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Free iPhone.

A free iPhone from the government is available for low-income families as well as households that get public assistance, such as Medicaid, SNAP food stamps, SSI, section 8 or that have an EBT card. A number of companies provide free smartphones, including Assurance Wireless, Q Link, SafeLink (Tracfone) Apple and others. Learn how to apply for a free iPhone from the government as well as a monthly cell phone plan.

Having access to a mobile phone is a necessity as it is an essential tool. An Apple iPhone will help people with accessing the internet, seeking emergency help, applying for a job, doing school work, and even staying connected with family. There is where government programs like LifeLine and Link-Up provide free government iPhones to people with no money as well as the low-income.

Companies that provide a free Apple iPhone

The free Apple iPhones given out by a phone company will sometimes be the latest model, or some customers may get an older or refurbished/used phone. In either case, the device will be free to income qualified households. Customers will also be enrolled into a heavily discounted, monthly cell phone plan too for their new Apple wireless phone. In general, no credit check is needed as well to get a free government iPhone.

There are several phone, cable, and telecommunication companies that may be near you that will provide a free iPhone. Some of them are regional and only cover certain states while other telecommunication companies are national. There will also be free additional storage for the iPhone, apps such as WhatsApp, Top Up data plans and more.

Free government iPhones are provided to people (or households) that get government benefits. Families that get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) / Food Stamps, that have an EBT card, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Section 8 housing vouchers, LIHEAP, or Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefits will automatically qualify.




Most companies also do not run a credit check, meaning applicants with low or poor credit scores can also get a free iPhone from the government. There will also be government internet assistance for the low income.

Access Wireless gives away free Apple iPhones and the program is available in 18 different states. They cover most of the Eastern US, including Alabama and Florida up though the NE states such as New York. The regional telecommunication company provides free Apple iPhones to low-income families as part of Lifeline, but not customers will often be given an old model.

  • In addition to the device itself, they help families living in poverty get a free or low cost cell phone plans. The company will give a free Apple iPhone as well as unlimited talk, testing, and limited Internet access.  Dial 1-866-594-3644 and 1-888-900-5899.

American Assistance helps low-income families in western, northeastern and the central part of the country with coverage in about 15 states. To be eligible for the free iPhone program, applicants must participate Medicaid, SNAP, LIHEAP low income energy bill assistance, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Note the names of those benefit programs can also vary by state. In addition to providing help to those on assistance, a free Apple smartphones are given to seniors, the disabled and people living in poverty, including qualified single moms. Dial 877-266-7212.

Assist Wireless provides free Apple iPhones, including refurbished smartphones, in 10 states, mostly focused on the southern and eastern US. The Apple smartphones for people on government benefits cover the state of  Arkansas, Pennsylvania, Texas, and other nearby regions. Call 1-855-392-7747

Assurance Wireless is subsidiary of Virgin Mobile - T Mobile. They are the largest provider of free cell phones and wireless plans to low-income families. The telecommunication company administers a government-supported program that provides people with a free iPhone as well as a free monthly plan. Customers can get access to texts and even, in some cases, unlimited data plans.




  • The program is available in most the nation - 40 states and the District of Columbia. Eligibility for the free government iPhone program varies by state, but generally, households must have an income at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines or participate in certain government assistance programs. Call 1-888-321-5880.

enTouch Wireless has a free iPhone program in over 30 states. Senior citizens on social security, the working poor or unemployed and others can apply. Help in the form of a reduced priced data plans and free wireless devices are offered to low-income families who get some type of government benefit. The free Apple iPhones also come with cheap monthly plans, with several options to choose from. Call 1-866-488-8719.

Infiniti Mobile is a smaller telecommunications providers in which they help low-income families in only a few states, however they cover major population centers such as in California and New York. People or families with a low income, or on public assistance, can call for a free Apple iPhone, iPad or other device. Applicants will need to provide proof of eligibility, such as a Medicaid card, EBT forms or other documentation of government assistance. Call 888-801-0012.

Life Wireless is a telecommunication company that provide free cell phones, wireless devices, iPhone and monthly service in almost all parts of the country. Not only do they give away a free government Apple iPhone to low-income families or individuals, but they also help people get high speed internet access too as part of the  Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Call them at 1-888-543-3620 to apply for their assistance programs, whether an iPhone or internet connection.

Q Link Wireless operates and have coverage in all states as well, plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. They will provide a free iPhone to families that have a low-income and about 150% of federal government poverty levels. Households on benefits, including section 8 housing choice vouchers or an EBT card, can also get a free iPhone from Q Link.

  • To be eligible for a Q Link phone, people must meet the income criteria set by the federal government or be enrolled in a government assistance program such as Medicaid, SNAP Food Stamps, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The company has a variety of smart phones to pick from, whether it is a Samsung Galaxy, Google pixel or iPhone. No matter which is select, the phone will be free per the Lifeline program. Call 1-855-754-6543.







SafeLink Wireless iPhones are offered for free to low-income families who need it for an emergency or work. The company, which is owned by TracFone as well as Verizon, is an approved Lifeline and Link-Up provider that provides free 5G Apple iPhones and other devices. The Apple phone will use the Verizon wireless network to provide coverage.

  • Low-income families and people with bad or no credit can apply for a free iPhone from the government-supported program, and SafeLink operates nationwide and the District of Columbia. Eligibility for the program is based on total income and proof of participation in certain government assistance programs, including SNAP food stamps, Medicaid or others. Call 1-800-723-3546.

StandUp Wireless is a government-supported program that provides free cell iPhones and free monthly minutes, texts, and data to eligible low-income families in all states. In addition to given qualified applicants a free iPhone paid for by the government, there are also plans that allow people to get their own smartphone if they want to save even more money - a StandupWireless will provide the network access. Call them at 1-800-544-4441.

TAG mobile gives out a free smart phone, including Apple, per the federal government Lifeline program. The devices will run on the latest %G networks from Sprint, T-Mobile, or Verizon. The company will provide either a brand new Apple smartphone or even tablet as per the ACP or Lifeline programs. Low-income families and those on a government assistance program can dial (800) 986-5670 for details on the free government small and iPhone program.




TerraCom Wireless provides a free cell phone plan (including internet access data plan) as well as an iPhone to the low-income. Applicants need to be 100 to 200% higher than poverty levels or have a EBT card, on Medicaid, SSI or other benefits. The company offers free smartphones in most of the central, SE, and SW parts of the country with their main office based in Oklahoma. Dial customer service at  1-888-716-8880.

Verizon and TracFone Wireless provide free iPhones, Samsungs or other devices to low-income families who qualify for Lifeline. This is also a partnership with Walmart Family Mobile. Together these companies offer coverage across the nation.

  • Not only will a free cell phone, including from Apple be provided, but there are also heavily discounted or free monthly plans, including around texting and internet access. All devices will run on the Verizon 5G network as Safelink is the discounted carrier owned by Verizon. Call 1-800-867-7183

There are regional wireless companies or cable providers as well that provide discounted or free iPhones, often the latest models. This include companies such as USCellular (phone  1 (888) 944-9400), which covers major parts of the Midwestern US. Spectrum Cable (call (1 (833) 267-6094) also has a Lifeline program for low-income families, and they too may be given Apple phones or devices.

Applicants to a free government phone program, whether iPhone or another device, will need to fill out an online application. Or call the company's toll-free number. To qualify for a free phone or even a computer, applicants must meet the income requirements set by the government or be enrolled in a government assistance program. Once approved, the government approved Apple cell phone will be shipped to the customers address. Computers or laptops may be provided too, and find details on free laptops for people on government assistance.




Free iPhones from state government

Each state provides help with phone bills as well as free devices, including Apple iPhones. Some provides the most recent model of Apple device, others will offer either older iPhones or refurbished ones. In either case, free smartphones are offered for low-income families as well as those on government benefit programs, such as SNAP food stamps, Medicaid or others. Select your state below for information on iPhone assistance programs for low-income families.

To apply for a free iPhone from your state government, visit the Federal Communications Commission's website or contact your state's Public Utilities Commission. Or check with your local social services agency or community action organizations that work with low-income households. More details on state programs are below.





















New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina





South Carolina










Conclusion - free Apple phones are offered to the low-income

Getting a new or refurbished free government iPhone is a simple and straightforward process. You just need to meet the income requirements or be enrolled in a government assistance program to get either the latest model or maybe one that is a year or two old. Low-income families or those on government assistance can apply for a free phone online or by calling the company's toll-free number, and once you are approved, the phone will be shipped to your address.

If you are struggling to pay for a mobile phone, don't hesitate to take advantage of these government programs, the FCC low-income programs and companies that offer free government iPhones. They are there to help you stay connected and make your life a little easier.


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