Assistance programs in Nueces County and Corpus Christi.
Find where to apply at in the Corpus Christi area for financial help. Families can receive money to help with their rent or electric bills, receive free medical or dental care from clinics, and get food, clothing, and medications. There are free dental clinic services for the uninsured, school supplies for students, and even free Christmas gifts or toys.
Locate churches, charities, and government agencies (including Human Services) in Nueces County that provide free grants, social services, and other support. There are financial assistance programs as well as free items throughout the region for immigrants, service level workers, and Spanish speakers as well.
Financial assistance with paying bills, households expenses and debts
The Salvation Army offers a wide range of assistance program to residents of Corpus Christi and Nueces County. People needing food, housing or other assistance can stop by the location to find out if the group has funds to offer you. The organization also offers a Christmas program that gives free gift baskets and provides clothing, toys, and also summer or fall-time back to school supplies to Children.
While the demand for assistance comes and goes, and the amounts of funds they have to offer has been reduced because of this demand, they are still assisting people in need. However instead of trying to help too many people with limited assistance, the Salvation Army has decided to offer better quality assistance to only people in emergency situation. For information contact the Salvation Army at 361-884-9497, or stop by 501 Josephine St, in Corpus Christi Texas.
The local branch of the Salvation Army may able offer some programs. They offer access to an educational scholarship program, homeless shelters and services, and some critical financial assistance for emergency expenses. Some of what may be paid for includes rent, air conditioning bills, and holiday assistance. Thousands of Corpus Christi families receive help every year. Call (361-884-9497, or learn about other resources from Nueces Salvation Army.
Another place to turn to for financial aid is the Catholic Charities of Corpus Christi Texas. They offer several resources. Among them is help for emergency situations, housing and HUD approved foreclosure counseling. There is also emergency financial help as well as free money and debt management, and other services. Learn more about each, or dial them at 361-884-0651.
- Emergency aid - This component can provide free food, gently used or new clothing, money for paying electric and utility bills, funds for a monthly mortgage payment, rent and security deposit, prescription medications, bus tokens, and other types of financial assistance to persons in need. The program is open to all qualified individuals, regardless of their gender, race, or creed.
- Mortgage and rent counseling - If you are facing a foreclosure of your home or eviction from your apartment, receive access to free HUD approved housing counseling.
- Debt management - Credit counselors will work with an individual and offer budgeting and money management, debt reduction advice, and credit counseling.
- Referrals to health and medical services in Nueces County. Catholic Charities can offer this to clients, and more on free dental clinics for adults and children.
- Holiday assistance may be provided by Catholic Charity churches in Corpus Christi, including the working poor, immigrants and Spanish speakers. Low income families can apply for Christmas or holiday help, meals, and gifts.
Another local non-profit is the Nueces County Community Action Agency, which can be reached at (361) 883-7201. Some of the services they offer include assistance with utility bills from the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP). This low-income energy bill program may help with the payment of an air conditioning or utility bill, repair or replacement of an appliance or AC unit, or cash grants.
- They also can from time to time provide rental help, and other housing/mortgage assistance. In addition, people who live in rural parts of the county can gain access to various food programs and resources.
- The Community Action Agency also helps with educational needs, both for youth/college age students as well as parents. Nueces County workshops offer ESL programs, including for immigrants. There are job training resources, GED training, and even minority scholarship programs from corporations.
Several other programs are offered by the community action agency - NCCAA. Emergency financial aid may be available for rent or utility bills, and is often combined with weatherization. Other resources may be free food, job training, or deposit assistance for those seeking a new home. Or look into the federal government Head Start program in Nueces County. Learn more on community action agency assistance programs in Nueces County.
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation – Individuals with HIV or AIDs can apply for financial assistance, transportation and social services. AIDS and/or HIV patients can use the non-profit. Get information on various support services and financial assistance programs.
Funds can provide payments for utilities, money for rent, dental services, health insurance, transportation assistance, and medication. Location is 2882 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415, phone number is (361)814-2001
Good Samaritan Centers, both in the Corpus Christi region as well as nationwide, can also help the unemployed, poor, and immigrants or migrants (among others). There is everything from short term housing to Travelers Aid, clothing, personal hygiene supplies and more. Find emergency help from Good Samaritan Centers near you.
Wesley Community Center is a non-profit organization in Nueces County. The organization is dedicated to aiding those less fortunate. The agency was established in the mid 1900s in both Corpus Christi and Robstown. They offer free food, children's day care, articles of gently used clothing, and other types of assistance. In some cases they can help clients apply for grants for deposit expenses or rent. The address is 4015 MacArthur, Corpus Christi, Texas 78416, or call (361) 880-8300. Read more on Wesley Community Center services.
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society – Military members and their families can apply for grants to help with emergency needs or interest-free loans. These grants can be used to pay for family emergencies such as medical and dental bills, rent, food, utilities, child care expenses, and even car repairs. 10133 E Street, Building 1738, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, TX 78419. Call (361)961-3482
Nueces County Department of Human Services – This government agency runs many government financial assistance programs for the low income and working poor. Examples include bus passes for transportation expense, burial assistance, and electric bill, water, and rent payment assistance.
There are also free health insurance resources (such as Medicaid or Medicare), SNAP food stamps, or free school breakfasts or lunches. The address of Human Services is 901 Leopard Street, Room 302, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401, phone (361)888-0837, or find more public aid in Nueces County.
If those local public assistance programs do not assist, families can turn to federal or state government resources. These are more wide ranging in what is provided to a qualified low income family. But to receive financial help for bills or free food from them, the application process is longer. Find information on help from the government.
Community Action Corporation of South Texas administers some programs for the region. They are a leading non-profit organization and are part of the nationwide community action agency network. Examples of resources provided are below. Dial 361-664-0145.
- Utility assistance such as ongoing electric bill payment assistance. It is for low-income families, those with children, and older citizens. Programs may also be able to help with replacing energy-inefficient appliances and processing weatherization applications.
- Programs for children, including Head Start, Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Early Childhood Intervention, and free meals.
- Housing assistance. Examples of these Nueces programs include Community Services Block Grant, Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance Program, and even Veteran’s Programs: Housing 4 Texas Heroes.
- Workforce Development Centers - Community Action works wth the government on helping the unemployed, including those who have not worked for a long time.
- Help for seniors can provide congregate and home delivered meals, Title XIX (Medicaid) Community Based Alternatives Program, and also Meals on Wheels for Seniors.
- Several other assistance programs are available from the non-profit, including a focus on the low income and unemployed residents in Corpus Christi Texas. More on Community Action Corporation of South Texas.
St. Vincent de Paul Society – People who live in parish boundaries can get basic needs in a crisis. There may be referrals to financial assistance for water bills, rent, and electric bills. Only information is given on resources, and clients can be any low income or struggling family, including seniors or immigrants. Dial ((361) 729-4978, or learn more on SVDP Nueces County assistance programs.
Metro Ministries provides medical care (as noted below) but many other services are available as well. There are shelters available for the mentally ill as well as women, including single mothers or immigrants. They also provide other housing, including money to pay rent deposits for those leaving the shelters.
The Ministry also distributes food in Corpus Christi. A soup kitchen serves free meals. Other assistance programs include a thrift store, a Christmas Toyland store with free gifts, clothing for work or school, and youth services. More Metro Ministries assistance programs.
Free clothing, furniture and household goods are distributed from non-profit organizations in Corpus Christi and other towns. Many of the clothing banks are located at churches or charity organizations. They may provide items such as free Christmas assistance, gifts, and toys. Other goods and free vouchers may be issued for personal hygiene items, school supplies, furniture for a home and more. Read Nueces County free furniture, school supplies and clothing closets.
Funds for rental or security deposit assistance as well as other help for preventing an eviction is available from agencies in the county. While the resources are limited, some tenants that are facing homelessness can receive either referral to non-profit organizations, financial aid, or other support. More on Corpus Christi and Nueces County rent assistance.
Nueces County transitional housing and emergency homeless shelters can help the recently evicted and homeless. Not only may residents receive a place to stay in Corpus Christi and a meal over the short term, but case managers from the sites work on locating and helping people pay for a new, permanent home. A number of housing resources are available. More details Nueces County homeless shelters and transitional housing.
Free debt assistance, and mortgage delinquency services
Greenpath / Consumer Credit Counseling Service of South Texas and Corpus Christi offers various free debt, mortgage, and foreclosure assistance plans. Call them at (800-550-1961 for more information.
- Debt Solver Plan - You will meet with a credit counselor. The service is free. After reviewing your financial situation, the counselor may decide that you are a candidate to purse one of various debt reduction or elimination programs. These plans can resolve medical, credit card, and other debt obligations. Some of the options that they may recommend include debt management plans, settlement, or even consolidation. Click here to learn more on finding help with debt.
- Mortgage and foreclosure solutions - This option consists of analyzing the clients personal situation, including their household income, debts and housing issues. Many times a housing counselor from CCCS will receive referrals and loan modification options from lenders and mortgage companies in order to help the client avoid foreclosure of their property.
Nueces County free medical and vision care
Corpus Christi Metro Ministries (dial (361) 887-0151) offers qualified residents with access to health and medical care programs. The assistance is available as part of the Dr. James Gabbard Memorial Health Clinic. Qualified low income or uninsured patients can get access to primary health care. This includes free medication and prescriptions, eye care, vision testing, exams, and eye glasses.
Driscoll Children's Hospital also runs a charity program that may be able to provide free or reduced pricing medical care to qualified children and/or their families. The United Way has helped fund some of the charity health care plans. Phone (361) 694-6747.
Clinics, and stores in Nueces County, either (1) pass out prescription drug discount cards or (2) accept them when buying medications. There are programs such as Blink, GoodRx, Costco and Wal-Mart cards as well as other resources. Find a list of free prescription drug discount cards.
Free food assistance or meal programs and government aid
When a family is struggling with paying their bills and rent, receiving free groceries, food boxes and meals from a local church or food bank can help individuals free up money to pay for other expenses. Government programs like WIC and food stamps can also help. Some of the places to turn for for food and perishable items are below.
If the non-profits below can provide assistance, then families have other options. There are Meals on Wheels services for seniors, pantries, and government aid. Find additional non-profit pantries, soup kitchens and other feeding programs. Nueces County free food banks.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church - A very limited amount of food may be offered to families in the Corpus Christi region. Main number is (361)855-7391
Catholic Charities, which can be called at (361)884-0651, runs a food pantry and emergency assistance program. Various other social services are also offered at the site.