Assistance programs Lawrence, McDonald, and Barry County MO.
Find low-income financial assistance programs in Missouri counties of McDonald, Barry, and Lawrence. There is free government grant money to help pay bills as well as rent assistance, free food boxes, transportation and more. Locate financial help in SW Missouri, including Lawrence, Barry, and Mcdonald County.
Any funds are combined with (1) job programs/budgeting as well as (2) free stuff. As the goal is to help clients, whether single moms, seniors or the unemployed, get food, money, a job, and other stability.
Community Action grant programs
Maybe the primary place to turn to for financial assistance and referrals is the Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation. They are committed to working with individuals, low-income families and helping them overcome their hardships or poverty.
Some of the financial assistance available is below, but funds are very limited. This can include the following, or they will offer referrals to public aid that can help. They have applications too:
- Section 8 housing vouchers to pay rent in counties such as Lawrence or Barry. There are also other low-income housing programs, including no wait list apartments.
- Grants from LIHEAP can be used to pay heating or gas bills. Utility programs from the Ozarks Area Community Action include Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). A one time cash grant can be used for very low income families, seniors, and the disabled for paying winter heating bills.
The Energy Crisis Intervention Program is used when out of fuel or facing imminent disconnection.
- The non-profit also has details on local food pantries and/or government programs such as SNAP food stamps.
- On the other hand, weatherization provides households with free energy efficiency measures to their homes. More on Missouri weatherization and LIHEAP.
- Education in McDonald and Lawrence County is from Head Start. This program is for children under the age of 6. Children who enroll are taught and have access to free dental care and health screenings. Full and part-time classes and sessions may be available. Staff from Ozarks Area Community Action also provide social services to the parent.
- Low income, subsidized housing is available in southwest Missouri. There are also apartments from private landlords, some of which are for people with bad credit. The community action agency uses support from HUD in an effort to offer this housing to income qualified clients.
- Free or low cost furniture, or rentals, will help low-income families. Ozark Community action works with charities and corporations to provide what a household needs. Learn more on rent to own electronics.
The regional Neighborhood Centers offer various community activities and projects. Case workers are designed to eliminate the conditions of unemployment and poverty. They work to help families in crisis situations. In some cases, funds can help pay rent, medications, food, and for medicines. Community Action is located at 10826 FR 2172, Cassville, MO 65625, call (417) 847-2140.
Another community action is available too. Economic Security Corporation serves low income families in McDonald County. The community action agency can also process applications for programs such as LIHEAP for heating bills and section 8. Case managers will also work with clients on educational and employment needs. Another focus is on homeless prevention, and this may be addressed in the form of emergency rental assistance from a combination of short term loans or grants from the ESG program. Read more on Economic Security Corporation of the Southwest Area assistance programs.
Financial help for bills or rent, free stuff and housing programs
Central Community United Methodist Church has a food pantry. In some situations the center may also have some funds for paying utility or heating bills. Groceries passed out depend on donations from the community. The address is 25682 State Highway YY, Shell Knob, MO 65747, call (417) 858-6707. Learn more on, and find a free UMC food pantry.
American Red Cross, Greater Ozarks Chapter can help in times of disaster. They have emergency assistance programs in these cases, such as tornadoes or floods. The non-profit is at 1545 N West Bypass, Springfield, MO 65803, call 417-832-9500
Habitat for Humanity may be able to address housing issues for very low income families. The non-profit partners with volunteers and businesses to help build affordable, safe, and decent homes in the community. They can help fix homes, repair or replace windows and offer other help around housing. Telephone - 417-829.4001.
Harmony House can help women and children impacted by domestic violence. Homeless shelter, referrals, and maybe limited financial support for a new beginning is available. Or free motel vouchers, temporary housing and legal aid will help clients .Receive meals and information on security deposit programs when it is time to move. Call 417-837.7700.
HUD low cost section 8 housing is available in SW emergency, including in a crisis. There are apartment owners, private landlords, and homes (with no waiting list), that take low income families. Vouchers and more are accepted, and more on section 8 for emergencies to live.
Your Clinic on the Square, also known as OCH Lawrence County Clinic, helps the low-income, uninsured and people on Medicaid. There is free and/or low cost medical and dental. Get vision care, medications, substance abuse health and more.
- Telehealth is arranged too - The center may have free basic medical and dental care. Assistance is also for the low income, poor, and people with no medial or dental in the region. In some cases dental impants or rides to the doctor may be offered. As there is free non-emergency medical. Address: 108 S Hickory St, Mt Vernon, MO 65712. Phone: (417) 466-4110, or more on medical transportation for non emergencies.
One Door works to prevent homelessness. The address is 420 E. Pacific or dial 417-225.7499. The charity exists to prevent and end homelessness through coordination of emergency rental programs, navigation of services, and government resources in Barry and Lawrence county Missouri. Or get a free homeless shelter tonight, funds for single moms and legal aid.
Ozarks Literacy Council - Offers basic education, reading, and similar skills for adults. It will help people gain new skills which may eventually lead to employment. Phone - 417-616-0505. Or read more on WIA employment assistance.
The Salvation Army - One of the leading non-profits in southwest Missouri. Free food pantries, meals from soup kitchens, and more is offered. There is also financial help, vouchers including for Christmas toys or school supplies and other support provided.
Case managers work with lower income families and individuals in need of emergency assistance such as housing, shelter, utilities, or rent help. Or get free groceries, clothing, and furniture in SW Missouri. The center also provides disaster relief assistance, an after-school recreational program, senior programs, and summer day camp program. Call 417-862.5509, or locate Salvation Army MO electric bill help.
Social Services - Many government benefits are offered, including to SNAP, Medicaid, TANF cash assistance (TA) and others. In addition, the government agency may have some basic medical care and check ups, with a focus on public health resources. Services may be HPV Immunizations, Women's Health Centers, Pap Tests, Medications, and Counseling. Or look here for free government insurance in Missouri.
- Barry County 208 East 8th Street, Cassville, MO 65625. Phone: (417) 671-6030
- McDonald County - 201 North Washington Street, Neosho, MO 64850. Phone: (417) 455-5140
- Lawrence County Social Services - Address: 1419 E Church St, Aurora, MO 65605. Dial (417) 678-1228
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