Assistance programs in Northeastern Arkansas area.
Find how to get immediate financial help in NE Arkansas, including the counties of Woodruff, Cross, Crittenden, Jackson, St. Francis, and Poinsett. Charities, churches, and the government programs grant money to help pay rent or electric bills. Or get free clothes, medical or dental, and job training. Get financial assistance near you in Northeastern Arkansas.
The goal is to help parents, low-income families or seniors and disabled people who are in a hardship. The financial help is combined with support such as free school supplies or gas vouchers for work, medical or dental, and job placement in Cross, Jackson, Woodruff, St. Francis, Poinsett and Crittenden County.
Free grant money and help from community action
Crowley's Ridge Development Council, Inc.Is the local community action agency that administers a number of programs for the low income and those faced with poverty. They offer government hardship grants as well as long term self-sufficiency, including debt relief, free budgeting, and job training.
- Receive financial help for paying utility bills from the federal government and state of Arkansas Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP. This resource can provide qualified households with cash grants for paying their cooling and utility bills. The LIHEAP program pays benefits based on the applicant's household income as well as number of residents. An additional benefit is available to eligible households across the northeastern part of the state, including in Jackson and Cross counties, who have a high monthly energy burden.
- LIHEAP also provides a summer program. This will assist with paying regular electric bills or shut off notices during the hot and humid Arkansas summers. Any type of utility payments is always made directly to the vendor or energy provider. There are also air conditions for free or a low cost, and look here for a free used window air conditioner.
- Low income housing, rent help and affordable houses are available. Community Action has a Housing Services division. Dozens of income based homes and/or apartments may be available for low to moderate income families to rent, including for tenants with bad credit or past eviction. Both the security deposits due, as well as the monthly rent expense for the units, tend to be affordable for qualified applicants.
- For those from the northeastern part of Arkansas that are facing evictions or homelessness, the CRDC agency has information on rent relief. There are financial resources in Poinsett or other counties such as St. Francis that can offer solutions. This may range from landlord mediation to emergency grants or zero interest rate loans to make an emergency rental payment. Locate rental assistance programs in Arkansas.
- Credit services and Household Budgeting Training are offered by Crowley's Ridge Development Council. Both group and individual training sessions as well workshops are designed to increase the money management skill level of low income and struggling individuals. One of the main programs is known as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MONEY SMART program. Learn more about debt reduction, credit repair, and other budget programs. Learn more on debt help for low income families.
- Apply for free energy conservation services from the Weatherization Program. Renters and owners of standard or even mobile homes across the region, in counties such as St. Francis and others, can apply for improvements, including insulation, to reduce their energy bills. Up to $6500 is total benefits can be provided as part of weatherization. All services are free.
- Referral and Information is offered by case workers and specialists at CRDC. The non-profit can connect residents to various social services in the region, including the counties of Woodruff and Crittenden. If CRDC does not offer the assistance programs or services someone needs, the non-profit will do their best to refer people to other local agencies, churches, or charities that can help you with your bills or need. For example, get information on homeless prevention, food stamps, and other public aid. More on Arkansas public assistance programs.
- Food For Kids Programs In Cross County offers home-delivered and congregate meals for residents with physical and mental disabilities as well as senior adults in the community.
Crowley's Ridge Development Council, Inc. has multiple offices around the region, including the main center at 2401 Fox Meadow Lane, Jonesboro, Arkansas 72401, telephone (870) 802-7100. Click more information on Crowley's Ridge Development Council, Inc. grant programs.
NE Arkansas rental, utility and food assistance programs
Arkansas Area Agency On Aging has several offices around the region as noted below. Some of the services offered include housing for older adults; free or low cost general legal assistance; transportation and home delivered meals and on site meals for seniors. They provide help to senior citizens and older disabled people, including SSI benefits.
- Cross County, 1421 South Falls, Wynne, Arkansas 72396, call (870) 238-3816
- White River Area Agency On Aging, Jackson County Aging Program, 947 Hout Circle, Newport, AR 72112, phone (870) 523-5650
- Poinsett County, 351 Campbell Street, Trumann, Arkansas 72472, dial (870) 483-2532
- Woodruff County Aging Program, 303 West Cache Street, Patterson, AR 72123, main number (870) 731-5053 or (870) 731-5033
- Other programs are offered for older adults too. Look here for free money for senior citizens in AR.
Good Shepherd Center – The charity does have limited amounts of financial assistance. This can include funds for paying utility bills. Some very limited amounts of help can be offered for individuals who are unable to fully pay for medical bills such as prescription medication. Free food, groceries and produce is also offered for those who need it and are faced with an emergency. Location is 303 E Union Ave, Wynne, AR 72396, phone (870) 238-8322
Good Neighbor Love Center – Location is 709 E Broadway Ave, West Memphis, AR 72301, call (870) 735-0870. Offers general assistance with basic needs for qualified low income people in a crisis situation. There are free groceries, baby supplies, diapers, and other items, including housing or cribs. Look here for free stuff for newborns.
Forrest City Arkansas Human Development Corporation will only support migrant and seasonal farm workers. On a case by case basis, some limited financial assistance is offered. Also may offer employment programs, such as job training and placement for seasonal or migrant farm workers. Dial (870) 633-6895 or 800-482-7641.
Woodruff Electric Cooperative Corporation – Administers levelized billing plans and electric bill assistance. For its customers. Low income families can get payment plans, emergency light bill help, and other forms of relief. Telephone is (870) 633-2262
The Salvation Army of Forrest City and Saint Francis can be reached at (870) 633-2273 or (870) 932-3785. Various social services and emergency assistance is offered. Receive help with paying rent and utilities, when money is available. Free food, groceries, and holiday meals are also offered. Or get back to school supplies including free backpacks for kids, Christmas toys, or access to transitional housing. There are also free vouchers for gas or a motel.
Arkansas Department Of Health - Center For Local Public Health of the Northeast Region of Arkansas has various free clinics and health centers in the region. In addition to medical services, also turn to the centers for dental care, free implant grants from the government and cardiology, among other aid. Some of the medical and dental care offered includes.
- Offers health screening and testing for basic illnesses.
- The clinic provides a federal government funded program that also provides food vouchers and nutrition education for pregnant women, infants and children younger than age five, and new mothers who can’t afford an adequate diet. Vouchers for the food and meals are picked up at a WIC site. Some of the food and groceries available in Arkansas include vegetables, milk, cheese, baby formula, eggs, cereal, juice, peanut butter, and beans in most grocery stores and retailers.
- They also offer, through Medicare, a special caring hospice program for those with a terminal illness. This particular hospice program also covers medical equipment, prescription medications, and provides bereavement counseling for the family/caregiver after the patient dies.
- Educational information about drug abuse.
- Dental care, free cleanings, root canal, and checkups may be offered, or receive referrals to for these services.
- Cross Center location is 704 Canal Street, Wynne, Arkansas 72396, phone (870) 238-2101
- Crittenden County center is at 841 Ruth, Earle, AR 72331, dial (870) 792-7393
- Other locations of the Arkansas Department Of Health include 119 North Main Street, Harrisburg, AR 72432, dial (870) 483-5761,
- 413 North Division, Forrest City, AR 72335, call (870) 633-1340, 623 North 9th Street, Augusta, Arkansas 72006, telephone (870) 347-5915.
- There are other places for free dental, telehealth, and medical care. Find more Arkansas free health care clinics.
Northeastern Arkansas free food pantries
Eighth Street Mission For Jesus Christ – Provides congregate meals, a community food pantry, and emergency groceries to the needy. Call (870) 735-6010. The charity is at 717 E Broadway Ave, West Memphis, AR 72301. Get free diary, household stuff, produce, boxes of groceries, Ensure or Boost drinks and more. Look here for Boost and Ensure drink financial assistance.
West Memphis First Baptist Church - The pantry is at 200 Missouri Street, West Memphis, Arkansas 72301, call (870) 735-5241
Drive thru food banks are also in NE Arkansas. They giveaway free food boxes, groceries, and personal hygiene stuff, including to seniors, people with no money and the poor. A number of charities and churches offer them. More on free drive thru pantries in Arkansas.
Hands Extended Love Program - Tuckermann Family Worship – Low income may receive food, meals, and other support. There are also free Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter food baskets. Location is 215 Webb Street, Tuckerman, AR 72473. Telephone (870) 349-2402
New Vision Worship Center- Operation Compassion, 900 East South Street, Harrisburg, AR 72432, phone (870) 578-2615. Many residents of Poinsett use this facility.
Harrisburg First United Methodist Church operates a food bank from 204 South Main Street in Harrisburg, Arkansas. Dial (870) 578-5407
Saint Francis County Food Pantry – Dial the center at (870) 630-1823
New Hope For Today is based in Forrest City, Arkansas. Main number is (870) 494-5778
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