Assistance programs Wood County Ohio and Bowling Green.
There is financial help as well as free stuff for low-income families in Wood County. Get money to pay an electric bill or back rent, a free box of food, clothes or school supplies as well as social services. The options range from local charities to churches, non-profits, government agencies, and more. Find financial assistance near you in Wood County.
Any hardship funds are offered as well as job placement/debt reduction help and case management. The financial aid is often seasonal in nature too. There may be additional grants to pay heating or gas bills during the winter as well as free Christmas gifts or winter coats. Or during the hotter summer mans, free fans to cool a home or air conditioners may be given.
Grant money to pay bills from Wood County community action
The WSOS Community Action Agency is an organization that provides local residents with several programs that can help them pay their existing bills, including free hardship grants. The non-profit will also help them get back on their feet over the long term. They are located at 127 S Front St, Fremont, OH 43420. Call (419) 334-8911. Some of the programs they offer are below. However, contact them to apply to these, or to learn what else they can do to help.
- Foreclosure prevention: This program is available to help homeowners who are behind on their mortgage and facing foreclosure. Aid is offered through the Community Housing Improvement Program program, which provides foreclosure prevention counseling with mortgage assistance. Counseling offered includes forming a crisis budget, understanding the timeline of foreclosure, and receiving referrals available for additional assistance, including mortgage loan modifications and more.
- Reduce utility and heating bills: A variety of free energy conservation programs are available, and they are to be used to reduce utility and heating bills. Wood County community action has a trained inspector who will conduct energy audits, inspect homes to identify heating inefficiencies, and work with residents to reduce their consumption and lower their utility bills.
Many of the energy WSOS community action saving improvements are free to the homeowner. Other programs include the Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP), the Columbia Gas WarmChoice Program, Electrical Partnership Program (EPP), and assistance from First Energy.
- Rent and housing assistance from WSOS Community Action Agency: There are several ways to get housing assistance, including emergency short term rental assistance. There are also supportive housing services, affordable apartments, and intensive case management for low income residents. Look here for resources for low income single person.
- Financial management and services: WSOS community action wants families to build wealth and gain new skills. Whether it is help in paying down debts or saving money, improving employment skills, taking freelance jobs, or something else, the Wood County non-profit will try to help.
- Grants for paying utility and heating bills: Provides emergency cash grants and assistance for heating and electric bills to households who are threatened with a utility shut off, if a family has less than a ten day fuel supply, or if they are already disconnected. Programs available include the Emergency Food And Shelter Program (EFSP), Summer Crisis Program, and the Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP).
- Financial literacy services and workshops: Working with counselors and non-profits, adults and kids can get help with financial literacy. Learn about credit, living within means, investing and other concepts. Learn what financial literacy is
All of the resources above are administered by WSOS Community Action Agency. They offer other grants and self-sufficiency too. Read more on Wood County WSOS community action agency.
Emergency financial help for bills and housing in Wood County
Wood County Area Ministries is a collaborative project and partnership of local churches. The organization is made up of among Bowling Green Ohio area churches that seeks to meet the basic needs of the people in the local community. They may have cash for food, utilities, and housing needs, including furniture.
- A shelter also helps homeless people. The churches can also help by empowering residents to live self-sufficient. The churches operate in the Bowling Green Ohio area, and dial 419-352-1322. The address is 315 S. College Dr. Bowling Green, OH 43402.
Wood County Job and Family Services. This is the local government public assistance office. The government offers emergency assistance and help for a crisis situation. There is grant money, homeless prevention, free health insurance, and aid is provided through the programs including Prevention, Retention, and Contingency Plan (PRC). Low-income families and single parents will also get help from Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP), and community resources.
- Primary social services and government assistance offered in Wood County includes car repair, rent help, as well as emergency housing/shelter. There are also funds for utility and heating bill assistance or employment related needs. Also get information on Medicaid and LIHEAP. Call (419) 352-7566. Location is 1928 E Gypsy Lane Rd, Bowling Green, OH 43402. The Family Services group can also be a great place for information. For example, learn about rent assistance programs.
One of the top agencies to call in any community is your local Salvation Army, and this branch helps those in North Baltimore and throughout Wood County. But referrals can also be given to people that live outside those regions.
They offer Basic Needs assistance, which includes, but is not limited to the following. There may be free used and new Clothing including small furniture items. Or get funds for Utilities, Prescriptions drug vouchers, Heating Oil, or Free Food. Some of the other services in the community include Rent assistance, Shelter, free school supplies, Christmas gifts, and Health Care Needs. Call (419) 257-2334 or (419) 352-5918, or find more Wood County Salvation Army assistance programs.
- Another branch is the Salvation Army Social Services of Toledo - Bowling Green. This location, which is located in Bowling Green Ohio and can be reached at 419-352-5918, provide services and resources for heating bills, short term shelter(priority given to low income families), clothing, prescription medications, food, job referrals, utilities, housing, rent, and temporary financial assistance. This center also supports Lucas County. Read more Salvation Army assistance in Toledo.
Non-profit and charities offer emergency rental assistance in Wood County. The type of support will vary, and it may be a loan or some other form of partial rent payment. Other housing programs can range from shelter to legal aid to stop an eviction or even money for a security deposit. Locate rent assistance in Wood County.
All Saints Catholic Church provides emergency support as well. The ability of this charity to assist is very limited, and they only support a portion of Wood County. What may be offered includes everything from food to free gasoline vouchers or bus tokens. Other financial support may be offered for the working poor as well. Learn more on All Saints Catholic Church assistance programs.
Free clothing and furniture distribution centers in Wood County can provide the working poor and low income with free clothes. Some sites in Bowling Green may offer other support, such as limited financial aid or referrals. Additional assistance programs operated by these clothing closets and thrift stores can include free Christmas assistance, toys, coats, school supplies, and even household goods. Click Wood County free clothing closets, furniture and school items.
St. Mark's Lutheran Church can offer furniture, personal hygiene items, food, and other aid. Call (419) 353-9305. Holiday help is offered too. Then of course there are Thanksgiving turkey dinners or meals for low income families, job programs during the hiring seasons in Wood County and so much more.
Bowling Green State University Student Health Center provides free or very low cost medical, dental and more. Call (419) 372-2525. The address is Bowling Green State University, Ridge St, Bowling Green, OH 43403. All of the care is provided by students who are supervised. Look here for free college student run dental centers.
Free food from pantries and food banks
Bowling Green Christian Food Pantry (phone (419) 353-5174) runs some assistance programs for the low income and needy in the community. There are free groceries, holiday meals (including at Christmas or Thanksgiving) and other support. More on Thanksgiving turkey dinners for low income families.
The state as well as Wood County government help families access benefits as well as welfare programs. Whether SNAP food stamps or disability, or Meals on Wheels, charities assist. Even find details on National Hunger Hotline.
First United Methodist Church (dial (419) 353-0682), St. Aloysius Church (419) 352-4195 and United Christian Fellowship - The Common Good (call (419) 806-4475) all can provide aid. Contact these charities and non-profits in Bowling Green and Wood County for free food, groceries, clothing, information, and other non-financial assistance.
If those centers can’t help, then locate additional food pantries and soup kitchens for meals in Wood County. All across Bowling Green and other towns are places that serve meals, offer free groceries or even pass out school supplies or clothing as well as process applications to EBT benefits. Read more Wood County free food pantries.
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