Assistance programs Anderson County SC.
Low income families can get financial help for paying their bills, housing, rent, and transportation. Find churches, charities, and government grant programs in Anderson County SC that help people in a crisis. Get free food or groceries from pantries, money to pay for car repairs or free gas vouchers, and more. Locate financial assistance near you in Anderson County SC.
Low-income families, single moms and seniors are also supported as agencies work with them on repairing their credit, budgeting, and finding new work in upstate South Carolina. People can get free items from charities as well including free back to school supplies, furniture, or medical equipment. There are also holiday programs in Anderson County including free Christmas toys as well as meals (including at Thanksgiving). Whether it is help for paying water bills, advice, or counseling, resources are below.
Community Action grants to help with bills, housing, transportation and more
The local community action agency is Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources, Inc. (or SHARE). They have a wide variety of resources. There is free government grant money as a form of financial assistance and social services available for low to moderate income people who live in Anderson County South Carolina. They are a non-profit organization that is committed to both helping people through short term difficulties, and also ensuring they become self-sufficient over the long term.
You can contact them at (864) 269-0700 or 864) 224-7028 to learn more about any program or to apply. They offer everything from mortgage relief to help with energy and medical bills. The full list of resources from the SHARE non-profit are below. There is also information on free cars for low-income families in Anderson County that ride transportation for work, or look here for a free car program.
- Electric bill assistance is organized by SHARE. This is part of the federal government LIHEAP program. The heating bill assistance program operates from October 1 through April 30 each and every year and grants will assist eligible households who are facing weather related emergencies, such as low fuel or service disconnection, due to the cold temperatures experienced during the winter. Community Action assistance for heating bills is provided toward the following types of services: They include electricity, fuel oil, natural gas, coal, propane gas, kerosene, propane, heating oil, or wood.
- SHARE offers summertime (or year round) help with air conditioning and cooling bills. This will help with utility bills during the summer from May 15 through September 30. It will provide low income families with cash grants or an free air conditioner if they are facing weather related emergencies due to the warmer temperatures experienced during the summertime. The assistance program provides assistance towards paying electric bills, fans for senior citizens and even free air conditioners and fans if needed. There are even referrals to free AC units.
- Emergency and crisis assistance is offered by Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources, Inc. (or SHARE). This program provides a wide variety of assistance and grants to people who are facing a short term emergency situation. Some of the aid offered includes rent help, eviction prevention services, prescription drugs, free shoes or adult clothes for work, or money to stop utility service disconnection’s and more. Grants can be provided to help people pay these bills. In addition, they can refer you to programs that can provide mortgage help.
- SHARE case management is a service. Clients will receive various types of counseling and training to assist them in identifying the factors or circumstances that may have led to the crisis. With assistance from the staff of SHARES, the family or individual will develop a case plan to address future preventive strategies and try to ensure people become self sufficient. This counseling can include parenting skills training, conflict resolution skills training, budgeting skills and money management. Or get free debt help, employment counseling, job referrals, and also housing and mortgage counseling.
- Employment help as well as career training is arranged by SHARE. Or find gig type work (driving, surveys, etc.) for making a few extra dollars. As increasing income, gaining new skills, and maybe starting a new or better career can help end poverty. Case workers partner with the state, federal government and other agencies on this. There are even “non-traditional ways” to make a few extra dollars in the meaning, including free online survey sites.
The Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources, Inc. (or SHARE), which offers the resources above, can be reached at 864) 224-7028 or (864) 269-0700. Read more on financial help from Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources.
Emergency financial assistance in Anderson County
Anderson Interfaith Ministries, which can be reached at (864) 226-2273 offers programs for school aged kids as well as single mothers or fathers. AIM also provides an Emergency Assistance Program. Qualified individuals can get help paying utilities, rent expenses, and get money for security deposits for housing or work related assistance, such as clothes or a tank of gas.
- Other aid offered includes free firewood, food stamp outreach, a Home Repair and Improvement Program. There is also a free furniture bank and clothing closet. The agency also coordinates minor home repairs or modification for low income individuals. The main location is 1202 S Murray Ave, Anderson, SC 29624, or more information on Anderson Interfaith Ministries assistance programs.
Catholic Charities also provides services to Anderson SC families, with a focus on women facing DV, immigrants and the elderly. While funds are limited, they can help with utilities and rent and mortgage payments. Also access a program known as SAVE A SMILE (restorative dental care dentures for low-income families with no health insurance). They can also refer people to local charities and South Carolina government programs. Call (864) 242-2233 or (864) 331-2619. Click Anderson Catholic Charities assistance programs.
Salvation Army offers assistance for the low income, poor, disabled, and seniors in the Anderson County region. The non-profit does have limited resources, but if they can’t help you then they may have referrals. Much of what they offer is the result of the sale of bargain items at the thrift store.
- Some of the emergency assistance and social services offered can include money for paying rent or utility bills. The Salvation Army has a free food pantry, free soup kitchen, and homeless shelter. Case managers can also help the unemployed find a job or attend training in South Carolina and a number of self-sufficiency services are available.
- Temporary housing assistance is offered too, including the Stringer Emergency Lodge, which is a shelter.
- Or the Salvation Army has seasonal assistance such as free Christmas toys, fans during the summer months, as well as back to school supply giveaways. The goal is to help kids from low-income families get school backpacks, Angel Tree Christmas toy enrollment and other support.
The charity also has free vouchers, whether for a Motel 6 or Red roof inn (when the shelters are full) to gas cards for gasoline. More on Anderson County Salvation Army assistance programs.
Anderson County Community Services Office / DSS can be reached at (864) 260-4100. They can help people apply for a number of mostly federal and state government assistance programs. Some examples of those resources are below.
- The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program/LIHEAP can help low income and poor families pay for their utility bills, including heating costs. It covers coal, electricity, fuel oil, kerosene, natural gas and other types of utilities. It is often offered with weatherization and conservation measures.
- Free home appliances for seniors, the disabled and poor are an option. This includes fans and air conditioners or refrigerators for a home too. Learn how to get a free refrigerator.
- Transitional housing for the homeless and emergency rent assistance is available in Anderson County. Or get information on local shelters or free hotel vouchers.
- There are applications to SNAP food stamps, Child care for low-income families and insurance such as Medicaid.
- The Community Services Office also focuses on year round utility bill help, whether electric, AC or water bills. They can help families apply for payment plans. Or assist with applications to grants or disconnection prevention services. Many resources are offered, and find details on help for paying water bills.
Other social services can include Head Start, case management, job training and placement programs, and application for public aid in South Carolina such as food stamps. The address is 24 McGee Rd, Anderson, SC 29625 Call the office at (864) 224-7028 or 864) 260-4100, or find more details on Anderson County Community Services Office.
Anderson County region Urban League - Housing, job training, and educational programs are offered. They range from foreclosure and tenant counseling, including the possibility of limited loans for paying rent or a security deposit, to a career center. Other services include resume review, job placement, and educational programs. The unemployed, youth, and low income are a focus of the Anderson agency. Read more Urban League of the Upstate.
Clemson Community Care provides several services. They include food pantry and SNAP food stamps application assistance. Rent and mortgage payment assistance may be offered in cases of eviction. Basic needs such as Free School Supplies, Christmas assistance and gifts, and more are offered too. Or look into emergency utility and air conditioning bill assistance programs, including for water or electricity. Lcoation is 105 Anderson HWY, Clemson, South Carolina 29631, dial (864) 653-4460.
Family Promise of Anderson County helps families with kids, including single parents, in Anderson County. The main programs are transitional housing and low cost apartments as part of interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN). They also offer case management, help families find a place to live, and assist people with housing stability. Call (864) 760-0908, or read more on Family Promise Housing programs.
Services from Butterfly Foundation - Housing programs can include referrals to rent or security deposit assistance with a focus on homeless prevention. They also operate adult homeless shelters and transitional housing. Other resources from Butterfly for low income families includes the South Carolina Benefit Bank, information on federal government benefits, and job placement/training. Click here Butterfly Foundation.
Charities in Anderson County may offer focused security deposit, rent help, and short term housing programs. There are also government agencies as well. Tenants with an eviction notice may qualify for a grant; shelters are for the homeless; and specific rent programs are for veterans, single moms, and senior citizens. Find help with rent in Anderson County.
Free medical or dental care for uninsured and low income
Anderson County residents often struggle to get the medical or dental care they need. Or struggle to pay for medications. There are some medical providers and clinics listed below. Contact them for resources, or even locate financial assistance for dental work.
Anderson Free Clinic which is located in Honea Path is a non-profit agency that offers free dental and medical care. They help people with no insurance, the homeless and patients on Medicaid in Anderson County. The charity will also have free prescription medication to the indigent persons, basic dental care, OBGYN access and more from 34 N Main St, Honea Path, SC 29654. Call (864) 369-9493
Good Shepherd Medical Clinic is another community clinic that is staffed by medical professionals. It provides free medical services to people who can’t pay their medical bills. It is a sliding fee health center. Call (864) 833-0017
Families on Medicaid can get free stuff or discounts too. Charities, government programs and non-profits will automatically allow people on Medicaid to get additional support. Both equipment and everyday use items are offered, and look here for Medicaid discounts.
Food banks, free grocery giveaway and non-profit pantries in Anderson County
Several food pantries operate in the region. Most of them are part of the so called God's Pantry network. The addresses are below. Depending on the location and level of donations, they may have personal hygiene goods, emergency food assistance, referrals, and canned items. They can also help seniors and children in the region and many partner with local restaurants too. Find restaurant free food giveaways.
- 315 Daventon RD, Pelzer, South Carolina 29669, dial (864) 963-4441
- God's Pantry VIII, 1009 S Broad ST, Clinton, SC 29325, telephone (864) 963-4441
- 1421 Reidville Sharon RD, Greer, SC 29651, (864) 963-4441
- 6466 Poplar Springs RD, Ware Shoals, SC 29692, dial (864) 963-4441
- 3540 Woodruff RD, Simpsonville, South Carolina 29681, telephone number is (864) 963-4441
There are many other USDA programs, soup kitchens, as well as emergency food banks in the county. For more details and locations, read more Anderson County free food pantries.
Anderson County free lawyers and Legal assistance
South Carolina Legal Services offers free civil legal help. The pro-bono attorneys help with civil cases, debt concerns, evictions, and can also assist with foreclosures. The non-profit law firm provides pro bono civil legal services in the following areas:
- Housing - includes foreclosure, evictions, discrimination, and landlord tenant disputes. The lawyers help stop evictions in Anderson SC.
- Consumer Debt and Finance - Help with bankruptcy and predatory loans and debts, such as payday loan consolidation programs.
- Employment legal assistance, including discrimination, wage claims, employee rights, and wrongful termination, etc.)
- Health care, including health insurance, long term health care facilities, and government programs such as Medicaid and Medicare, etc.
For more information on free legal aid, or the hotline, Dial (864) 679-3232.
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