Assistance programs Lubbock County.
Find information on various charities, non-profits, churches, and government assistance programs in Lubbock Texas. Get financial help with rent and housing expenses, utility bills, free food or clothes, and much more. Or apply for cash aid, SNAP food stamps, or government benefits from Lubbock County Health and Human Services. Locate financial assistance near you in Lubbock County TX.
A combination of churches will offer emergency help or free stuff in Lubbock TX along with charities. There are also free community clinics for free medical or dental care, and even government grant and loan programs can be used as a form of financial assistance. Or find free items including Christmas toys, clothes, school supplies, free gas vouchers for a job and other goods. Find a list of free stuff, financial help in Lubbock, and other resources below.
Financial assistance with bills, rent, housing, and other basic needs in Lubbock Texas
Water Assistance Programs include discounts as well as direct financial help to the low-income, seniors and disabled in Lubbock County Charities may offer assistance and also The City of Lubbock has a Water Rate Assistance Program. Government and/or charitable funds can be used in a crisis by qualified households. It will help those with limited means pay their water bill.
- While the program will not eliminate charges that households need to pay, it does help provide an adjustment or credit on the account. This is an indirect form of financial help. It will assist qualifying customers with payment of a water bill in an effort to help them keep their service on. Reductions and savings provided will be limited, but it can help low-income families, the elderly or disabled Lubbock TX is also encouraging the use of WaterSense water saving products. Or call :(806) 543-2386 or (806) 775-2291.
Across the Street is a Lubbock County charity. This non-profit agency administers a grant to low income and the working poor. The financial assistance can offer help for rent help and utility bills. Other expenses can be paid too. Or, as resources allow, there may be some free stuff passed out such as clothes, furniture for a home, gas vouchers for work and more. The financial assistance program is very limited and individuals as well as families need to meet strict criteria.
In addition, they run a center known as the Village Market Place, which is a thrift store operated by Across the Street ministry. The store provide food, clothes and household goods at a reduced price for families in need. Some furniture may be sold too. Dial (806) 543-2386 or (806) 762-4010 to reach the ministry, which is located in Lubbock Texas. Click here on programs from Across the Street.
Catholic Families Services of Lubbock provides assistance to people of all faiths. Some of the services and resources offered include a free food pantry as well as clothing and household good vouchers. There may be emergency funds for utility; prescription medication; and eye glass assistance - no contact lenses.
- Other programs offered will help low-income, mostly single parents complete their college education by providing financial assistance and advice to help with with tuition. Or there are free textbooks or laptops for school work. Clients can also get financial help for rent, information on free childcare, mileage reimbursement, and gas cards. Find additional scholarship programs.
- The churches that work with Catholic Charities also can help the less fortunate. They also help immigrants and Spanish speakers in the community. Many will have a hot meal or a few dollars for a bill when you are out of all other options. The centers are also a great place to call for referrals to other emergency assistance and social service programs in the greater Lubbock region.
The charity also helps immigrants and migrants in Lubbock TX find resources or learn about GED or ESL classes. Call (806) 765-8475 or (806) 725-5211, or click here Lubbock County Catholic Charities assistance programs.
Lubbock County General and Public Assistance is for low income households, the unemployed and working poor. Low Income residents and households with totally disabled adult or minor child can get help from GA cash aid or other benefits, including Medicaid, SNAP Food Stamps, section 8 and more. Qualifications need to be met, including the household has to be without income for thirty days, may be able to get help from this agency.
- Programs offered may include rent help, which will assist with the partial payment towards the current month's housing costs. In addition, electric and utilities may be able to get help. Receive payment for utility bills, and the funds will be provided for the current month only. Or look into SNAP food stamps, SSI disability, and more. Dial : (806) 775-1605 or (806) 775-1080, or read more Lubbock County public assistance.
Free daycare is arranged by Social Services. This will help low-income, working parents or those in job training. These are income based programs, so some fees may be do or a free voucher is offered. There is day care help for newborns, infants, pre-school and others kids. Look here for free daycare for infants near you.
Salvation Army of Lubbock - This charity organization may be able to provide individuals with limited emergency financial assistance or basic needs. Any help is available only once every six months. These services provided to low income individuals include: free food, clothing vouchers, groceries, or utility and cooling bills assistance.
- There may also be emergency rent assistance, mortgage and foreclosure prevention support. Or get free prescription vouchers. The Salvation Army also supports work and self-sufficiency goals, and when possible free gas cards or transportation programs are offered for employment reasons in Lubbock County TX.
The Salvation Army corps also offers some seasonal and specialty programs to Lubbock Texas families. Some examples of these services include Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Children may receive free toys/gifts, and seniors both presents and companionship. Other aid include free back to school items, referrals, and shelter. Dial (806) 765-9434 to find additional programs. More on Salvation Army in Lubbock County.
Lutheran Social Services is part of a charity called Neighborhood House. Low income, unemployed, and working poor Lubbock Texas residents can turn to this agency. Dial (806) 589-1907 or (806) 741-0459. Health care and emergency assistance is offered. The services are provided to local, low income and other residents who are in need of food, utility, and prescription assistance.
- In addition, free diapers and hygiene products are also available.
- If you need medical care, the free Health for Friends clinic offers quality health care services for people with a low -income, no insurance, or that are on Medicaid in Lubbock County. The center will help those who might not be able to otherwise have access to health care because they cannot afford health insurance, or can’t pay medical bills. Learn more on national health care Resource programs.
- Referrals and immediate help is offered. Neighborhood House operates across the county. Several churches and other social service organizations are working together to help the poor, low income, and unemployed.
- A big focus is on basic needs around the holiday for single moms, the low-income and poor, and this will be free food, Thanksgiving and Christmas assistance programs.
Some emergency financial aid may be available from time to time from this Lubbock charity. Families can receive help with rent, energy bills, or applications to the Comprehensive Energy Assistance (CEAP) Program in Texas. More on Neighborhood House in Lubbock.
Life Run Center for Independent Living - They mostly focus on seniors and the disabled. Services and assistance administered includes independent living skills, Nursing Home Relocation services, advocacy, as well as Social Security Payee Services. Or clients can get information and referral to public aid or government benefits planning.
- Or physically or disabled people can seeks vocational programs, housing, home for life, Olmstead vouchers, and comprehensive electric and energy bill assistance. The address is 4902 34th Street, Suite 5, Lubbock, Texas 79410, call (806)795-5433. Or find details on Texas elderly assistance resources.
Family Promise of Lubbock, or Interfaith Hospitality, provides referrals and uses volunteers to support low income families. They help with homeless prevention from a Housing Court, can offer shelter, transitional housing and other assistance. There may be resources for single mothers as well, even free diapers, baby formula, or housing programs. Call 806-744-5035, or find Family Promise of Lubbock programs.
Lubbock County emergency eviction help and rapid rehousing is available using grants. Qualified tenants as well as homeless individuals can receive everything from free motel vouchers to funds for paying rent or water bills. Other aid from HPRP may be shelters or case management. Financial aid for bills such as rent or electricity is limited and is mostly from referrals to loan programs and similar options. More information on homeless prevention and rehousing in Lubbock County.
Utility and cooling bill assistance - Lubbock is served by two non-profit organizations. They can provide repairs to heating or cooling equipment and also direct financial assistance for paying bills as part of the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP). There is also a crisis component as well for those lower income families who are faced with a disconnection. Read more Lubbock Energy bill help.
Free basic needs, such as clothes, furniture, school supplies and holiday assistance, is provided by regional clothing closets as well as furniture banks. Several thrift stores can also help Lubbock County families. What is available will change throughout the year as they depend on donations. However the non-profits may have free school supplies, work clothes, Christmas gifts and toys for children, free furniture such as beds, and vouchers. More on free clothing closets, furniture and school supplies in Lubbock County.
Free holiday programs - Residents of Lubbock County can get help at Christmas and Thanksgiving. There are places that pass out free Christmas presents and toys along with food. Immigrants and Spanish speaking families can apply too. Or drop in for a free Thanksgiving turkey dinner or Christmas meal. Continue with free holiday and Christmas help in Lubbock County.
Housing and rent assistance programs - There are several organizations that focus on homeless and eviction prevention. They may offer everything from emergency one time rent help, landlord/tenant mediation or funds to pay a security deposit on a new, low income apartment. Find a listing of Lubbock rental assistance agencies.
City of Lubbock Community Agency
The Lubbock County Texas community action agency is made up of multiple organizations that partner together. They offer various assistance programs and social services including weatherization, which helps save on energy bills. The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) provides cash grants for paying utilities such as electric bills or it may help pay for an AC unit or repairs to one. The agency can refer individuals to rental assistance and low income housing too.
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is an annual allotment given by the federal government. It may be able to provide financial assistance, low interest loans for bills or security deposits and counseling. There may also be free grant money or personal items for low income households. Many other programs are offered as well. Or locate a list of free stuff.
Much of the rental assistance is paid for by the Emergency Solutions Grant. However, the agency to call for funds from this ESG program, including for information on security deposits, is the Lubbock Texas based Family Promise (phone (806) 747-0182 or 806-744-5035). Other Community Action Agency programs include home repairs, help for victims of domestic violence, and energy conservation. Find more details on community action in Lubbock.
Community medical clinics and free health care in Lubbock County
Some of the clinics in the county include Lubbock Children Health Clinic (dial (806) 749-3800), Larry Combest Community Health Center Senior Health Calls (phone (806) 743-2255), and the Community Health Center of Lubbock (main number is (806) 765-2611). Most of these sites will help low income and people with poor health insurance coverage, or no insurance. There are also free medical programs to address women’s issues, diabetics, vision needs and other common health care issued.
The free or low cost medical clinics have various services in place. Many services are offered based on a patients ability to pay medical bills. Or locate additional Lubbock County free clinics.
Existing medical bills can be paid as well in Lubbock. There is information on payment plans, programs from local hospitals, debt reduction options, and counseling. Many hospitals and doctors in the region also offer charity care to the low income as well as uninsured, which can help pay down debt. In addition, find financial help for paying off hospital bills.
Free food programs, pantries and soup kitchens
Call any of the following for free food, groceries, or other household products, which may be offered. The list below is just a sampling of the non-profits that are available for low income and/or struggling residents. There are other charities for free food or meals to try as well. If the free food banks or soup kitchens below can’t help you, find more free food pantries in Lubbock Texas.
- First Baptist Church - Lubbock dial (806) 747-0281
- Green Lawn Church of Christ - phone (806) 795-4377
- Mission Lubbock - For details, dial (806) 687-8452 or (806) 794-1441
- South Plains Church of Christ - telephone (806) 794-3594
Free debt help, budgeting, and financial advice
Money Management International is a national non-profit that operates in Lubbock County TX. Low income clients can get free advice - others may need to pay some money. They offer many types of assistance. Learn about programs that help pay auto or car loans. Get credit repair services, free help in addressing credit card debts or a mortgage and more. The goal is to help improve a client’s finances.
Lubbock homeowners and consumers can receive foreclosure advice and counseling. They also offer emergency help with paying car loans, information on mortgage programs, and free debt reduction from this agency. Or enroll into free budgeting workshops. Dial 866-889-9347 or (888) 845-5669.
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