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Assistance programs Monroe County Pennsylvania.

Locate emergency financial assistance programs for low income families in Monroe County. Get free stuff or grant money to pay for housing costs, including rent, utility bills, deposits, or a mortgage. Find free stuff (food, clothes or school supplies, medical care, etc.) that can address basic needs. Or learn about job training and placement services.

The financial help in Stroudsburg and the county can address various needs. Whether money to pay bills, or cover emergency expenses, help is offered. Or locate seasonal help, including Christmas toys or heating oil, as well. More details are below, or even find free stuff for the low-income such as gasoline cards or bus tickets for a job.

Housing, rent, free food and energy bill assistance in Monroe County

Almost 10 organizations, charities, and agencies in Monroe County and Stroudsburg Pennsylvania will, in most years, be given federal government grants to provide financial assistance to county residents. There are ESG grants or HUD programs. A local board in Monroe County partners with charities and recipients for the money, and the non-profit organizations are involved in disbursing aid include those below.

  • Women's Resources - They operate a homeless shelter and housing assistance program for abused women as well as children. Call (570) 420-8589
  • The Salvation Army in Stroudsburg  has a rental assistance program for qualified tenants. They also offer some funds for utility bill assistance. Call (570) 421-3050.
  • Meals on Wheels, will be provided for its meal home delivery program. Phone (570) 424-8794
  • Family Promise of Monroe County PA, which provides temporary shelter for the homeless and rent assistance, can also transport families to a job. The churches that offer a shelter and provide financial help work on a rotating basis. Call (570) 420-8589.
  • Other agencies are listed below as well. They can be EGS grant money or free items for a home, apartment, or moving to help with the transition. More on free stuff near you for the working poor.

Pocono Area Transitional Housing (PATH) - A service known as Transitional Housing Program provides emergency, short term lodging. There is temporary housing, shelter, and rent help with other support services included to low income families with children as well as single mothers experiencing a housing crisis in Monroe County.




Each family must address the cause of their housing crisis as part of the program and counseling, and each client needs to also establish goals and develop/carry out an action plan, with primary goal of obtaining/maintaining their own housing and paying their rent over the long term. Call 570-476-1828. The address is 7 N 9th St, Stroudsburg, PA 18360.

Family Promise is a local, nonprofit agency that runs a program that helps families who suddenly lose their housing, apartment, or home. The faith based group will help people find emergency shelter through a network of affiliate churches that will provide shelter. There is often a waiting list in place. Read more on shelters for the homeless near you.

The Family Promise charity may also provide support such as mentoring, free food or meals, and grants for security deposits or first months rent. All Family Promise of Monroe County can be reached at (570) 420-8589, or click here Family Promise assistance programs.

The Stroudsburg and Monroe County Salvation Army, which can be reached at (570) 421-3050, provides numerous assistance programs and other free stuff or social services. Among resources they offer include the following: Limited cash assistance for paying utility and heating bills, as well as referrals to Pennsylvania utility assistance programs.

The Salvation Army may have emergency rent assistance through both its own funds and government assistance. There is also free food or hot meals from the so called Feeding Program. Or low income families can get free holiday and Christmas meals or gifts. And they are a great agency to contact to learn about other local charities in Monroe County, including places that giveaway free back to school supplies.

The Salvation Army is a leading social service organization in Monroe County. Emergency energy bill assistance is offered, and this program assists low-income families, especially seniors and families with children, with paying their heating bills. Financial assistance includes a winter weatherization kit as well as a one-time delivery of fuel.

Emergency short term housing and a homeless shelter is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year-round. Individuals can also receive lunch at the soup kitchen and snacks in the evening, plus advocacy and counseling. The feeding program is also offered by the Monroe Pennsylvania Salvation Army Soup. A food pantry and soup kitchen operates year-round. A generous, hot and nutritious lunch is provided to individuals experiencing hunger or who need food for their families. Clothing and social development is also offered. There may also be a few dollars to help with a water or mortgage payment.





The Salvation Army will also administer general social services and case management for families in Stroudsburg and neighboring communities. For example, staff can review a clients resume or direct them to employment programs. Or learn about public assistance programs in Pennsylvania, such as food stamps or TANF. A number of services are administered. Call 570-421-3050. More information on Monroe County PA Salvation Army.

Monroe County Housing Authority – Facilitates low income public housing, and runs the section 8 voucher program. They also offer other HUD services, including home buying help as well. The location is 1055 West Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360, dial (570) 421-7770

Non-profit Consumer Credit Counseling – Specialists work with people to try to get them on track with their finances. Free budget counseling is offered as well as financial education programs. There is also free housing or mortgage counseling, debt management & repayment plans, as well as credit report review.

Or meet with staff in Monroe County PA on bankruptcy credit counseling and debtor education. The main goal is to help people pay their mortgages, eliminate debts, and get back on a solid financial footing. Dial  (866) 699-2227 or (570) 420-8980. Or read more Pennsylvania credit counseling.

Find help with rental costs as well as other housing needs in Monroe County. Several charities, as well as the state’s welfare office, partner together to offer cash grants, shelter, and more. The money can be used to pay for security deposits or moving costs. There may also be funds or loans to assist with paying rent in a crisis or utility costs. When homelessness can’t be stopped, then the family may be able to use a transitional housing site. Find rental assistance in Monroe County.

The Grants Office in Monroe County is a great place for referrals. A major focus is on the elderly, and this may be assistance in the form of Meals on Wheels, Medicare applications, recreational trips, and services with Agency on Aging. They also help homeowners facing foreclosure by offering a mortgage assistance diversion program. Referrals are also given to emergency utility bill help from $1 Energy Fund, free weatherization services, and other financial aid. More on Monroe County Grants Office programs.

Bushkill Outreach Program, Inc. – Offers a free food pantry, and provides monthly distribution and emergencies. Other aid offered is clothing and home furnishings. Also provides coats, the Angel Tree program, and Christmas toys for needy families. Call (570) 588-0660

The Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley provides some services to income qualified individuals and senior citizens in Monroe County. They administer emergency programs for heating bills, including LIHEAP and weatherization. Other free energy conservation measures are in place as well.

Another key focus is on working with pantries to provide free food to needy families, children and seniors. Other resources include VITA income tax preparation services, rental and/or funds to pay deposits, educational programs and foreclosure counseling.

The Monroe County community action agency also focuses on long-term stability, which means budgeting, employment, and living within means. To this end they offer other support, such as job training or information on making money. There are even workshops on such as how to start making passing income with no money.

A number of other grant programs and social services are offered. Read more Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley.

Monroe County Administrative Center is an agency that provides case management, emergency rental assistance, shelter and transitional housing. Some people from the region are only given referrals, and this is another service for qualified low income families. The address is One Quaker Plaza, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360. Call 570.420.3750. If they can’t assist with housing needs, then other resources are available. Read more help with rent.





Monroe County Assistance Office is based in Stroudsburg, but supports the low income and needy across the entire county. Offers temporary assistance to needy families (TANF), emergency homeless shelter, cash assistance, and general aid. Some of the non-financial resources include state blind pension, government health care, foster care payment, and medical bill assistance.

The Women, Infants And Children (WIC) program is a supplemental food program for low income women with children, those who are pregnant, and breast feeding women. There is also SNAP food stamps for the working poor. Call 1-877-905-1495. Click here for more details on public aid in Pennsylvania

Free food, meals, and clothing in Monroe County Pennsylvania

Monroe County Meals on Wheels can provide Home Delivered Meals to the needy. Volunteers and other members of the community will deliver two healthy meals (1 hot and 1 cold) five days a week to seniors, the disabled, and the homebound. This will provide both nutrition and a welcome visit to shut-ins and those who need company.

The target population of Meals on Wheels is the homebound who are mentally or physically unable to shop for or prepare meals for themselves. A minimal fee may be required for the meals, however there are no age limitations. Call 570-424-8794

Christian Awareness Ministries Ecumenical (CAME) – Runs a food pantry. Stop by or call (570) 595-9141. The location is Rt. 447, High Acres Park, Canadensis, PA 18325.

Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network – While a host of services are offered by referrals, so of the focused resources include food, clothing and rental assistance, if qualified. Phone: (570) 992-3136. Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania 18353 based agency.

Pocono Mountain Ecumenical Hunger Ministry – Call for information and services of the food pantry. Dial (570) 894-2072

Follow Me Foundation - Emergency groceries provided quarterly for those in need in the East Stroudsburg Pennsylvania area. Dial (570) 420-1077

Supplemental Food Resource Center - Provides emergency meals, groceries and food as part of Second HArvest. Must reside within the West End community area in order to apply. People of all backgrounds can get help, regardless of your income. Families and individual who are in need of food may be able to turn to this center for assistance. Call (484) 287-4015. Read more on free food pantries in the state of Pennsylvania.

The Oasis Of Love, Inc. is a food pantry located at 814 Monroe Street, Suite 201, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360, main number (570) 972-0838

Top Of The Mountain Ecumenical Council - Five Loafs Club – Dial (570) 646-7456

Additional regional food pantries can feed hungry and/or low income families. Not only may they have free groceries or food, but Christmas or Thanksgiving meals or toys, clothes, school supplies, and other goods may be offered to local families. Find a listing of local Monroe County free food pantries.

Employment services and job training

Burnley Workshop of the Poconos may be able to help people find a job. One of the main programs they run is the Vocational Training. This is a workshop that provides short/long-term employment opportunities as well as on-the-job training for individuals with disabilities. Call 570-992-6616

Experience Works Inc. – A community-based organization that helps seniors and older adults in Monroe Pennsylvania get the training they need to find good jobs in their communities. Route 611 Merchants Plaza, Tannersville, PA 18372-0789. Phone (570) 620-2868.







Free legal aid in Monroe County PA

North Penn Legal Aid (1-877-9-LEGAL-0) provides low and moderate income families with consultations as well as representation. Clients can get free legal advice. They can provide assistance with housing problems (even foreclosures), employment situations, domestic violence, family law, and more.

Free health and dental care in Monroe County Pennsylvania

A program known as PoconoInfo is run by the Pocono Alliance, Inc. This medical and health care focused program is Monroe County Pennsylvania comprehensive health, human, and social services Information and Referral service. The program can provide Stroudsburg and Monroe County residents access to information and referrals on almost 800 local health/human services, PA medical clinics, and even dental centers via phone calls and walk-in visits during the week.

Monroe County Family Health Center (telephone (570) 476-3141) as well as the Monroe County State Health Center Pennsylvania Department of Health (dial (570) 424-3020) can address dental and medical issues. Both are located in the Stroudsburg area. They are community based clinics, offer immunization for non-insured, facilitate HIV counseling and testing, and help people apply for government health care.

The Center is open for all people in the region; however they focus on the low income, indigent, underserved, and the uninsured in the community. Health and dental care is offered to provide quality preventative health care services to individuals of all income levels. Phone 570-476-3141


By Jon McNamara

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