Assistance programs Modesto and Stanislaus County
Get financial help with bills and find where to get free stuff in Stanislaus County. Charities, churches and government agencies help with rent, utility bills, transportation or a mortgage. Or get free food, gas vouchers, job training, debt relief and more in the Modesto CA area. Locate financial assistance near you in Stanislaus County
The resources help the low income, seniors, and working poor in a crisis. Whether it is free legal eviction prevention defense help or lawyers that address immigrant needs (or housing discrimination), free school supplies or Christmas toys, clothes for kids, money for bills or something else, immediate assistance is offered including financial help in Modesto and the county.
Community Action free grant money in Stanislaus County
The following services are offered by the Central Valley Opportunity Center (CVOC), which is the community action agency for the region. They help the poor, low-income, homeless, migrant farm workers and others. This non-profit community action agency can be reached at (209) 537-9217 or 209-357-0062.
- Education and scholarships are available in the Central Valley area. The Central Valley Opportunity Center has awarded free grants and scholarships to academically deserving students who live in Stanislaus County. The goal is to help young people realize the dream of a good education and a higher income. here are also ESL classes offered. In general, as funding allows, several scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to graduating seniors who demonstrate academic achievement, the potential for success, and financial need. Click here to find additional free scholarships.
- Job finding assistance as well as free career counseling is offered by the Central Valley Opportunity Center. There is also help for Spanish speaking residents as well as immigrants (documented or not) and migrant farm workers. The CVOC community action agency also provides local residents with job placement assistance. Counselors and career development staff will help people with locating entry-level positions in the employment fields desired by the customer and available in Stanislaus County, Modesto, as well as the local service area.
- Get help increasing income and making money. The primary objective of this jobs program is to secure meaningful and productive employment for people and help them become self-sufficient. There is information on all sorts of income opportunities in Stanislaus County. All people who are are provided Job Search and Survival skills will be able to develop personal as well as vocational skills necessary to secure and maintain employment. CVOV will help them improve their career prospects. Or pursue other non-traditional opportunities, including online product testing jobs or marketing opportunities.
- Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) can stop disconnections. If you are facing the disconnection of your heating or utility service, this program provides a one time cash grant payment per year to people that have received a 48-Hour Shut Off Notice. Additional aid is provided to a senior citizen or a disabled person. In addition, this assistance program also provides help to customers in obtaining heating oil, propane and firewood for heating or repair or replacement of heating sources, such as repairs to their furnace. Click here to read more on heating system repair programs.
- Home Energy Assistance Program is a free grant based resource. This federal government funded program provides one payment per year to low-income persons in California to help them pay energy bills. You do not need a disconnect notice for assistance.
- Housing programs are offered. There is information on CalWorks free motel vouchers, emergency rental assistance to sop people from being evicted and details on apartments for lease. They also advice people with low or bad credit so they can rent a home in Modesto CA, even with a past eviction. Learn more on how to get an eviction off your record to rent.
Many other programs are offered to qualified low-income families. They also help people with debt relief, budgeting and long term support. Call Central Valley Opportunity Center at 209-357-0062, or find more details on Central Valley Opportunity Center programs.
Rent, electric help and emergency financial assistance in Stanislaus County
The Stanislaus County Housing Authority provides low income families with help paying rent as well as safe and sanitary housing. Section 8 HUD vouchers are run by the agency. They also manage a Minor Home Repair Program. The income based housing can also help single mothers or seniors. They can be reached at 209-557-2000, and the address is 1701 Robertson Rd, Modesto, CA 95351. Or find more details on section 8 rent subsidies in California.
Community Housing & Shelter Services offers qualified individuals with rental assistance, including hardship funds. There is also a free emergency temporary shelter. Or get housing counseling for families in a crisis or emergency situation. Loans, grants, or even free legal aid can be given. The location is 708 H St, Modesto, CA 95354. Phone: (209) 527-0444.
Community Impact Central Valley provides numerous social services, with a focus around housing. There is the Stanislaus Community Assistance Project, which is the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program. The HPRP program provides limited cash grants and funding, short-term financial assistance (rent, security deposit or utility bill assistance, moving costs) for those who have lost housing. There is also money for people facing an eviction or who are at risk of losing housing. Modesto California. Call (209) 572-2437
Salvation Army social services are below. Other programs are offered by the Modesto area Salvation Army centers. They include a homeless shelter, back to school supply giveaways, case management, free Angel Tree Christmas gifts and more. Additional details on Modesto and Stanislaus County Salvation Army.
- Salvation Army Modesto Corps - Several assistance programs are offered, including the REACH Program. This is a non-entitlement, non-tax supported program that provides the low income and others with the payment of household crisis energy bills. The funds are for low to moderate income individuals who have no alternative form of energy bill assistance. Some of the other services offered includes Emergency Food Assistance, Christmas Basket, Income Tax Preparation, and Housing Aid. Call (209) 522-3209. Also find additional utility assistance programs.
- Salvation Army Turlock Corps Community Center - Serves the emergency needs of the low income and struggling in the community through a variety of assistance programs. Resources include TID Utility Assistance, Low Income Tax Preparation Assistance (VITA), as well as light bill assistance. The charity may also offer one time Rent Help, free Emergency Food Baskets, as well as Referral and Information Assistance. This site is at 893 Lander Avenue, Turlock, California 95380, phone (209) 667-6091.
Sacred Heart Church offers emergency assistance for paying rent and/or utility bills. Additional services can include food, clothing, and more to the low income and suffering. They also partner with the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul charity organization in Stanlius. Get free vouchers, winter clothes, school supplies and more. Address is 529 I Street, Patterson, California, 95363, dial 209-892-9321.
Newman Family Resource Center (Center For Human Services (CHS)) is a One Stop Family Resource Center providing a variety of services to Westside residents. While funding and conditions apply, this can include grants to pay back rent, medications, and more. Other programs include Job Search Assistance, Child Health Exams, Resource / Referral and more. Location is 1300 Patchett Drive, Newman, CA, 95360. Call 209-862-0295
Non-profit rental and security deposit assistance - The agencies and programs listed above are multifaceted, meaning they can offer a number of different financial assistance programs, resources, and referrals to services such as public assistance. If your need is strictly housing or rent help, then find organizations that focus on Stanislaus County rent assistance.
Help for tenants or the homeless, including homeless prevention services, help the working poor, single parents and low income. They also help migrant farm workers in Stanislaus County find affordable short term housing. Several non-profits receive government grants each year, and they allocate the money to struggling households. Senior citizens, single mothers, the disabled, families living in poverty and immigrants may all be assisted.
- Legal aid can help with applications to benefits, including section 8 or CalWorks.
- Money may assist with utility bills (water, electric, or heating).
- Other expenses that can be paid include rent, motel rooms, job related expenses (such as transportation or clothing) and more. Continue with homeless and rehousing in Stanislaus County.
Family Promise Of Greater Modesto offers food, meals, homeless shelter, and housing to people facing eviction and the homeless. Case managers will help place people into new housing and gain stability. A number of local churches are part of this charity, and they offer various services to families in poverty. Location is 2301 Woodland Avenue, Modesto, California, 95358. Call 888-955-6455 or (209) 549-9454. Or more on Modesto Family Promise programs.
Churches and Catholic Charity - In addition to the food program indicated above, this charity organization offers other programs. Examples of them include assistance for senior citizens, immigrants, and families with children. Food, medical care, Christmas meals and gifts are all offered. Additional resources can be provided as funding allows. Click here more on Catholic Charities Stanislaus County assistance programs.
Community Services Agency is involved in offering almost 100 programs across the county. They process applications for state of California public assistance as well as federal government benefits, and can also serve as a source of referrals to non-profits and job placement. Examples include the following.
- Information on legal aid for tenants and homeowners, including those facing homelessness, evictions, or foreclosures. More on free legal eviction defense help.
- CalFresh food stamps as well as information on Modesto area pantries or restaurants that accept SNAP food stamps - EBT. Learn about paying for restaurant food with EBT.
- Loans for bills or paying rent as part of general assistance.
- Grants and cash assistance from CalWorks can help with everyday bills and living expenses.
The agency offers much more as well, both on education, job placement, and other financial support. Continue reading Stanislaus Community Services Agency.
United Samaritans Foundation provides emergency help to low income people. There is everything from free food to clothes as well as limited assistance with power bills. They help feed the community, work to prevent homelessness and more. The locations are below, and apply for clothes, free vouchers, transportation or gas vouchers for work and more.
- Mostly food is at 220 S Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380. Call (209) 668-4853
- The primary foundation is at 2413 3rd St, Hughson, CA 95326. Dial 209-883-9212
St. Jude and St. Stanislaus Catholic Church provide assistance as part of SVDP. Money for utility bills including PGE, back rent, moving costs and more is available. There is also Meals on Wheels or a free pet food pantry for the disabled, small appliances and other items. Or look here for free new household appliances.
- Saint Jude is at 3824 Mitchell Rd, Ceres, CA 95307. Phone: (209) 537-0516
- St. Stanislaus Catholic Church also helps the poor from 200 Maze Blvd, Modesto, CA 95351. Phone: (209) 524-4381
California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) provides free legal advice and attorneys. The firm is at 1020 15th St, Modesto, CA 95354. They help immigrants get a greem card or work permit, provide consultations to low-income families to stop evictions, and offer elder lay help and more. Free lawyers cover all civil needs. Call (209) 577-3811, or learn more on free law firms for civil cases.
Free food, hunger prevention, counseling and boxes of groceries
Emergency food program is available in the county. This also includes migrant farm workers as well as immigrants from Mexico. Homeless people in Stanislaus County will get a free hot meal, breakfast or lunch too. This will provide people in need with a temporary solution to hunger. Both pantries and soup kitchens are offered with charities suppling a free box of nutritious food and groceries.
- The following charities, non-profits, and agencies provide some or all of the following. Free food, groceries, produce, clothing hygiene items, and information. They are all great places to turn to for help. However there are additional pantries and government programs that battle hunger. There are also soup kitchens for free hot meals year round. Or find more Stanislaus County free food banks.
Inter-Faith Ministries - This location services families in Modesto, Ceres, Empire, or Salida. Receive a 3 day supply of food. They help feed adults, kids, the elderly and homeless too. Call (209) 572-3117, or more information is at 120 Kerr Ave, Modesto, CA 95354.
Seventh Day Adventist Church - Offers groceries, meals, Clothing & Household items. There is also a free Food Pantry - canned foods cereals, breads, staples, and furniture, among other items. The location is 301 Claratina Ave, Modesto, CA 95356. Call (209) 523-5221
Calvary Temple Worship Center - Phone (209) 529-7346. Stop by or call for food. The address is 1601 Coffee Rd, Modesto, CA 95355.
Charities that give away free items in Modesto area and Stanislaus County
Low income holiday, free Thanksgiving, and Christmas assistance programs help both (1) families as well as (2) children. Struggling households in Stanislaus County can be given free food, Christmas presents, gifts, and more. Thanksgiving turkey giveaways as well as even Easter baskets may be given out as well as food and other items. More on Stanislaus County free holiday assistance programs.
Charities giveaway free clothes and furniture. There is stuff for the unemployed, disabled people, veterans, immigrants and working poor. Get everything from clothes to school supplies for kids as well as furniture or appliances for a home. Find free clothing closets, furniture, and school supplies in Stanislaus County.
Free baby, newborn and infant supplies are provided to new, low-income parents. Single moms or dads can get items too. Clothes, cribs, formula including Similac and more is provided for a baby to help them grow and stay healthy. Find details on newborn free stuff.
Stanislaus County free health care clinics
First Choice Health Services is based at 2801 Coffee Road, Modesto, CA 95355. They can help low income families (and woman) with pregnancy testing, counseling and more. There may be free stuff or food as including, including diapers, baby wipes, information on WIC or CalFresh, formula, medical equipment and more. Education is also offered as well as other health and wellness services. Dial 209-353-3247
There are many other free community health centers in the state and region. There is free medical (and sometimes dental) care for the low income, immigrants and uninsured. Children and adults can get help. Get free general medical check ups, dental cleanings, lab work, cancer screening, vaccinations and so much more.
They provide access and information on health care related programs; including free telemedicine to the uninsured in Modesto CA. The goal is provide referrals to community health clinics and social service agencies. Find free community clinics in California.
Debt counseling, credit repair, and foreclosure counseling
Clearpoint (formerly ByDesign Financial Solutions) supports the Modesto and Stanislaus County California area. Counselors from this free to affordable non-profit are dedicated to helping people manage their finances, prevent a foreclosure, consolidate bills and solve their debt problems. Learn more on how to get a debt consolidation loan.
- Some of the services offered include free debt relief including DMP program. There is also Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling as well as information on low cost Home Equity Loans. Or get Pre-Purchase Counseling for homebuyers, information on auto loan payment help, and tips for filing bankruptcy. Dial (800) 750-2227
The non-profit credit counseling agencies can also help clients access low cost loans. The funds can be used to consolidate debts or maybe refinance car loans. Or pay everyday bills. Learn more on loans for borrowers with poor credit.
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