Free groceries.
Find a list of state, federal, and local programs that give away free groceries to low income families. There are resources offered by churches, charities, or government organizations. All of these places try to provide a box of grocery items for free to people in need. The amount of food given out will vary based on family size and income. Find details of free grocery assistance programs below.
Some of the more common distribution centers include free groceries from church or charity run pantries. However there are also government benefits for low-income families, the unemployed, or people in a crisis from program such as SNAP food stamps that will help pay for a box of groceries. Or apply for home delivery to seniors, the disabled or homebound as part of Meals on Wheels.
Free grocery programs from the government Department of Agriculture
In addition to the direct aid from the government to help pay for groceries, several organizations partner with the government to give away free food and commodities to low-income households. They tend to focus on homes with children, single moms or senior citizens. Assistance may also be provided directly to local non-profit organizations that then provide the service to low-income people.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps low-income families pay for food. This is the primary federal government funded assistance program that will help families living in poverty or that have no money pay for groceries to feed their family. Tens of millions of people currently use the benefit, however there are also hundreds of thousands of other households that qualify for an EBT card but that have just never applied. This program used to be known as Food Stamps but was renamed SNAP and the exact name in your state may vary. Read more on SNAP food stamps.
- In a crisis, grocery items can be provided by the Emergency food stamp program. This is federally funded but states administer it. Emergency, or expedited SNAP applications, can be processed in a matter of a few business days. The assistance program can help a low-income families (or someone in crisis) who has unexpectedly run out of money for the month and needs help paying for shelf stable, canned groceries. Find details on and get applications for emergency food stamps.
Free healthy groceries from Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) are for low-income parents. It helps pay for nutritious foods, groceries, vitamins, and baby formula to supplement the diets of low-income pregnant, postpartum and breast-feeding women. The program in effect gives them free groceries or milk in so they can feed newborns, children up to five years of age, as well as infants. In addition, the WIC program provides referrals to health services. Learn more and how to apply for WIC.
- There are other places to get free baby formula or a basket of groceries for newborns as well. Both government agencies as well as non-profits assist the poor, single moms or dads, and others who need it. Similar and other name-brand items can be provided, and find free baby food.
SNAP and the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program pays for fresh produce, fruits, vegetables, and healthy groceries. The benefit offers low-income senior citizens or low-income families on EBT that have no money with free grocery and food coupons during the harvest season. It can be exchanged for eligible food, fruits, vegetables, dairy items, groceries and more at farmers’ markets. The voucher can also be used at community supported agriculture programs, and look here for SNAP farmers market programs.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program, or CSFP, is a free grocery benefit. This federal government assistance program is similar to WIC. However, in addition to helping women and children, it will also offer free groceries to seniors and people who are over 60 years of age. There may be free baby formula for infants, ensure for seniors, and other resources. Read more Commodity Supplemental Food Programs.
Non-profits and charity will give out free groceries
Salvation Army gives out a free box of groceries from their food pantries. This charity has locations in almost all towns and counties. They provide a variety of free emergency groceries as well as financial assistance programs (including money to pay for food) to millions of individuals per year. The Salvation Army can both provide free food, meals and groceries on its own, and they also partner with other local agencies. Special holiday grocery baskets may be offered too, including for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Find a listing of Salvation Army food bank locations by state.
Churches provide help with groceries, either a free bag of stuff or discounted food. They help feed everyone from the homeless to unemployed to give out free groceries to immigrants or veterans. They can run their own food banks and pantries, or partner with other agencies. Some churches give money to pay for groceries while others pass out a box. Read more additional assistance programs offered by churches.
Non-profit Community Action Agencies help people living in poverty. Every county is supported by one of these offices, many of which have a free grocery distribution program. The case management staff also provide extensive information on resources that specialists can often help qualified low income families apply for free food or grocery boxes, meals, government commodities, and other assistance. Locate an office in your state, town, or county. Read about applying for help from community action agencies.
Local food banks in the Feeding America network help the working poor. This is the nation’s largest anti-hunger, non-profit organization. They partner directly with hundreds of local food banks, pantries and soup kitchens in all states to give out free healthy groceries, produce, and other benefits to low-income families.
- The local sites also participates in many other government programs and can offer referrals. For example, many of the Feeding America locations have applications for services such as SNAP food stamps, free home delivered meals for seniors and disabled, grocery store discount programs or coupons. So both short and long term support is available. More details on assistance from Feeding America.
Nneighborhood senior centers in your town or county are available for the elderly. These locations serve clients of all incomes with well-balanced, cold or hot meals at least once a day. This can include a free healthy, low salt grocery deliveries from Meals on Wheels. Or there will be a free lunch or dinner up to five days a week to seniors and others with a low income on site, and find a senior center for grocery programs.
Many soup kitchens give out a free small box of groceries at the same time as serving a meal. A major focus is on feeding the homeless and people with little or no money. At the same time a hot meal is served, a small bag of non-peirshable groceries (nuts, snacks, protein bars, etc.) will be given out for additional support. Find soup kitchens near you.
- People that have no money, the unemployed or homeless that need food or low-income households that need help paying for groceries can get other financial assistance. Vouchers or hardship funds from a non-profit will help them pay for grocery products, and look here for other free programs for people with no money.
Free pet food is available from pantries, food banks and other charity locations at the same time a bag of groceries is given out. Kibble or wet/canned cat or dog food is often given to senior citizens, the disabled, homeless and poor. The supplies will based on donation levels, and find a free pet food bank.
Feeding America BackPack gives out a free grocery box to kids. Students can receive nutritional support for holidays or the weekend. A backpack full of groceries, healthy snacks and food will be provide to the student so they have some form of nutrition over the weekend or a holiday break. Their family can also receive items. Call 800.771.2303, or get more details on Feeding America backpack programs for students.
Free groceries from WhyHunger National Hunger Hotline are an option. Anyone that is struggling can get referrals to charity run food pantries and other assistance programs that are local to them. The homeless can get free emergency groceries as well as unemployed or households with very limited assets or money.
- The Clearinghouse and all of the other services from the non-profit is committed to ending hunger and directing people to free grocery programs that can help them. The staff can also help people apply for government resources. Learn more on the National Hunger Hotline.
Free or discounted grocery box services
Home Delivered frozen grocery meals are for seniors, disabled, the homebound, or elderly with no money. The Meals on Wheels program will bring them free or low cost home delivered meals or groceries, such as frozen vegetables, meat, low-salt food and more. Charity organizations, agency on aging offices and senior centers across the country offer the program in most towns and cities. Seniors and others who can’t make it out of their home, and who need some form of food delivered to them, should contact a non-profit in their area. Read more on Meals on Wheels.
There are also free samples of food that can be sent in the mail which may benefit the homebound. Food manufacturing companies will mail out a box of groceries to a consumer for sampling. Look here for free grocery and food samples.
Discounted groceries are offered too. There are non-profit as well as charity organization that offers nutritional and food assistance programs in all 50 states. While they do not provide free food, what they do is offer all people, no matter their income or financial situation, low cost groceries. The services they offer provide food at about 50% off the retail price, and it is available in unlimited quantities. Learn more on low cost grocery boxes.
Free grocery programs from pantries
Almost every town, city, and county has free emergency food banks, pantries, and grocery programs for low-income families. Many of the locations are volunteer run and depend on the generosity of donations from the community. There will be a wide variety of free groceries provides, perishable items, nutritional workshops and many more benefits. While some pantries provide groceries daily, many others have limited hours. Select your state below to find low cost or free groceries near you.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
Additional programs that help with paying for groceries near you
There are additional resources out there as well. Not all free grocery, food, and basic needs are limited, as they do rely heavily on volunteers, donations, and limited government funding. However there may be additional support for the unemployed, seniors, children, and the working poor from emergency food assistance programs near them.
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