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Assistance programs Marathon County.

Find charities, churches and government agencies that provide grants to help with rent or electric bills or get free food from pantries or medical care from clinic in Marathon County. There are organizations that offer emergency help, government assistance programs for the low income or seniors and social services. Locate financial help near you in Wausau and Marathon County WI.

Low-income families will also get free stuff. This can include clothes or school supplies for kids or adults. Or get free legal aid in Wausau, furniture or transportation help - including a free gas voucher or car repairs. A number of financial resources are offered.

Housing, food and utility assistance in Wausau WI and Marathon County

The United Way of Marathon County provides free referrals to charities and government agencies that disburse federal funds. The agencies help individuals and low income families in need. The free government grants will be used to pay for housing, food, rent, and mortgage payments as well as other basic needs.

In addition, the United Way offers information on how to get winter heating bill help or free home repairs, including for a heating system. Many low-income families often need rent, general housing help or free motel vouchers, and those programs are offered in Marathon County.

Some of the agencies and charities that will be distributing the grants and assistance include The Neighbors' Place, Energy Services, North Central Community Action Program, The Salvation Army of Marathon County, The Women's Community, and Randlin Homes. Call the United Way of Marathon County (715) 848-2255.

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse - They have limited financial assistance. There is is also free vouchers for stuff including clothes for kids or adults, diapers, furniture or appliances and other support. There may be a waiting list. Some of the programs offered include.

  • Heating, utility, and water bill assistance - Financial help may be available, and it may be able to provide up to $100 in situations. Help is available where a family will lose electric, water or gas service, or if the customer is behind on payments for these services.
  • Real Estate and Property Taxes - Assistance up to $100 when funds are available, to help pay property and real estate taxes. They also help homeowners in Marathon County contest a real estate assessment.
  • Rent and security deposits - Up to $100 may be available to help pay rent or a security deposit.
  • Free food - Vouchers can be offered for free food or groceries. Get baby formula, Ensure, fruits, dairy, meat and more.
  • Medical and prescription assistance - Receive vouchers that can provide free medicines.
  • Transportation help - Money for gasoline, bus tokens, and other emergency transportation assistance may be offered to those in need of help.




Catholic Charity programs are also offered for immigrants, single mothers, or women facing DV. The Marathon County church helps the poor and elderly too. For more details, the address is 360 Grand Ave Suite 800, Wausau, WI 54403. Call (715) 849-3311.

Forward Service Corporation - Emergency Assistance may be available to families with a children, including single moms or the unemployed. Housing assistance may be available and offer rent, security deposit, or mortgage help. Utility and heating bill assistance can help people with a disconnection notice. Wausau Wisconsin. Call (715) 261-8715 or (715) 623-2117.

North Central Community Action Program - Call them at (715) 424-2581. Programs offered to Marathon County Wisconsin residents include - Electric Bill Service Payment Assistance or grant money for a light bill. There is also emergency Gas Service Payment Assistance, Information on government programs and local charities, low income assistance as well as Rent Payment or Deposit Assistance. Or clients can get free budgeting help, access to computers for a job search and other support.

Saint Vincent Depaul - This is an outreach organization that is involved in providing temporary/emergency assistance for basic human needs, such as housing, shelter, utilities, food, clothing, or transportation. The Cabrini Conference in Wassau coordinates the service, using the sale of goods at the thrift store. The goal is to help those that may fall outside the scope of existing community service network or Marathon County charities. More on assistance from Marathon County St. Vincent de Paul.

Marathon County Social Services provides applications to government benefits. They include everything from SNAP food stamps (EBT card) to Medicaid, TANF cash assistance and disability grants. There is also surplus USDA commodities, elder care, WHEAP grant money for low income people and other Economic Support. The address: is 400 E Thomas St, Wausau, WI 54403, or dial (715) 261-75003 for details on EBT, Medicaid, and government aid. Also locate programs such as free government iPhone for people on EBT.

Wausau WI Salvation Army - The non-profit Salvation Army organization may be able to provide limited short-term lodging, a homeless shelter, and limited benefits for paying for housing when funding is available. If funding is available, money may be used for a rent voucher to help partially pay monthly housing expenses in an emergency situation. You need to ask and meet with a social worker. Get more information on rent assistance. Call (715) 845-4272.





Other services offered in Marathon County can help with other basic needs. This include funds for heating and energy bills. The Salvation Army can provide free Christmas assistance, meals, food, and school supplies for students. Or families can apply for free temporary, transitional housing. Call your local center at the number above to learn about the resources and programs they offer the low income and seniors. The address is 202 Callon St, 113 S 2nd Ave, Wausau, WI 54401. Or read more on Salvation Army assistance programs Marathon County.

Emergency rental assistance is provided by charities as well as non-profits in Marathon County. Most of the financial aid, or even loans, is for veterans and military services. However other low income families may receive help on a case by case basis. There are also free lawyers that help mediate with landlords and renters.

Not only may money be offered for paying rent, but there are also grants for security deposits, transitional housing, and other resources available. Funds are limited, but find more details on rental assistance in Marathon County.

Free dental for the low-income is offered in Marathon County. Clinics, dentists and other programs provide teeth cleanings, extractions, root canals and other care. There is free dental for people with no insurance, no money as well as those on Medicaid. Locate free dental care from clinics in WI.

Energy Services, Inc. - Provides heating and utility bill assistance for income-eligible people. Through the Crisis Assistance Program, people who have no heat and no ability to pay for heat may qualify for help through two services offered. One is known as emergency / furnace assistance. The other is called pro-active services. Dial (715) 842-3111

Food in Marathon County Wisconsin

Several food pantries, soup kitchens and food banks are listed below. Also find a listing of how to get cheap groceries.

Saint Florian’s Parish Center - This is a local food pantry for anyone, whether families or individuals, in emergency need of food and groceries. Clients can be served once a month or more depending upon situation. The address is 500 Church Ln, Hatley, WI 54440, call (715) 446-3085.





First Presbyterian Church - This is a local community food pantry for area residents. It can help feed seniors, provide hot meals, a grocery box to the low-income and more. It is a pantry for people who are in emergency need of food or groceries. Address 406 Grant St, Wausau, WI 54403 and phone: (715) 842-2116

The Neighbor’s Place - Distributes free food, personal care items, diapers, toiletries and pet food. Call (715) 845-1966. Address is 360 Grand Ave, Wausau, WI 54403.

Wesley United Methodist Church - Call (715) 842-3768. Offers free food to people in need of help.

Several other soup kitchens and food banks operate in the county. They can be used in an emergency or the staff can refer clients to SNAP food stamps and public aid. Everything from groceries to clothes, Christmas or Thanksgiving meals, and other goods are offered. Find Marathon County food pantries.


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