Assistance programs Mercer County New Jersey and Trenton
Learn how to get financial assistance in Trenton New Jersey and Mercer Count. Low-income families will get help with paying utility or electric bills as well as emergency financial help for paying rent or a security deposit. Also locate foreclosure prevention and mortgage help as well as free food or other stuff. Find financial assistance near you in Mercer County and Trenton NJ.
Additional social services include debt counseling, free transportation services, gasoline vouchers, Christmas gifts, job programs and more. Charities, churches and government agencies in the Mercer County community help those in need.
Energy bill, food, housing and financial assistance program
Arm in Arm - Crisis Ministry, which is based in Trenton, provides heating, electricity and utility bill assistance for eligible Mercer County and Trenton New Jersey struggling families. There are also free food boxes, winter jackets, and personal The non-profit can be reached at 609-396-9355.
Another organization to try is Mount Carmel Guild. This agency provides utility bill assistance for low income, seniors, single moms and qualified eligible Mercer County residents. Apply to the agency for free hardship grants, loans and other forms of financial assistance.
Several other services are available in Trenton from the agency. They provide home medical care for seniors as well as free Christmas meals and gifts. There are other holiday programs too, including for Easter and Thanksgiving. Or call the Mount Carmel Guild for referrals. The address is 73 N Clinton Ave, Trenton, NJ 08609. Dial 609-392-5159, or learn more on Mount Carmel Guild assistance programs.
Trenton residents who rent, that are faced with heating or water issues, can call the Winter Heat Hotline. This hotline was established for tenants only (whether in an apartment or home) and its primary purpose was to report problems about the unit they rent. The information goes to Trenton city inspectors so the issue can be examined and resolved. 609-989-3560.
HOME Investment Partnership Program administers several federal government energy bill assistance programs. They run the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)/Universal Service Fund (USF) which provides grants for paying winter heating and also summer cooling bills. The elderly, seniors and working poor will get a government grant.
They also administer for the county the weatherization program, which installs free energy conserving updates to peoples homes. This can be a window, insulation, caulking and more. Call them at (609) 989-6858. Mortgage, rent, food and housing assistance is on site.
The Mercer County Division of Community Services has many resources. Speak directly to a counselor to learn about various services that are offered. They can include information and referral to various programs, education, or free legal services.
- The Division also has grant money for emergency assistance (e.g. housing, rent, utilities and homelessness). There is also information on nutrition, access senior and neighborhood centers, after school & summer day camp programs, or senior and youth programs. Or apply for EBT food stamps or SNAP, among other benefits.
- Or Trenton NJ low-income families can learn where to get mortgage help, funds for paying rent, or energy bill aid. There are also many national programs in the region, including tips on how to get low income housing fast.
The Division of Community Services also offers free debt counseling programs, programming for the disabled community, and government emergency food assistance. Find where to get foreclosure help from, advocacy and a broad range of other human services. Even get free daycare near you for working parents. Or dial 609-989-6982 or (609) 989-4491.
East Trenton Center operates a free food pantry, including offering grocery box distribution of free fruits as well as vegetables. There are also free holiday meals such as Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving, and more non-financial support. Some basic home repairs may be offered too, including free window replacement programs.
For example, access financial resources and programs include: Emergency Relief (food, holiday baskets, clothing, transportation). Or there are Youth (recreation, camp, respite); Education (tutorial/homework, writing, career counseling) services. Other resources include for the Family (parent meetings, outreach services, food); and Adult Education. The address is 601 N. Clinton Ave., Trenton, NJ 08638. Call (609) 393 - 8009 or (609) 393-1625. Or find free Christmas food baskets.
Community Action United Progress, Inc. has a number of grant programs as well as other resources. This non-profit agency provides information and referrals on where Trenton New Jersey residents can turn to for help. Get free credit repair, debt reduction, help for energy bills, mortgage help, and much more.
- Transportation programs are also arranged. The community action can help the under or employed get a free car, or financing to pay for one. Or there may be loans to buy an auto, including work truck, as well as other car assistance programs for the low-income. Learn more on a free car.
United Progress also has information on state and federal government resources. There are many for the low income, immigrants, unemployed and others. The main address is 162 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608. Phone: (609) 392-2161. Find and learn more on government programs for assistance.
John O. Wilson Hamilton Neighborhood Center - This non-profit provides back mortgage payments, emergency food for needy families, as well as immediate rent and security deposit assistance to those who qualify. There is also free counseling, transportation to doctor, dentist, info on debt reduction plans, and other health related services, by appointment on an emergency basis to the needy. The address is 169 Wilfred Ave, Hamilton Township, NJ 08610. Telephone - (609) 393 - 6480.
Hunger Prevention is widely available across New Jersey. There are free school breakfast and ;lunches for students. Or get help in applying for SNAP food stamps or surplus USDA commodities. Income and asset requirements are in place, and get details on New Jersey public assistance programs and benefits.
Lawrence Neighborhood Service Center offers the following to the working poor as well as low income residents. Services include transportation, emergency crisis intervention, or support such as free gas cards for the low-income in Mercer County. Or get free or low-cost day care, summer camp, information and referral, recreation, cultural programs, and an emergency food pantry. Phone (609) 883 - 3379 or the non-profit is at 295 Eggert Crossing Rd, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648.
Society of Saint Vincenet de Paul parishes in Mercer County, and the main intake center in Trenton, helps the poor, vulnerable. Spanish speakers, single moms and others. Free food, clothes, ESL classes, furniture, and more may be offered. The parishes may also try to help pay bills in a crisis, whether a mortgage, rent, or utility bill. Applications are in Spanish too. More on Mercer County SVDP assistance programs.
Trenton Salvation Army supports all of Mercer County. The charity is part of the statewide organization. They offer various year round as well as seasonal solutions to families, veterans, the poor, and the homeless among others. The main resources available include, but are not limited too, the following.
There is support for veterans, including Operation Red Shield. Shelters and housing assistance programs may refer the homeless or people facing eviction to rent or utility bill help, and a mobile feeding programs is for low income families. Other support in Mercer County includes free Christmas meals or gifts, clothing, school supplies, and much more. Continue reading Mercer County Salvation Army assistance programs.
Low income holiday assistance programs are offered to Mercer County families. Children and families can get free Christmas toys as well as food, meals (at Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.) and gift cards. Many of the charities also offer financial aid as well for bills during the holiday seasons. Find free holiday and Christmas help in Mercer County.
Mercer County programs for the homeless and low income tenants - Federal and state grants are available along with legal aid. Both financial aid and case management is available in the Trenton area. Resources may help with the following.
- Attorneys address housing discrimination and illegal eviction notices.
- Financial aid, including loans, may help with rent or housing expenses, housing, and more.
- Other support is provided too. Read more on homeless prevention in Mercer County and Trenton.
Catholic Charities of Trenton helps people of all faiths. They offer numerous services and resources to individuals and families who need help. Get help from such programs as the following.
- Prescription assistance - Receive financial assistance (when available) for paying for medications and medical supplies. Click here for additional NJ prescription programs.
- Food pantry - free food and household supplies are distributed to people who need help.
- Housing - A homeless shelter is run, and limited financial assistance for paying for such expenses as rent and mortgages may be available from time to time.
- They also offer the Housing and Residential Assistance Services Of Mercer Emergency and Community Services. This non-profit charity agency provides utility and electric bill assistance to eligible, qualified residents of Trenton NJ or Mercer County. There will also be funds to pay a utility connection fee or deposit.
- The agency provides funds for mortgage payments, utility and heating payments, or security deposits. There may also be grants to pay back rent, and money that can help homeowners avoid a foreclosure. .
Dial 609-394-8847 to apply for help and learn more or call (609) 394-3202.
HomeFront is a local community action agency for Mercer County. They are involved in administering several social services, including offering referrals to government grants, financial aid, and other support. Some of the main assistance programs are noted below.
- Basic needs, including clothing for work or school, free groceries from a pantry, and hygiene items.
- Shelter for women and children in Trenton is available as part of the Family Preservation Center. This can be combined with permanent, supportive housing solutions. Or find other temporary housing.
- While HomeFront will have some financial assistance available, it is very limited. Funds or loans may be issued for paying energy bills, rent, medications, or similar expenses.
- Case management, employment, and job training is also offered as part of Work Readiness services.
They are focused on assisting those that are less fortunate in the county, including the elderly and working poor. More HomeFront programs.
Temporary rent assistance - As many as 10 agencies in the county focus on housing needs. They include social service agencies, charities, and non-profits. Each runs their own program. Resources include, but are not limited too, cash grants for paying rent to mediation and legal aid. Some centers also provide rehousing services, which will be funds for a security deposit or even motel vouchers for a night or two. Find a listing of programs for paying rent in Mercer County.
Free child and day care in Mercer County is available to single mothers or the working poor. The Mercer County Child Care Voucher Program will help working poor, and low to moderate-income working families who reside in Trenton and Mercer County New Jersey. There is government assistance with paying for the high cost of child care. Phone (609) 989-6926 or 609-989-6964.
Dental and free health care
Henry J. Austin Health Center in Trenton - A clinic that provides dental and medical care on a sliding fee scale, so patients only need to pay what they can offered. They also administer Pfizer’s Sharing the Care program, which can offer free medications. (Read more on this service.) Other health care provided includes podiatry, immunizations, adult medicine, ob/gyn care, social services, eye care, and even behavioral health care. Call (609) 278 - 5900
Call Trenton Division of Health to learn about a wide range of services including a full range of primary health and medical care. There is also Medicaid applications for the low-income in Mercer County. Or get free health screenings, check ups, sexually transmitted disease education, prescription assistance programs, screening treatment and follow-up services. Residents can also get HIV testing and pre-and-post-test counseling. Dial (609) 989 - 3242 or 609-989-3332.
Free food pantries and distribution centers in Mercer County
There are several organizations that residents can turn to. The centers will offer a box of groceries or other items, such as personal hygiene items or volunteers serve a free holiday meal. There may also be Christmas gifts for children and a Meals on Wheels service for senior in Mercer County.
- Cadwalader Asbury United Methodist Church has free food from their pantry. Rice, meat, baby formula, and more is offered. Call (609) 392-1037.
- Rise food pantry - Call the Hightstown charity at (609) 443 - 4464. The address is 219 Franklin St, Hightstown, NJ 08520.
There are many other food banks or soup kitchens for hot meals in the area. They will generally have groceries as well as clothing and basic needs. Read Trenton and Mercer County free food pantries.
Foreclosure prevention programs and free debt relief in Trenton area
Two options for homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments, or who are facing a foreclosure, include the New Jersey foreclosure mediation program as well as the Mortgage Assistance Pilot (MAP) program. Both of these are local court and government created programs to help New Jersey families deal with the housing crisis.
ISLES Incorporated is a federal government HUD approved housing counseling agency. They offer home-buyer education services, free foreclosure programs, mortgage delinquency advice and more. They also help residents with budgeting, dealing with debt collectors as well as other monetary services. The non-profit is at 10 Wood St, Trenton, NJ 08618. Phone: (609) 341-4700
Consumer Credit Counseling of NJ - There are free services in Mercer County. Clients can apply for a Debt Management Program that assists people in formal plan to repay debts. Other services include Free Housing & Reverse Mortgage Counseling.
There is also advice from experts including free Mortgage Default & Delinquency advice, pre-purchase & rental counseling, and foreclosure advice. They are a HUD approved counseling agency. Click here for more details on free New Jersey HUD counseling, or dial (888) 726 - 3260 or 800-769-3571.
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