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Salvation Army homeless shelters.

The Salvation Army provides assistance to homeless people, including emergency and long-term housing. There are accommodations for families, single women or men, as well as youth and others. Find a Salvation Army shelter near you below.

There are housing programs, including free emergency overnight shelters, at almost all Salvation Army service centers. There are places provided for people of all backgrounds, ages, and genders. Some shelters are for women only, include domestic violence victims or survivors. Other accommodations are for families with children or veterans, single parents, youth and homeless people with a mental or physical disability can also get emergency housing.

Free emergency shelter for homeless people or families

The Salvation Army has different types of emergency homeless shelters or free, temporary housing programs. They will vary based on location as well as resources. Many of the programs have a goal of helping the person stabilize their situation and eventually find a new, long term home or apartment to live in. The assistance programs include, but are not limited to the following. In addition to below, find additional homeless assistance programs.

Salvation Army Warming and Cooling Center Shelters keep homeless or poor people safe. In many parts of the country, the weather can get extreme. There will be either (1) hot and humid summer months or (2) cold, freezing winter days. The Salvation Army has emergency warming and cooling centers to keep homeless people safe or others that need a safe place to go.

The homeless, in particular senior citizens, the disabled or youth, are most at risk during extreme weather. Salvation Army shelters as well as cooling and warming centers will keep anyone from the community warm (or cool) and safe. There will often be meals, drinks, blankets, cooling fans, free use of a computer or internet and other free stuff provided. Find emergency lodging from the Salvation Army near you below to help stay warm or cold, depending on the season.

Overnight Homeless Shelters are offered by the Salvation Army. These are free for the homeless, provided there is a room / bed available. The emergency housing that provides a play to stay for a night or so near you is combined with clothes, access to laundry or hygiene supplies, case management, a free breakfast/lunch/diner or another meal. Note some Salvation Army shelters near you are for homeless women or men only, and a smaller number of locations will house families.





When Salvation Army shelters are full, or if there is no housing programs in the county, the homeless can be provided emergency motel or hotel vouchers online. Case workers from the charity often partner with government agencies, corporations and social service groups to help place homeless people in a motel for a short term, emergency stay. Many of these applications are done online. More on Salvation Army hotel vouchers online.

Pathway of Hope and Salvation Army Re-entry programs are available. These will be for homeless people. Clients are not only given access to a shelter near them, but the housing is combined with case management and holistic social services, including with local charities or churches. Salvation Army case workers can help the homeless stabilize their situation.

Everything from free use of the internet to look for a job, budgeting classes, substance abuse services or basic medical care and more is offered. Re-entry often involves the Salvation Army placing the homeless into other short term, low-income housing programs or charities.

Emergency homeless shelters are often combined with Salvation Army transitional housing programs. This is also a multi-faceted program. In general, the homeless will transition from the emergency shelter to a transitional housing program, and eventually permanent housing placement. This too is a goal-based program from Salvation Army Family Services.

People will partner with case workers throughout this processes. Provided the homeless person has a source of income, is substance free, and meets other goals, the shelter will eventually lead to financial assistance to pay for low-income housing or section 8 vouchers. Other resources will be offered as well as needed. More on transitional housing near you.

Find homeless shelters from the Salvation Army near you

Select a state below. From that page will be additional Salvation Army locations near you by county or city. Everything from free emergency housing shelters to motel vouchers, re-entry housing programs, meals, and more is offered.









District of Columbia



Hawaii and Honolulu County


















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia


Additional emergency shelter programs from the national Salvation Army

While the Salvation Army has other locations in the nation, their programs around housing and homeless shelters vary. But there are options that may help adults or kids. Locate more details on Salvation Army shelters that may or may not be in your area.


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