Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act programs.
The federal government Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and associated programs are available in each state. WIOA helps the unemployed, people looking for new skills and job seekers. The federal program is a nationwide effort that is often administered by your local community action agency, social service office, or job center. Find Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act services near you.
The United States Department of Labor created the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act to help the unemployed access the resources they need to gain and improve their skills as well as manage their careers. Another objective of the program is to help U.S. companies find skilled workers by placing applicants with an employer who has an open position.
Employment programs from Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
The services offered by WIOA as well as your community action agency or job center that administer the program are diverse, flexible, and can be customized to meet the applicants exact needs. Employment Counselors from WIOA may provide the following training programs. There are also grants and free services to clients.
Skills Upgrading, Job Training and Educational Services can be offered. The unemployed or people that were terminated can get assistance in developing skills such as computer literacy, ESOL, GED preparation, math or science, basic reading, and IT programming skills.
Job Readiness Activities and Search Services - Counselors will work one on one with clients to help them find a job, prepare their application, and practice for the interview process. Work with a counselor at a WIOA center near you to improve your interviewing skills, get help creating and editing a resume, and access a computer or phone bank to search for jobs.
WIOA Financial Support Services - Some income qualified clients may be able to qualify for funds or grants to pay for childcare and expenses such as transportation while in a job training program. As there are free government subsidies to day for daycare for working parents. Locate child care help from CCAP.
Occupational Skills Training is also funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. This can provide people with a certificate or credential in hundreds of programs or unique skills sets. Improve your computer skills, learn new software products, prepare for an office or manufacturing job, and much more.
Temporary Jobs - Some people may be placed with a local employer for on the job training. This will allow participants the ability to earn an income while they learn new job skills, gain experience, and build a relationship with a potential future employer. These positions can even be considered to be a side gig job for extra income.
Career Planning and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Employment Strategies - Get information on high demand occupations, career interest assessment, and job placement follow-up services. Or learn from a WIOA job center how a hustle type position can be used for extra cash..
On-the-Job Training - This is training that is provided to a paid participant by an employer that takes part in the WIOA program. This keeps the person engaged in productive work, in a position that provides them with the skills and knowledge that is needed and that is essential to the full and adequate performance of the job. A number of on the job training programs are provided under a contract with an employer in the private, non-profit, or public sector.
Free computer coding classes, website development, and other IT - technical skills can be provided. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act agencies near you as well as non-profits partner on classes, workshops and boot camps to teach the latest skills to job seekers or those looking to learn. Find a list of free coding classes from non-profits.
WIOA Dislocated Worker Services - Is provided to those who have been terminated or laid off from employment. Assistance can also be provided to those who have received notification of an upcoming layoff or termination and if they are doubtful to return to work in his/her previous occupation or industry.
Career centers - The WIOA program pays for facilities known as One-Stop Career Centers. These locations are located in most major counties and towns across the country. The sites provide the unemployed or people looking to gain new skills a wide variety of tools and resources. Clients can attend job training programs, vocational training, free computer classes, GED instruction and much more. Find more details on local one stop career centers.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Youth Program - Services are provided to eligible youth (aged 14 - 21) and can assist them in achieving employment and academic success. There can be side hustle jobs, hobbies for income, apprenticeships and other opportunities. The following resources are offered or read more on apprenticeships for high school students.
- Summer jobs and employment opportunities that are associated with occupational and academic learning.
- Study skills training, tutoring, grants and instruction to help them complete secondary school, including dropout prevention strategies.
- Internships and job shadowing, which can be either paid or unpaid work experiences.
- Occupational skill training, computer literacy, and career counseling.
Some other services offered by WIOA and/or your local community action agency may be providing any book to someone who needs material for their training or education. There are also applications to grants for tuition; commuting assistance; individual training accounts; and reimbursement of fees. Even get equipment for a job such as a computer or laptop for free, and look here for applications for a free government computer.
Apply for WIOA job training programs near you
Unfortunately not everyone will be eligible for assistance, and various conditions need to be met in order to access the various Workforce Investment WIOA programs. The specifics may vary by state and also by the non-profit agency funding. In general the qualifications needed include the following for job training and other employment resources from a WIOA job center.
- You are unemployed due to any of a number of reasons, including a recent lay off or job termination.
- If you are unable to obtain employment through core services and if it has been determined that you need more intensive job training or services in order to obtain employment.
- The low income can qualify for the job training programs too. Individuals who are on Food Stamps or TANF can get help, or people who meet other certain low income guidelines.
- Even if you are currently employed, but if your income is below the self sufficiency guidelines as established by your state or county, then you may qualify. Check in with the counselor from WIA for the most recent guidelines.
- Others who may qualify include the homeless, individuals with a disability, or displaced homemakers.
- It is best to talk to the job office in your state for more information.
To apply or for more information, contact your local community action agency for specifics or referrals. Or select your state below for additional details on career centers, the WIOA program, and other local job training services.
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
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