Baltimore city and county eviction assistance and rehousing programs.
Low income tenants in Baltimore can get help with stopping an eviction or assistance in coating a new, more affordable home as part of rehousing. The process is holistic in its approach, meaning that it provides everything from financial help for housing needs to outreach, applications, and grants. The eviction and rehousing services are part of the Homeless Services Program that is run by the Continuum of Care in the city as well as county of Baltimore. Find how to apply below.
There are a few leading government affiliated agencies, such as the Baltimore Department of Social Services as well as the Mayor’s Office of Human Services that oversee the process. They also partner with local non-profits and charities, including the Community Assistance Network, the Night of Peace Family Shelter, and Alliance, Inc. among many others. Whether it is money for paying rent arrears, case management, or referrals to a lawyer for support, all of these groups work to prevent evictions in the greater Baltimore area.
The charities, most of which are also part of the Continuum of Care, address all causes of homelessness. People may often be evicted due to lack of affordable housing or underemployment. Some homelessness in the region can be due to a disability or mental illness, illness, legal dispute with a landlord, or domestic violence for a women or child. All of these, and more such as general poverty, will be addressed.
Assistance to stop evictions and end homelessness
In most years, there are millions of dollars spent throughout the Baltimore area. Prevention will include Housing and Urban Development funded programs, including shelter plus care housing, emergency solution grants, and HOPWA - Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS. These HUD resources are where many of the agencies receive the money from to help tenants.
Local non-profits, such as the United Way of Central Maryland, also help rehouse the homeless when they have no place to live. They are also involved in pro-actively stopping evictions. Some examples of the charities and their programs include street outreach, rapid rehousing, placement into transitional housing, as well as the local office of Baltimore Legal Aid. These groups may also use federal funds, or they are involved in raising their own money.
Financial help for stopping homelessness – Based on the exact program listed above, many of them will from time to time help the low income family with their bills. Some of the non-profits, including Family Crisis Center, will focus on single mothers or children while others help veterans. Some are open to helping anyone, no matter their race, age, religion, or gender.
When money is available, there may be funds to help with energy costs; water bills; or winter heating expenses in Baltimore Maryland. Landlords in the city of Baltimore, per state law, can consider an apartment unsafe to live in and send an eviction letter to the tenant if their utilities are disconnected, so these expenses can be paid. There are also assistance programs from utility companies in Maryland which can be applied to.
Baltimore families most often are send a pay or quit notice from unpaid rent though. In these cases, providing the tenant meets all of the terms and conditions in place, financial aid may be provided using Emergency Solution Grants (ESG). A portion of the rent owed to the landlord may be paid to postpone, or help stop the eviction. The family needs to also continue to their housing to show the will and ability to help themselves work out of the crisis.
Additional Baltimore homeless prevention resources – Most people request financial help, but this is difficult to get. Not only due to the number of applicants (demand), but also due to the limited funding. Therefore, other eviction prevention services are offered by the Department of Social Services or Continuum of Care as well.
It does not matter if a tenant lives in the city of Baltimore, or the outlying towns and communities in the county. These other programs also rely on the support from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as they dedicate money for preventing evictions on an annual basis. Some of what is provided is as follows.
- Shelter plus care can assist the disabled and those that are ill with grants, eviction prevention, medical needs, and more.
- Rapid rehousing in Baltimore may provide motel vouchers or cold weather shelters along with money for paying lease application fees, deposits or moving costs.
- When not qualified for a ESG grant, Baltimore families may apply for low interest loans for housing or rental needs to stop an eviction.
- Legal aid, including representation in court, assists low income families address vacate notice. Find more details on free lawyers for the low income in Maryland..
- Mediation will involve the exploration of payment plans with landlords or utility companies in Maryland for entering into payment plans.
Contact to apply for homeless prevention in Baltimore
Those are only some of the homeless prevention resources available. Assistance is available for people that live in the city of Baltimore or tenants that reside in the county, so no geographic restrictions are in place. As soon as a family is given an eviction notice from their apartment community/landlord, they need to ask for help. For referrals, call the crisis line at 1-800-492-0618.