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Salvation Army of Camden New Jersey financial assistance resources.

Basic needs can be met by the Camden County New Jersey Salvation Army centers. Thousands of local families and individuals apply for and receive everything from cash for paying bills or rent in a crisis to free food, back to school supplies and case management services. There are also seasonal programs such as free Christmas toys or employment resources, including free gas vouchers or bus passes in Camden NJ.

While resources are limited, the Salvation Army does whatever it can to help the less fortunate in Camden. The assistance programs are focused on children, senior citizens, singe mothers and other low income families. As the goal is to offer short term emergency help as well as long term support.

Free good, stuff, seasonal goods from the Salvation Army

Holiday programs are offered by Salvation Army locations in New Jersey, including in Camden. Most of the resources focus on addressing Christmas and Thanksgiving needs. The programs rely heavily on donations and volunteers, but they can provide thousands of families with free toys, winter coats, gifts, and household items. The main services are known as Angel Tree and Adopt a Family. Centers will coordinate holiday meals, including Turkeys and all the topping. Seniors, the homebound, elderly and people in nursing homes can receive visitation and companionship from Salvation Army volunteers and social workers.

In addition to the special holiday programs referenced above, families, children, and students can gain access to new and used clothing. Some items for the winter may include gently used winter coats or boots. There are also free back to school supplies, backpacks, uniforms, books and other educational material given to students in Camden County. Children may be able to get additional clothing in the fall for when they go back to school. Others clothing items may be available too. This does not include clothing that may be sold at thrift stores.

Apply for financial help from the Salvation Army in Camden County

Shelter and transitional housing centers are located across the state. Some focus on women and children, other housing units may be for men only. If someone does need to use short term housing, they will also benefit from other supportive services that can help them facilitate independence, find a job, acquire new skills, and otherwise obtain self-sufficiency. Related services offered at the same time as transitional housing include life skills job readiness classes as well as a computer learning center. Some shelter/housing units are reserved for veterans.




Each and every Salvation Army center in Camden and neighboring towns and cities will have a food pantry. The community centers have food banks and pantries on site to help feed the low income, homeless, and to otherwise meet emergency needs for hot meals, canned goods, and all sorts of food.

There may also be Salvation Army volunteers that participate in Meals on Wheels for the homebound. Some of the items available will usually be canned goods, fresh fruits, rice, breads, and much more. Or home delivery (Meals on Wheels) will often bring frozen food/meals to the elderly, disabled, and sick in Camden County.

Additional meals and feeding services are available. These can include, but are not limited to, soup kitchens and Sunday feeding programs, holiday food distributions, and centers also offer food baskets to the needy. Free hot and healthy meals are offered to anyone who needs support.

Eviction prevention, basic needs and homeless services are available. The main program is offered from the Salvation Army's Service Extension Program, which operates across New Jersey and Camden County. Assistance may be offered for food, shelter, rent, clothing, information and referral. They do have information on emergency heating and utility bill assistance programs as well. A key is preventing homelessness. Find a list of eviction prevention programs in New Jersey.

The Camden County Salvation Army also works closely and can refer people to NJ Shares. This is a state of New Jersey energy bill assistance program for individuals who are out of options. The program can help residential energy and heating customers who are experiencing a short-term financial emergency and who have also used up all other resources, including government assistance such as LIHEAP. Any financial assistance is very short term, and is meant to help prevent a disconnection.

Camden County New Jersey families often lack cool homes, or the ability to cool a home, during the hot summer months. The Salvation Army may offer help in the form of funds to pay AC bills, free box fans or air conditioners and other resources. These units are often donated, such as window box fan units from corporations, or agencies like the United Way may help fix air conditioners or give out new, free ones. Find how and where to get free air conditioner units.







A program focused on helping veterans and military members is Operation Red Shield. This Salvation Army program provides assistance to current military personnel in Camden County. In addition, any dependent family members of the service members, as well as veterans, can look into assistance. Services provide information, referrals, advocacy, needs-based financial assistance and Pastoral counseling on an individual basis.

Locations of Salvation Army in Camden County

The main Camden County office is located at 1865 Harrison Ave, Camden, New Jersey 08105. There is also a Family Store there, which is also a thrift store. Call ((856) 379-6900 to reach a Salvation Army social worker.

By Jon McNamara

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