Assistance programs in Canyon County
Financial help for low income families or those in an emergency is available in Canyon County and Nampa. Get help with mortgages, rent, utility bills, and other costs from local churches, charities, and even government cash programs. The goal of these resources, along with the free job training, medical or dental care, as well as case management, is to help families overcome a hardship.
Find free stuff including food or clothes. Or get grant money as well as financial aid for basic needs, heating bill assistance programs, loans, and more below. The resources and social services help the low income in Canyon County.
If you live in Nampa, Caldwell, or Canyon County Idaho, the place you want to turn to for assistance is the Western Idaho Community Action Partnership. This non-profit agency is the local community action agency, and it can be contacted at (208) 454-0675. They offer many different financial assistance programs, help people become self-sufficient, and can direct people to local charities and grant programs.
- Emergency assistance for paying bills and expenses may be offered by community action. If qualified, there are different types of expenses and bills that the agency will help low income and other individuals in need pay. Those expenses include:
- Free food and food assistance
- Discounted and free gently used, and occasionally new clothing
- Household items and supplies
- Heating and electric bill assistance
They also serve as a tremendous resource to refer people to other local services and agencies, including ways to get legal assistance, access to medical services and prescriptions, dental services, cash support, and Idaho and federal government programs.
- Employment and job finding services are a focus of Western Idaho Community Action Partnership. Several different services are offered to the under and unemployed, such as general information about employment and job training service. Case workers also offer free help with job preparation, resume reviews, counseling, help with finding a job, interview practice skills, and much more. There are also a number of other government supported job programs.
- Emergency food in Canyon County is arranged by partners of the community action agency. If you are facing a crisis, you can stop by multiple location to pick up an emergency food box. The box will contain up to 3 days worth of foodstuffs and other essential items. It can provide just enough food and groceries to help a family make it through the hardship.
- Information and medical programs - While the community action agency does not run a health care clinic, what they can do is provide referral services and information that can assist patients, individuals, and families with various health care needs. Including get help with medical treatment or prevention services, dental care, immunization, family planning services, treatment of substance abuse, and transportation assistance and money for medical appointments.
- Budgeting, money management, and debt reduction is arranged. Work one on with with a trained credit counselor. Take advantage of the knowledge of well trained staff, and learn about options and programs that can help you manage your money in a positive way. Learn about debt reduction techniques, including how to deal with credit card, medical, and hospital bill debts. Get referrals and information on leading credit agencies that provide financial management classes, and get access to counseling regarding personal credit issues and debt consolidation and settlement programs. Click here to learn more on companies that negotiate credit card debt.
- Gasoline vouchers and transportation assistance from Canyon County CAP is offered. Amazingly, the Canyon County Idaho community action agency may be able to provide funds and cash grants to provide for transportation for families and individuals to get where they need to go for services. The transportation assistance provided could include gas vouchers or bus tokens for transportation to medical appointments, transportation to appointments at a local hospital or Health and Welfare, or even receive gas vouchers to allow individuals to get to their job, etc. Click here to learn more on how to get free gasoline.
- Other assistance programs, social services, and general resources. In addition to the programs and options above, the Western Idaho Community Action Partnership offers qualified individuals access to numerous other programs and services. Gain access and information on programs for children, such as Head Start. Programs and services for seniors and the elderly or also supported. Some additional resources provided include clothing, household products, and information on scholarships and education grants.
- Case managers from community action can also help very low income, the disabled, as well as elderly apply for grants to pay their heating or summer cooling bills as part of LIHEAP. There is also free energy conservation programs for helping families save money. Learn more, and find details on LIHEAP in Idaho.
All of the programs above are run by the Western Idaho Community Action Partnership. Call the Caldwell agency at (208) 454-0675. Caldwell Community Action Partnership focuses on helping residents become self-sufficient. Assistance programs offered can be emergency food and government commodities, energy bill assistance, clothing, housing programs, and maybe limited financial help. A variety of social services are offered for struggling and unemployed individuals.
- The Caldwell/Nampa Canyon County CAP office address is 502/506 Main St., Caldwell, ID 83605. Phone number is 208-454-0675
- The WICAP Administration office is 315 S. Main St., Payette, ID 83661. The number to dial is 208-642-9086. The administration office is for our CAP offices and our Head Start.
Additional Canyon County emergency financial assistance programs
The Salvation Army of Caldwell and Canyon County is one of the leading non-profits to call for assistance. Programs can help people meet their basic needs, which includes food, utility bills, rent assistance, and housing. There are also Salvation Army programs for kids and families, ranging from free back to school supply giveaways to Thanksgiving turkeys or food baskets, Christmas gift cards or toys and other goods for the holidays.
Family Services is the name of the primary Canyon County Salvation Army program that meets this goal. Some short term cash may be offered for those critical expenses and bills, however clients will also work with a case manager for long term case management. This includes employment services, job training, and more. Call 459-2011, or click here for Salvation Army assistance programs in Caldwell and Boise region.
Community Council of Idaho – Limited financial assistance can include free food, emergency rental assistance, scholarships for low income individuals, and Head Start. The non-profit may also offer help with transportation costs, including bus tickets. Also coordinates job training for people with agricultural related experience, including programs such as English as second language. 317 Happy Day Blvd, Caldwell, ID 83607, (208) 454-1652
Treasure Valley Community Resource Center provides referrals for Canyon County and public assistance. The agency, known as TVCRC, relies on volunteers. They can direct people to human services such as employment services, housing, food banks, utilities, or rent or financial assistance. Also learn about veteran’s services, education, health care, legal aid and advocacy services, senior programs, transportation, outreach and other community programs. The organization also has information on free or sliding scale type assistance programs. ((208) 459-9263
Salvation Army of Nampa Idaho can be reached at (208) 467-6586. Social services and programs offered include meals, such as food boxes, breakfast, and lunch. Financial assistance programs include Project Share, which is funds to help with paying heating bills. Shelter and overnight emergency lodging is offered, as well as services such as Kindergarten Care. All assistance is limited by funding.
There are other charities including churches too. Catholic Charities of Canyon County has locations in Caldwell as well as statewide. They operate thrift stores as well as clothing or food banks. There is also money to help pay critical bills, resources for pregnant women or teenagers, immigration help and more. They are part of the nationwide faith based charity, and anyone of any religion, race, or ethnicity can call on them. Find Catholic Charities assistance programs near you.
Jessee Tree runs the EMRA Emergency Rent and Mercy Assistance (ERMA) program. It is for housing and homeless prevention reasons. There is also details on homeless shelters. The address is 16 12th Ave. South in Nampa which is inside Longbranch Station. Very low income tenants may apply for assistance to cover rental arrears or energy bills, case management, short term housing. There is also referrals to other charities, non-profits, and services in Canyon County. Call 208-941-3188.
The Canyon County Hands of Hope offers two forms of assistance. They address medical needs as well as food. Low income, seniors, the disabled, the uninsured are the main beneficiaries.
- The healthcare equipment includes walkers, insulin and equipment for diabetics, grab bars and more. Medical equipment is loaned out.
- Food includes groceries but also hygiene type supplies. The charity helps people keep clean, fed, and more.
- There are other resources. Continue with Hands of Hope assistance programs.
Lighthouse Rescue Mission offers emergency lodging and housing for men, clothing, and transitional housing. Meals, food boxes, and Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday dinners or food boxes are offered. Referrals to other local agencies in Idaho are provided too. (208) 461-4833.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has a low cost thrift store in Caldwell. It sells items, but from time to time gives out goods such as free furniture or appliances. There is also a food pantry, some limited financial help, and various volunteers services from the SVDP parishes. Read more on St. Vincent de Paul assistance programs Canyon County.
Housing as well as rent assistance in the county is available to people facing homelessness. Whether the client will receive counseling or financial aid in the form of a grant will vary. But there are programs available for expenses such as a security deposit, past due rent, and other costs. More on rent help in Canyon County.
Get free help at the holidays from charities and non-profits in Canyon County. Based on donation levels, there may be free Christmas gifts, toys, hot meals, winter coats, and clothing. Children, the homeless and senior citizens in the county receive most of the support. There are also Easter and Thanksgiving food baskets. Find Canyon County Christmas assistance.
Free food pantries in Canyon County
Non-profits, charities, churches, and other organizations to turn to for free or low cost food, meals, and groceries in Canyon County include the following. Many partner with the Feeding America Network. They may also offer other support, such as free Thanksgiving or Christmas meals as well as applications to food stamps in Canyon County Idaho.
12 Baskets Food Pantry is located at 11212 Lone Star Rd, Nampa, Idaho 83651, phone (208) 546-5896
World Harvest Food Pantry, 803 Main St, Caldwell, Idaho 83605, telephone (208) 284-4411
Middleton Food Pantry can be contacted at (208) 585-6621. They also provide Thanksgiving and Christmas Meals as well as access to food pantries.
Alpha and Omega Ministries/Caldwell Christian Center is located at 220 6th. Ave Belmont. Dial (208) 455-8037
Calvary Holiness Church – Call (208) 989-0226
Caldwell Senior Citizens Programs is based at 1009 Everett. Offers hot meals, maybe meals on wheels, and other senior programs. (208) 722-5421
There are dozens of other pantries and soup kitchens in the region. The centers can be run by the government or local charities, and locate the free food pantries in Canyon County.
Clinics for free health care
Both dental and general health care may be offered to the poor, indigent, or uninsured. Each clinic offers different resources, whether it is free immunizations or check ups, basic dental cleanings or maybe wisdom tooth extractions, medications or more. Some healthcenters are below, or find free sliding free community clinics in Idaho.
Canyon County Clinic – One evening per week provides free medical services. Appointments need to be made. 2005 Arlington Ave, Caldwell, ID 83605, call (208) 249-9904 for an appointment.
Terry Reilly Clinic – This center is a private, but not for profit. It offers affordable, quality primary health care for all. Services provide prenatal counseling, family medical care, and case management. Also offered at the clinics are screening for diabetes and cancer, physicals, immunizations, bilingual services in English and Spanish, well child care, and mental health counseling. 2005 Arlington Ave., Caldwell, ID 83605, call (208) 459-1025