Atlanta regional free diapers and baby supplies.
Free diapers are available across the Atlanta region. Using donations from the public and businesses, low income households in Fulton and Dekalb County and other nearby counties can receive help for a newborn or infant. Find how to apply for everything from baby supplies to furniture, cloth or disposable diapers, and even financial aid.
Many of the organizations focus on new or expecting mothers. They can be single moms or married. As long as the applicant has a limited income (or is living in poverty), there may be assistance given to them. As a newborn often has many needs. So the charities provide diapers, free baby furniture, infant formula, hygiene items, and much more.
While many of the charities are based in downtown Atlanta, the services extend across the region. There will be baby stuff given in Fulton, DeKalb and other nearby counties. A low income family can call one or more agencies below for information on diapers and other supplies.
Refuge Pregnancy Center, Inc. Address is 1307 Milstead Ave. Conyers, Georgia 30012 Phone - (770) 922-5939 They focus on helping up to 100 immigrants and refugees each month. Everything from infant formula to diapers and help in applying for documentation is arranged in Atlanta.
Atlanta Care Center 1718 Peachtree St. Ste. 496, Peachtree 25th Bldg., S. Tower Atlanta, GA 30309 Dial (404) 492-6187 The agency supports Fulton County. Get medical care from ultrasounds, maternity and baby clothing, medications, as well as diapers and/or free wipes.
Antioch Urban Ministries, Inc. Address is 540 Cameron Madison Alexander Blvd., NW Atlanta, Georgia 30318 Main phone: (404) 524-9775 The Fulton County charity offers many programs. There is baby formula, food, diapers, infant and maternity clothes, and referrals.
Oakhurst Presbyterian Church - Family Support Center of Dekalb County 118 2nd Ave. Decatur, GA 30030 Call (404) 378-6284 Assistance is for new and/or single moms. Free bay stuff, tutoring for kids, and a clothing closet are on site. The center may pass out diapers and/or furniture for a newborn.
Hosea Helps Location is 1035 Donnelly Ave., SW Atlanta, GA 30310 For information, call (404) 755-3353 Services include clothing, food such as formula or small groceries for a infant and also personal/grooming supplies for a baby or low income mom.
Lynda G. McSwain Center for Hope 1084 Woodland Ave., SE Atlanta, Georgia 30316 Dial (404) 482-7962 This center covers Fulton County Georgia.
Foster Care Support Foundation Address is 115 Mansell Pl. Roswell, GA 30076 Main phone: (770) 641-9591 Only foster parents with a low to moderate income can get help. Clothes, diapers, furniture, cribs, and other items are available.
Bloom Our Youth, Inc. 150 Marquis Dr. Fayetteville, GA 30214 (770) 461-7020 The Fayette County charity also helps kids in foster care.
Salvation Army in Fulton and DeKalb Counties Residents of the region living in poverty, including single moms or dads, can get financial aid and vouchers. The assistance can help pay for baby furniture (cribs, car seats, mattresses), medical costs, utilities, or hygiene items such as diapers or wipes. Find details on DeKalb County Salvation Army centers and the support they offer. Or residents of Atlanta with children can get help from the Fulton County Salvation Army.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Address is 685 N. Central Ave. Hapeville, GA 30354 Dial (404) 767-5238 Several thrift stores and churches operate in the Atlanta area, including Fulton and nearby counties. There are toys for kids, low cost baby furniture, car seats, and maternity clothes or items for kids under the age of 4. Other support may be Pampers, diapers, and free food for a newborn. They support immigrants and teenage moms too.
The Duluth Station Shopping Center is at 2750 Buford Hwy.. Ste. 600, Duluth, GA 30096. Call (770) 622-9533. There is also a church in Chamblee, Georgia 30341 (phone (678) 892-6160) that can help. Benefit screening is for infant formula vouchers from WIC and they also offer more support after a home visit. Food, financial aid, baby furniture or diapers, and other services are arranged.
Cobb Pregnancy Service 47 Gramling St. Marietta, GA 30008 (770) 590-9361 A non-profit that holds free parenting classes. There are also pregnancy tests, material aid including diapers, clothes, and medical assistance.
Sheltering Arms Early Education and Family Centers - Lillian Webb Center 405 N. Perry St. Lawrenceville, GA 30045 Main phone number is (770) 682-8025 A regional child care provider. There are classes, vouchers to pay for day care, food, diaper assistance programs, and more.
Sarah's Closet & Comprehensive Services Address: 5285 Flat Shoals Pkwy. Decatur, GA 30034 (770) 593-3282 Many resources are available for new or soon to be new parents in DeKalb County. Receive free pregnancy tests, diapers, referrals to baby supplies, maternity clothes, and other counseling services.
Atlanta area clothing closets Dozens of charities and non-profits operate in the region. They may have clothing, food, baby formula, soap, detergent and other supplies. More information.
Haitian Ministry Theophile Church In Christ, Inc. Dial 930 Custer Ave. Atlanta - DeKalb, GA 30316 (404) 624-9432 The non-profit has everything from Pampers and cloth diapers to pregnancy tests, parenting classes, clothes, and more as part of the Give Help program. New dad classes are also arranged.
Fountain of Hope, Inc. Main address 829 Hollywood Rd. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 (678) 456-4673 Free diapers, food, and applications to WIC or SNAP are combined with computer and job training classes for the unemployed.