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Rental assistance Baltimore City and county.

Find places that help Baltimore MD families pay their rent or housing costs. Charity organizations, churches and government agencies provide money or help people locate affordable apartments. Locate emergency rental or security deposit assistance programs, free housing vouchers, or find a lawyer to help low-income tenants. Get rent assistance near you in the city and county of Baltimore.

Find information on all of the options available to you below. These include hardship grants to pay back rent as well as moving help, including no-wait list apartments and section 8 vouchers. There is priory given to veterans, single mothers and seniors. The rental assistance in Baltimore MD is combined with other support, including budgeting or landlord-tenant mediation services. Low-income families facing an eviction, or that just need free legal advice in discussing what you can or can’t do as a renter, contact one or more of the following.

Organizations that help with rent in Baltimore MD

The local Department of Social Services in Baltimore runs the Housing Choice Voucher Program Rental subsidy as well as offers emergency hardship funds for rent. There is a waiting list that is currently in place in order to receive the low income housing.

  • This voucher program limits the amount of rent that a low income household needs to pay towards their housing costs and the support provided is based on their annual household income. For immediate rental assistance today in Baltimore, Call (800) 332-6347 or 443-423-6400. Also find more details on for more information on HUD Section 8 Housing Vouchers.
  • The main office address is 311 W Saratoga St, Baltimore, MD 21201.
  • Baltimore City Department of Social Services, 2000 North Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21213. Phone - 443-423-6400
  • Dunbar/Orangeville area emergency assistance is from 2919 East Biddle Street, Baltimore, MD 21213
  • Hilton Heights emergency grants are from 500 North Hilton Street, Baltimore, MD 21229
  • Penn North Westwood DSS office is at 2500 Pennsylvania Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21217

Public Justice Center - Offers free legal support and advocacy for the low income, disadvantaged, homeless and others. While numerous types of cases and issues are addressed by the free lawyers, one focus is on housing, discrimination against renters, illegal evictions, and more. Call 410-625-9409. The location is 201 N Charles St # 1200, Baltimore, MD 21201.




Project Plase, Inc., phone number (410) 837-1671, offers housing counseling, information on government assistance programs, and other supportive services to people facing an eviction as well as homeless adults. The rent help is focused on particularly the most vulnerable and under served. This includes the elderly, disabled, sick, and others.

  • Other rent relief is offered too. The non-profit provides Shelter Plus for the disabled, transitional housing, Single Room Occupancy Units, and help the low income find a place to live. The non-profit focuses on homeless prevention and advocate for minorities, the black community, and disadvantaged in Baltimore. .
  • Another veteran housing program is run by Project PLASE. The agency can help veterans pay their rent, access shelter, or cover moving costs. There is also financial aid (including housing for the disabled) from Shelter Care Plus, HUD qualified apartments, and financial help for families of veterans as part of SSVF. Expenses covered range from transportation to back rent, deposits, and job placement.

The non-profit Project Plase is at 1814 Maryland Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 as well as139 E North Ave, Baltimore, MD 21202. Call phone 410-837-1400. Or continue with Project Plase housing programs

The Samaritan Community, Inc. - Offers emergency assistance, including rent help, to thousands of families, single moms, seniors and disabled adults every year. Many volunteers help people get back on track and become self sufficient. If they do not have grants available for you, they should be able to refer you to other local non-profits. Note that when getting referrals, including too federal government rent assistance programs, some of those non-profit partners may issue interest deferred loans to pay rent to qualified low income families. Call 410-225-9500 to speak to the Baltimore housing agency.

Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc. - This non-profit agency, which can be reached at 1-800-487-6007, was created back in the 1950s. Since then they have been dealing with all sorts of housing and rent issues that Baltimore families face, such as housing discrimination, landlord and tenant disputes, referrals to state of Maryland and federal government rent assistance programs, and illegal evictions. Call them to get free advice on your housing and rent concerns.

Maryland Legal Aid operates across the state. They offer free services and legal representation for people over 65, and also those individuals who are facing poverty or are considered low income. Dial (800) 999-8904 .The free, pro-bono attorneys for tenants are located at 500 E. Lexington ST. Baltimore, MD 21202.




Baltimore County Young Parent Support Center
Address is 201 Back River Neck Road, Baltimore, MD 21221. Phone: (410) 853-3860
Very low income families can apply for government cash assistance, which may be used for rent and other living costs. A major focus in on expectant women or single mothers or dads in Baltimore. It is time limited. Also a place for information on GED training, low income housing, employment, and other services - not just rental assistance.

Assistance to Families with Children - Department of Social Services - Emergency cash grants can be offered for paying rental expenses or for homeowners faced with a foreclosure. There may also be loans issued for first months rent or to pay moving costs on a new, approved home or apartment. Or inquire into section 8 housing or programs for the disabled. There are offices in Baltimore (dial  410-887-4700 or 410-853-3810) or in Dundalk dial 1-800-332-6347.

St. Veronica's Thrift Store can have one time funds. Rent, deposits, and other housing needs may be met. Or learn about homeless shelters and other aid. Call 410-355-5999 for intake. The location is 806 Cherry Hill Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225.

Mayor’s Office coordinates emergency rental assistance to stop homelessness as part of the Journey Home program. It administers affordable housing from grants for expenses ranging from energy costs to motel rooms, security deposits, rehousing into a new apartment and rent arrears. Services help single parents in the city of Baltimore, the disabled, and others. Clients facing a crisis can also apply for emergency help. Get referrals to affordable apartments and housing; grants for water, utility bills, or rent; and other services. More on help with an eviction and rehousing in Baltimore.

  • The local Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) is run by the Baltimore Homeless Services. Phone 410-462-2585 or 410-887-8383. This program was created by government funds. Among other forms of support it offers includes one or more months of immediate rent payments, money to pay for moving costs, security deposit assistance, utility help, and even debt counseling.

Rent assistance in BaltimoreMaryland Courts Help Centers
501 East Fayette Street, 501 East Fayette Street,  Baltimore MD 21202. Call 410-260-1392
They offer free legal help for civil cases, including housing discrimination, eviction defense for low-income families, landlord-tenant medication and advice on applying for benefits programs, including section 8 homes.

Homeless Person Representation
They work to end homelessness and stop evictions in Baltimore. There is free legal, help with storage or moving, and applications to housing or rent assistance. Call 410.685.6589, 800-773-4340 or 443-402-539

  • The Maryland area Homeless Persons Representation Project offers free legal aid for those faced with an eviction or impending homelessness. Attorneys also handle a variety of other civil matters including subsidized or public housing. Tenant / landlord issues are mediated as well.





Women's Housing Coalition
2226 Maryland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21218 call (410) 235-5782
Low-income families and the disabled are a focus. They work to end evictions or homelessness. Grant money, affordable subsidized apartments and more is offered, including for rent.

Manna House Inc - Midtown Churches Community Association
Location is 435 E 25th St, Baltimore, MD 21218. Phone: (410) 889-3001
Free temporary housing, linkage to rent payment help, shelters and other support.

Bon Secours Community Works and the Family Support Center offers financial assistance for workshop attendees. Counseling, government grants to pay rental arrears, and other aid can help stop evictions. Address is 26 North Fulton Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21223, or dial (410) 801-5100 pr 410-362-3808 for information on housing programs.

While the United Way does not itself provide money to pay rent, they partner with numerous local non-profits throughout Baltimore and are also aware of federal government programs. They also can refer callers to homeless shelters, single mothers to rent programs or shared housing, and provide other financial services. Call the Baltimore United Way at 410-685-0525 to get information on rental assistance programs.

St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore
Location is 17 West Franklin Street, Baltimore, MD 21201. Main phone - 410-659-4020 or (410) 662-0500)
The charity has limited funds for rent (that often run out), and will only assist tenants pre-eviction. that do not have a Warrant of Restitution. When qualified, financial aid may help pay rental costs including for single moms or seniors, pay for utilities, and also help is part of Travelers Aid.

Allowance for rental payments is available from a statewide program known as RAP. Income qualified residents, including the low income, disabled, and unemployed, can receive a monthly cash payment for their rent and housing costs. Another focus is on assisting families in Baltimore that are facing imminent eviction or that have a notice to quit. Find more details on RAP program in Baltimore.

Baltimore City Mayor's Office of Constituent Services has a few community action agencies around the county that may assist with back rent, including one at 606 Cherry Hill Road, Baltimore, MD 21225. Staff screen residents for benefits, including public housing or section 8 vouchers. They help tenants complete forms for rental or security deposit assistance, water programs, and more. Call 410-545-0900.

Salvation Army Family Services in Baltimore are an option. Applicants can't be receiving rent or financial help from other agencies, so duplication is not allowed. Free tenant furniture, emergency funds to pay bills or any past due rent to stop homelessness, case management, and other aid may be available from 814 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 21230. Call 410-783-2920







Walbrook Vicinity Churches Assistance Ministry
Location is 3202 West North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21216. Phone - 410-383-1525
They only provide help with rental arrears to residents of the 21216 zip code. BGE bills may be paid if they lead to homelessness, tenants can get rent paid to stop an eviction, and more. Funds are limited and only small dollar amounts of cash would be paid.

Baltimore Housing offers numerous housing and energy programs. They operate the HCV program, which is income based rental housing or apartments for low-income families. There is also self-sufficiency and other HUD resources, such as emergency section 8 for women in Baltimore facing abuse. Other key programs are loans for home repairs or referrals to rental assistance and deposits as well as weatherization. The location is 225 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21223. Dial 443-984-2222

Catholic Charities of Baltimore is made up of local churches. The charity may have funds to pay rent for those qualified low income families with an eviction notice. There needs to be proof of income, notice, and other requirements. They also have referrals to other housing resources, such as emergency shelter, security or rent deposit help or low income apartments - public housing. More on rent help from Baltimore Catholic Charities.


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