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Grants for single moms.

Free grants from the government, charities, and non-profits can help single moms. The programs can help single mothers pay the bills, including rent, utilities, clothing, medical or childcare costs. The grant money can also be used to buy food or groceries, or cover supplies like car seats, auto repairs or other transportation expenses. A wide range of organizations provide assistance. Find the primary agencies to apply at for emergency or long term grants for single moms.

The grants will help single mothers, regardless of the age of their kid(s), and any financial assistance does not need to be repaid. Some of the programs are seasonal, such as LIHEAP or back to school assistance programs. Others can be applied for year round, such as free daycare grants for single moms to pay for child care bills or low-income housing assistance. Note each hardship grant program, whether from a state or federal government agency or a charity, will have its own funding levels as well as application process.

Free government hardship grants for single mothers

They may be provided by a state or federal government to single mothers who are facing a financial hardship. These grants will generally be for low income single mom households and/or households living in or near poverty. In addition, the free government grant programs will often be very “time limited” (meaning they have a defined expiration date) and the government programs have a longer application process (meaning they are not for emergency expenses or needs). The main programs include, but are not limited too, the following:

Utility bill grants for single mothers are available from LIHEAP – the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. There is a regular component which is open for applications in the fall. In addition, the crisis LIHEAP program can also help single mothers in an emergency situation. Both of them are first come - first served when it comes to funding and each state has their own application process. In some cases, free LIHEAP grants can be used to help single mothers pay a deposit so that they can get their lights, heat, electric or gas turned back on. Read more on free LIHEAP grants near you.




Free cash grants are available from state government hardship programs known as TANF, or temporary cash assistance. Note the name of the benefit program can vary by state. This is free, temporary cash assistance that can help single moms, pregnant women, teens, and families living in/or near poverty levels. The free grants use a combination of state as well as federal government funding, which means the allotment available changes by year.

  • This financial assistance program can help single mothers pay almost any bill they may have. It can assist with rent, utilities or water bills, groceries, gasoline or car repairs, mortgages and more. State governments will have the final say on what the grants can or can’t pay. Find the amount of cash assistance by state available.

SNAP food stamps can help single mothers or parents buy groceries, vegetables, fruit, paper products, and other supplies for their household. This is a free grant program from the government that is income based. States provide an EBT card or an app on a smartphone that low income single mothers can use to shop for food at a grocery store, super market, big box store or other locations. Get details on SNAP food stamp offices near you.

Free daycare vouchers (or grants) assist single moms with paying for daycare needs. This government assistance program known as CCAP will require the applicant to be working a certain number of hours, in school/college, or in a job training program. In other words, the government will help single parents pay child care bills if the single mom can’t watch their own children. More on free government daycare grants for single moms.

Government WIC vouchers are for new mothers, including singe ones, pay for infant formula. The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) is for low income households that need assistance in feeding their new baby or infant. Free WIC grants can help feed a newborn for the first few years or so of their life. Continue with WIC vouchers for paying for formula.

Section 8 housing choice voucher grants from the federal government can serve as a form of rent assistance for single moms. HCV vouchers can pay the rent on a home or apartment. The Housing and Urban Development Section 8 housing choice voucher program is an income subsidized resources that helps low income families keep a roof over their heads. There is generally a long waiting list for this program, however in a crisis emergency section 8 housing grants can assist single moms who are in a serious hardship, such as those with a disability. Locate Sec 8 HCV grants near you.




Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) grants will help lower income single parents or moms pay for the health and dental care that their kid(s) need. This financial aid program uses both state and federal government funds to operate. The free single mother grant program can pay for dental cleanings for kids, immunizations, check-ups, prescription drugs, hospitalizations, and countless other medical bills. Each state has their own application process for it. There are other sources of free government healthcare resources.

Charities and non-profit programs to help single moms

Single moms can turn to charities near them, national non-profits, and non-government entities as well for hardship grants. These are generally available on a shorter notice, meaning they can help in a crisis. In addition, many of the free single mother grants from charities are also seasonal or may come in the form of vouchers or free stuff.

Seasonal grants are extensive. Low-income single parents, women who are victims of domestic violence, the unemployed and other moms can get help for Back to School, Thanksgiving, Winter or Christmas, and other seasons. The main free grant programs that help single mothers with seasonal needs are below.




The Jeremiah Project is a national non-profit that focuses on helping single moms who live in poverty “break the cycle”. Everything from grants to pay for affordable housing to educational support, job training and other help is arranged. Case management is combined with financial support, including grants or referrals, to clients. Learn more here.

Free vouchers, which are a type of hardship grant, are also available. These can come in many forms, such as furniture, clothes, food, prescription drugs, and more. Single mothers can also get a voucher to pay for car repairs for work. Single moms can get items like winter coats for their children, grants such as gift cards to shop at groceries stores, or free furniture bank vouchers or grants for a home or apartment.

  • These assistance programs are generally offered year-round from various charities. However grants to pay for gasoline will help single moms all year round. This means that a clothing closet may have winter attire for the cold months or shorts and sandals for summer. Or there may be special Christmas or school giveaways. Find clothing bank programs.

Financial help is offered from non-profits. There are hundreds of Community Action Agencies across the country, and they may be a leading place to turn to for free hardship grants for single moms. They are a source of information and referrals. There may be information on job programs, transportation such as free cars, gasoline for work or school, rental assistance programs for single moms, legal support and so much more.  Find community action agencies near you for grants.







Emergency hardship grants for single moms may also be available from hundreds of other local as well as national charities. Organizations such as the Salvation Army, Saint Vincent de Paul, Volunteers of America, Catholic Charities, the United Way, and many others may provide either financial help or free items to single mothers. Locate a wide range of charities for help with bills.

Grameen America focuses on helping women, including single moms, with long term stability. This can include interest free loans or small dollar grants to start a business, gain employment skills, and achieve economic stability. There are dozens of local offices as well as a national application site, and get more details on Grameen America for single mothers here.


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