources are offered for both the state of Oregon and Idaho.

The Salvation Army, Idaho Power, and donations from the community are used for the Project Share Program, and it provides the means for people to help a neighbor with their energy costs.

This emergency and donation program is an extremely valuable community service that provides voluntary contributions and donations to individuals and families in Idaho who need help paying their utility or heating bills. Money can be used for a variety of energy sources, including propane, electricity, natural gas, wood, heating oil, and coal. Sometimes funds can be used to pay for furnace repairs as well.

In addition to donations from the community, Idaho Power employees and share owners will also donate or match contributions. Most years thousands of qualified families receive financial support from Project Share, and it helps many people keep their power on, especially during the cold winter months. Call 1-800-488-6151 to speak to your local Salvation Army center. Locations are available in Oregon too.

Free weatherization improvements can be made available to Idaho Power customers. Services are available to electrically heated homes of low income-qualified customers and homeowners. Some of these various energy efficiency and conservation measures reduce energy consumption and improve comfort.

There are two primary residential weatherization programs made available to customers in both Idaho and Oregon. These are for people who heat their homes with electricity. The goal of this conservation measures is to help families reducing their usage and therefore save money.

They include the Weatherization Assistance Program as well as one known as the Solutions Program. Both have different income restrictions and terms, and individuals may qualify for one or the other.




Some of the benefits that are available from one or the other include improvements like insulation, sealing air leaks, weather stripping, and more. The upgrades make an apartment, residence or manufactured home more energy efficient and comfortable. These various energy conservation measures help reduce energy costs and heating bills for income-eligible customers by increasing the efficiency of their home while improving safety and health measures. These weatherization improvements are available for free to qualified people, regardless of whether they own or rent a home.

Cash grants from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance, or LIHEAP, are available. This federal government grant program can help people in a crisis. Or it can provide funds for paying regular monthly Idaho Power bills. A one-time cash benefit (per program year) can assist with paying heating costs and bills in the winter. The program funding does vary, and the amount made available will depend on the applicant’s income and number of family members. The federal government also needs to funds this resource annually.

The Idaho Power Winter Payment Plan provides customers lower monthly payments on their heating bills from November through March. When someone is successfully enrolled under the Winter Payment Plan a customer’s payments are equal to half of the participant's monthly Budget Pay amount. Idaho customers in the region, including in Oregon, who declare and can prove that they are unable to pay their heating bill in full and whose household includes elderly, children or infirm persons are qualified.

If a customer follows the program terms, and by making the required payments on their bills each month, their utility service will not be disconnected by Idaho Power during that five-month winter period.

Note that the bill will still need to be eventually paid. On April 1 of each year, the customer will be asked to pay the balance due on their account. Or they may be able to make a new payment arrangement in order to ensure continuous service, but this is not a program that waives the expense. Telephone for Idaho Power is 1-800-488-6151.





Another type of payment plan is Budget Pay. This will help people keep the amount of their electricity bills manageable all year long. The program is available to all residential customers with no past-due amounts owed or current account balance. Dial 1-800-488-6151 to enroll.

Apply to Idaho Power payment plans and assistance programs

People who enroll with Budget Pay will have their electricity charges/heating bills spread out evenly over a 12-month period, and it will be an average. A true up will occur once per year. This plan helps keep expenses manageable so people do not receive spikes during the cold Idaho winter months. The main phone number is 1-800-488-6151/

By Jon McNamara

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