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Assistance programs in Chesterfield County.

Find money to help with rent, free medical care, or grants for utility bills along with job programs, free food, and other financial help in Chesterfield County. Find the charity organizations, regional churches, and government programs that help the low income. There are also free gas cards, clothes, and furniture vouchers. Locate financial assistance near you in Chesterfield County.

The hardship grants, or free supplies like groceries or clothing, is available from a number of sources. Residents can get a community action agency application for government grants, cash assistance from Social Services, transportation help and most of the Chesterfield County agencies also give referrals.

Housing, rent, electric bill assistance or free food in Chesterfield County

Chesterfield Department of Social Services has a number of benefits and grant programs. Utility, heating, and cooling bill assistance is a focus of social services as well as long term economic stability. There are also emergency rent and housing programs, including in partnership with HUD.

If you are struggling with paying your utility bills or are facing a disconnection, the Chesterfield-Colonial Heights DSS runs several different low-income energy assistance programs. There are a few different components. They include those listed below, or find more details on community action agency application for grants.

  • The Fuel Assistance program helps with wintertime home heating bills and related expenses. Senors, disabled people and the working poor in Chesterfield County can also get free home, heating system or furnace repairs
  • Crisis Assistance Program - This option helps when people are facing a disconnection, and have no other options. They must have used all government assistance, and any available options from their utility company.
  • Cooling Assistance Program - This option helps with summer cooling and air conditioning bills. The program, provides for the purchases or repair of cooling equipment and/or payment for electricity to operate cooling equipment. So get help your your bills, or new equipment.




  • Housing, including the state of Virginia homeless prevention programs, will coordinate homeless shelter, housing stability, and emergency loans for families facing eviction in Chesterfield.
  • Low income, working parents in Chesterfield County (including single moms or dads) can get daycare help, including free grants or vouchers. The government helps subsidize expenses or pay the bills. More on Child care assistance Virginia.
  • Social services can provide free food, referrals to pantries, applications to SNAP, and anti-hunger solutions.

To apply for programs and public aid, including energy and utility bill help, dial (804) 318-8777. Click here for Chesterfield public aid.

Salvation Army programs help the less fortunate. Case management is combined with limited, emergency financial assistance. Get help with bills, general counseling, and information on other government programs is the Chesterfield Virginia Salvation Army. They offer people who need help access to a Family Services program.

  • It provides for a wide variety of aid to those in need in Petersburg Virginia and throughout the county. Receive holiday assistance, such as free meals and free Christmas gifts for your kids from Adopt a Family. They will also have limited funding that people can use to pay their rent, utility bills, or other expenses that occur from day to day. Or the low-income and people with no insurance will get vouchers for medications. Students from low income families can also get free school uniforms or supplies from the charity.

The Salvation Army faith based agency has centers around the central Virginia area. Various assistance programs are administered, including some that offer financial support. Other non-monetary items are offered too, including food, free gasoline or motel vouchers, Thanksgiving meals, and employment services. The bottom line is that the Chesterfied County Virginia area Salvation Army will do what it can to help the less fortunate. Call them at (804) 745-5524 or (804) 225-7470 Click here for details on Richmond-Chesterfield area Salvation Army services.





The local community action agency is known as Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP). This agency serves Petersburg, Midlothian VA and other parts of the county. Not only can they provide financial assistance for paying expenses, rent, and bills, but people in need can also work one on one with counselors so they can become self-sufficient over the long term. This will include free budgeting information, job training, transportation such as a free car for the low-income and more.

  • So the government grants can be used to pay bills in a crisis, while staff work with the Chesterfield client on the long term challenge. CAPUP will have a worker partner with the client on stability. They will receive career counseling and help in finding services to get back on track, and can locate other ways to become self-sufficient over the long term. Job training, credit repair, and much more is provided, as well as financial help or grants for veterans.

Many other immediate financial assistance programs are offered to the low-income, single mothers and people in need. Call them at (804) 788-0050, or find financial assistance from Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People.

HELP Program from Commonwealth Catholic Charities has two main programs for the low income, but may also have referrals as well as other support. There is also assistance for immigrants, a low cost thrift store, shelter and more.

A food free pantry with a box of groceries is available on site. Chesterfield County residents may also qualify for limited financial assistance for paying utilities, water bills, or electricity. Funds for paying rent or mortgage may be provided too as well as funds to fix a car. Or get free clothes, small furniture items or personal stuff. Call (804) 285-5900, or find more on Chesterfield County Catholic Charities HELP program.

Budgeting, money saving tips and financial literacy is arranged. Residents can access free coupons, apps for saving money, and learn how to live in a fixed income. Or to save money fact to deal with a future financial need.  A number of non-profits help. Learn more on how to save money on a low income.

CCHASM, Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Alliance for Social Ministry - The non-profit provides financial assistance with bills and by providing free food. In addition, as funds are available, the agency may be able to assist with emergencies such as funds for heating and utility bills, rent help, mortgage assistance, auto repair, prescription medicine, and more. Call (804)796-2749. Chesterfield Virginia, or find more details on Chesterfield Alliance for Social Ministry programs.

Chesterfield County low income and short term housing is available at local non-profits, churches, and some charities. Several agencies provide transitional housing type resources and/or emergency shelters to the working poor, low income, and homeless. Maybe even more so then other programs, the focus is on assisting people with regaining self-sufficiency. Hundreds of Petersburg Virginia and Chesterfield County low-income or homeless families receive help from these programs every month. Read more on Chesterfield County transitional housing.





Chesterfield County free Christmas and Thanksgiving programs - What may be offered, based on donation levels, includes free gifts, clothing, presents, and vouchers. Most of the items are for children. Then seniors and the disabled will often be next in line for holiday assistance. More information Chesterfield and Richmond area free holiday assistance.

FISH may have information for residents on the eastern portion of the county. The faith based group is a small charity in the region that struggling families can call upon for financial aid, food, and help with basic needs. More information on assistance from FISH.

Assistance from free food banks - Anyone facing hunger in Chesterfield County, or the low income, can turn to a local food pantry for help. Non-profit locations as well as charities will offer everything from a free box of groceries to a hot meal. Some of the services may be as follows, listed below. Or click here to find additional food assistance programs.

  • Applications to state of Virginia SNAP food stamps.
  • Thanksgiving, free Christmas or Thanksgiving meals.
  • Pantries may also have paper products, personal hygiene goods, diapers, and similar items.
  • There are several churches, non-profits, and other groups to try. Read Chesterfield County food pantries.

Emergency rent or deposit help is provided to low-income tenants and people facing eviction. Various non-profits and charities may be able to offer help with a portion of rent. The family will generally need to have a source of income and agree to all of the program terms and conditions. When funding is available, there may also be assistance for security deposits, grants for paying a portion of first month rent, and even legal aid. More on rent help in Chesterfield County.

Free health, dental and medical care

Health Care Ministry is a social service organization. The site mainly serves as a local, free community clinic for the low-income or uninsured. It provides free care to the indigent, homeless, and uninsured. The locations is a non-profit that offers many medical services at low cost if they qualify. Dial (804)249-4004 or 804-655-2794 for an appointment.

The Commonwealth Clinic, now known as The Love of Jesus Health Clinic, provides free medical and free dental care to low income families and individuals who do not have any health insurance. The Clinic has now grown to helping thousands of people per year. They continue to add new patients every month.

A variety of medical care is provided, but just a few examples are below. Contact them for a full listing of the free health care services offered.

  • Comprehensive diagnosis, screenings, and free medical treatment of all general health concerns and issues.
  • Radiology, laboratory, surgery and more are provided through their vast network of Hospital Partners and Specialists.
  • Free dental services include screenings, teeth extractions in Chesterfield County and mouth chartings to identify critical dental care needs.
  • Prescription medicines provided free of charge or at reduced rates are offered through RX Outreach. or the Pharmacy Connection Program.
  • Get dental assistance with critical care issues from laboratories and community dental partners
  • Weekly Patient Education Health Care Clinic

The clinic is located at 10930 Hull Street Road Midlothian Virginia, phone (804) 674-7499.

Cross-Over Ministry, Inc. is another private non-profit free health care clinic providing primary health care to low-income, uninsured, and under insured in the community. Learn more on clinics and how to get help with medical bills. Call 804 233-5016







Foreclosure counseling and free mortgage assistance

Commonwealth Catholic Charities can provide help for a mortgage payment. They are a HUD approved housing counseling agency that give free support. The charity will direct homeowners in Chesterfield County to foreclosure programs. Call (804)285-5986.

There are also other mortgage assistance programs from banks, lenders, and non-profits. While cash grants are not very common in Chesterfield County (or anywhere), solutions can include mediation, home loan interest rate reductions and many others. Learn more on, and even find, mortgage help today.


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