Assistance programs Warren County Kentucky.
Find emergency financial help, free stuff, and government assistance to help pay bills, rent and more. Locate charities, churches and social service programs in Warren County KY. Get money to help with utility bills, housing or transportation as well as free medical or dental for low-income families. Find financial assistance near you in Bowling Green KY and Warren County.
Low-income families, seniors and the disabled will get free items (food, school supplies, clothes, furniture, Christmas toys, daycare programs, etc) as well as ongoing support. Learn about financial aid from charities or churches (money or loans for helping with rent, utility bills, mortgages, security deposits). Or get free healthcare (medications, dental cleanings, medical, etc). All of those resources are more are offered in the Bowling Green Kentucky region, including from the Family Support Office.
Get financial help with bills, housing and food in Bowling Green area
Low to moderate income Warren County and Bowling Green residents will receive help from the Community Action of Southern Kentucky, Inc. This non-profit, community service agency administers approximately 40 assistance program across the area. They they offer numerous financial resources, government grants and job programs in the 10-county area they service.
- Emergency Food & Shelter Program (EFSP): The program was to expand and supplement the work of local charities and social service agencies in an effort to help people with economic and financial emergencies. A Warren County KY applicant’s personal situation will be reviewed, and if you are accepted into the program you can receive assistance with paying utility bills, housing, food, or rent.
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Subsidy program (LIHEAP): This organizations tries their hardest to assist all eligible households, including low and moderate, elderly, and the disabled with paying for their home heating as well as utility bills by providing them with a one-time benefit or cash grant. Usually over 1000 families normally participate just from Warren County and get hardship grants to keep their lights or power on.
- The subsidy portion of the program is intended to provide help to anyone who qualifies and for people who need assistance with paying heating bills and costs. LIHEAP funds or grants you will be sent directly to the consumer’s utility or gas company. The money is not sent to the applicant.
- Emergency Assistance from the LIHEAP Crisis program: In addition to the subsidy mentioned above, the organization also strives to assist eligible households who are experiencing a home heating crisis during the January through March timeframe. Senior citizens, the disabled and single moms among other will get emergency financial help to pay winter energy bills or to fix a furnace or heating system in Bowling Green.
- The federal funded LIHEAP program will always offer a crisis portion, which will typically run from January to the end of March each year. The crisis portion is really focused on providing assistance to people whose heating and / or gas bills are past due, for people who have received a utility service disconnection notice or if they are within four days of being without their primary heating source, such as propane, kerosene or wood. It can also help people who are about to run out of fuel, heating oil, or other energy sources.
- Weatherization and CARES: This is another federal government funded program that helps people save on and reduce their heating bills. It will provide benefits to eligible households in the form of free energy conservation improvements to the home. The improvements are intended to reduce a home’s energy costs and as a side benefit to give the occupants of the home a healthier and safer living environment. Learn more on weatherization.
- Free Child Care in Bowling Green KY and Assistance Centers: Community Action can provide free or discounted care for kids, students, instants and others. It can strengthen both parent and children by providing constructive, high quality child care for children who are six weeks of age and older.
- Warren County free employment services: Staff from the Community Action of Southern Kentucky help individuals (whether working or not) gain new skills and ideally a higher income. There are job fairs, resume review or interview tips, work from home jobs, side gigs and more. Or read about Workforce Investment Training programs at the federal level.
- Phone programs - Low income families and people on government benefits will get either free cell phones, such as an iPhone or Samsung, as well as discounts. There is the Lifeline program in Warren County KY for thew low-income and elderly. Find a free government iPhone in KY.
They have several offices and locations around the county, including one at 200 East 4th St. Bowling Green, KY 42101. You can also dial (270)783-4484 for more information. The above is just a sampling of the assistance programs and resources offered to Warren County and Bowling Green Kentucky residents from Community Action of Southern Kentucky. Find more details on services from CASOKY. Read more on Southern Kentucky Community Action Agency assistance programs.
Bowling Green and Warren County Kentucky Salvation Army - This is another place to turn to for help. While their operations are not very extensive, the center may have free food, holiday support or basic needs such as clothing. There are free vouchers and stuff for kids, single moms and other homeless om Warren County KY. Rarely, for those that qualify, the non-profit will have very limited funding for paying bills such as rent or utilities. Free gas vouchers may also be provided.
Seasonal help is offered too by the Salvation Army. This includes everything from free back to school supply giveaways to Christmas toys, Thanksgiving turkeys, or summer camp. There is also substance abuse help as well as homeless shelters. If the center can’t help you, then the case managers may have referrals or suggestions. More on Salvation Army Warren County.
Vets, including volunteers, veterinarians at clinics or shelters, give free car to low-income families and people with no money. There will be free dog and cat exams, pet medications, surgery, and other services. Locate free veterinary care for low income near you.
Holy Spirit Catholic Church and the Good Samaritan Ministry helps seniors, disabled people and other with basic needs. There will be yard work, free basic home repairs, rides and other support. Location is 4754 Smallhouse Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42104. Phone: 270.842.7777 or (270) 782-1263 for charity repair service. Or look here for charities that help with home repairs near you.
Catholic Charities serves the Bowling Green area too. There is a thrift store, immigration services, and help for women who face domestic violence. Some free basic needs may be offered, such as meals for hungry families or the homeless. Or free counseling or therapy, or some financial help for bills. Continue reading here Catholic Charity phone numbers near you.
Free holiday help in Bowling Green and Warren County - There are a few resources available. Low income families, the disabled, and elderly may find some or all of the following. Free food and meal boxes, toys, games, gift cards, and presents are given out at Christmas. There are also Thanksgiving meals and Easter baskets. More on Bowling Green free holiday programs.
Family Support Office is in Bowling Green. They help the poor, low income, disabled, and senior citizens in Warren County. Dial (855) 306-8959. They offer free cash from Kentucky Transitional Aid (K Tap) as well as SNAP food stamps applications or an EBT cards. There is also Medicaid, Free Nutrition Education Classes, information on energy bill help, and other applications. Or find more details on how to apply for Kentucky public aid.
Homeless shelters and transitional housing along with related case management services is available from Barren River Area Safe Space. The non-profit provides assistance to women and children, including single parents or victims of violence. There is lodging offered in Warren County, free food, referrals to emergency financial support, and other guidance. Find help from Barren River Area Safe Space.
Kentucky Legal Aid of Warren County offers free civil legal services to low-income residents in Western Kentucky from 1700 Destiny Ln, Bowling Green, KY 42104. Free lawyers provide assistance with housing, family law, consumer rights, eviction prevention to tenants and more to low-income families. Phone: (270) 782-1924
Bowling Green Housing Authority is based at Address: 247 Double Springs Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Provides affordable housing options, including section 8 homes no wait list and apartments, for low-income families, elderly individuals, and persons with disabilities. Email or phone: (270) 467-7120, or look here for Kentucky section 8 private homes to rent.
HOTEL Inc. is a social service agency. The charity provides Warren County residents with resources such as a Manna Mart food pantry, including groceries, formula and meals for the homeless. There is also emergency homelessness prevention, medical respite, and vouchers for medicine. Location is 1005 Boatlanding Rd, Bowling Green, KY 42101. Call (270) 782-1263
Fairview Community Health Center also has an income based, or free medical clinic. Provides primary medical and dental care services on a sliding fee scale based on income, with some uninsured or low-income families getting free care. Location is 225 Natchez Trace Ave, Bowling Green, KY 42103. Phone: (270) 783-3573, or more on no insurance free health clinics KY.
Emergency meals and free food in Warren County
There are several free food pantries for groceries and soup kitchens to turn to for a hot meal. They may not only have fruits, groceries, and items like baby formula, but the staff provide other support too. There may be small Christmas parties held with meals or toys, or applications to low income benefits such as SNAP food stamps. There are also snacks for children during the summer or often basic supplies available.
Some of the locations to try include Holy Spirit Conference as well as Churches United in Christ Help Ministry. But there are several other free food pantries too. Locate Warren County KY free food banks.
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