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Assistance programs Lake County Florida.

Find how and where to get emergency financial help, free food, health or medical care and social services in Lake County. Locate churches, government assistance from DCF Social Services, charities as well as other places. Low-income families will get emergency funds for helping with bills, rent, or groceries and more. Get financial assistance near you in Lake County FL.

There is also free stuff from charities ranging from school supplies to food from pantries. Or get free Christmas toys, grant money from the government or charities, and meals from soup kitchens in Tavares, Clermont and Lake County. Or get financial assistance such as a free cell phone service from the government or debt counseling, rehousing assistance and other services..

Crisis and emergency financial assistance programs in Lake County Florida

Apply at the Lake County FL Salvation Army. They provide low income, unemployed, migrant workers and qualified individuals with support. Clients can get access to a free food pantry, occasional utility and summer cooling bill help, housing assistance including emergency rent help, and referrals. The Salvation Army of Lake County is a leading non-profit charity in the region.

This organization helps thousands in Lake County as well as the cities of Clermont and Leesburg. Other resources offered may include information and referral, emergency rent assistance, and help for disaster victims assistance. There is also a free back to school supply giveaway each year for students from K to 12. Holiday as well as free Christmas assistance and gifts may also be offered in Lake County Florida. Call 352-365-0079 to reach the Leesburg charity , or learn more on Salvation Army Lake County Florida.

Free Christmas, Thanksgiving and holiday assistance is widely available. A number of sites, including churches and charities, help the low income and working poor. They may have free meals, gift baskets, Christmas toys toys, clothing, and other aid. Thanksgiving turkey dinners and meals may be served too. More on free holiday help in Lake County and Central Florida.

Lake Community Action Agency, Inc. offers low income, unemployed and other qualified individuals with access to various services as well as financial resources. They run government hardship grant programs, refer people to both Florida and federal government benefits, and provide information on charities as well as local Lake County non-profits.




  • Emergency Assistance - This community action agency provides individuals with rent help, mortgage and utility bill assistance, referrals and counseling to those experiencing financial difficulties or an unexpected hardship.
  • Weatherization - This federal government created energy conserving program provides insulation, windows and doors for income eligible households, weather stripping, and repair of crack and seals. Improvements made, which are free, will reduce loss of warm or cold air, increase comfort and protect the health of occupants while lowering utility bill and fuel costs.
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance - This so called Home Energy Bill Assistance option will assist qualified and eligible households in paying for home energy heating and cooling bills, as well as crisis energy assistance and prevent a disconnection.
  • Homeless Prevention - The Lake County community action agency is a place for information on housing, government grants for rent, and stability resources. Learn more on Florida rapid rehousing and homeless prevention.
  • Social services and counseling - This program will assist low-income families and the unemployed by working with them to develop a plan of action that is uniquely designed for each family in particular situations and helps them become self-sufficient.

There are other programs offered too, with a focus on self-sufficiency as well as fgree government grant money for people in Lake County community with limited income. The community action center is at 501 North Bay Street, Eustis, Florida 32726. Call 352-357-5550. Additional support is offered too, including referrals to job placement, financial aid, and other Lake County resources. Read more on Lake County Florida community action.

Department of Children and Families (Economic Services) processes applications for many state and federal government programs, including cash as well as public assistance. Some of the resources available may include SNAP food stamp applications, Medicaid, unemployment compensation, rent, and housing.




  • They also help the elderly as well as senior citizens with nursing home services and other support. Or get elder care, information on SSI disability grants, free transportation and more. Call 352-742-6107, or find more details on public aid in Lake County Florida.

Leesburg Neighborhood Center - Provides one time financial assistance, weatherization, utilities, as well as free grant money. The case mangers also offer referral, FEMA grants, and low income energy assistance from LIHEAP. Phone: 352-787-1156. The location is 1010 North Blvd E, Leesburg, FL 34748.

St Vincent DePaul Charity is make up on volunteers and local churches. They offer social serves to the poor and less fortunate. Assistance includes financial aid, food, prescription medicine, and one time utilities for Lake County residents. .

  • As an example of where else to turn to, St. Vincent de Paul in Eustis provides grants. They get some money of the money they distribute from Progress Energy to pass out to those in need of help. Progress' money helps many customers in the county, but other can apply for help from any of the various programs available in the area. Dial 352-589-2603 for intake, (352) 589-2603 or (352) 383-8556

Urban League - Supporting Tavares, Lake County, and all of Central Florida, the non-profit administrates many assistance programs. They offer Homebuyer Education as well as counseling for people facing foreclosure. Credit counseling can also help them get back on track over the long term.

Tenants that are behind on their payments can learn about eviction prevention, including possible funds for paying rent. The homeless can learn about security deposit assistance, and job training or placement is available to anyone that qualifies. Click more information on assistance from Urban League in Central Florida.

Dozens of churches are part of Love Inc of the Heart of Florida. They operate a free phone line/referral service/Clearinghouse. This gives information on local resources that people may need. Get everything from free food or meals to clothes. Or learn about furniture banks in Lake County Florida for beds, baby strollers and more. There are also GED as well as ESL classes, homeless shelters and many other services. More on Love Inc of the Heart of Florida.

Lake County Jewish Family Services provides assistance in the Orlando, Lake County and central Florida area. Emergency financial support may be offered for housing issues (such as rent, utility bills or a security deposit). Other resources include case management, referrals to job training, free food, and more. Loans for bills or basic needs may be issued in some cases. Continue with Jewish Family Services of Orlando region.

First Baptist Church of Leesburg provides free food, groceries, meals, and maybe even financial assistance to the low-income, single moms or dads as well as single adults. Call the church at 352-787-1005 for information. The address is 220 N 13th St, Leesburg, FL 34748.







Christian Care Center may offer financial or information on government benefits. The charity partners with the City of Leesburg Florida. Between the tow, the agencies offer programs for those who seek utility bill assistance if they meet certain income or other guidelines. In addition the city, other agencies and groups throughout the area will provide help with paying rent, housing, hotel rooms or give free gas cards to low-income families in the Lake County FL area.

Cash funds and grants paid to those by CURE - which is Leesburg’s utility bill assistance program. There are state agencies and other local charity organizations that may help thousands of residents each year keep their power, electric, and lights on.. Dial 352-314-8733.

Catholic Charities has several churches and parishes in Lake County. Most of the financial help (including grants or loans) is from Family Stability. They also offer free dental clinics for adults or kids. Or get health checks up or the use of free internet for work or job seeking.

Catholic Charities also assists migrants and immigrants in the region, or anyone can get free hot, meals meals and more. There are free vouchers for furniture, diapers, and assistance for single mothers or women facing DV among others. Find Catholic Charities Lake County emergency help.

First United Methodist of Tavares is another non-profit to try. Dial 352-343-2761. There is a free food bank with a drive thru as well as clothes closet. Or get other free stuff, including a bus ticket.

Transitional and low income housing - Programs can help people that are about to be evicted and/or the homeless in Lake County Florida. Receive a place to stay, information on programs to obtain self-sufficiency, emergency funds for food, rent or security deposits, and other support. Continue with homeless shelters and transitional housing in Lake County.

Agape Ministries, which is run in care of Lake Eustis Christian Church. Financial support, food, clothing, and more is administered. Seniors, single parents, and others at risk are a focus. The location is 320 E. Magnolia Ave, Eustis, Florida 32726. Call 352-357-2351.

Lake County low-income families, including single adults, can help get help using a directory of national and state programs. There are many resources offered, ranging from grants to loans, free items, credit repair, job programs and more. More on assistance for low income families.

Help for back rent as well as transitional housing are used to tackle homelessness. Residents can contact one of many agencies. There are non-profits, churches, and even the county may offer public support for rental, security deposit or housing expenses. More on emergency rent and deposit help in Lake County FL.

Lake County Government Housing Department can help the homeless and low income access low income housing, among other services. One resource is section 8, which offers a rental subsidy or voucher to your landlord. Funds are used to pay rent and maybe even energy costs. Address is 1300 South Duncan Drive. Telephone number is 352-742-6540.





South Lake Angels of Mercy, Inc. provides free food and groceries to income qualified families. Other aid includes a prescription drug card, limited rental assistance and free clothes in certain circumstances. The main office is at 1330 Millholland Street, Clermont Florida. Dial 352-394-4094.

Mid Florida Community / Senior Services also provides coverage to Lake County. Most of the assistance is for the elderly and people over the age of 60. Programs include low cost home-delivered meals, respite care, cell phone assistance programs and utility bill assistance. Other resources include case management, congregate meals, homemaking, and personal care. Telephone 352-326-3540. Or more on the Lake County FL non-profit will also help people with free cell phone from the government.

Basic needs, including free clothing, furniture and referrals

There are many places in the Lake County area for free “stuff”, such as clothes, school supplies, furniture and household items. Some of the main charities are listed below. Or locate and find where to get free furniture near you.

Christian Care Benevolence Center provides a food pantry, holiday meals, and clothes to the low income and children. Call 352-787-5289.

First Baptist Church of Tavares - Dial the site at 352-343-7131. The free food pantry is at 124 N Joanna Ave, Tavares, FL 32778.

Lake Cares has clothing, food, and other basic needs. Call 352-383-0100.

First Baptist of Umatilla Crisis Center, the furniture bank/pantry and non-profit for free stuff is at 352-669-3214

Free health care clinics Lake County community

Receive access to medical, dental, and other health care services on a low cost, or sliding fee scale. Community Health Centers, Inc. (CHC) is the organization that runs the program and local clinics, and these facilities are available to all local community residents, regardless of their income, financial or health insurance status.

The CHC clinic organizations offer patients access to a reduced sliding medical fee schedule based on a person's total household income and family size. This facility is a non-profit organization that provides patients with access to preventive dental, medical,  and pharmaceutical services at ten practice locations throughout Central Florida, including and Leesburg and Lake County. Call the center at (352) 435-6699. Or find other government prescription drug assistance programs for medications.




Free food assistance programs and centers

Regardless of your income, religion, or background, families in Lake County can turn to local churches, food banks and pantries for meals, clothing, and groceries. Every year thousands of individuals receive some form of assistance from the facilities. Two of the leading centers to call are listed below. However there are many other food pantries, soup kitchens and hunger prevention resources. Or click here for additional free Lake County Florida food bank locations.

  • Food Pantry Lake Cares - This center is in Mount Dora and can be reached at (352) 383-0100. Several resources are offered here.
  • Christian Food Pantry - Phone number is (352) 259-0788. Helps people of all backgrounds.

Free debt and mortgage assistance

When facing a foreclosure or when you are struggling with paying credit card and medical debts. CredAbility, a consumer credit counseling agency, offers these individuals with access to several different programs. Dial 800.251.2227.

  • Debt Management Plan (DMP) - Speak to a counselor to explore this option, which can help with credit card debts, and well as medical and education expenses. The DMP program will provide you with the ability to start paying down your outstanding debt, waive fees, minimizing your payments, interest rates, deal with credit card companies, and address related fees and more.
  • Predatory lending programs in Lake County FL - The non-profit helps people by issuing funds, as well as counseling on title loans, vehicle payment programs and more. Continue with car title loans near you.
  • Foreclosure programs - If you are behind on your mortgage, and if you need foreclosure prevention or free Delinquency Counseling, HUD approved counselors can help you through the foreclosure process.
  • Budget and credit programs - Learn how to save and budget money, pay for internet services and improve credit scores.


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