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Assistance programs in Greenville County South Carolina.

Get financial help for paying utility bills, free food, car payment help, rent money and social services in Greenville County. The assistance will come from churches, charities, the government or non-profits. They all also offer counseling for credit or debt issues as well as job placement services. Find financial help near you in Greenville County SC from organizations that help pay bills for the disabled, elderly, and low income.

Other resources are available in the county as well as city too. The agencies will offer money to help pay a utility bill to prevent a disconnection. Or they direct low-income families to free gas vouchers or a new car for a job in Greenville SC. Or find free back to school supplies, healthcare from clinics, or Christmas toys. A major focus of the grant money and social services is offering assistance with paying bills to people in a crisis.

Find financial help with rent, utility bills, and other costs

The Salvation Army of Greenville County has resources, grants and immediate financial help for Greenville residents. They provide financial help and cash grants to help those people or low-income families that need support. Get rent help, utility bill assistance, help for medical bills, and more. A listing of their resources is below.

  • Utility bill assistance - A disconnection notice is required or be imminent. There are free emergency cash grants to help pay power or light bills. Learn more on financial help to prevent utility disconnections.
  • Some free personal or household stuff may be given, such as small furniture items, pots and pans, and other small furniture goods. Or get Clothing, including Christmas gifts or toys and school supplies or uniforms in Greenville SC. A food pantry also give out groceries
  • Rent Assistance for low-income tenants in Greenville SC. They also have homeless shelters for people, in particular seniors or the disabled in Greenville County who need a warm place to stay.
  • Free voucher programs, including gas for work or a job or household stuff.
  • Transportation help is offered, including information on a free truck or car, as national programs offer this. More on a program for a free car.

The Salvation Army of Greenville South Carolina can be contacted at (864) 235-4803. There are a number of services, including financial help from the Greenville County Salvation Army.




Greer Relief and Resources Agency provides qualified individuals with short-term emergency assistance which is limited in scope to help through a crisis, not maintenance. Services offered include free food vouchers, rent and mortgage payment assistance, and money to pay a utility bill. Or get free prescription expense aid. The main address is 13C Berry Available, Greer, SC 29651. Phone (864) 848-5355, or read more on Greenville Greer Relief programs.

Greenville South Carolina based United Ministries provides limited financial help on a first come first serve basis. The programs are offered on certain days of the week. You can call them at (864) 232-6463. The address is 606 Pendleton St, Greenville, SC 29601.

  • The charity organization will also offer free food, medications, and heating bill assistance. Other services include help in increasing employment and educational skills, and this is done by classes such as GED workshops and adult education. Call them to learn more, or read more about Greenville United Ministries programs.

Simpsonville has an agency known as Golden Strip Emergency Relief & Resource Agency. - Center for Community Resources. This non-profit agency helps low income families who are experiencing a financial emergency or hardship. The non-profit organization assists residents with the family's essential needs.

  • They run a food pantry, offer medications and prescription drugs, as well as provide referrals to health clinics,. There is also low income utility bill help for low-income seniors or single moms. O get help paying for education costs. The charity can even provide funds for rent and mortgage payments. Dial (864) 967-2022 or (864) 688-2233, or more on food assistance programs.

North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry, which is located in Travelers Rest, primarily helps low to moderate income individuals with food and clothing. However in a crisis situation that someone is facing, when the need is verified, the ministry can help with providing money for light bills or utilities. There is also grant money for rent/mortgage payments or get a free gas voucher to get to an interview. Dial (864) 834-7342. The location is 864 N Hwy 25 Bypass, Greenville, SC 29617.




There are a number of churches in the upstate as well as piedmont region of SC, including Greenville. Any church, by nature, is an agency with limited funds, and they can provide dental assistance from the SAVE A SMILE program (restorative dental care dentures for low-income families with no health insurance).

  • Or inquire into a church for housing, rent, and mortgage payment assistance. Limited case/care management as well as referrals to SC and federal government programs. There may also be free Senior consultation, information/referral on government programs, and advocacy. They also help the uninsured apply for Medicaid, TANF cash assistance to pay bills and other benefits. Learn more on assistance from churches in Greenville.

Rent payment help is available from grants. Some other non-profits, churches, charities, and other government groups focus on offering housing and rent programs. There are grants, loans, free tenant legal aid more. Find other resources for Greenville rent assistance.

  • Attorneys help tenants with an eviction notice. There are pro-bono lawyers that represent people in housing court, go over state laws and regulation and offer other support. Locate eviction prevention lawyers in your area.

Soteria Community Development Corporation (phone (864) 272-0681 or (864) 281-1520 x1100) runs numerous assistance programs, including legal aid, clothing closet, and there may be grants as well as financial assistance (utilities, rent and mortgage). Or look into free debt reduction, financial budgeting and credit repair workshops. Low-income families will also use a free food pantry, foreclosure prevention clinic, and housing assistance. They also help single moms and low-income families, as well as veterans, get a free vehicle, car or truck.

Butterfly Foundation - Supporting several counties in South Carolina, including Greenville. They provide everything from employment services to applications for public aid. They also offer rental advice and housing solutions in partnership with the Upstate Homeless Coalition. Contact them for help with disability benefits, housing needs, free home repairs, and other aid. Find details on Greenville Butterfly programs.

Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) is a faith based charity. They operate in Simpsonville, Greenville South Carolina, and Taylors. The non-profit, volunteer run charity agency provides financial assistance to those in need with funds. Examples include rent, prescription expenses, and energy bills. A food pantry is also on site. The funds are limited and there is a strict application process. But the goal is to help the poor, less fortunate, and needy in the community. More on Greenville County St. Vincent de Paul assistance programs.







Community Action of the Piedmont region offers programs for those facing poverty, the unemployed, and children. The non-profit, known as PCA, has a few core focus areas. The agency has grants for paying utility bills as part of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. Conservation is available from the free weatherization program. Other aid in Greenville County includes Head Head, job training as part of CSBG resources, and also Project Heat from Duke Power. More on Piedmont Community Action programs.

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church - This church can provide aid including various forms of financial assistance for bills, and help is made available to those in need. Access a food pantry, utility assistance, and more.  The charity is at 2252 Woodruff Rd., Simpsonville, South Carolina 29681-5438. Dial (864) 288-4884

AID Upstate – Can help HIV positive and AIDs residents. Programs offered include advocacy, assistance with government and health benefits, medical case management, care referrals, and financial counseling. Cash grants can pay for limited medical including vision and dental care, medicines, as well as short-term rent/mortgage assistance. They also give free transportation for medical needs. The address is 13 S Calhoun St, Greenville, SC 29601. Call (864) 250-0607

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church – Call them or stop by for help including rent, electric and cooling bills, and more. They also help seniors fix their home in Greenville County, havew money to help with cater costs and other bills. Location is 8 Gillin Dr, Simpsonville, SC 29680. Call (864) 963-3430

Foothills Family Resources – This is a multi-service center. A number of assistance programs offered include Head Start, food pantry, and funds can help families in crisis pay for rent, mortgage, utilities, and sometimes prescription medications when funds are available. They also help Greenville County seniors or disabled people, who are on a fixed income, get a cell phone for an emergency, including a free Safelink phone.

  • Other services include getting help from a specialist in applying for Medicaid and other health benefits, WIC, and job finding programs and resources. Case management and referrals are offered too. The address is 3 Main St, Piedmont, SC 29673, call (864) 836-1100

Miracle Hill Ministries – A major focus is on the homeless and hungry. Get emergency assistance in the form of shelter, food, or a hot meals. There may be free clothes, health care clinics, and referrals. The referrals can include linkage to rent, utility or financial help (to be rehoused or avoid an eviction). Call 864.242.6933

  • Faith based charities and churches offer support. They are all around the county, city of Greenville, and other towns. Everything from food to clothes, hot meals, free vouchers for gasoline or hotels and so much more is offered. Locate emergency assistance from Greenville County churches.

Urban League of the Upstate - The regional non-profit offers several services. While financial aid is very limited, there may be some limited financial aid or loans for housing costs, including rent. However the focus is on education, employment, and foreclosure counseling. Programs include Urban Achievers, a Greenville based Career Development and Learning Center, and others. They are also an agency that is approved HUD approved housing.

  • Another program known as Career Link offers employment counseling, assistance with job search, employability assessment and training, job readiness workshops, GED classes and resume writing. More on Greenville Urban League programs.




Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources will focus on self-sufficiency. A number of emergency services and assistance may be offered. This includes rent/mortgage assistance, funds for utility bills, LIHEAP applications, and other housing resources. Some basic medical care can include medication assistance or a clinic.

  • Help with heating or gas bills is offered during the fall, winter, and spring. SHARE, or Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources, serves Greenville County residents and provides them with hardship grants for paying heating bills.
  • Additional support offered includes CareerSkillsNow, job training and WorkKeys Career Readiness Certificate information is also offered to qualified low income, including unemployed families.
  • Direct assistance in Greenville County is arranged by SHARE. The non-profit also offers other types of financial help, including eviction prevention, restoration of utility services, vouchers for medication, emergency fuel, and utility service disconnection assistance.
  • Kids and adults in Greenville will get free items for work (tablets, etc) or clothes. Stuff given out includes shoes, clothing, and furniture for a home too. There are also tablets, computers, itnernet access and tablets too based on need. Read more on help with getting a free tablet.

While Sunbelt Resources will try to provide cash assistance (or referrals) whenever possible, in some cases they partner with others to issue affordable loans for these costs. After all the key is to get people back on the path to stability. Location is 1200 Pendleton St., Greenville, SC 29611-4832, Call (864) 269-0700. Or read more on Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources community action.

Greenville South Carolina Legal Services can provide free legal advice in civil cases. Get advice with employment issues, such as illegal firings or discrimination. Housing matters, such as evictions and foreclosures. Receive legal support and representation for domestic violence cases. Consumer finance issues such as bankruptcy and debt collection can be addressed. A number of other legal matters can be supported by this non-profit firm. 701 S Main St., Greenville, South Carolina 29601-2569. Telephone number is (864) 679-3232.

Another local non-profit agency that can help Greenville South Carolina families is Urban Ministries, which can be reached at 232-6463. Some of the programs they offer include these.

  • Employment Readiness - This program can help a people find a job, and Urban Ministries partners with the United Way, American Red Cross, and Greenville Technical College. Professionals will help people find a job, network, and coach candidates.
  • Emergency Assistance - The mission of Emergency Assistance program is to offer short term solution. The charity helps people with food, paying their rent, offers utility bill help, provides life sustaining medications, heat assistance, and food stamp applications and free food.
  • Referrals and information. They can direct people to programs as varied as free diapers or ways to get help consolidating payday loans, which unfortunately many South Carolina families have.

Call 864-232-6463 to learn more. Urban Ministries, based at 606 Pendleton St, Greenville, SC 29601, offers the programs listed above as well as many others.

Catholic Charities of the Upstate covers the city of Greenville and county. Programs include Client Choice Food Pantry as well as free adult or kid clothes from the Clothing Closet. There are also programs including Mobile Clean of Heart and Save a Smile, which address dental needs of low-income and uninsured families or kids. There are also programs for immigrants, single moms and the elderly from 2300 Old Buncombe Road, Greenville, SC 29609. Call 864-331-2629. Read more on Upstate Catholic Charities assistance programs.





Greenville County Human Relations helps people rebuild their credit, get mortgage relief, reduce auto loans, or buy a home in Greenville County. Low-income families and workers with poor credit can get help too. The non-profit also offers budgeting, income tax help, and other resources, including financial literacy workshops and programs that help with credit card. The location is 301 University Ridge S-4200, Greenville, SC 29601. Call (864) 467-7095.

Places for free items in Greenville County

Free basic needs and stuff in Greenville - Low income families and people seeking a job may be able to obtain free clothes from clothing closets or household stuff from a furniture bank. Other items may be distributed as well, such as furniture, small appliances, or household goods. Seasonal programs may have free backpacks or shoes for students and Christmas assistance programs. Find locations of free clothes and school supplies in Greenville.

  • Free back to school supply giveaways and events take place each year. Children and students of all ages can get everything from backpacks to snacks, haircuts, clothes/uniforms, sneakers, and more. Parents can get free gift cards for back to school shopping season for their kids. Continue with free school supplies in Greenville County.
  • Free Thanksgiving, Christmas, and holiday services are available for low income or struggling families. Parents can get free Christmas gifts and toys for their kids as well as a box of food. The elderly are assisted along with homeless and families in poverty. More on free Christmas and holiday help in Greenville County South Carolina.

Locate free food pantries and places help with groceries. There are many churches, charities and soup kitchens that give out food or hot meals. The charities feed the homeless, working poor, elderly and others. There are other pantries and soup kitchens in the region. Find other Greenville SC food banks.

Free items are given to new parents. There are furniture items, safety items like car seats for a baby or infant, formula and more. There is also training on installing a seat properly in a car or truck, and look here for a free infant car seat.

Free mortgage relief is from local, non-profit charity agencies  The money is generally provided to these organizations from United Way of Greenville County. The funds will be distributed to help them meet the community's demand for emergency basic needs and assistance with paying utilities on a home, taxes, and mortgages.

  • Receive free foreclosure help in Greenville from Homeownership Resource Center. The services are mostly free for low income residents. Learn more on the programs offered from the Homeownership Resource Center.
  • The mortgage payment assistance programs will be provided by The Salvation Army, United Ministries, Golden Strip Emergency Relief, Harvest Hope Food Bank, Foothills Family Resources, and Greer Relief. Click here to find additional ways to get mortgage help in South Carolina.




Free Consumer Credit Counseling at the County Commission, and their local Greenville Branch Office (dial (864-467-7503) offers a host of credit, debt, and mortgage relief programs. Many services are free. Talk to a counselor for budget and credit counseling, credit repair, or learn about and enter into debt management program. Or learn about other services for debt consolidation.

Free health care services are offered by New Horizon Family Health Services. The non-profit has several free or low priced services. They provide medical help to low income, the unemployed, and those with no or limited health insurance. Call 864-233-1534. Find additional free health care programs. Find state as well as local medical clinics.

Greenville Free Medical Clinic, Inc. has locations in Greenville, Greer, and Simponsville. They offer a variety of free health care services to qualified individuals, and may also have free prescription medications. Dial (864) 232-1471, or look here for patient assistance programs.

There are other places that help with medical costs or give free care to people with no insurance or the low-income. Locate more health centers and free health care clinics in Greenville South Carolina.


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