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Assistance programs in Sacramento County.

There are a variety of financial assistance programs in the Sacramento County area. They range from utility bill help to foreclosure prevention, emergency rent and housing assistance, to providing residents with free clothing or food. Homeowners can get help for their mortgage and first time borrowers can apply for loans too. Find where to get financial help or free stuff near you in Sacramento County below, including from charities, churches and other government agencies.

The organizations also try to give out free stuff, including gasoline cards, bus passes, cars for a job and goods for low-income households in Sacramento CA. Whether it is emergency furniture or school supplies for kids, or a free used auto or new car, or even Christmas toys or clothes, basic needs are given out as well.

Find financial assistance with paying bills

Next Move Homeless Service - Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center - This organization provides utility bill assistance, help with paying rent, and even hotel or free motel vouchers to homeless people. There are various free things given out as well as financial assistance to eligible families and individuals who may be facing foreclosure, eviction, or homelessness. The address is  8001 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95826. Call (916) 455-2160

Roseville Home Start Inc. - Helps transitions the homeless, including families and children into sustainable, affordable, and long term, permanent housing. There is help moving, information lost coat apartments in Sacramento as well as temporary lodging. The charity also provides them with self-sufficiency tools. Call (916) 782-6667, or the address is 410 Riverside Ave, Roseville, CA 95678.

Sacramento Salvation Army (Family Services) has multiple programs. It helps people secure a safe place to live, pay the rent while providing emergency financial assistance with bills. There is financial aid for housing, meals, laundry service, toiletries, referrals and counseling to those in need of help with bills. Other programs range from free school supplies to clothes, case management, Christmas toys and more.




  • Seniors and disabled can get help with their City of Sacramento water bills. They also run the REACH helps pay for PG&E bills as well as PLEDGE program which helps with SMUD bills.
  • Free vouchers from the Salvation are offered too, whether for an emergency motel room that can be found online to a tank of gas to get to a job interview.

The location is 3213 Orange Grove Ave, North Highlands, CA 95660, Call (916) 678-4010. Another site is at 3755 N Freeway Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95834. Call 916-563-3700. A number of other centers are located across Sacramento. More on Salvation Army Sacramento assistance programs.

St. Vincent de Paul Society, Roseville Area Conference, Inc. - This organization helps people who are seeking shelter, supplemental groceries, food, diapers, hygiene and other basic supplies. This is one of the leading charity and church organizations in northern California.

  • They may have some limited emergency financial for basic needs such as prescription medication, electric bills, or rent. Volunteers and social workers can also provide guidance, counseling, and spiritual support.
  • Counseling to homeless women is provided, and it directs them to resources and services that are available. They also provide basic direct services and aid including food, bus passes, and free clothing.
  • Click here for details on Saint Vincent de Paul financial aid in Sacramento, or call (916) 781-3303.

River City Community Services - While mainly a free food bank, the charity also offers housing assistance, including to single mothers and senior citizens in Sacramento CA. They have a Rental Assistance Program to assist families with avoiding an eviction from their home or apartment.

  • The primary service offered is a three-day supply of emergency food once a month to people in need. They can even provide baby food and formula, which can be obtained on a drop-in basis or by referral. From time to time funds may be available for rent help. Phone (916) 446-2627, or the location is 1800 28th St, Sacramento, CA 95816.

Shoes of Hope - United Christian Centers of the Greater Sacramento Area, Inc., which, through its Transitional Housing Program, addresses the housing needs of economically disadvantaged, homeless families in West Sacramento. The location is 110 6th St, West Sacramento, CA 95605. They do this by providing a safe and supportive environment for the clients. Call  (916) 372-0200.




Center for Fathers and Families -Provides food and help with paying utility bills to families who are actively enrolled or if they have graduated from a Center for Fathers and Families program. There is help for single moms, ex-felons, and formerly homeless too. Call 916.568.3237, or the address is 920 Del Paso Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815. Or look here for help for a felon.

Volunteers of America Greater Sacramento & Northern Nevada - This program helps local residents move out of transitional housing and long-term shelters. VOA helps people move into permanent housing by helping them file applications, meet eligibility requirements, and the organization can also provide financial support for help with paying security deposits and first month’s rent for their housing. A focus as well is on veterans. More on Volunteers of America in Northern California.

Community Services Block Grant Program is run by CIMC. This resource can provide emergency, short term financial assistance for paying expenses such as rent and security deposits. Other aid includes utility bill assistance to prevent disconnection, education  employment-related assistance, and food vouchers.

  • Resources are offered to low-income American Indians. Case managers also offer budget-making and counseling as well as free information and referral. The address is 738 North Market Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95834. Call (916) 564-4053 for intake.Financial help Sacramento

Water bill assistance program is available. This is only for customers that have City of Sacramento Water. Tenants need to show a lease that proves they are responsible for the payment, or homeowners also need proof as well. There are also payment plans as well as rebate programs for low-income households.

  • Financial aid and discounts on water bills are available in Sacramento. Assistance is provided in order to help low income families pay for the ever increasing costs of water in the county. Also, if you service has been disconnected, there may be help for paying reconnection fees or deposits to turn the service on. Continue with financial assistance for water bills in Sacramento.

California Indian Manpower Consortium (CIMC) - Programs are administered for Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Services include job referrals and counseling. Also apply for emergency financial assistance and grants for paying for food, housing, utilities, employment expenses, and education bills.

  • Tenants that are facing eviction can get help. There are also federal government funded programs, such as rehousing, that can place the homeless into a new apartment in Sacramento. The services may be some of the following. . Locate eviction help in Sacramento.
  • HUD grants for dealing with monetary issues, such as back rent, utility bills (water or electric), and more.
  • Short term housing, shelters, and motel vouchers for the homeless.
  • Support such as job training and ongoing tenancy advice.
  • CIMC offers the Community Resource Project. works to both provide free grant money and funds for paying utility bills.
  • The next profit will also try to improve the energy efficiency of homes and to reduce the impact of energy bills on peoples budgets, with a focus on seniors or the disabled.
  • They make energy saving improvements to homes (such as insulation, appliances and more), provide direct payments for utility bills, manage weatherization programs, and offer people direct credits on their utility bills. Learn more about LIHEAP and weatherization in California.




Learn more on what resources are available for the working poor, single parents and low income for Native Americans, people from Hawaii and the disadvantaged. 738 North Market Blvd., Sacramento, California 95834, dial (916) 920-0285

Greater Sacramento Urban League - If you need help finding a job, or ways to develop your skills, this agency can help. The organization offers a wide variety of employment services, including tuition free education, computer job skills training. There is also access to after school programs, or get information on scholarships and grants. They are also preparing adults, adjudicated youth, and ex-offenders for economic self sufficiency and new jobs.

  • Housing programs are offered too. The Urban League helps people find a place to live, apply for loans to buy a house or repair their credit. There is information on a wide range of housing programs, with a focus on minorities in Sacramento County CA. The location is 3725 Marysville Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95838. Phone: (916) 286-8600, or find low income mortgage assistance.

The non-profit also can be a resource center for people of all races and backgrounds. The location may have information on housing solutions, programs that offer food as well as government benefits. Call 916.286.8600, or find more Sacramento Urban League programs.

Government assistance - Department of Human Assistance is for the very low income, disabled, and seniors. This organization provides applications for both federal government and state of California benefits and cash assistance. Examples of the programs administered include the following. However there are many others.

  • Low cost child care subsidies from Three Stage Child Care System.
  • Cash assistance is offered in Sacramento County from resources such as CalWORKs or general aid.
  • Information on free vehicle or transportation programs for work or job training, including free cars or low cost loans to buy an auto. More on getting a free used car.
  • Free or low cost medical care and insurance, including for the disabled.
  • Food stamp, including information on pantries and CalFresh
  • Welfare, CalWorks, TANF is for very low income families or those in poverty. It combines cash grants with employment services to help families overcome low income lifestyle. The cash can pay for transportation, medical, clothes, housing, and much more. Find welfare phone numbers by state.

DHS has other programs for the low-income, unemployed and poor in the Sacramento area. Several other public resources are available. More on Sacramento public aid.

Centro Guadalupe - Catholic Charities - This agency offers tax preparation assistance, case advocacy, information and referral, counseling, utility bill assistance for residents of the City of Sacramento, limited rent help, and seasonal special events. Programs can also support immigrants in the area.

  • Many families also need help around the holidays, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving. So the Sacramento County Catholic Charities has meals and free gifts for children and families from programs such as Adopt-A-Family. Click here for more details on their services, or dial (916) 443-5367. Or continue with Sacramento County Catholic Charity assistance programs.

Information from helpline - Referrals are available from this clearinghouse. Anyone can try the service, whether they are low income or just facing an emergency. Examples of solutions are.

  • Applications to benefits such as CalWorks or Medi-Cal.
  • Grants for paying energy bills, with a focus on seniors and disabled Sacramento residents.
  • Support for the vulnerable, such as single parents or veterans.
  • Much more is offered as well from the helpline, ranging from job placement to dental care. Details on the Sacramento helpline.







Programs that focus on rent help are available in Sacramento. A combination of non-profits, including churches and charities, may offer funds along with government agencies. There may be grants for paying back rent to stop an eviction. Or the homeless in Sacramento can look into short term funds, even including loans, to pay a portion of a security deposit. Find rent assistance in Sacramento.

  • Transitional housing and low income apartments are available for people facing imminent eviction and the homeless in Sacramento. When a client is staying at one of these centers they will also be able to meet with a case manager who will work with them on self-sufficiency, including employment assistance and help in finding a new, permanent home or apartment to live in. Also get information on resources in California such as section 8 vouchers and financial assistance in paying rent and security deposits when the time comes to move into the new home. Read Sacramento low income housing.

Asian Resources, Inc. is a non-profit that offers social services to immigrants and refugees. They can get help in reaching self-sufficiency, such as information on job training, financial literacy, credit counseling and educational programs. They also help migrant workers in northern CA. Address is 5709 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, California 95824. Call (916) 454-1892.

Francis House is a charity that offer assistance as part of their Family Rescue Program. There are several components to this, including a limited number of free motel vouchers, Fast Track job services, and assistance with obtaining an ID. There may also be limited financial aid as well, and locate more services from Frances House.

Women's Empowerment is for homeless women. They can get help in locating permanent housing, information on rental and security deposit programs, and resources to build skills for future employment. Address is 1590 N A St, Sacramento, CA 95811. Phone: (916) 669-2307, or look here forsingle mother free apartments.

Assist Local DBA - Roll Down Ministry, Orangevale Food Bank and Projects 4HOPE is for the low income, poor, and homeless. Receive free groceries, clothing, care packs, and more. The case managers help the hungry, elderly, unemployed and homeless. Also learn about local public and low income housing, medical care, and other aid. Location is 6483 Main Ave, Orangevale, 95662, call (916) 304-3663.

County Food Bank and Family Services provides several different programs. A client choice clothing closet as well as food pantry are offered on site from the non-profit. This center gives families free groceries and meals, as well as applications to CalFresh / food stamps if needed.

  • Other resources from SFBFS include educational support, such as GED preparation or ESL classes. There are also services for senior citizens in Sacramento and immigrants, as well as children and the youth. Or clients can inquire into assistance such as free baby formula for new moms or Meals on Wheels.
  • A number of food assistance programs are offered, including application for CalFresh food stamps. In addition, they work closely with charities, and this agency can also provide clothing, mother baby programs, and other aid. Also click here for more information on food pantries.

The number of programs is wide ranging. Continue with Sacramento Food bank services.

Diogenes Youth Services is for homeless at-risk youth and teenagers. They can access emergency shelter, support groups, counseling, and job training workshops for runaway/homeless youth. Call  (916) 363-0063.




Resources for Independent Living assists the disabled in Sacramento County. Get information and referral to resources such as utility bill assistance, food, and rental help. There are also regional personal assistant services, housing services, independent living skills training, as well as information on loans to pay for housing and rental needs.

  • Disabled adults on Sacramento can also receive information on health insurance plans and government programs including dental, medical, pharmacy, mental health, substance abuse and other related services. Or get applications to SSI or government benefits. Main address is 420 I St, Sacramento, CA 95814. Dial (916) 446-3074

Basic needs from Love - The Sacramento County charity, its volunteers, and churches all offer support. It is not monetary, but there may be referrals to home repair programs for the elderly, thrift stores, and items for new moms or infants, such as diapers or formula. Other aid is provided too, including at Christmas. Find details on Love Inc in Sacramento County.

Area 4 Agency on Aging - The non-profit helps seniors. What may be available includes employment from SCEP, meals on wheels from volunteers, and local transportation or rides. There is also free money from the government for seniors in Sacramento. Or apply for Meals on Wheels or free pet food.

  • The non-profit offers other assistance as well. One key service is on offering counseling for paying down medical bills or accessing care. But much more is provided. The main office is at 1401 El Camino Ave, Sacramento, CA 95815. Call (916) 486-1876 for information on elderly assistance, or read more Sacramento County Agency on Aging.

St. John's Shelter for Women and Children is for qualified females including single parents. Free food, hot meals, general clothing, and basic needs may be offered. Or work with social workers and volunteers on permanent housing, including details on rental subsidies such as section 8 housing vouchers. Call (916) 453-1482.

The Gathering Inn provides support in limited portions of the county. They offer medical care from a community clinic, and the homeless that are current shelter guests of the charity only can explore Rapid Rehousing. The charity assists the recently homeless and individuals locate transitional and safe, low income housing in the county. Some pro-active, eviction prevention guidance and advice may be offered as well. They also offer housing programs for the disabled

  • Funds are very limited, but people in the shelter may be able to get help. Support may be for families pay the first month’s rent or a deposit on a new, affordable home. The Community Resource Center has intake for case management type support. Details on Gathering Inn.

Churches and parishes help families regardless of religion. Migrants, the poor or struggling can all get assistance. It may include free stuff like clothes or furniture or some money for paying bills, rent or a free hot meal. A number of emergency programs are available. Find details on help from churches in Sacramento County.

Next Move offers a number of housing programs, including transitional apartments, emergency shelters, and more. Staff from the non-profit charity may also have referrals to pro-active homeless prevention programs in Sacramento County, such as government programs for paying rent, energy bills, and moving costs. Or ask about help with paying for security deposits, which is also often available. (916) 454-2120., or more on housing assistance from Next Move.

Lutheran Social Services of Northern California operates several housing programs in Sacramento County. The organization is committed to helping those facing eviction, the homeless, disabled and youth. They offer shelters and transitional housing resources, among other support. There is no financial or rent assistance available, but rather than are involved in transitional housing programs. More on Lutheran Social Services Northern California.

Travelers Aid Emergency Assistance Agencymay have utility bill and rent assistance. Resources include emergency housing services which include motel vouchers, food closet, rent payments to prevent eviction, utilities assistance (SMUD only), and transitional housing for working poor families.

  • Emergency transportation can be provided, such as a free bus ticket or voucher. Case management is offered too. Location is 2251 Florin Road, Sacramento, California 95822. Dial (916) 399-9646. or look here for free vouchers to get a bus ticket.

SETA, or the community action agency known as Sacramento Employment and Training, administers several social services for the region. Most of it is focused on education and/or job training, however there may be, in rare cases, limited financial support from the Community Services Block Grant – CSBG. This may be free food, eviction prevention / rent help, loans for home repairs or other housing expenses.

  • The goal of SETA though is on increasing self-sufficiency, and this is accomplished through employment and job training as well as educational support. Other programs include Head Start child development and more. Continue with Sacramento Employment community action agency.

Shores of Hope - Broderick Christian Center - HPRP Program may be able to help prevent evictions. In addition, rapid re-housing services are offered for qualified clients who have become recently homeless. Address is 110 6th St, West Sacramento, CA 95605, telephone (916) 372-0200




Disabled in Sacramento County that need mortgage help, or that are seeking to buy a property can get help. government and non-profit programs may offer loans, counseling, closing cost assistance and other support.  Find a list of mortgage assistance for the disabled.

Folsom Cordova Community Partnership runs the Family Resource Center. Helps with needs of entire family. Intervention services administered that are geared toward the connecting low income and needy individuals and families with assistance that may be needed such as Safety Net.

  • Get help with paying electric and utility bills, rent, fresh food program, diapers, baby formula, diapers and transportation. They also run the state of California SMUD energy bill assistance program. Address is 10665 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, California 95670, dial (916) 361-8684

Powerhouse Ministries - On a sporadic basis offers rent and utility bill assistance. There may also be free furniture, kitchen appliances as well as clothes for adults or kids. The location is 311 Market St, Folsom, CA 95630, phone (916) 983-0658.

Veterans Resource Center - Veterans or their families can get grants for paying for utility deposits and light bills. Or get free transportation (including a car) and money for rent and housing. Location is 7270 E Southgate Drive, Sacramento, California 95823, call (916) 393-8387

South County Services - People in an emergency can get help with food closet. Other programs assist individuals and families obtaining access to medical care and health services. Also get information and referral or a free box of emergency food. There is also free grant money for rental/mortgage assistance, immigration services, client advocacy, community medical transportation, or free bus/gasoline vouchers.

  • Low-income families in Sacramento can also apply for light and utility bill assistance. The location is 232 N Lincoln Way #10, Galt, CA 95632. Call (209) 745-9174

Free stuff and vouchers in Sacramento County

Free holiday focused programs (including Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas) are also available. These are in addition to the services listed above. One key difference is that these Sacramento County agencies often combine free gifts for kids along with food baskets for the entire family. They also offer senior citizens meals or Christmas gifts, support immigrants, and offer other help. More on Sacramento County free holiday assistance.

Baby closets, infant formula, and thrift stores help low income families. When a parent has an infant, and if they need help paying for diapers, formula, or furniture, then these Sacramento County agencies may be able to assist with the following.

Free clothing, furniture, and household supplies - Northern California, including Sacramento, is supported by churches as well as charity organizations that provide free clothing, household supplies, and more. There are also free furniture banks. Some centers may also offer birthday gifts, toys, and school supplies. Find free clothes, furniture and school supplies in Sacramento County.

  • There are dedicated free back to school supply events too. Each summer and fall students from grades K-12 can get what they need for the school year. Get free backpacks, uniforms, sneakers, tablets and more. Find free school supplies in Sacramento County.







Free food and meals are offered. The county is served by a number of local and national food distribution centers. Whether it is the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, or your local church there are a number of places to turn to for free food, hot meals, groceries, items such as clothing and personal hygiene products, or case management and counseling. Rarely will an individual or their family be turned away if they ask for assistance. Read more Sacramento County free food pantries.

VLSP - Voluntary Legal Services Program is made of up lawyers, paralegals, and other professionals. The staff all work together to offer assistance and representation to the less fortunate, including the elderly. Housing, access to government aid, and other topics are covered by the Sacramento firm. Find free legal aid in Sacramento.

  • Another option  for a pro-bono attorney is the non-profit Legal Services of Northern California. The law firm provides access to lawyers who provide free legal assistance and advice. The support is for low to moderate income persons and individuals in the areas of health, housing, foreclosure prevention, education, family law, rent assistance and eviction prevention, income maintenance, employment, civil rights, and debt counseling. Learn more on free layers in California.

Free health or medical services are available for the low-income and uninsured in Sacramento. There is also help for people on Med-Cal. Social support as well as medical care are both offered. There are free physicals, basic dental exams, OBGYN and urgent care too. find additional free clinics in Sacramento.

Sacramento County free debt and mortgage help

ClearPoint Credit Counseling Solutions (formerly ByDesign) - This non-profit credit counseling organization offers debt reduction, personal finance education, as well as free confidential individual credit repair. There are also programs around repayment of loans, debt reduction and management plans. The non-profit also helps with auto loans, and learn more on lowering an auto payment from a refi.

  • Housing issues are covered too. Or homeowners will get free pre-purchase counseling and foreclosure prevention counseling to Sacramento area homeowners and consumers. Dial 800.750.2227.

NeighborWorks HomeOwnership Center - Sacramento Region - This national agency runs assistance programs that provide so called post-purchase counseling for delinquency problems or foreclosure prevention. These, and other services, are also provided through the Sacramento branch of the Home Ownership Center. Read more on Neighborhood Works foreclosure assistance.

  • Homeowners who are struggling with paying their mortgage can contact this Sacramento agency for free foreclosure prevention counseling. Counselors will provide free foreclosure help for borrowers who are having trouble making their monthly mortgage payments. Results offered from the agency include short sale, loan modifications, forbearance, repayment, and they can even offer deed in-lieu of foreclosures

Free or low cost foreclosure and credit counseling: The county is supported by several non-profit credit counseling and HUD certified organizations. Individuals who enroll with these these various agencies may be able to receive free or low cost counseling and advice. Find listing of Sacramento credit counseling agencies and get details on the services they offer clients.

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