Salvation Army California financial assistance programs.
The Salvation Army in California will provide emergency financial assistance as well as free material items. Services range from homeless shelters or transitional housing to rental assistance, food, or funds for paying utility bills. There are also free school supplies, Christmas toys and transportation programs from the charity. Find how to get help near you from the Salvation Army in California.
One of the primary missions of the Salvation Army is to address the economic, social, and emotional well-being of the low income individuals and families in California. Therefore any help with bills, whether rent, electric, gas for car or something else is combined with long term social services. There are also free transportation and car programs from the charity. The California Salvation Army centers listed below try to empower people so they can become self-sufficient.
Financial help with housing and bills from CA Salvation Army
Housing for low income and homeless – Some of the resources available in California include transitional living centers, low income apartments, and emergency shelters for homeless people, including adults or women with kids. These locations can offer affordable housing on a temporary basis. Families that use the housing services will also be able to qualify for case management, which can include assistance with find a job, permanent housing from the Salvation Army, and other support.
Salvation Army assistance for utility, electric, and water bills - Helping families across California pay their electric and water bills has stopped families from facing evictions and allowed them time to get back on track. This utility assistance is one of the more effective ways that the Salvation Army in California has helped struggling families, including seniors or single moms, maintain basic amenities. Find more utility assistance programs in California..
Food banks and soup kitchens feed families or people with mo money in CA. The Salvation Army in California helps families keep food on their tables. A number of grocery assistance programs are administered. Free groceries, baby formula, produce, canned meat, and perishable goods are just a few examples of what may be distributed. Assistance is offered through both food pantries and soup kitchens. Some meals may even be delivered by volunteers to seniors or the homebound.
Emergency rental assistance programs help the low income. People who are on the verge of eviction may get a helping hand in maintaining their housing and paying their rent, storage fees or security deposits. Direct financial assistance may be paid out by the Salvation Army to help families across California pay their rent and maintain their homes or apartments, including single parents, the elderly or vets. Those families facing homelessness will receive priority of any available funds.
Free items, transportation, and Salvation Army social services
Holiday assistance, including Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, may be provided. There are many programs across Ca that the Salvation Army helps run, including Angel Tree, Thanksgiving meal baskets and others. Most of these rely on volunteers and donations.
- So the Salvation Army in California offers a number of services to help families and individuals make it through the holiday seasons. Free meals or food boxes may be provided for Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Also, without the Salvation Army and its programs such as the Angel Tree and other gift giving programs, many children would be without toys at Christmas. In some areas, prepared holiday meals and food boxes are delivered to the homes of people who need help.
Salvation Army back to school giveaways are operated in most Californian counties, with the Salvation Army helps students of all ages. Free school backpack packs full of supplies will be given out, such as with pens, pencils, clothes, lunch boxes and more. More on help with school supplies.
Transportation and free gasoline vouchers – California typically has some of the highest gasoline prices in the country. From time to time the Salvation Army may provide vouchers for free gas or other transportation assistance, such as money for car repairs.
- This service is very limited. A number of qualifications need to be met, and usually gas or repairs are provided in an emergency only. The Salvation Army center may help if someone needs fuel for a job interview or doctor appointment, such as a client with a disability. Also sometimes a volunteer may be able to drive someone to an appointment, including senior citizens. Find other sources of free gas.
Case management and advice – Get counseling and support, including education, housing counseling, access to health care and specific job training. The Salvation Army seeks to meet the needs of such groups as single parents, pregnant teens, emancipated minors, disabled, working poor, and wards of the juvenile court. If more support is needed, finding a listing of government disability programs.
Employment services are offered at some California locations. A case worker can provide access to a computer, information on local employers, and maybe resume review and similar advice. This service is offered in California as part of over job training. While limited, vouchers may be offered to pay for gasoline or bus tokens if you need it for a job interview. For more information on skill building programs, find California job training programs.
Seminars, meals, activities, and other programs are offered and wide ranging. Examples include day care, educational classes, free hot-lunch programs, credit counseling and pre-retirement seminars are just couple examples. Each local center will coordinate its own services.
Salvation Army locations in California
In addition to below, there are other Salvation Army social services and thrift stores in Southern California as well, that may be in less populated towns or counties. While each has limited resources, including funds to help people pay bills, the charity does it best. Or look here for northern CA Salvation Army programs for the low income.
In order to help as many people as possible across California, the Salvation Army's social service programs may vary slightly with the numerous regional and local needs. There are several city and county specific locations. The Salvation Army near you may have Family Stores or financial aid. Other locations are listed at bottom.
More information on CA Salvation Army centers
County or area not listed above? There are other local Salvation Army locations in CA. The Christian faith based charity helps the homeless, working poor, and others in need. Look for other centers by using the search function at the bottom of the page or in the Navigation bar, as other Salvation Army locations in CA can help.
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