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Assistance programs DeKalb County Georgia.

Emergency financial assistance and long term help is offered in DeKalb County. Low-income families will find  housing assistance (for rent, mortgages, or paying utility bills) to self-sufficiency, which may be free child care vouchers, car payment help, free gas cards or job training. In addition, find how charities, churches, and the government also offer free food, cash assistance, and other social services to low income families. Get financial help near you in DeKalb County GA.

Many charities, churches, and also the Dekalb County DFCS offer support. It may be grants, loans, or even free items like school supplies, medications, furniture, or Christmas toys. Another major focus is on transportation as well as housing assistance in the region, as they can help with homeless prevention as well as employment needs. Or learn about public assistance, which includes both federal government and state aid.

Financial assistance for bills, rent, free food, and medications

Locate services, resources, and programs that can help DeKalb, Decatur, and Atlanta area families get help. The Partnership for Community Action, Inc., Salvation Army, Urban League and the Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority are non-profit agencies that administer a variety of assistance program, including grant money, debt or budgeting help and more.. But there are many other places to turn to for financial help. Locate other resources below as well. Several agencies and non-profits exist. Call them for help

The Decatur Area Emergency Assistance Ministry/DEAM agency provides assistance by offering free food (receive a maximum six times per year of groceries), funds for utilities, or prescription medication vouchers. DEAM also tries to offer mortgage help, debt reduction advice, and rent assistance.

The charity also offers other assistance. There are free medical supplies and stuff such as clothing or school supplies for kids. DEAM can also offer referrals to government grants for different expenses and other support. Programs are available to residents that live within the service area boundaries. Dial (404) 373-2300, or read Decatur Emergency Assistance Ministry programs.




A program known as Project Take Charge is run by the Decatur Cooperative Ministry, Inc. Dial (404) 284-4411. This project is a rent assistance and homelessness prevention program. It can help the homeless in DeKalbd County, struggling renters or homeowners, and the vulnerable.

The Ministry provides low income and others who may be struggling with emergency financial assistance. There may be grants to help with rent expenses, mortgage payments, utilities, and free food. They also focus on women (including single moms) and offer both transitional and permanent housing. More on DCM - Decatur Cooperative Ministry assistance programs.

Salvation Army - DeKalb County Service Unit provide emergency assistance to families and individuals who are in a crisis situation. Get help from the agency in the areas of free food, clothing, or funds for rent and “lodging”. The Decatur and Dekalb County charity also helps with housing expenses and utility bill assistance. The charity will also provide referrals to other comprehensive crisis centers (charities and non-profits) and clients can also access counseling.

There are also free Christmas toys, holiday meals, and back to school supply giveaway events. This is part of their “basic need” programs which help lead to stability. Dial (404) 486-2714, or more Salvation Army financial assistance in DeKalb.

Society of St. Vincent De Paul is another charity organization that provides a host of services to DeKalb Georgia residents. Services available include, but not limited to, financial assistance for bills and expenses, a food pantry, GED instruction, and also life skills education programs. There is also a thrift store with clothing, and the volunteers can help clients apply for benefits such as food stamps. More DeKalb County St. Vincent assistance programs.

Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty provides assistance across the state and in DeKalb County. The non-profit can provide free legal advice and aid to prevent evictions. Those that are currently homeless can explore emergency shelters and transitional housing programs. They may also have referrals to financial support, including first months rent or security deposit assistance. Click more information on Georgia Law Center on Homelessness.

Free household goods, clothing, furniture, school supplies - Those items, and much more, are provided by regional clothing closets, furniture banks and thrift stores. Children, low income families, and the needy can receive free clothes, backpacks, shoes, and more. There are also free furniture banks for the Dekalb County area, which can give out beds, couches, appliances and other items to lower income families. Free Christmas assistance programs may also be offered to those who need help. Read more on free furniture, clothes, and school supplies in Atlanta area.




United Methodist Children's Home – Homeless families and people on verge of eviction, with children less than 17 years of age may qualify for financial assistance. There is also help for single mothers or fathers in the county. The financial assistance provided to qualified applicants is very limited. At most $75 will be mailed directly to the landlord or company that needs payment. Location is 500 S. Columbia Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30030. Call (404) 327-5872 or (404) 327-5820.

Suthers Center for Christian Outreach only helps qualified low income and working poor people in zip codes of 30319 and 30341. Food, rent, electric bill help and more may be distributed. Location is 3550 Broad St., Chamblee, Georgia 30341, call (770) 455-3358

Lenders, both non-profit and “for-profit”, offer support in the DeKalb county area. However these should be a last resort, as using a loan to help pay the bills is not always the best option. There are credit unions, non-profits, lenders such as Bank of America or Chase, and others. Or read more on bad credit loans for the lower income.

DeKalb area Urban League - They offer mortgage and job training as referenced on this page. Other housing resources are available to, include eviction prevention counseling for tenants, referrals to affordable, low income apartments, information on grants for buying a home, and more.

Additional programs can also provide housing assistance. The Urban League can give referrals. Residents of DeKalb County Georgia should try an agency listed above or below. If more funds are needed, or referrals, then there are organizations as well as other programs to turn to as well for help paying rent. The Decatur and Dekalb County Urban League focuses on housing needs.

They also help people start a business, or gain an education. A focus is on minorities in the community, but any disadvantaged family may be assisted. Click here Dekalb County GA area Urban League.

When in a crisis, emergency cash loans can be used. There are several lenders in DeKalb County that provide funds to families, individuals, and anyone in need. Residents even have access to pawn shops and/or non-traditional sources of borrowing. More on Atlanta emergency loans.

Tranquil Lane Community and Support Services runs a transitional housing site. Also services such as case management, job training, information on eviction prevention and self-sufficiency is available. Clients may learn about any local DeKalb County security deposit free programs when ready to move. Call (678) 977-2763 or (404) 249-0212.







Vouchers to pay rent as part of section 8 are available from the Decatur Housing Authority ((404) 270-2100) as well as the Lithonia Housing Authority (Call (770) 482-6563). The two non-profits operate income based housing and rent subsidized apartments for the low income. Other housing expenses, such as utilities, may be partially covered by the government issued vouchers.

DeKalb Caring for Others only supports a small portion of the county, specifically the metro area. Some of what may be provided include funds, or maybe a loan, to pay utility or water bills. There is also rent help, basic needs such as clothing, and food. Staff in DeKalb County can also help with applications for government benefits or offer budgeting and financial literacy classes. Click more Caring for Others programs.

Jewish Career and Family Services – DeKalb County is a local center with offices in the region. The programs range from emergency financial assistance for paying bills such as rent, medication, or energy costs. They operate a Kosher food pantry and deliver meals to seniors using volunteers. Other resources are offered to the disabled, elderly, and low income in the region. More information on Jewish Family Services in Atlanta.

The non-profit Partnership for Community Action operates in DeKalb County. They are part of the nationwide community action network. They operate some employment services, as noted below, and can provide information on emergency financial assistance from their Family Unit. Speak to a case manager about resources such as Head Start, food assistance, rent help, low income housing, and government aid such as LIHEAP. Get more details on Partnership for Community Action programs.

Transitional housing services – This is wide ranging in DeKalb County Georgia. There are agencies that may offer shelter and a meal, and other groups will help individuals that are facing eviction with paying rent and address other needs. Most programs offer some form of case management, information on employment opportunities, and other support for the poor and low income. Continue with transitional housing in DeKalb County.

Initiative for De Kalb County Affordable Housing is a not for profit agency that helps people find a new home or affordable apartment. Services are for the low income, recently evicted, single parents or homeless. Some referrals or information on programs to pay first months rent or a security deposit may be available as well. These may be either grant or loan services. The address is 1434 Scott Blvd., Decatur, GA 30030, telephone Call (404) 299-9979. Or find other apartment assistance.

Short and long term homeless prevention programs help stop evictions, foreclosures, and place families into new low income apartment. The resources may include the following.

  • Financial help from charities for expenses including rent, water bills, deposits, and moving costs.
  • Credit repair services to help rebuild scores to lease an apartment.
  • Emergency assistance for families (including single mothers) with children, the disabled, and elderly.
  • Other support is also provided, and more on DeKalb County Georgia homeless prevention.




DeKalb Action Ministries offers help to the homeless and residents facing eviction. Shelter, transitional housing, and low income apartments/homes are available to income qualified and/or disabled individuals. Or learn about non-profits in DeKalb County that may be able to help with issuing grants for rent or overdue energy bills. Other services include budgeting, job placement, and possible funds to pay a portion of a security deposit. Click here Action Ministry housing programs.

Dunwoody Baptist Church - Benevolence Assistance Ministry provides referrals, financial assistance, and counseling, There may also be free food, job information and career counseling too. Telephone - (770) 280-1240 or  (770) 280-1200

Financial help and material goods may be provided by a network of churches. Religious groups, using mostly donations, help the poor, elderly, immigrants, and vulnerable. Some of the services may be as follows.

  • -Affordable day care programs for working adults and their children.
  • -Free items from thrift stores, furniture banks, or clothing stores.
  • -Some churches may be able to help pay rent or energy bills.
  • -Many other services may be provided. This includes ESL programs, support for immigrants seeking citizenship, gas vouchers, and more. Read more DeKalb County church programs.

Emergency rent and security deposit assistance - Families facing eviction, or that are behind on their monthly rent payments to their landlord, can apply for financial help or advice. Non-profits may have grants to pay a portion of housing costs, place DeKalb County residents into low income apartments, or offer other assistance for rent or a deposit. Learn more on emergency rent help DeKalb County Georgia.

Free assistance at Christmas or Thanksgiving, including food and gifts, is available for children and low income families. Many households receive some form of help, especially those with senior members or young children. Gifts, toys, clothing, free meals, and more is offered. More on free holiday assistance in DeKalb County.

Somali American Community Center, Inc., which is based in Clarkston, only supports the Somali-American and DeKalb County refugee community. Services include, but are not limited to, advocacy, information on housing and government benefits, translation and more. (404) 296-1308.

DeKalb County diapers and assistance for newborns can be arranged. Low income households, immigrants, and individuals living in poverty can apply for assistance from a charity. There will be supplies including diapers, food programs, gift certificates, and referrals. Clients range from single moms to teenagers and anyone that is struggling. Continue reading about free diapers and baby items in Atlanta area.

DeKalb County electric, energy bill assistance and weatherization programs help the elderly, disabled and low-income. The federal government funded Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides qualified individuals a one-time cash grant/payment that will assist low to moderate income families with paying for their home heating and electric bills.  There may also be grant money to pay for summer colling bills or maybe a free air conditioner unit.




Decatur weatherization program is another option. Save hundreds of dollars per year on your energy bills from this free program. It focuses on low to moderate income homeowners, the elderly, and the disabled. An audit of the entire home will be performed to determine what weatherization and energy conserving measures are needed in order to make the home as energy efficient as possible.

The program can pay for the significant home improvements including such updates as attic and wall insulation, air sealing measures, and weather-stripping. These improvements are done to help low-income household’s save on their energy bills. It can also provide for the repair or replacement of gas appliances, heating units, and/or refrigerator units, if required, with more energy efficient units.

The program is also partially funded by the Georgia Department of Human Resources, Division of Family and Children Services. For more information or to apply for energy assistance, dial (404) 370-5000 or 404-929-2451 to learn more. Or contact the Area Committee to Improve Opportunities Now (ACTION) at (706) 546-8293.

Information and referrals are available across DeKalb County. There are services and call centers that help direct families as well as senior citizens and the working poor to emergency financial aid and more.

  • Emergency food and shelter program offers grants for rental expenses.
  • Details on public benefits for low income families, including cash assistance, SNAP and other resources. Continue with public assistance.
  • Utility companies offer funds for electric and air conditioning bills, such as Project Share.
  • Other needs, such as food from pantries, funds for security deposits, financial help for the disabled, and medical care from clinics is available from referrals, and read more DeKalb County Family Services.

Government aid and social services, or DeKalb County Division Of Family And Children Services (DFCS), the county and city of Decatur administer several social service and financial assistance programs. Get information on, and apply for LIHEAP, SNAP food stamps, medical bill assistance on insurance, and other public as well as government services. There is also applications to cash aid in Georgia.

The Futon Atlanta Community Action Authority offers grants and crisis assistance. They provide the following services.

  • Emergency food and grocery assistance.
  • Assistance to avoid evictions from an apartment, and funds to help people stop foreclosures.
  • Energy bill assistance to prevent disconnection from a utility service.
  • Resources and information on government and public aid. For example, apply for food stamps, WIC, and cash assistance.

They have a few offices in the region, including in the Atlanta portion of DeKalb County. Dial (404) 320-0166 to learn more. Click here for Fulton and DeKalb County community action.

The DFCS office also has information on other resources too. Case workers can help with SSI disability or assist with section 8 HUD vouchers. Or the elderly can apply for Medicare or homecare, among other services. Click here to find more information on public assistance in DeKalb County GA.

DeKalb County programs to stop an eviction can be utilized in a crisis. Some residents may receive support such as counseling or cash assistance. If the apartment or home they reside in is not a sustainable solution, then government grants may help with rehousing expenses, which can include rental or utility deposits and related costs. Learn more on eviction help in DeKalb County.

Interfaith Outreach Home, Inc. runs the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Fund. It also covers DeKalb County. The program  focuses on rent and housing concerns. The agency will offer financial assistance and services to prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless and it will help them pay rent or deposits. Motel or hotel voucher help may be offered too along with mobile home lot rent assistance. Call (770) 457-3727.




Job finding and employment services

Anyone who is unemployed, a gig worker, underemployed or that wants to re-enter the workforce can get help. They now have somewhere to turn to for help finding a new job or career skills. A resource run by Partnership for Community Action, Inc, called Creating Careers – Developing Employment Program (phone (404) 929-2500), will provide the opportunity for individuals to obtain a certificate, which can help them find a job and improve their career aspects. Or get IT skills, information on free laptops for remote work, and mother support.

The certificate is available in a variety of different programs, i.e., computer training, health careers, computer skills or free government internet access, customer service specialist, health care, automotive, etc. A number of companies in Dekalb County partner with community action on hiring people as well.

If you are qualified for the program, a Career and Education Coordinator and Job Developer will partner with the program participant to ensure they complete the training. The will work with clients and help them find placement in a new job that will allow for them to establish a career path as well as hopefully increase their income. Various work experience placements will be made available for individuals that need additional training before taking a permanent position.

Partnership for Community Action, Inc. administers the Creating Careers – Developing Employment Program, and the agency will pay for the fees for the certificates, training courses, books and other associated fees for those individuals who are interested in the program and who are unable to secure financial aid.

If a student secures financial aid, from the state of Georgia or the federal government, PCA will cover other fees that may be required for completion of the training. Another great benefit is that support services of transportation and child care will also be provided by the program. For more information or to apply, dial 404.929.2462 or 404) 929-2500, or click here to find a listing of college scholarships.

Another organization to turn to to help find a job is Atlanta Urban League. They offer several employment, education, and job training programs. Call 404-659-1150. The Urban League is a nation wide organization, and programs can help people regardless of race. Many resources focus on job training and address housing and rental issues. More details on national Urban League.

Emergency free food services

Receive free food, vouchers, clothing and other aid from. Call these locations to learn the specifics. Columbia Drive United Methodist Church (phone (404) 284-4151), Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross (phone (404) 284-1211), or M.C. Church Library Education Center (dial (678) 743-2021).

Additional food pantries as well as soup kitchens are available for low income families. Or residents can apply for government programs, such as free vouchers from WIC or SNAP food stamps. If those locations can’t help you, find more DeKalb County free food pantries.

Legal aid and advice

Atlanta Legal Aid is a non-profit law firm that low income, the elderly and disabled can turn to for free legal aid. The firm wants to ensure that everyone has full access to justice and legal support. They can provide foreclosure help, eviction prevention, and even help with utility disconnections. Click here for more information on free legal help in Georgia, or call the law firm at (404) 377-0701.

Tenants in DeKalb County, who are facing eviction, can get free legal aid as well. Both volunteer as well as free non-profit lawyers, paralegals, volunteers, and others offer help. They can represent low income or minority tenants in housing court, assist with disputes over deposits or noise disturbances, and otherwise help fight evictions. There eviction lawyers near you.

DeKalb County GA mortgage foreclosure assistance programs

Foreclosure prevention counseling and assistance is offered from other non-profits as well. Receive free counseling from a HUD approved specialist. The Atlanta - Decatur GA area Urban League provides counsel and advocacy that only a HUD Approved Counselor can provide. These specialists’ are often a welcome addition to the foreclosure mediation or negotiation process for the mortgage company, and they can do a tremendous job in providing a sense of relief to the client as well as information on solutions.

When you sign up for this program, certified Housing Counselors will advocate on behalf of the clients with your lender to help you secure a loan modification on your mortgage. The DeKalb County GA Urban League also offers a Financial Fitness/Homeownership series and education seminar that provides money management skills, budgeting tips and free advice.





There is also other information from the Urban League relevant to handling the family finances. The goal is to provide preventive strategies for avoiding future financial crisis.  Also read about the Georgia hardest hit fund.

If it is later determined there is the need for legal intervention in your particular case, you will referred to the Atlanta Legal Aid, Inc. for free assistance and representation. Click here for more information on Georgia legal advice. Also, if the Housing Counselor who has been assigned to your care is unable to negotiate a loan modification with your mortgage provider, the counselor will then proceed to assist the individual/family with relocating to a new single home managed by a third-party management firm or to a new apartment. The contact information for the Urban League is below.

The Housing Counselor creates a detailed budget for the client to use, they offer foreclosure prevention and mortgage delinquency counseling. These services are offered to homeowners who are delinquent on their mortgage or facing a lose of their home due to a foreclosure. The program offers people an opportunity to get their home loan back on track. Learn more on mortgage assistance in Georgia, or dial 404-659-1150 for foreclosure or mortgage help.


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