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Low income assistance programs.

Find where to apply to for low income assistance programs. Locate housing, Internet programs, utility bill assistance, healthcare, programs for seniors or people with no money and other benefits. State and federal government organizations, charities, and churches help low-income families as well as single people. Emergency assistance is provided as well as long term care. Find details on low income assistance programs below as well as benefits for people with no money.

The resources cover a wide variety of needs. Low income families and the working poor can get assistance from some or all of the following.

  1. Housing, including access to low-income apartments with no waiting list, rent help, senior housing, mortgage assistance or money to move.
  2. Free cars and/or auto repairs if transportation is needed for work or school.
  3. Legal aid including assistance from free lawyers or attorneys that help low-income families as well as poor people.
  4. Energy as well as utility bill assistance including LIHEAP grants.
  5. Programs for low income homeowners, including property tax relief, low-cost loans for buying a home and other resources.
  6. Social services ranging from free phones to Internet access, government benefits for single people with no money, health care, cash assistance for a single person, food and more.




Housing programs for low-income families or single people

Affordable, low cost housing with no waiting list may be available near you. Several charities, such as Mercy Housing, VOA and others, offer apartments, homes, and other properties for rent. There are also some government housing units from PHA. Low income seniors, the elderly, and disabled often get priority. Read more on low income emergency housing with no wait list.

  • Senior citizens will get housing. Seniors, the elderly, and people over the age of 55 that have a low income can apply for affordable and/or income subsidized housing. Apartments, townhomes, community living and other options are available. Most come with supportive components to address medical or transportation needs. Continue with low income housing and homes for seniors.

Assistance programs for tenants and homeowners. The are government supported and charity programs that focus on addressing housing needs of low income families or people living in poverty. They operate in local communities and provide support to those who need it. Both renters and homeowners can apply for housing assistance.

Emergency low income housing programs: While not as common and widely available as other programs help, several churches, government agencies, and non-profits do focus on expediting the process to get a low-income household into an immediate home. Some resources focus on getting fast housing for homeless or low-income tenants that need to move. Other programs may help elderly or disabled people. Find how to get low income housing fast.

Foreclosure prevention and mortgage relief for low-income families. Hundreds of non-profit organizations across the country are certified by the federal government Housing and Urban Development agency (HUD) to provide free or low cost help to low-income families. States also offer support. Mortgage assistance programs will low to moderate income people stop a foreclosure or get back on track with paying their home loans. Find how to get mortgage help for low income homeowners.

Help for homeless people and the very poor. A number of charities focus on the homeless, whether a family or single adult person. Most people have a low-income and just can’t afford a place to live and charity organizations as well as churches try to assist. Locate emergency assistance for homeless.




Free home repairs are available. Grants and low interest loans exist to help pay for home repairs and improvements. State and federal funds typically are available to people with a low-income or no money, but a local community action agency is usually the place to apply to for help. Or they can redirect clients to other organizations for information on how to apply for grant money to fix a house. Learn more on home repairs.

Low income apartments and free housing, including for people with no money, are available. Most of these units are for extreme hardships, such as women facing or fleeing domestic violence, veterans, the elderly who are unsafe and others. Free or low-income apartments are offered by HUD, national churches including Mercy Housing, VOA as well as other organizations. Find low income or free housing near you.

Rural America low-cost housing is available. Rental payment help for low income rural families is provided by the USDA. The US Department of Agriculture gives rent help to low income rural families. This will be a subsidy, and the assistance is available from the Rural Development program. They also provide the disabled, elderly, and others with housing assistance. Find how to get rent help from the USDA.Low income family assistance programs

Section 8 Housing for families in poverty: This rent and housing assistance program was created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help low income renters with paying housing expenses. Applicants are low income families, households on welfare, and even single moms or dads. Learn more on Section 8.

  • Government home buying programs for very low income families. HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers can pay a mortgage. Families or single adult person can use this low income housing benefit program to pay for closing costs, home loans or mortgages, and other bills associated with homeownership. More on section 8 low income home buying mortgage help.
  • Low income Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Programs are available nationwide. The national organization helps millions of families as well as single people annually with paying their rent and security deposits from vouchers. The federal government funded organization also helps prevent evictions, arranges low-income apartments and provides resources to stop homelessness. Find more details on HUD.

Low income energy, utility, and water bill assistance

Energy bill assistance from LIHEAP. There are at least two federal government programs that can help low income families or single people pay their heating, utility or cooling costs. Hardship grants for low-income households or those families with no money are offered as well as free energy conservation programs. LIHEAP and Weatherization assistance help millions of people every year. Get LIHEAP applications for energy bills.




  • The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program, or LIHWAP: This benefit will help low income families, single people and households that have an income level close to or in poverty. The financial resource is very similar to LIHEAP (above). Grants are issued from the government, in partnership with community action agencies, and the money can help pay sewer or water costs. Find how to get LIHWAP grants for paying water bills.

Financial assistance for low-income customers of utility companies help keep the power on. Most utility companies, which are privately owned, run numerous assistance programs for qualified customers that are living in poverty or have a low income. Some services and resources they provide themselves, and others are administered in partnership with local non-profit and charity organizations. Energy assistance can include grants to pay electr, gas, light and other utility costs. Find utility company low-income programs.

Free internet services for low income households is available. Federal government has assistance programs that pay for Internet, Wi-Fi, and high speed cable connections. Students, remote or online workers and other low-income households as well as people on public assistance can get help.

  • Households with children that meet low income guidelines can receive low cost or free access to the Internet for school or work usage. Programs are offered by both phone and cable companies. They will provide set up of the system, training on how to use it, and some companies will even offer a new computer to qualified low income families. Apply for free low income internet.

Health, medical and dental care for low income families

Dental care offered by government supported low-income clinics is free. Hundreds of government and private funded dental centers can offer a number of free services, including check ups, cleanings, consultations, and referrals. Patients can get their needs met, or low income families can learn about other dental programs for their needs. Both professional and volunteers dentists contribute their time to the free dental clinics.

  • Volunteer or low-income dentists provide services. Mobile clinics, dental offices or colleges, technical schools and other centers have dentists that provide free care, including to people with no money or insurance. Cleanings, emergency surgery, extractions and more is offered. Locate a low income dentist near you.
  • Low-income patients can get free dental implants from government programs (such as Medicaid in some states) or volunteer, pro-bono dentists. Grant money, oral surgery, new teeth and more is provided as part of the program. Locate free dental implants for low income patients.







Help with prescription drugs or meds are provided from government benefits or non-profits. For example, low income families can get free or affordable prescription medications from pharmaceutical companies, free health care from retail clinics, and a wide variety of other medical needs met. Find details on free prescription drugs.

Low income or free health care from clinics is available. Patients, including adults, kids, seniors, and the uninsured will get free checkups, exams, wellness checks and other care. Every state has community clinics and health care centers that provide free or low cost medical care to its residents. More on free clinics.

  • Adults with a low-income can get free eyeglasses and check ups. The benefit can also be for their kids too. Eye doctors, chain stores, optometrists, and other locations give free glasses, contacts and other services. Look here for details on free eyeglasses near you for low-income adults.

Medicaid benefits for low income families, including single moms, is offered. Medicaid is a free, or low-cost, government insurance program. The federal government and states partner together to provide the benefit, as well as free stuff or other grant money, to the low-income, pregnant women and the disable. Families or single adults on Medicaid will get medical or dental care, free stuff such as a hospital bed, dentures and other items. More on free stuff given to Medicaid beneficiaries.

Government low-income benefit programs and social services

Child care subsidies and low-income vouchers are provided the the government. The parent (single person or married) will need to be working, going to school, or in some form of approved job training program in order to get free daycare . Government funding will only pay a portion of your overall child care costs and the family will still need to make various co-payments to the provider. Find details on government child care programs.

Education assistance is for families and single people that have a low-income. There are programs to help people pay college loans, job training costs and other school expenses. The goal is to ensure that everyone has the skills they need to keep up with the ever changing job market. Households can defer loans, consolidate them into low interest loans, and more. Find ways to get help with student loans.

Free cremation or burial for low-income families is another benefit program. People with no money, the indigent, homeless and seniors will get help pay for funerals, burials, or a cremation. Government benefits as well as non-profits provide help. There may be caskets, headstones and other services for low-income households or their relatives. Locate free cremation for low-income families.

Immigrant services and limited government benefits. Whether undocumented, legal, or illegal immigrants, there are programs to help low income newcomers to this country. Many of the resources focus on meeting the financial needs of those with children or the elderly, but others can apply as well for everything from legal advice to job placement or cash aid. Find a list of immigrant assistance programs.




Free government money for low-income applicants are available online. Several government benefit programs, such as TANF, SSI, EITC and others provide free cash to low-income families or single people. Funds are usually deposited into a bank account or pre-paid debit card. Look here for more details on getting free money from the government.

  • Low income welfare benefits for single adults without kids and families will help with the bills. States as well as the federal government provide this form of cash assistance to the poor. Most of the money goes to very low income households, but the funds can be used to help pay for a wide variety of bills as well as household living expenses. More on welfare benefits.

Military members (active duty, reserves or guard) and their families that have a low income will get additional financial help from the Basin Needs Allowance program. This is additional compensation that helps service members pay for basic life necessities, as too many are stationed to high priced areas or they live on a lower relative income as their spouses/partners can’t work due to unique challenges of the military. Apply to the Basic Needs Allowance for military service families.

Rural programs cover most of the country. Unfortunately those families or individuals that reside in more rural areas have less access to low income programs than other people. There are fewer charities, non-profits, as well as resources for paying bills and many of them may not be near by. So there are challenges, but the fact is that the poor and low income in small towns and outlying areas can get financial help or access to low income benefits as well. Find how to get assistance in rural communities.

United Way low income, emergency assistance programs help the less fortunate: The United Way is a national non-profit that helps both the low income or even moderate to high earning households. They give free referrals, including to benefits for people with no money or savings. Whether it is for financial assistance, social service, employment, food boxes, debt relief programs, or anything else, a number of resources are offered for the low income. More on United Way assistance programs.

Food for low-income households

Food pantries provide reduced priced or free groceries. Get information on places to turn to for food, groceries, perishable items, holiday meals, and other forms of hunger prevention programs. Every state and county is served by one or more food banks, and there are free groceries if you have no money. There are thousands of centers, and find a food pantry near you.

  • Free pet food pantries is given away. Low income families will also get dog or cat food, kibble, litter and other free stuff for their pets. Charities, vets and other places giveaway donated supplies. Find free pet food for low-income families.





Free or low cost food and government commodities feed kids, senior citizens and the poor. The low income and struggling individuals have resources that can provide them with free or low cost food boxes, meals as well as groceries. They include government funded food assistance programs for families or single adult people with or without children. There are also non-profits and charities that offer people of all income levels access to free groceries or food assistance programs.

Lawyers, loans and credit counseling

Car loans for low-income people help with transportation. Government programs, credit unions and auto dealerships provide finance to struggling households, including people with no job, savings, or money. Non-profits, including Ways to Work and community action agencies, also provide grant or affordable loan funds. Get help from low income car loans.

Free debt and credit repair counseling help borrowers. National and local non-profit credit counseling agencies exist for low income individuals. They can provide free foreclosure advice, enrollment into debt management plans, medical bill relief, and help people file for bankruptcy. Counselors will provide free assistance to help with dealing with credit card or medical debt. Learn more on the credit counseling agencies.

Low income legal advice and free attorneys for civil cases. The federal government provides grants and funding to hundreds of law offices across the country. The free attorneys at these locations offer low income families a variety of free legal services. This is known as pro-bono for the poor, indigent, low-income or seniors. Find lawyers give free legal assistance.

Loans for low-income borrowers or people with low credit scores are available, including online: Banks, non-profit or charitable credit unions, and even the government give emergency loans to as a form of financial help for low income families. The funds are targeted at the underbanked or people that have no savings or checking account or households with bed credit. Find how to get loans for low income borrowers with bad credit.

Low income apps for saving, coupons, or getting and applying to benefits. Many technology companies focus on helping low income families, whether they have kids or not, married or single. Technology can help them apply for SNAP food stamps, check the balance on their EBT or cash welfare accounts, access health care and help in other ways. Get a list of apps for low income families.

Low income investing helps people build wealth. It is possible to save, invest, and buy stocks even if you have a limited income or little money saved to start. Online brokerages, smart phone apps, and other tools offer zero commissions and very low commitments when making a buy. Start to invest into stocks with little money.




Low income charity programs for people with no money or a low-income

Clothes, household goods and free personal stuff is giveaway. Low-income families or single people can turn to centers such as free clothing closets, thrift stores, churches, non-profit organizations or other charities. Thousands of sites across the nation collect gently used goods, including furniture, work uniforms, toys for children, interview and school clothes. They then provide the items, often for free, to those who need help. Find free clothes.

Christmas programs for low income families from charities or churches. Thousands of charities and volunteer groups provide free toys, meals, food and more to children so they can experience holiday joy. The applications are generally processed first come and served to low income parents, including single moms or dads. Find local free Christmas assistance programs.

Used cars, free automobiles or trucks are available for a job. People with bad credit, no money or savings, and/or a low income will often be able to get a free car for work, job training, apprenticeships and other related reasons. Auto dealerships will help, charities and churches and other groups try to provide low income families with the transportation they need. Locate low income car programs.

  • Free or affordable car repairs for people with no money or savings. Low-income families, single moms, the formerly homeless and others will often get free car repairs from charities. Auto dealerships, charities and other organizations may provide the labor to fix a car or truck. Or get free parts and more. Locate free car repairs for low income families.

Free cell phones for low income people are available for emergency usage. Government programs, including Lifeline or Link-Up among others, provide low-income disabled people, families on benefits, and senior citizens with a free cell or home phone. A package of Internet usage, texting, and other features are offered too. Locate a free phone for the low-income.

  • A free Apple phone is also available for low-income households, the elderly and unemployed among others. The cell phone will provide access to apps, benefits and more. Learn how to get a free iPhone from the government.

Laptop and desktop computers help students and adult workers. Free, either new or refurbished, laptops, tablets, and Chromebooks are available. Most of the low-income programs are for students from K-12 or in college. Some low-income remote workers or families with no money may also get help, from both the government or local companies. Continue with free laptops for low income families.

  • In addition to the free computers, there are also programs that help low-income families or those on government assistance (SNAP, Medicaid, etc.) get a tablet. This will allow them the ability to access the Internet or an app wither the free tablet. Both Samsung and Apple products are offered, and read more on free tablets for low income families.

Nearby resources help people in need. Many low income programs are county specific and/or vary local. They may cover only certain towns, zip codes or communities. There may be financial help, social services, free items for people with no money or income and other support. Find help near you.

Programs for low income single mothers and their kids, including infants or newborns. For households that live on one income and have children, there are charities as well as government agencies that can be turned to for financial help. They may offer the parent food or applications to emergency financial assistance, housing, or child care. Other resources may also be provided, and find help for single moms.




Veterinary care is provided, for free or a low-cost, by clinics, volunteer veterinarians, non-profits and pet rescue agencies. Other charities or grant programs also are available. Low-income families can get help with cats, dogs, and other pets they may have. A major focus in on assisting seniors, the disabled or veterans. Locate free veterinary care for the low income.

YMCA provides free gym memberships to local community centers. The program is for seniors on social security, low income households, people recovering from a medical issue and others. There are other benefits to the YMCA as well such as after school care, tutoring services, snacks and more. Find a free YMCA membership for the  low income.


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