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Assistance programs Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

Albuquerque as well as Bernalillo County low income families, immigrants, and the working poor will get financial assistance. Find resources that help pay bills including rent, utility or water as well as security deposits and housing costs. There is also free stuff in the Albuquerque NM area, including groceries, clothes, and free internet access. Get financial help near you in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County NM.

Find the main churches, charities, and government financial programs below, including for mortgage and foreclosure help. Bernalillo County residents may also find free school supplies for their kids, household supplies, furniture, or Christmas gifts. Or get a free car or gas voucher to get to work. There are also community clinics for dental or healthcare, free prescription drugs, and even eye care.

Community Action grant money in Bernalillo County

HELP New Mexico, Inc. is the local Albuquerque New Mexico Community Action Agency. They administer and provide free food for the low income, children, and immigrants. There are pantries and information on EBT cards. The assistance is from the Child and Adult Care Food Program. The agency partners with other local charities and non-profits.

The Home Education Livelihood Program (HELP) provides assistance to Bernalillo County families with paying for utility bills, rent help and it even provides free food vouchers if applicants are not currently receiving SNAP food stamps. However, residents may only apply for and receive assistance but once per year by a given household.

  • Other social services and financial help is offered too. Home Education Livelihood Program (H.E.L.P.) of Albuquerque New Mexico provides various resources. They offer free clothes for work, job training and placement and long term support.
  • There are also other employment resources to qualified individuals, including including a free vehicle or car to low-income families.




Together these groups provide for the cost of providing nutritious meals, groceries and snacks to the children of low income and other needs families. They may also have financial assistance for paying other bills and debts. Call the agency at (505) 265-3717. While the financial aid is not widely available, there may be some funding. Learn about HELP-NM programs.

Financial assistance for rent, utilities, homeless prevention, and basic needs

The Albuquerque New Mexico Catholic Charities has limited funding for rent or housing costs. In most years, the program is funded with federal government funds or donations from volunteers or the United Way. A focus is on single mothers, seniors and families with kids in Bernalillo County.

  • The assistance program will provides short term, temporary rental assistance to families and individuals who are likely to achieve and maintain stable housing. There are also homeless shelters, housing for migrants or women facing DV and others in need. Help with mortgage payments is not included.

There are some conditions to qualify for the funds. An applicant needs to have have worked within the past 18 months and they need to provide proof of employment. The person also must provide proof of eviction or possible eviction from their home. Applicants need to also be able and willing to work and also earn an adequate income that will allow them to maintain stable housing over the long term, after the emergency has passed. Call them at (505) 724-4670 or (505) 247-0442, or read more Catholic Charities in Albuquerque.

A number of other housing and rent assistance programs are available. The above is just one of the agencies in the Bernalillio County and Albuquerque area that offers rent and housing assistance. There are about fifteen other non-profits or agencies to call for help. Find an extensive listing of Albuquerque rent assistance organizations.

  • Rehousing services and eviction prevention programs are for tenants on the verge of losing their home as well as the homeless. Families with a pay or quit notice or a court order to vacate can receive a grant from ESG for paying their housing costs. There may also be free motel vouchers, funds to pay for moving costs or deposits, and placement services for the homeless. More Albuquerque eviction prevention programs.




Bernalillo County Society of Saint Vincent is a leading charity that partners with churches, conferences, and volunteers in the community. The agency focuses on helping the less fortunate and struggling in the region. Some short term, emergency financial aid may occasionally be available, including food, meals, rent, or energy assistance. Regional Vincentians (volunteers) that are part of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul churches offer help. The main office is at 4120 Menual Blvd. NE in Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110


  • Families and individuals in Albuquerque New Mexico can turn to St. Vincent De Paul for emergency financial help. This is a Roman Catholic aid organization, but people in need of all faiths can get help or shop for deals at a thrift store.
  • The organization assists low income and others with paying for their electricity, gas and some water bill accounts. It provides assistance with gas, electricity, utility, water bills, and electric bills. .
  • They may also have limited funding for back rent and mortgage payments. A goal of SVDP is to limit, or prevent, homelessness in Bernalillo County.
  • Last, but not least, Silver Horizons Assistance provides help with paying for heating, utility, and water bills to Bernalillo County residents who are age 60 and older who have received a service disconnection notice.
  • Other assistance can include referrals to Albuquerque non-profits and human service type resources.
  • The Society also works on stabilizing immigrants, mikgrants, the working poor, and less fortunate. There are job training classes and workshops, counseling, and even ESL classes. Other support can be arranged too

Several different resources are offered. There are also interest free loans. They provide free grocery boxes, low cost furniture, and money for rent, utilities, or other reasonable requests. The charity also has used clothes, furniture, computers, and other supples. Contact your local Roman Catholic parish for more information or to apply for assistance. Call (505) 346-1500 or 505-762-4664. Click more details Bernalillo County Society of Saint Vincent assistance programs.

Financial help Bernalillo CountyNoon Day Ministry (phone number of (505) 246-8001) provides emergency cash as well as funding for individuals and families in need of rent and/or utility assistance. They also operate a soup kitchen and provide free food. The assistance program operates by using large network of volunteers from throughout Albuquerque and other members of the local community.

  • Additional services from the charity include free bicycles, school supplies, as well as hygiene items from the Alex Fund. There may be free appliances for low-income families in Albuquerque too. More information on NoonDay Ministry assistance programs.

First United Methodist Church and the Interfaith Hospitality Network partnership – Local churches and faith based organization in Bernallio County help the homeless and those facing imminent eviction. There are meals, child care for children, and job search assistance for parents.

  • Social workers from the network also help clients locate a permanent or new home or low income apartment to live in. Together you can also explore programs to pay for the security deposit, moving costs, or rent expenses including on a new, affordable apartment. Location is 1516 San Pedro Dr NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Dial (505)268-0331, or click here First United Methodist Church assistance programs.




St. Martin’s Hospitality Center in Albuquerque offers case management for families, job referrals, and information on loan and rent programs to prevent an eviction. There will also be some on-site entitlement workers that can help low income families apply for public aid such as low income energy assistance or SNAP food stamps. The grant money is for the homeless and very low income. The non-profit also provides access to day labor employment from the local Alliance Job Services. Address is 1201 Third Street NW. Call (505) 242-4399.

The Albuquerque Salvation Army offers qualified individuals in Bernalillo County numerous services. Any financial help is by appointment only. There may be money PNM utility bills. Or rent help. All funds are limited by the Bernalillo County Salvation Army. This will be emergency rental relief for persons facing a crisis and who have eviction notices. There is also Heat New Mexico applications, with proof of income, residency, and other documentation needed.

  • There are also free Snack Bags for the homeless and one a month food boxes. Hot meals feed the homeless, poor, and immigrants.
  • Or get free clothing Vouchers with referral letter from a medical provider or their caseworker.
  • The charity also has limited free food assistance (including Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas meals), and help to pay give free stuff for low-income people with new baby even including free diapers.

The Salvation Army in Bernallio County also offers basic needs. This may be free furniture, back to school supplies, clothes, and Christmas toys. The homeless may also find local shelters. Dial (505) 872-1171 or (505) 881-4292. Click here for more details on services provided by the Salvation Army in Bernallio County assistance programs.

State of New Mexico Department of Human Services provides TANF, food stamps (learn more on food assistance), utility bill assistance from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) as well as the Low Income Telephone Assistance Program (LITAP). Programs are offered for Bernalillo County residents as well.

  • TANF is the short to mid term cash assistance program that is paid for by the federal government, but is available to low income families and single parents in New Mexico. Participants can receive funds to pay their bills and housing costs, and also access job training programs so they can either start a job or increase their income. Read more TANF application process.
  • Bernalillo County Community Service Division processes both state of New Mexico and federal government assistance programs. Some examples include assistance for medical bills from Medicaid, LIHEAP energy bill programs, and free food from SNAP food stamps. Other public aid can include cash assistance and grants for the disabled, senior housing, and other resources.

Other benefits are offered too. Dial (800) 283-4465 or (505) 841-7700. Continue with public assistance in Bernalillo County.







County Of Bernalillo Housing Department (BCHD) can provide information, referrals, and other support. Residents can get information on resources such as section 9 housing vouchers or home buying programs. Staff can direct qualified individuals to government resources. The main office is at 1900 Bridge SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105, call (505) 314-0200.

Low income water as well as sewer bill assistance programs can keep service on. There are three options, including credits, a budget plan, rate reductions and charity aid. Non-profits partner with the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Authority to administer it. Information is also available for Spanish speakers in the county, and more Bernalillo County water bill programs.

Transitional housing - Some of the resources in Bernalillo County include emergency shelters, help in finding a permanent home, and case management. Those searching for a place to live or the homeless can receive support from non-profits and government programs. More transitional housing in Bernalillo County.

  • When the shelters and low income housing units are full, there are still options. The goal is to keep the family safe. To this end are free stay hotel vouchers for a night or two.

Albuquerque Area Aging Agency can help senior citizens, the homebound, and elderly across Bernalillo County. Some examples of the services include free legal aid, transportation to appointment, free meals, referrals, and much more. A job training program is even offered to those over the age of 55. The center is at 600 2nd St NW # 808, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, or dial :(505) 924-3693. Or read more New Mexico Agency on Aging.

Sandoval Outreach Services is the second program, and the non-profit will work collaboratively with Nacimiento Medical Foundation as well as the Rio Rancho Department of Senior Services to increase use of community resources through transportation and case management. 5520 Wyoming Blvd., NE Suite 200, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109, call (505) 291-1818.

Referral Line - Any family that is struggling or living in poverty can learn about local programs from the Info Line Support Services. There are non-profit community organization, government programs, and charities that assist the less fortunate.

  • Receive information on human services, such as for mental health issues, free local dental clinics, and home care.
  • Educational and work/employment resources, ranging from ESL classes to free work attire, cheap or free Wi-Fi access and other programs. Continue with free internet access for low income families.
  • Free financial help may be provided to deal with a crisis, whether rent arrears, gasoline for a job interview, or cooling bills.
  • Information on payment plans from utility companies in New Mexico as well as grants or disconnection prevention. More on utility bill financial help in New Mexico.





The vulnerable in Bernalillo County, such as children, the disabled, and seniors, have resources dedicated to them. Dozens of agencies may be able to help. More Info Line Support Services in Bernalillo County.

The Storehouse – Resources and services include a food pantry, free clothing closet, and more. The location can also provide used household goods to low income persons in the Bernalillo County area. 106 Broadway SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, phone (505) 842-6491

Free items and stuff for the low income in Albuquerque NM area

Free Christmas programs as well as other holiday resources can help struggling families. There are services such as Toys for Tots in Albuquerque as well as charity organizations that provide free gifts, meals, and boxes of holiday food. Referrals may also be given. More on Bernalillo County free holiday programs.

Free furniture and clothing banks can help lower income families and children. The centers, often run by non-profits or charities, provide vouchers for free clothes and other basic needs. Many also offer Albuquerque residents free Christmas assistance, toys, gifts, and items such as school supplies. Another option are the free furniture banks as well as low cost thrift stores that operate in the region. More on free clothing closets, furniture and school supplies in Albuquerque region.

Free legal assistance and lawyers are available. New Mexico Legal Aid is a non-profit law firm that provides support. Low income clients as well as the elderly can get access to free lawyers as well as paralegals for consultations. Legal aid is also for immigrants as well.

  • Low income and other qualified individuals can get help for such civil cases as evictions, foreclosures, utility service disconnections, and other civil legal cases. There may be help for migration issues, lawyers that stop evictions or address housing discrimination. Debt collection needs can also be covered.

Lawyers in Albuquerque can address a number of other needs, provided the case is civil and the client is low-income and/or elderly. Dial 866-416-1922 to speak to an attorney or legal professional. Or read more on how to get a free legal consultation.

Access to free food from pantries and government benefit programs

Additional food banks and soup kitchens are offered. Azusa Christian Faith (phone (505) 550-0274), Cathedral of St. John Food Pantry ((505) 247-1583), Cross Roads Ministry Inc. ((505) 344-7572), Mount Olive Baptist Church ((505) 242-8331) are other local food pantries in the community. Find more food banks in Bernalillo County and that are specific to region.




The state is covered too. Numerous other non-profits focus on preventing hunger. The agencies may also offer resources such as Meals on Wheels for senior citizens, personal hygiene items, or free holiday meals. Locate additional New Mexico food pantries.

Bernalillo County free health care clinics

Over 30 clinics are operated across New Mexico and Bernalillo County by the Presbyterian Medical Services. The various locations assist tens of thousands of patients in New Mexico each year. The centers provide free or low cost medical and dental services. Adults, children, the low income and others can get care. There is even support for insurance matters, including assistance appealing health insurance claims.

  • When possible, the PMS facilities provide free dental, medical, and behavioral health services. There is also general healthcare in the same facility. Patients can save on transportation needs. The clinics create a continuum of care which spans across healthcare professionals as well as the various volunteers. The facility is a non-profit health care provider. Find other ways to get referrals to assistance from Health Resources and Services Administration.

As indicated, they run dental facilities which offer emergency, basic restorative, preventive services, and also a limited amount of rehabilitative or prosthetic dental care to low income, senior citizens, children, unemployed, and other qualified patients. Dial 1-800-477-7633 or 505-771-0647 to make an appointment or learn more.

Another option for health care is First Nations Community Health Source. . The non-profit clinic is a fully comprehensive community health care that provides numerous medical services. Among other programs they offer include preventive, primary and behavioral health services to low income and the other under-served populations living in Central New Mexico, including Native Americans.

  • Some of the Primary Care Services offered to patients include, well child care, immunizations, family planning, women's health care, prevention education and WIC services, public health nursing, HIV testing, and counseling. Dial (505) 262-2481

Other community clinics include the Albuquerque New Mexico region as well. One is First Choice Community Health Care ((505) 873-7400), or locate even more free Bernalillo County clinics and health centers.

Low income families can also look into government health insurance plans. Some are free and/or low cost. There are national options as well as state resources for medical or dental insurance policies. This form of free insurance can be combined with clinics or Medicaid and other benefits. Read more on free dental health insurance.

Free mortgage and debt relief in Bernalillo County

New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (call (505) 843-6880 runs numerous housing programs in Albuquerque NM. They include Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling, Foreclosure Prevention, and also Housing Down Payment Loans/Grants. The address is 344 4th St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102.




Consumer Credit Counseling of Albuquerque - In addition to offering credit counseling and repair, they can help the client enter into a debt repayment program. This can be done with their creditor or credit card company. In addition, the agency provides education programs on budgeting, foreclosure counseling, checkbook management, understanding credit, debt reduction, and other related topics. They also help immigrants start and build credit. Call (505) 884-6601

A number of other debt assistance programs are out there. Non-profits can review various credit card settlement programs, offer help with title or auto loans, and general tips on saving money. All of this will improve a residents financial situation.


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