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Financial assistance from New Jersey Salvation Army.

Programs offered by the Salvation Army centers listed below in New Jersey help low-income families, the homeless and working poor. There will be financial help for bills (utilities, rent, electric, transportation) as well as free stuff (Christmas toys, school supplies or food) and case management among other services. Get help from the Salvation Army in NJ near you.

The services offered will vary by location, and funding is limited. Many centers also have thrift stores, free summer camps for kids and give vouchers to pay for a hotel or tank of gas. 

Most of the assistance from the Salvation Army centers in New Jersey is focused on people who are most at risk in the state. For example, emergency financial assistance may be provided for low income seniors, families with children, and the disabled in New Jersey. Referrals are given too.

Free stuff from the Salvation Army in New Jersey

Free new and used clothing (or vouchers) is offered from all New Jersey Salvation Army Corps Community Centers. Individuals who stop by one of the facilities will have access to a number of products and resources, such as new and used clothing which is also for distribution to qualified low-income families. Most of the free clothing is for children for school or parents for work.

  • Salvation Army free clothing distribution centers focus on meeting multiple needs. They include back to school, professional work attire, and disaster relief. In general, clients with those requests may be able to get free items. Others may shop for low cost goods, including uniforms, boots, winter attire, and more. As the Salvation Army in NJ both gives out free items in a crisis and sells bargain priced goods.




The New Jersey Salvation Army gives out free school supplies or gift cards. These services generally start during the summer and fall months and are run in partnership with stores or charities. There will be backpacks, lunchboxes, free school uniforms, tablets and other items to students from NJ public schools. The Salvation Army can help households that need assistance with back to school supplies.

  • Students from low-income families can get free electronics, such as Apple products, for school too. Salvation Army case workers in NJ can help them find programs and apply, such as for a tablet, laptop, iPhone or desktop computer. As the goal is to ensure students have access to distance learning, and learn more on free iphones for the low income.

Free Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter assistance can be offered too. Services range from free meals at Thanksgiving and Christmas to gifts, presents for kids or adults and winter items. For example, programs offered can include Angel Tree, Toys for Tots, and free winter coats for children. The Salvation Army and their volunteers really want to ensure that children in New Jersey can still receive gifts and meals during the holidays even if their families may be struggling financially.

Salvation Army food pantries, soup kitchens and mobile canteen feeding programs are open to the low income and homeless individuals. The primary goal of these various food and grocery programs is to provide for the emergency food needs of local citizens. Meals may be served during Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Other seasonal programs in New Jersey include snacks for students during the summer or home delivered meals to senior citizens and the elderly.

  • These locations also often have on site staff that can link individuals to both local supportive services in your community as well as government resources and public aid across New Jersey and the federal government. The goal is help people become self-sufficient and/or help people move away from homelessness. Click here to find a listing of other free New Jersey food pantries.

Financial help from NJ Salvation Army for rent, bills, and living expenses

A number of emergency and long term housing assistance programs are administered. The Salvation Army may be able to offer people faced with an eviction a small amount of cash to pay their rent in a crisis. A key is to help people maintain their shelter and prevent homelessness. If you have been evicted and need to find a new home or apartment in New Jersey, then the Salvation Army may offer temporary housing. Social workers can help people locate new more affordable homes or apartments. Some money may even be provided for paying security deposits or first month’s rent.




Financial assistance can be provided by the Salvation Army to help people pay heating and energy bills. Helping lower income and struggling New Jersey families maintain their water and electric service is key to preventing homelessness. These funds can help keep families together as a family unit too. The Salvation Army can refer clients to utility assistance in Now Jersey.

Help with transportation can be arranged. Assistance from a local Salvation Army can be offered on a very limited basis. This may include a volunteer from a Salvation Army Corp center driving someone to a doctor appointment, or maybe free gasoline vouchers for a job interview. People who need transportation can rarely get help from one of these services as it may only be offered for a crisis, and items like gas or car repairs may be available, but are not common. Look here for other details on free car repair places.

Salvation Army social services in New Jersey

The Salvation Army works to end long term poverty. They help the poor, teenagers, homeless, and substance abusers among others get on track. The services include everything from homeless shelters to free clothes or gasoline vouchers (or train passes) for work, computers for the low income, and much more.

Referrals and case management can be administered by social workers. They can advise people on and help individuals apply for food stamps, programs such as LIHEAP, and other public assistance. Also learn about local services and charity organizations in New Jersey.

A number of conditions will need to be met by applicants as well. Services are offered by the family services and thrift stores listed below regardless of religion and background. Even if someone can’t qualify for funds to pay their rent or bills, then they may still be able to access services such as case management or referrals.

New Jersey Salvation Army center locations

There are locations throughout NJ, including near you. Salvation Army centers for the counties as well as cities or towns in New Jersey are below, most of which offer financial help, seasonal programs or have thrift stores.





There are other assistance programs and social services from a local Salvation Army center. As the goal of the Christian charity is to help the poor, homeless and less fortunate in New Jersey. Use the search bar at the bottom of the page or in the navigation bar to find resources.

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