Public assistance and government benefits from Oklahoma DHS.
Find how to get government benefits and assistance from the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, or DHS. Get applications to SNAP food stamps or an EBT card, child or day care help, Medicaid programs (Soonercare) and other support, including cash assistance. Find details on Oklahoma DHS benefits below, including application information by city and county or to OKDHSLive.
Government benefit programs are for the low-income, seniors, disabled people and unemployed in Oklahoma among others. Families who need help will receive social services from OKDHS. The state offers many types of resources and emergency assistance for temporary needs (cash aid, daycare vouchers, etc) as well as long term support. Find details on most of the public assistance programs offered by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services below.
Financial and cash assistance from DHS in Oklahoma
Oklahoma Child Care Assistance Program - Financial assistance or free government vouchers can be provided to low-income families that are searching for employment, currently working, or families that have a provider who is in job training. Single moms can also get free daycare from government benefit programs.
Funds for paying for child care expenses can also be provided to families who are enrolled in the Oklahoma TANF Program and who need to pay for child care services to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency. Your local county department of human or social services runs the program at the local level in your town.
DHS Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is the temporary free cash assistance program that helps pay personal or household expenses. It is time limited and for either families with children or very low-income single adults. TANF combined job programs and placement with free grant money. Learn more on easy personal grants to get.
The state will offer cash assistance to families with children who need help paying bills and providing for their families. The resource provides help with meeting basic needs, training which can lead to employment, employment services and child care assistance for qualified families. The DHS funds can also pay for gas for a job, housing, clothes and utility bills. It was originally created by the federal government to assist participants in terminating their dependence on long term public and government benefits.
So money is offered to pay immediate expenses, but more importantly TANF will help with employment, job preparation, work and try to create self-sufficient families. TANF benefits are focused on children from low-income families who need support because of a parent’s death, unemployment, incapacity, or absence. Case managers can help people develop strategies that focus on ensuring that families sign up for work activities as soon as possible so they can gain an income to pay bills on their own. Find more details on cash assistance in Oklahoma.
Adoption Assistance - Families who adopt can get financial assistance for needed human and social services, including medical support, to care for children. Oklahoma Department of Human Services provides this grant money to help encourage people to adopt babies or kids, and help with the transition.
Electric and utility bill assistance - Get information about free grants and cash assistance to help low-income households pay summer cooling and winter heating bills. Examples include LIHEAP and weatherization. The service can also pay to fix an AC unit or heater during the winter. An emergency component can provide help for families who have received utility cut-off notices. Continue reading on, and get LIHEAP applications in Oklahoma.
- DHS helps provide free Internet access to low-income families and those on government benefits. The goal is to ensure all Oklahoma families, in particular those with kids, have high speed internet connections for work and/or online learning. Learn more on free Internet connection sites.
Credits on your tax return can be obtained from the Earned Income Credit. Oklahoma can provide savings on your state and federal government income taxes. In addition, receive information about eligibility for Earned Income Credit and also dependent and child tax credits. The agency can offer information about eligibility for the federal government Earned Income Credit and child and dependent tax credits as well.
Newcomers to the state of Oklahoma may qualify for refugee assistance. Cash, public aid, and medical bill assistance programs are available from DHS to eligible lower income refugees for up to eight months after they arrive in the United States or the state of Oklahoma. Some immigrants may also qualify.
Public assistance for Aged, Blind and Disabled – The state provides financial assistance and cash grants to the blind, aged, and disabled individuals. the free cash is for people who receive Medicaid Services and who have been determined financially eligible for help. Disabled are also referred to other social services and non-profit agencies across the state.
Oklahoma DHS online information is an option too. The state, partnering with tech companies and local social service centers, has an online portal for more details on benefit programs for people close to or in poverty. Learn more on OKLive here.
Free government food assistance programs
Oklahoma food stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance. This program is one of the nation’s key nutritional resources. It helps low-income and working poor families pay for groceries and critical items. There are also emergency food stamps from Oklahoma DHS.
The resources offered by the Department of Human and Social Services help raise nutritional levels of low-income households, with a focus on children as well as single parent run homes and those who are most at risk. Low-income families with be given an EBT card by the Oklahoma DHS to help them afford food. Applications for SNAP can also be done on OKDHS Live.
Food assistance can also be offered by various School Nutrition services. For example, the USDA Child Nutrition program can help low income children receive a free or low cost school lunch. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides families with a card that they can use to buy food at their local supermarket or grocery store. WIC also helps new parents buy baby formula or milk in Oklahoma.
DHS health and medical care in Oklahoma
Free or low cost health care insurance and assistance with medical bills can be provided by SoonerCare, which is also the DHS Medicaid program in Oklahoma. Get help paying for needed medical care, surgery and other services, with applications also at OKDHS Live. It can provide government Medicaid health coverage benefits. Find more details on Oklahoma free community clinics.
SoonerCare Patient and Prescription Assistance – This service provides information about how to get assistance with paying for prescription drugs and medical items like hearing aids. There may also be benefits to pay for glasses in Oklahoma. Find how various resources In Oklahoma can help people save money on their medications.
SoonerStart – This is the state of Oklahoma's early intervention program for toddlers and infants with disabilities or education developmental delays. It can also address their medical needs. Baby formula, specialist doctor visits and other medical needs are met.
Children with Special Health Care Needs - Oklahoma DHS provides care to children with special needs. Their families can also get help too. Specialty services offered can include formula for children with PKU, specialty services for children diagnosed with sickle cell anemia, outreach clinics in rural areas, respite care services, and neonate services.
TEFRA, otherwise known as Health Care for Children with Disabilities, may allow children with mental or physical disabilities, who would not ordinarily be eligible for SSI benefits because of their parent's resources or income, to become eligible for public care from Medicaid.
Disabled Children's Program, which is part of Supplemental Security Income. The program, which is paid for by federal government public aid, may be able to assist children from birth to age 18 who receive a Supplemental Security Income Disability Payment (SSI). They can receive cash assistance in paying for health care and any medical equipment needed.
How to apply in Oklahoma
All of these public assistance programs, benefits and social services are offered by the Oklahoma DHS. There are applications online at OKDHS Live. Customer service can also help low-income families apply for SNAP, government grants and more at 1-866-411-1877 or (405) 521-3646. Or select your county/city below.
Cleveland County
Oklahoma County
Tulsa County
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