Assistance programs in Gwinnett County.
Find how to get financial help in Gwinnett County. Charities, churches, and the DFCS government assistance office offer emergency funds to pay utility bills or temporary rental assistance or vouchers to pay for groceries. The organizations also work to end poverty, give out free clothes for work, school supplies, and job placement services. Get financial help near you in the Gwinnett County area.
There are other assistance programs offered. This includes resources such as free Christmas toys for children to a free car for work and gasoline cards. The goal of many agencies is to give both short term financial help (for bills, mortgages, medical, deposits and more) to long term case management.
Help with paying rent and energy bills as well as emergency financial assistance
Norcross Cooperative Ministry, which can be reached at 770) 263-8268, helps low income families. They will provide cash grants to people who are behind on rent and their goal is to help prevent homelessness. They also offer light and gas bill assistance, free food, gas vouchers and other support from the Emergency Assistance Program as noted below.
- Prescription drug vouchers are for the uninsured and working poor. The Norcross Cooperative Ministry also has limited funds that can help fill prescription drugs and medications. Mostly generic meds are given out. Find additional prescription drug programs.
- They offer job training and counseling services for long term self-sufficiency. This will help people find a job and acquire new skills. Last, but not least, the non-profit NCM will also give out clothes and preowned items that are still in very good condition.
There are other social services offered in Gwinnett County. The main address is 500 Pinnacle Ct, Norcross, GA 30071. Read more Norcross Cooperative Ministry assistance programs.
The local community action agency, the Partnership for Community Action, Inc., is a non-profit organization that people can turn to for help. They have several local offices, but can be reached at (404) 537-4300. Read below to find some of what they can offer.
- Developing Employment Program will provide the opportunity for individuals to improve their financial standing and career paths. It supports adults and the unemployed in Gwinnett County. Community action will help them with obtaining a certificate in a variety of different programs, such as computer skills, health care careers, customer service specialist, automotive, etc.
- Financial Counseling from Gwinnett County Community Action - There is also credit counseling as well as budgeting help from the Partnership for Community Action. This will help low-income families pay down any loans or debts they have. Budgeting will help clients manage their money.
- Mortgage Assistance and Foreclosure Prevention will assist people who are struggling with their home loans or property taxes. The non-profits HUD Certified Housing and Mortgage Counselors will advocate on behalf of the clients with their banks, lenders, and mortgage provider to secure modifications on their loans. Learn how to delay or slow down a foreclosure.
- Rent and housing assistance - PCA can help an individual/family with relocating to an apartment or single home managed by a third-party management firm. In addition to that, they may be able to provide grants to help people move or pay first months rent on an affordable apartment in the Gwinnett County area.
- Georgia Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides a one-time cash grant/payment to assist low and moderate income families with paying for air conditioning and summer cooling bills, as well as home heating bills in the winter. More on LIHEAP assistance.
- Free AC units - Senior citizens and families with an income below poverty levels can apply for free air conditioners from LIHEAP or local charities. A grant program pays for these, or they may be donated by the Salvation Army or a church. Find how to apply for a free air conditioning unit or window fan.
Other resources are offered from the Gwinnett County Community Action Agency as well. Call the Partnership for Community Action, Inc. for more information and the address is 5151 Brook Hollow Pkwy, Norcross, GA 30071. Staff can refer clients to loans, government grants, job programs and more. Or click for details on Gwinnett County Partnership Community Action Agency.
Feel free to contact the Salvation Army - Gwinnett County Service Unit at ((770) 724-1677 to learn about the assistance programs they offer. The charity provides community resources, financial help for paying bills, free food and worship services. Seasonal help is provided by the Salvation Army too - the main resources are free Christmas toys, school supplies, and even Thanksgiving turkeys for low income families.
- There is also emergency help for utility bills, and services offered include Electric Bill Payment Assistance or funds to pay a deposit. Water bill help can also be offered for seniors and single moms.
- Housing resources in the county range from mortgage or rent payment assistance and money for mobile home lot rent to homeless shelters. There are free motel vouchers too.
- Minor home repairs may be made with volunteers of the Salvation Army. Roof repairs, plumbing, house work and more is free. Read more details on volunteers that do home repairs.
Many other free or low cost programs (such as a thrift store) are on site. Read more Salvation Army Gwinnett County.
Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry, Inc. is a non-profit charity organization that provides grants and financial assistance. There are also free vouchers for prescription and utilities expenses, in addition to operating offering food assistance from a food pantry for families. There are also free clothes for kids or adults, tech products such as Chromebooks or school supplies. They focus on individuals in need of short term help. The address is 52 Gwinnett Dr suite c, Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Phone (770) 339-7887.
The cost of living, in particular housing and medical, is so high in the county and country. Oftentimes families need their children to budget, live within means, work, or help support the family. There are some simple ways for kids to help out in all aspects of the home. Learn more on how children can help struggling families.
Catedral De Fe Ministries, Inc. - Cafe Community Center is an agency that focuses on the Hispanic community but will serve all clients, regardless of race, in the Metro Atlanta area. Services offered by the non-profit include a food pantry with non-perishable groceries and perishable items. There is also grant money for utility and electric bill help, ESL classes, GED preparation, and other outreach programs. Call the Lawrenceville Georgia agency at (770) 962-9624. The address is 1416 Braselton Hwy, Lawrenceville, GA 30043.
The Georgia Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty can help those with an eviction notice, the currently homeless, and families that owe back rent. Services from the pro-bono law firm include free legal aid and representation to even transitional housing in Gwinnett County. Referrals to other non-profits are also offered for rent and housing issues. Learn more on Georgia Center for stopping homelessness.
Gwinnett County Jewish Career and Family Services can provide help, referrals, and human services. Some programs are for people of all religions. Not only is job placement assistance and career counseling available, but the location may have cash assistance or short term loans to pay bills. There are also hardship grants for emergency needs. Staff partner with clients on needs such as rent, food, and utility bills, among other options. Read Jewish Career and Family Services.
Other lenders in the county can provide funds as well, and they range from credit unions to community banks and non-profits. Some provide assistance to applicants with poor credit scores as well. Find additional information on loans for short term that have favorable repayment terms.
Rent help is available. from non-profits. If you have an eviction notice, or are starting to fall behind on your monthly rent, then look into various services offered by non-profits in Gwinnett County that can help you make your monthly payments. There are also grants to pay for moving costs or storage. Find a listing of programs that offer rent help in Gwinnett County.
Transitional housing in Gwinnett County is available. Private organizations and the government operate shelters and short term apartments or homes. Clients will usually need to show a willingness for self-sufficiency. What may be offered, depending on location and resources, includes.
- Vouchers for temporary lodging.
- Free meals, clothing, or personal hygiene items.
- Help in locating affordable permanent housing and paying the rent and deposits on it.
- Information on job training programs and educational resources in the region.
- Other social services as well. More on transitional housing Gwinnett County.
House Of Globalization helps women in Gwinnett County who are facing abuse as well as asylum seekers. There is everything from free hygiene supplies to food, clothes and legal aid. Financial assistance will also be available, including for a security deposit on a safe home. Or get legal aid. The address is confidential, but call (678) 712-8271 for details.
Response Center of Lawrenceville GA helps the poor, people with no money, elderly and others in Gwinnett County. A wide variety of emergency and long term programs are offered. There are free online vouchers for a hotel room. Or get money to pay for back rent or power bills as well as information on building credit or finding a place to live. There are also homeless shelters, free furniture or appliances for an apartment and more. The location is 750 Winer Industrial Way Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Email
Latin American Association helps Spanish speakers. The programs are run from the Gwinnett County Outreach Center. Get information on free ESL classes and job training. They also offer grant money to pay bills, citizenship classes and technology for support, including a free computer. Other support is offered to help immigrants assimilate. The non-profit is at 308 N. Clayton St., Lawrenceville, GA 30046. Call (678) 205-1018
Ninth District Opportunity provides referrals and some basic services from an office in Duluth. NDO can administer Head Start education for kids. They also offer information on government benefits, including free daycare vouchers. There are also other social services for the poor and less fortunate. Click more details North District Opportunity assistance programs.
North Gwinnett Cooperative Ministry provides food, clothing and financial assistance. The money can help single parents, seniors or the disabled pay their rent or electric bills. There are also free furniture vouchers or appliances to residents in a limited area as well as a thrift store. Call (770) 271-9793. The location is 4395 Commerce Dr, Buford, GA 30518.
Social services from Action Ministries is available in the region, including Gwinnett County and other areas in the metropolitan area. They offer help to veterans from SSVF and assistance to low income families, including seniors. There may be emergency financial aid for paying a partial security deposit for the homeless or back rent / eviction help programs. Other services include White Christmas holiday event, budgeting workshops, and information on government grant or loan programs for rent. Continue with Action Ministries assistance programs.
Property tax help is offered from local charities. This is for seniors or the disabled on a fixed income. Both mediation and charitable support is arranged, though the funds are limited. Locate charities that help pay property taxes.
Duluth Cooperative Ministries - Hands of Christ - Services offered by this agency include financial assistance for rent and utility bills. There are also hot meals and groceries from a food pantry, job referrals, prescription assistance, and the distribution of clothing vouchers as well as baby items. Call (770) 623-9563, or find programs from Duluth Cooperative Ministries.
Lilburn Cooperative Ministry - This agency provides free food, clothing and toiletries. The non-profit also has programs for the homeless along with the operation of a thrift shop. In a crisis, small amounts of limited financial assistance is offered. Lilburn Georgia. Call (770) 931-8333, with the address at 5329 Five Forks Trickum Rd SW, Lilburn, GA 30047.
Gwinnett County loan programs - Low income families, the employed, and borrowers with poor credit scores all have access to emergency cash for paying bills. Most of the lenders are regulated by the state of Georgia, however the funds should only be used in a crisis. More on short term loans in Gwinnett County.
The Helpline Referral Service is available five days per week. Residents can learn about a number of financial resources that can help them deal with a crisis they are facing. There are both non-profits and government resources, whether it is for food, medical needs, or rent. The helpline can also direct senior citizens and other individuals, such as single moms, to assistance for their needs, such as child care or Meals on Wheels. More on Gwinnett County Helpline.
DFCS office is at 95 Constitution Blvd, Lawrenceville, GA 3004. They process applications to all the public assistance programs and government benefits. Programs range from TANF cash assistance, which will provide families living in poverty with free money to pay the bills. There are also day care vouchers, SNAP food stamps / EBT cards to pay for groceries and grants from LIHEAP.
- Any assistance is temporary. Long term stability is needed too. The government helps low income, working poor, unemployed and out-of-work parents get back on their feet; assists with childcare costs for low income parents who are working or in job training. Find other grants for the working poor or single moms that may be available including rental assistance for single mothers.
The Gwinnett County Division of Family and Children Services has information on other state of GA and federal programs too. Whether applying for SSI disability, free food commodities for seniors, or immigrant/refugee programs, the government can assist. Call (678) 518-5500, or read more public assistance Gwinnett County.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul - St. Marguerite d'Youville is based in Lawrenceville. A number of social services, case management, and emergency aid may be offered. This includes a food pantry, GED instruction and life skills education, and limited amounts of financial assistance for bills and housing. Call (770) 381-7855 for information on this charity.
Charity and churches that offer free items in Gwinnett County
Basic needs including free school supplies, furniture or clothing - If you need clothing for your child, diapers for your baby, new work attire, furniture for a home or similar items, then charities in Gwinnett County Georgia can help. There is also free furniture banks as well as school supplies for lower income parents. Agencies offer so called basic needs, referrals, and support to the low income. Click here free clothes, furniture and school supplies Atlanta area.
Free food is given out. There are several non-profits, churches, and food banks across the county. Or find free soup kitchens. All of the locations may offer meals, groceries, applications to SNAP food stamps and help to the needy. Find the list of free food banks in Gwinnet County.
The uninsured, minorities, immigrants, low income and others can turn to community clinics for free basic medical or dental care. Volunteer as well as full time doctors, nurses, dentists, hygienists, and support staff in Gwinnett County give the care that adults or children need. They also give referrals to cheap health insurance policies, government aid including Medicare or Medicaid, and more. Find a free community clinic for medical care near you.
Gwinnett County legal support - For residents that can't afford an attorney on their own and that meet low income conditions, there are pro-bono lawyers in the area. Assistance is available for stopping evictions, landlord - tenant mediation, and foreclosure defense. Other free legal help is for the disabled and seniors in the county from programs such as the Caregiver Project or a hotline. Read more on free legal aid in Atlanta.
Free assistance for holidays, including Thanksgiving and Christmas, is provided by churches, charities, and non-profit organizations in Gwinnett County. What may be offered depends on donations, but it can include free Christmas toys for children, groceries, and hot meals. Most of the Christmas programs are offered at no cost. More details on free Christmas help in Gwinnett County and Atlanta.
Debt relief and mortgage help
American Consumer Credit Counseling is another local non-profit They offer debt relief, credit repair services and mortgage assistance programs that are HUD certified. A major focus is on the low-income with bad credit. Services offered may include, but are not limited to, free debt settlement programs, seasonal tax assistance, and various financial literacy workshops. There is also free advice on budgeting, homeownership, and government approved credit counseling. The location is 260 Peachtree St NW Suite 2200, Atlanta, GA 30303. Call (877) 440-1773
Money Management International is based at 3500 Lenox Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30326. The government certified agency provides either free or debt relief and loan assistance programs in Gwinnett County. There help people pay down credit card or medical debt or eliminate title loans. There is also credit repair services, help with bankruptcy filings and other programs. Call (404) 260-3196.
- Several other non-profit housing, credit, and debt counseling agencies operate in the Gwinnet County Georgia region. Click here to find the phone numbers, and how to apply for help, from these Atlanta credit counseling organizations.
Additional financial resources in Gwinnett County
The region, including Gwinnett County and surrounding counties, has other programs that will help struggling families or individuals. There are faith based groups that give out free stuff, grants to pay bills from the government, United Way programs in Gwinnett County and more. Call (404) 527-7200 for more referrals.
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